The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 20: kill


After getting rid of the group of zombies completely, Junka slowly stopped.

The third brother Gu Ning Luo Long climbed off the roof one by one, returned to the compartment, and then the car continued to drive forward.

Everyone in the carriage greeted him.

Except for Xiao Yunyun who looked a little unnatural, everyone else looked excited and excited.

"Gu Ning, thanks to you this time." The third brother said, he didn't say much thanks, but he looked at Gu Ning much closer than before.

Gu Ning said honestly: "You're welcome, I'm just saving myself."

"Gu Ning, your hand!" Huang Mengyao suddenly screamed and walked over to grab Gu Ning's hand.

I saw that the gauze wrapped around Gu Ning's injured right hand was completely soaked in blood. She was hanging by her side very naturally, and no one else noticed. At this time, Huang Mengyao's cry attracted everyone's attention. up.

"Are you okay?" The third brother asked worriedly.

Gu Ning shook his head and said: "It's okay." Then he said to Huang Mengyao: "Please help me bandage it again."

Huang Mengyao quickly dragged out Gu Ning's backpack that was placed in the corner, then found out the medicine, carefully opened the blood-soaked gauze, and then began to wash the blood around the wound. After the blood was cleaned up, the wound appeared. All the people around couldn't help gasping. I saw that Gu Ning's already deep wound was torn apart, and the flesh was rolled up, which was a bit shocking.

Huang Mengyao's hands trembled, and she couldn't help but look up at Gu Ning. After meeting Gu Ning's pale eyes, she suddenly calmed down, smiled at Gu Ning, and then skillfully helped Gu Ning Apply medicine and bandage.

With such a hand, I am afraid that he will not be able to hold a knife in a short time.

The third brother thought, looking at Gu Ning, Gu Ning was frowning tightly and looking at his increasingly serious palm, seeming a little worried.

The third brother said: "Gu Ning, until your hand injury heals, as long as you are at the gathering place, I can guarantee your safety."

Gu Ning was taken aback for a moment, and then said gratefully: "Thank you, third brother." The melancholy between her brows did not fade a bit, but she was not worried about her own safety.

As if seeing her worry, the third brother continued: "I know you are worried about the safety of your parents. There are hundreds of people in our search and rescue team at the gathering place, and they go out to search for survivors every day. I will call the gathering to find the whereabouts of your parents. Pay attention when the people of the local search and rescue team go out. I believe there will be news soon."

Gu Ning could only say gratefully: "Then thank you third brother." This undoubtedly gave her a reassurance. Compared with her aimless search, the chances of the search and rescue team going out to find it are obviously much higher than her.

The third brother said casually: "You don't need to thank me. If we didn't have you today, none of us in this car would be able to survive."

"That's right, Gu Ning, thanks to you." Luo Long interjected and said.

On the contrary, Gu Ning was a little embarrassed, and she didn't have the idea of saving anyone, the only person she wanted to save was herself.

After this extremely thrilling incident, no one could fall asleep. They all sat in the carriage with their eyes open, waiting for the car to stop.

After about half an hour or so, the car finally stopped.

"Third Brother, we're here!" Zhang Yang's excited voice came from the walkie-talkie.

Everyone in the carriage couldn't help but feel refreshed.

There are loud voices outside.

Then there was the sound of the iron door opening, and the car started up again.

The third brother couldn't help showing a smile on his face, and said to Gu Ning and the others: "We are going to the gathering place now. Once we get here, we will be completely safe."

A smile also appeared on Gu Ning's face, but this smile had just risen to the corner of her mouth, and then suddenly froze. Her ears with excellent hearing passed through the back door of the car and heard the voices outside the car.

She heard the familiar voice she had heard for more than twenty years crying, begging: "Please! Let us go in! Please! I kowtow to you!"

"Stop!" Gu Ning suddenly stood up from his seat.

The third brother looked at her strangely and asked, "What's wrong?"

Everyone in the carriage looked at her inexplicably.

Gu Ning grabbed the walkie-talkie from the third brother's hand and yelled at the walkie-talkie: "Stop! Zhang Yang! Stop!"

The car made a sharp brake sound.

Gu Ning unlocked the lock, pushed the car door open, then jumped out of the car and ran towards the big iron door!

"I'll go and have a look!" Daoist Jia raised his robe and followed Gu Ning to jump out of the car, shouting as he ran, "Gu Ning! Wait for me!"

"I'll go too." Huang Mengyao jumped out of the car and followed after speaking.

Then all the people in the car, including Zhang Yang Chengming who jumped off the front of the car and had no idea what happened, all ran towards the gate.

This survivor base is a school.

Lishui No. 2 Middle School is located in the suburbs. Before the end of the world, it was a well-known school with chaotic management in Jinyong City. The whole school has four teaching buildings and two dormitory buildings. The whole school is surrounded by a three-meter-high wall. , to prevent students from climbing the fence and running out to surf the Internet. After the apocalypse, this wall just defends the people after the apocalypse from zombies.

Now it is naturally better to be a gathering place for survivors.

The gate of the school is a big hollow iron gate, which is very strong, and there is a small gate beside it for ordinary students to enter and exit. The big iron gate will only be opened during holidays. Next to the small door is the guard room. At this time, the iron gate was also closed. Only when the military card of the search and rescue team entered and exited, the gate would be opened immediately. At this time, the iron gate was tightly closed. On both sides of the door, there were twelve people standing guarding the door.

On the other side of the small gate, there were four other men who were responsible for receiving the survivors who were not rescued by the search and rescue team.

Now, there was a sudden dispute in the long queue.

A middle-aged woman with messy hair and a messy body knelt on the ground and kowtowed to the man guarding her head, crying and begging all the time: "Please, let us go in together! He The injury on the leg was really not bitten by a zombie, it has been more than half a month! Really! Please! Just take pity on us! If this goes on, he will die! Please! Even if it is If we are going to die, let us find our daughter before we die! I beg of you! Show mercy!" Her head was banging on the ground, and her forehead was red and swollen immediately, which made people feel pity.

Some of the people behind her who were about to go in showed sympathy, while some were obviously impatient, and some even shouted in the crowd: "Everyone said it! The injured are not allowed to enter! If you can’t go in, get out of the way and let those who can go in!”

Next to the middle-aged woman was a man lying unconscious, his lips were split, and the trousers on his legs were rolled up above his knees, exposing a suppurated wound below his knees. Next to it stood a middle-aged woman with red hair, who had been persuading the middle-aged woman who had been kowtowing. However, the middle-aged woman who had been kowtowing didn't seem to have heard of it, and just knocked again and again.

One of the gatekeepers was showing a little unbearable expression, but the other showed an extremely contemptuous and impatient expression, looked down at the middle-aged woman and said, "Let me tell you! This is our rule here! You Even if you kowtow to death here, no one will collect your body! You have to kowtow to another place to kowtow enough! Don't dirty my place!" After speaking, he raised his foot and slapped the middle-aged woman fiercely. Kicked over!

This kick hit the middle-aged woman's shoulder, and with such force, the kick turned the middle-aged woman who was kowtowing over her head, and fell directly into the crowd. The originally swarming crowd let out an exclamation, and then swarmed to disperse a place.

The middle-aged woman snorted, got up again with the support of the red-haired middle-aged woman, then silently knelt down on the ground again, kowtowing one after another.

The crowd fell silent at this moment.

But the guard refused to let it go, as if he had been humiliated, his expression became grim: "Fuck you! Since you want to die! I'll kick you to death right now!"

"Stop hitting! Stop hitting!" The red-haired middle-aged woman rushed over to stop her.

Pushed away by the guard, he shouted: "Get out of here!"

"Forget it, there is no need to do this, everyone is raised by their biological parents." Another guard also came forward to persuade.

"Is it your mother?! If it's not your mother, get out of here!" The man pushed the guard away, then raised his foot again and kicked the kowtowing middle-aged woman hard on the head!

Just when his foot was about to kick that middle-aged woman's head!

Only a "bang!" was heard!

The man's foot hadn't touched the middle-aged woman yet! There was an incomparably shrill scream! His body slammed into the wall, and then he cried bitterly and fell to the ground holding his legs, rolling over and over, screaming in pain!

There was a blood hole on his knee! Bleeding out.

Suddenly there was a commotion in the crowd!

Everyone looked in the direction of the shooting.

I saw a blond-haired young girl in a tracksuit running towards here with a gun in her hand! She was the one who just shot!

The red-haired middle-aged woman over there looked up and saw the blond girl running over there. At first, she felt a little familiar, but when she looked closely, she couldn't help but let out a scream! Then he squatted down in disbelief and shook the middle-aged woman who was still kowtowing desperately, shouting: "Jiaodi! Don't kowtow! Get up and look! Look! It's Gu Ning! It's Gu Ning!"

The kowtowing middle-aged woman suddenly heard Gu Ning's name, and subconsciously paused. She raised her bloodied head blankly and looked over there. Then, she opened her eyes in disbelief. Her eyes were wide open, her eyebrows were soaked with blood, and it flowed into her eyes, staining her eyes with blood red. In this blood red, she saw Gu Ning running towards her!

She opened her cracked lips, and made a difficult voice in her dry throat, with unbelievable trembling and joy: "Gu, Gu Ning..."


Gu Ning hugged Mother Gu who was kneeling on the ground, her head was bleeding and her face was covered in blood. She was trembling all over, and even her voice was crying: "Mom!"

"Ning Ning... is that you Ning Ning, is mom dreaming?!" Gu's mother opened her eyes in disbelief, her right eye was red with blood, and she looked extremely frightening, but she He didn't even want to blink, but held Gu Ning's face greedily, for fear that Gu Ning would disappear from his eyes in the blink of an eye.

"It's me. It's me. Mom, it's me. I came too late!" Gu Ning couldn't help choking, and tears had flowed all over his face.

The third brother Jia Daochang, Cheng Ming, Huang Mengyao and others who rushed to the scene couldn't help but stop, watching Gu Ning, who was holding a bloody woman and crying like a child, all fell silent.

That is, Gu Ning, the Gu Ning who killed zombies without even blinking his eyes, the Gu Ning who didn't shed a single tear due to the injury on his hand, but now he was crying like that. You can see the shock in their hearts.

But I don't know why, that scene just makes people feel extremely sad.

"What are you looking at! Come and help!" Gu Ning shouted at a row of people standing over there.

Huang Mengyao froze for a moment, then pushed away the person in front of her and rushed over with Gu Ning's big backpack on her back. She immediately knelt down on the ground and took out the medicine from the backpack. At the same time, Cheng Ming who ran over helped hold her Weak mother Gu, Huang Mengyao began to help mother Gu deal with the wound on her forehead.

The others quickly began to check the condition of Papa Gu who was lying on the ground.

Those crowds who were originally onlookers saw so many people rushing out of the school at this time, it seemed that they were all known by the kowtowing person, and they regretted it for no reason. If they stood up to help just now, they might be able to climb up with them. It's a relationship. Seeing that those people are all holding guns, they must all be from this gathering place.

Gu Ning slowly stood up from the ground, tears still hung on her face, her eyes were red, but her gaze was extremely cold, sweeping across the crowd of onlookers one by one, everyone who came into contact with her eyes could not help feeling Feeling a chill, he couldn't help but flicker his eyes to avoid that cold gaze. Finally, Gu Ning turned his head and fixed his eyes on the man who was lying on the ground and still screaming. There was a strong murderous look in his eyes, and his voice Sen Han: "Damn you!"

"Gu Ning!" The third brother couldn't help shouting, subconsciously wanting to stop it.

But Gu Ning's incomparably cold eyes froze him speechless.

"You can't kill me! I am Wang Jizhong's nephew! You kill me! He will kill your whole family!" the guard shouted in horror!

Gu Ning didn't even blink her eyes. Her mind was full of replaying the scene of the man kicking Mama Gu just now. Her mind was full of Mama Gu's bloody face. There was only one voice in her mind. , this person must die!

Then, under the man's horrified gaze, Gu Ning raised the knife in his hand and sneered, "Unfortunately, I don't know Wang Jizhong."

"Stop!!!" There was only a shout! A group of people was rushing over there, and the leader was really a middle-aged man in black and long sleeves.

The guard's eyes lit up suddenly! Facing the other side, he shouted in surprise: "Uncle! Help me! Help—ah!" The man's voice stopped abruptly, and he looked down at the sharp knife piercing his entire chest in disbelief, and then slowly Looking up at the expressionless Gu Ning, there was incomparable horror and despair in his eyes——

Then there was a "chi!"

The long knife was drawn from his chest.

Gu Ning held the blood-stained knife, turned his head to look at the third brother who had been stunned over there, smiled slowly at him, and said, "Third brother, I rescued him on the roof of the car." Your life is up, now it's your turn to save me."