The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 38: Ability


Gu Ning didn't get entangled in why Xiang Xu obtained such abilities, but squeezed all possible useful information from her.

Including colored crystal nuclei can allow people to evolve abilities, while transparent crystal nuclei can only be used as a supplement to the consumption of abilities.

Gu Ning questioned this: "Will the ability be consumed?"

"Yes." Xiang Xu nodded seriously: "Like at the gate today, the woman fired the most fireballs at about twenty. Generally speaking, every fireball that changes will consume the power in her body .”

"What about you?" Gu Ning asked.

"My mental power can cover the entire campus. In other words, I can see any place as long as I want to." Xiang Xu said confidently.

The seeing mentioned here to Xu is not seeing with the naked eye. Mental power cannot be said to be the eyes, but a feeling, like countless tentacles. When it touches something, it touches it through the tentacles, just like A blind man's hand is touching something, and then gives a clearer message through the conduction of spiritual power.

It's like Xiang Xu's mental power can immediately perceive how many people are coming from which direction. If he is more careful, he can also judge whether it is a man or a woman according to the shape of the clothes on his body. If he needs more information, then More mental power is needed as support for more detailed work analysis.

Instead of seeing with the naked eye, you can see at a glance whether the people walking are male, female, tall, short, fat, or thin.

Gu Ning nodded, and then said: "So you have no other functions except the radar function?"

. ...Xiang Xu was stunned by Gu Ning's description, and after thinking about it carefully, he said a little discouraged: "At least for now." But she quickly added: "But I am currently studying other uses of mental power .You know, I didn't have a few days to eat that bead. If I had more time, I would become stronger. And just a radar function can help you avoid a lot of dangers."

Gu Ning did not continue to dwell on the effectiveness of the radar, but asked with great interest: "How old are you this year?"

Xiang Xu Xian was stunned for a moment by the sudden change of topic, and then realized the meaning of Gu Ning's question, so she said with a little imperceptible pride: "I am eight years old this year. I am in the third year of junior high school."

Gu Ning didn't ask about her school grade, but she took the initiative to say it out. She had to say that this was a means for her to add points in front of Gu Ning, proving that she was very smart, and it was far beyond Gu Ning's imagination. clever.

But Gu Ning's reaction disappointed Xiang Xu, she just nodded coldly, not much surprised by it.

This made Xiang Duo somewhat frustrated. She was born different from ordinary people. From the first time she opened her eyes, she could remember things. She could speak at the age of half a year, and she could have fluent conversations at the age of one. As for the learning that is a headache for most people, she It was even more relaxed. She was only eight years old, and she had already skipped a grade to the third year of junior high school. As a result, she has made a lot of news headlines, as well as a lot of invitations to TV shows and interviews, but she turned them all down.

She can't talk to her peers at all, and even some adults are full of inexplicable awe towards her.

She is very good at observing people and can easily catch each other's weaknesses.

And this Gu Ning, she has been carefully probing, but except for her revealing her biggest secret, she only showed appropriate surprise when she could see the future, and she was calm and a little scary in the subsequent conversations.

And she hasn't felt what it means to be afraid for too long.

At this time, Gu Ning had no time to pay attention to Xiang Xu's feelings, but carefully pondered the words Xiang Xu said in her heart. After thinking about it, she came to a conclusion, that is, the evolution of human abilities is the fastest after eating the crystal nucleus. It basically depends on the potential of the person himself.

"You said that the probability of the crystal nucleus to evolve is not 100%." Gu Ning said.

Xiang Xu quickly withdrew from the frustration and answered Gu Ning's question: "Yes. Many people have become supernatural beings, but more people are ordinary people. Maybe a few tenths of a percent, or A few tenths or less."

Gu Ning is not in a good mood at this time, even with some depression: "So, now I belong to the part of more people."

This is a declarative sentence. Because after she ate that bead, she didn't find any difference in herself at all. If the space hadn't changed a lot, she might be even more depressed now. However, Gu Ning is more eager to increase his own strength than the space that is dispensable and the only function now is to help him relax. After all, she has already tried, and no one can enter that space except her.

"It's very strange." Speaking of this, Xiang Xu's two light-colored eyebrows couldn't help but frown like an adult: "I can clearly sense that there are very powerful supernatural fluctuations in your body. And your eyes are also It shows that the change is due to the evolution of the ability. But you can’t use the ability, and I don’t know what’s going on.”

Gu Ning secretly wondered, is it because the ability that should have been in the body was robbed by the space, and then the space was evolved, so although she has evolved the ability, but there is no ability to use, this is really true ... Gu Ning sighed very depressed in his heart.

The conversation between Gu Ning and Xiang Xu went on for a long time.

In the end, Gu Ning's concluding remarks were: "You are very smart, but smart people often have too many ideas of their own. I can guarantee that as long as you follow me, you will never need to starve and suffer cold, but I need your promise." Gu Ning He said with a cold face: "I will not treat you as a child, it is entirely possible to exploit your abilities. But you must completely obey me, show your intelligence appropriately, and discipline your brother well. If you can If you do this, then you can move to our dormitory."

Xiang Xu was not intimidated by Gu Ning's words at all, but instead showed a relaxed smile, a dimple on the right face appeared and disappeared, making her a little cute, she said: "Before that, I My brother and I have been worrying about how to spend this winter. When my brother and I buried our parents, we made a vow to live a good life. But we are still too young, and this world is too much. We may be killed before we become stronger." She looked at Gu Ning with sincere gratitude in her eyes: "I am indeed very smart, so I understand that if I lose this opportunity, I will never There is a second chance. And we will prove to you that your decision today is extremely correct."

After Xiang Xu walked out of the dormitory door, he felt a burst of fear.

No matter how thrilling or touching what she said, Gu Ning just stared at her coldly with those light-colored pupils. It seems that this conversation can almost determine life and death for her, but for Gu Ning, it is just a dispensable decision. The attitude shown by Gu Ning forced her to say that she did not have any She was ready to play the hole card at one time, and made a promise that she could not have promised.

But I don't know why, she should have the initiative in her plan, but the development of the situation has greatly exceeded her expectations, and the final result is also very different from the result she imagined, but she feels very happy, unexpectedly very happy...

Facing Xiang Yilue's slightly worried expression, Xiang Xu nodded at him, and then showed the brightest smile since the end of the world.

So, the final result was that Xiang Yi moved into this dormitory from the Xu brothers and sisters.

Cheng Ming and Daoist Jia, who were totally ignorant of Xiang Xu's abilities, clearly expressed their surprise.

After all, in their opinion, Gu Ning really doesn't seem like a person with such sympathy.

Gu Ning asked Xiang Xu to give a brief introduction to his abilities. Except for Xiang Yi, everyone showed a very surprised expression on their faces. It was obvious that Xiang Xu's abilities shocked them.

Daoist Jia said with emotion: "High-tech radar."

They made a brief self-introduction to each other.

Then Gu Ning started to get to the point.

"I'm going to bring the news of the crystal nucleus to the third brother, and then go out with the third brother to kill zombies and collect the crystal nucleus. When not many people know the news, we must fight for the initiative. During this time The time is the time for us to catch up with others."

Daoist Jia nodded and said, "Gu Ning is right. Once this news is spread, it will definitely drive people crazy."

Others agreed.

And they were all faintly excited. Whether it was Jia Daochang and Cheng Ming who saw Yan Yu using the power with their own eyes, or Huang Mengyao and Xie Yuhong who learned about it through their mouths, they all yearned for the ability to turn into fireballs with bare hands.

Gu Ning glanced at everyone's faces and said, "Then, who of you would like to go with me?"

Several people looked at each other and nodded solemnly.

Obviously no one wants to miss this opportunity.

"Very good." Gu Ning said: "Xiang Xu, you are in charge of monitoring the gate of the gathering place. If there is an army card coming back, it is the third brother's person. Please notify me immediately."

Xiang Xu nodded, his pupils shrank slightly, and at the same time, the invisible mental power had dissipated, and he went straight to the gate.

The gate was being monitored over there, while here she was still watching Gu Ning intently, waiting for Gu Ning's next arrangement.

Huang Mengyao said: "If we all leave, who will take care of the uncles and aunts?"

Gu Ning said: "I will send them to the third brother."

Even if the two groups of Yan Yu Wang Jizhong wanted to make trouble while she was away, it would depend on the guns in the hands of the soldiers of the third company to agree.

Gu Ning went on to say: "When the ability is evolved, we can try to walk to the downtown area where the zombies are denser. Seeing that winter is coming, we need a lot of supplies and warm clothes and quilts." Not only It was them, the soldiers of the third company and the children. Gu Ning will never forget those curious and well-behaved eyes. H Province is as hot as a stove in summer, and is notoriously cold in winter. There was also a very serious snow disaster in one year.

This is the first winter after the end of the world. When most people left home in a hurry, they did not bring warm clothes and did not have enough warm materials. I am afraid that half of the hundreds of children could not survive this. winter. As the third brother said, these children may be weak now, but one day, when their generation is getting old, they will grow up and be strong.

They are the future hope of this world.

So when she can, she also hopes to help them survive the first cold winter in the last days when they are still weak.

The downtown area is the concentrated place of zombies, the hardest hit area. After the end of the world, many people escaped from there, and no one dared to set foot there again. Only dare to seek their own hiding places in remote places.

But there also means that there are many large supermarkets, shopping malls, and various department stores that have not been looted, and there are many supplies they urgently need.

Thinking about it this way, after the evolution of the space, it should be able to hold more things than the small room that was not spacious before, which should be enough for her to sweep all major shopping malls and supermarkets in the entire province.

Thinking about this, Gu Ning's depressed feeling that he has evolved but has no ability to use has been relieved a lot.

Of course, Gu Ning did not forget the plan to go to the gold shop to pick up the leak.

She is very poor now, very poor. Thinking about it this way, although it is a bit dangerous in the last days, the income is still very high. At least she can pay off the current debts of the family.

In short, the most urgent task now is to evolve the ability first. Including her parents, if Gu's father and Gu's mother have evolved supernatural powers, she doesn't need them to end up killing zombies. As long as they have the ability to protect themselves, then she will be much more relaxed.

If luckily, Jia Daochang, Cheng Ming, Huang Mengyao, and Xie Yuhong also successfully evolved supernatural powers, then the pressure on her would be much lighter.

And if unfortunately, someone has not evolved a supernatural ability, then she must carefully consider whether she needs such a companion.

Although it's a bit cruel, but everyone has no relatives and no reason, and they have only known each other for two days. To put it bluntly, they are nothing more than seeing the strength displayed by Gu Ning. It is also reasonable for Gu Ning to kick them out because they did not show the strength to not hold back. Each other takes what they need.

Of course, Gu Ning did not want such a thing to happen. After all, in the previous crises, they stood by his side for the first time, and they rarely expressed any objection to their decisions. These four people are still Can be trusted, and after the end of the world, such a person is not easy to find.

Gu Ning considered many things.

Jia Daochang and the others were still immersed in the excitement of getting "superpowers".

They don't have a clear concept of abilities yet.

Xiang Xu didn't have Gu Ning's permission, and he didn't talk too much. He didn't take the initiative to popularize the basic knowledge about crystal nuclei and abilities.

And Gu Ning already had a clear concept in the conversation with Xiang Xu.

Ability, there are seven basic categories.

Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth seem to be a little ordinary in terms of speed and strength.

The fireball emitted by Yan Yu belongs to the fire ability.

"I can feel that her ability fluctuates very weakly. The ability storage in her body is also very small, so it is consumed so quickly." Xiang Xu described it like this at the time.

And Xiang Xu's spiritual powers belong to mutation powers.

People control powerful abilities to fight, which is a picture that people can't imagine at all.

In Xiang Xu's description, Gu Ning seems to be seeing a grand and magnificent picture scroll slowly revealing its mysterious corner in front of her.

Although it's not possible to get a glimpse of it, Gu Ning has already started to get excited about it.