The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 41


In the dimly lit room, the soldiers who had finally escaped the horde of zombies for a while leaned against the wall and panted violently because of exhaustion, but even though their bodies were close to being exhausted, they hadn't completely relaxed themselves. The guns in their hands The mouth has not yet drooped down, ready to face a new round of battle at any time.

After Zhong Xu counted the number of people, his sweaty face turned pale: "Wu Qiang, Chen Yao and Zhang Zhilin didn't follow."

The soldiers fell silent collectively. Everyone knew what would happen if they didn't keep up with the situation just now.

The third brother wiped the hot sweat from his forehead, suppressed the grief in his eyes, and said, "Bring the walkie-talkie over and I'll have a word with Gu Ning."

The soldiers searched for a while, and finally only Luo Long handed over one.

The third brother took it, turned on the switch, and was about to speak into the walkie-talkie, but the red light on the walkie-talkie flashed twice and then went silent.

"what's the situation?!"

Luo Long said with a pale face: "The battery is out."

The room was silent again.

The third brother seemed to want to curse, he opened his mouth again and again, but he still didn't curse, and asked instead: "How many bullets are there?"

"It was too much consumed before, and there are not many left. Each person still has about thirty or forty bullets." Zhong Xu said.

Thinking about the fierce battle that just happened, the soldiers in the room were a little chilled.

Zhong Xu went on to say: "If you want to break through, I'm afraid you can only rush halfway and be drowned by zombies."

They were chased by the zombies to the Eleventh Square, which was already a downtown area, and it took a lot of effort for the boss to fight their way out and hide in the basement on the Eleventh Square. It is said to be the basement, but it is actually a public toilet. This public toilet is very shabby. There used to be an old man living under it.

Down the stairs from the ground, there is a long "living room". There is a table and a few stools in the living room. A narrow room is the bedroom. Next door is a simple public toilet. It costs 50 cents to go to the toilet, and you need paper towels. Just add fifty cents. It is not known whether the old man guarding the public toilet escaped or died. Before the third brother and the others came, there were already other people occupying this place.

The banging on the door slowly stopped, and the soldiers couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, relaxing their tense muscles a little, and immediately felt numbness all over their bodies.

The light in the room was very dark, only a half-burned candle on the table was the only light in the room, which made the faces of the people in the room a little cloudy.

"Is there anything to eat?" A man over there who looked very gentle and handsome despite his messy clothes asked suddenly, with a slightly shy smile on his face: "We've been stuck here for a day. Nothing to eat."

There were six of them in total, three men and three women. They may have been hungry for a long time, and they seemed to be in poor spirits. Hearing the man's words at this time, the five pairs of eyes immediately forgot the past, and looked at the soldiers with hopeful eyes.

The soldiers thought that they were the ones who opened the door at the critical moment, otherwise they might have been blocked outside. Reluctantly pinching the raw materials in his pocket, he divided them into small parts and put them on the table. Luo Long took out another bottle of mineral water from his backpack and put it next to the supplies.

The man shared a little of the few supplies with everyone, and said gratefully, "Thank you."

He ate a few biscuits, which relieved his throbbing stomach a little bit, took a sip and handed it to the pretty girl next to him, then looked at the third brother and asked tentatively: "I seem to have heard you mention a Name. Do you know Gu Ning?"

The third brother was stunned for a moment, looked at the man, and then asked in surprise: "What? You know him too?"

If Gu Ning was here, he would definitely be able to recognize the young man who spoke as Lu Jiazi. As for the other two men and three women, one is her uncle Jiang Yuezhou, and among the three women are Jiang Yu and her aunt.

Lu Jiazi's eyes flickered slightly, he didn't know what kind of thoughts flashed at this moment, and then a smile appeared on his face, and he said, "I know it. This is her uncle's family."

"Oh?" The third brother was really taken aback, and looked at Jiang Yuezhou by the candlelight, but he was indeed a little bit similar to Gu Ning.

Hearing that they are relatives of Gu Ning, the soldiers were still a little tense, but suddenly they relaxed a little. Luo Long also smiled and said: "That's a coincidence. If we still have a life to go out, you can come with us Go back to the gathering place. Gu Ning and her parents are there."

Hearing this, Jiang Yuezhou, who had been silent all this time, became excited: "Sister and brother-in-law are still alive?!"

Luo Long smiled and said, "Don't worry, they are all fine."

Suddenly, Lin Meifeng interjected angrily: "They are fine, but we were killed by that dead girl Gu Ning."

"Mom!" Jiang Yu gave her a hand in disapproval.

The originally harmonious atmosphere of the room has changed, and the expressions of the soldiers are a little weird.

Luo Long and Zhong Xu looked at each other, feeling that something was wrong, so they put away the smiles on their faces and stopped talking.

The third brother looked down at his watch, the time showed that it was 3:30 in the afternoon, and there was only one hour left before the time he and Gu Ning agreed on. He was looking forward to Gu Ning's arrival, but also hoped that Gu Ning would not come.

Looking forward to her coming, it is naturally difficult for them to rush out from here with a few guns. I hope she will not come because they are worried about the safety of Gu Ning and his party.

Most of the soldiers in the room had the same idea as the third brother.

It's just that subconsciously, they all think that Gu Ning and the others will not come, after all, they don't have such a deep relationship with each other.

Thinking of this, the soldiers were a little depressed.

The soldier who checked the situation above came down the stairs and shook his head at the third brother: "There are too many zombies in the square, at least hundreds of them. We don't have enough bullets to rush out."

"Take out everything." The third brother said suddenly.

Then the soldiers took out all the crystal nuclei they had hunted. Although he paid a heavy price for encountering a group of zombies, the rewards were not small.

Almost everyone received several.

But there are only four colored ones.

They are red, yellow, gold, and blue.

After washing with water, all the brain matter on the crystal nucleus was washed off, making it very crystal clear.

The third brother picked up a yellow crystal nucleus and sighed: "Such a beautiful thing can grow in the brain of a zombie." After saying this, he directly put the crystal nucleus into his mouth under the nervous eyes of the soldiers As soon as he dropped it, the crystal nucleus melted in his mouth almost instantly, turning into a stream of cold water and flowing into his throat. The third brother's expression was a little weird, and then he said: "Gu Ning said, I will faint after eating this, please don't move, watch my reaction, wait for me to wake up before eating. Let me change Zombies, don't let your hands down." Almost as soon as the words fell to the ground, the third brother swayed and fell to the ground without warning.

He was caught by Zhong Xu, who had sharp eyes and quick hands.

Although the soldiers were prepared, the sudden fainting still made them flustered, and they hurriedly carried the third brother into the small bedroom.

They talked in a group just now, and their voices were lowered so that Lu Jiazi and the others could not hear them.

At this moment, the third brother suddenly fell down, and they were also shocked.

"Is he alright?" Lu Jiazi asked with concern.

Luo Long replied concisely: "It's fine."

Then there is silence.

Lu Jiazi knew very well that their sudden indifference was due to that sentence, and immediately gave Lin Meifeng a dissatisfied look.

It was rare for Lin Meifeng to not be so overbearing in front of Lu Jiazi, but her expression was a little embarrassing.

Half an hour passed.

Zou Ming shone a small flashlight on the face of the third brother in the dark, and said with some anxiety: "The third brother won't turn into a zombie, right?"

"If it really changes, it's up to you to do it." Zhong Xu said.

Zou Ming said: "If you can't do it, can I do it?"

Suddenly! The third brother who was lying on the bed suddenly sat up straight.

The two of them were not prepared at all, and they were shocked immediately. Zou Ming's originally tense nerves were suddenly broken, and he subconsciously stabbed with the knife!

However, before the knife stabbed the third brother's chest, it stabbed a very hard thing.

The third brother scolded: "I haven't turned into a zombie yet, so you come and stab me!"

"Third Brother, are you alright?" Zou Ming broke out in a cold sweat, and took a photo with a small flashlight, only to see that Third Brother was holding an adobe brick in his hand, and his stab just happened to be on the adobe brick. , suddenly surprised: "Third brother, where did you get Brick?"

Before the words fell, the voice stopped abruptly.

Zou Ming, Zhong Xu and the soldiers who rushed in when they heard the movement were all stunned.

Looking at the soil thorns on the palms of the third brother floating out of nowhere in front of him, Zhong Xu didn't know whether he was excited or nervous, and his voice couldn't help trembling slightly: "Third brother, you, you succeeded!"

The third brother nodded with a smile.

The soldiers were suddenly speechless with excitement.

Zou Ming looked at the earth thorn floating there with surprise on his face: "It's like playing magic!"

"What magic, this is a supernatural power! Does the supernatural power know?"

Zhong Xu gestured to the excited third brother, signaling him not to be so excited, to keep a low profile, and then carefully took the soil thorn floating in mid-air, took the soil thorn in his hand, felt its weight and It was the rough appearance that he believed that it was a real thing, and his mood was very indescribable.

"It's quite piercing." A soldier curiously poked the tip of the spike with his finger, and then came to such a conclusion.

"Not only stabbing people, but also stabbing people to death."

The pride hidden in Sange's words made the soldiers smile knowingly.

Lu Jiazi and the others outside the hut saw that the soldiers were all crowded into that bedroom, and they didn't know what secret activities they were doing. They only heard occasional small voices from the room, but they couldn't hear them clearly.

This group of people may have an unusual relationship with Gu Ning, otherwise, their attitude would not have turned cold immediately because of what Lin Meifeng said.

Thinking of this, he frowned slightly and glanced at Lin Meifeng.

As if sensing his dissatisfaction, Jiang Yu tugged at his clothes and said coquettishly, "Okay, Jiazi, my mother didn't mean it either."

Lu Jiazi glanced at Jiang Yu's pretty face, and for some reason, suddenly felt a little impatient.

The soldiers talked excitedly for a while, and then they all focused on the next three crystal nuclei.

"Give it to Zhong Xu, Zou Ming, and Luo Long." A soldier suggested, "They kill the most zombies."

Other soldiers joined in.

Zhong Xu, Zou Ming, and Luo Long felt embarrassed, and said that they had the ability to protect themselves, and they had to give it up to others.

The third brother watched the soldiers come and go, and he felt a little relieved. Although the world is full of corpses and people's hearts are depraved, at least the soldiers under his hands have not degenerated. Of course, what he thought was once The third brother said impatiently: "Kong Rong gave up pears?! What's the rush? There are so many zombies outside, and the ground is full of crystal nuclei. Zou Ming, Zhong Xu, Luo Long, the three of you Eat it. When you broke through, the four of you showed all your strength to take them out without missing a single one!"

"It's the company commander!"

Having said that, Zhong Xu, Zou Ming, and Luo Long each took a crystal core, looked at each other, and then swallowed the crystal core under the soldiers' eyes full of hope.

On the other side, Gu Ning and his party haven't given up looking for the third brother and his party.

Dozens of corpses of zombies were lying here and there on the ground, and bullet casings were everywhere. It could be imagined that a fierce battle had taken place here, and there was no sign of a fire here. It should be the third brother and the others.

The heads of some zombies have been broken open, obviously someone dug out the crystal nucleus. However, because of the haste, many zombies still had their heads intact. Except for Xiang Xu, everyone else became extremely "savage" and dug the zombies one by one with a knife, which was considered cheap.

"It's Wu Qiang!" Zhang Xiaobai exclaimed suddenly. Then he ran quickly in one direction and turned Wu Qiang who was lying there to his feet.

Before Zhang Xiaobai had time to check whether Wu Qiang was still alive, he saw Wu Qiang's tightly closed eyes suddenly opened, with red blood slowly swimming in them—then grabbed Zhang Xiaobai's head, and opened his mouth towards his face Bite over!

Zhang Xiaobai was so terrified that he couldn't dodge for a while!

Seeing that the big mouth was about to touch his flesh, he heard a "pooh-" and the sound of the tip of a knife piercing into the flesh, and then Zhang Xiaobai saw a small knife stuck in Wu Qiang's forehead, his eyes were wide open, It is already dead. Gu Ning walked over, pulled out the knife, and suddenly a gray-black slurry flowed down his forehead - "Next time you won't be so lucky."

Hearing Gu Ning's words, Zhang Xiaobai felt his whole body tremble. He thought that if it wasn't for Gu Ning's knife, he might be infected even if his skin was scratched a little. Thinking of this, his whole body became cold, and he quickly pushed his body away. , stood up scrambling.

Check all the remaining zombie heads.

Gu Ning looked at Xiang Xu, and Xiang Xu shook his head slightly at her, expressing that he did not find any trace of the third brother.

suddenly! Xiang Xu's face suddenly changed, he turned to the east direction suddenly, and said in shock: "Run!"