The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 5: garage


When Gu Ning said this, everyone was taken aback.

But Gu Ning turned to Cheng Ming who was stunned and said: "Cheng Ming, thank you for giving me a ride. I hope we will have a chance to meet again in the future. Take care." After speaking, he said to Brother Chen with a shocked face: "Please Please open the door and let me out."

"Hey! Wait, little girl, you take me with you. Do we have a companion when we go out?" Daoist Jia suddenly made an unexpected decision. In order to show his position, he went to Gu Ning Stand over there.

"Senior sister, it's so dangerous outside, let alone you as a girl, even if there are so many of us, no one would dare to spend the night outside, you..." Cheng Ming gritted his teeth and said, "If you insist on going out, then I will With you."

"Cheng Ming, do you know what you're talking about?!" Huang Mengyao couldn't help but screamed.

The others were also startled by Cheng Ming, their gaze wandered between Cheng Ming and Gu Ning, a little subtle.

Even Gu Ning was stunned by Cheng Ming's words, a little baffled, is this Cheng Ming a hero

"Forget it! For the sake of being a weak woman, I'll make an exception and take you in once." Brother Chen unexpectedly let go. This Cheng Ming had a good fighting ability, if he really followed this woman, it would be a real loss for them.

Cheng Ming immediately beamed with joy.

It made Gu Ning feel a little strange, although he was from the same school, but this Cheng Ming was a little too enthusiastic towards him, it was weird, it was better to keep a little distance. Thinking of this, Gu Ning moved a few steps to the side imperceptibly, and distanced himself from Cheng Ming.

After speaking, Brother Chen rummaged through the sacks they brought back a few times, found a dozen or so packs of loose biscuits, and threw them to the leader Cheng Ming: "You only found so much, and only so much. I'll give you more." Then he took the people away.

"This is not enough for us to eat, right?" Xie Yuhong couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Forget it, we are better than others." Zhang Chao said.

The others glanced at the longing gazes of those people, and then fell silent.

Several people found the place they occupied, and Cheng Ming divided the twelve loose biscuits into two packages for each person. Then he handed the two packets he had divided to Gu Ning, and said in a low voice, "We have already eaten it secretly outside."

Gu Ning froze for a moment, then shook his head: "No, I've already eaten, thank you." For dinner, Gu Ning ate the braised pork and Kung Pao Chicken cooked by Gu's father himself, and he didn't feel hungry at all.

Cheng Ming thought she was being polite and was about to say more. Then I heard Huang Mengyao sneer: "Cheng Ming, don't you see that people don't want to accept you? Why do you keep using your hot face to stick to other people's cold ass?"

Cheng Ming was a little embarrassed, neither handing over nor accepting the biscuits in his hand.

Gu Ning had no choice but to say: "I'm really not hungry now, and I don't have a pocket on me, so you keep it for me first. Can I ask you for it when I'm hungry?"

Cheng Ming happily put the two packs of biscuits back into his pocket immediately: "All right then."

He is tall, about 1.8 meters tall, with fair skin, short hair, and a baby face. When he smiles, he looks younger.

"No, you can give it to me. I haven't eaten since noon." Jia Daochang muttered while clutching his stomach.

In the middle of the night, Daoist Jia had already fallen asleep on his side next to her, snoring slightly.

Gu Ning leaned against the wall, but didn't feel sleepy at all. I couldn't help but think, if my parents suddenly entered my room at this time and saw that I was not in the room, they would be very frightened, and I didn't know why I suddenly came from that world to this world. Gu Ning's thoughts are like a thousand threads of twine that can't be clearly understood.

"Senior sister, why don't you sleep?" At this time, Cheng Ming crawled over from the other side and asked in a low voice.

"Can't sleep." Gu Ning replied in a low voice.

"Me too." The joy in Cheng Ming's voice made Gu Ning a little puzzled. There is nothing to be happy about not being able to sleep.

At this moment, in the silent night, there were vague and indistinct groans, and there were more than one places.

Cheng Ming and Gu Ning were stunned at the same time, and they looked at each other feeling a little embarrassed.

Gu Ning froze for a moment, then quickly relaxed. In the last days, etiquette, justice, honesty and shame have been left behind, and she is no stranger to such things happening again and again. On the contrary, Cheng Ming was a little embarrassed, and said in a low voice: "Good night, Gu Ning." Then he crawled back.

Gu Ning watched him carefully groping in the dark to avoid stepping on others, and thought it was a bit funny, but just as the smile bloomed a little bit, it suddenly froze on his face... She finally found out why she felt so uncomfortable all the way along the way. Something is wrong.

It is night now, in order to save power, the entire garage is dark without turning on any light sources, but she can clearly see every corner in the dark...

Gu Ning was not at all delighted by the sudden night vision ability, but more panic about the unknown.

Gu Ning began to think carefully about his bizarre experiences in the past few days.

Everything happened after being bitten by zombies. When the black door in that strange white room was opened for the first time, she went to another world, except that the end of the world did not happen at all. It's the same world as here, and there are her family and friends there. The only difference is that it was not eroded by the apocalypse... and when it was opened for the second time, she went from that world to this apocalypse...

And the wounds on her body healed automatically, leaving no scars. And now she has night vision again.

If she wasn't still wearing the pajamas she wore from there at this time, then she might really have doubts again. Now she can almost be sure that both sides are the real world!

But how could there be two such identical worlds? Gu Ning felt that he was a little schizophrenic, and finally stopped the wild thoughts in his mind, and tried hard to regain his thinking ability. Gu Ning boldly made a hypothesis, if he opened that door next time, would he be able to Back to that world

Gu Ning was shocked by this bold assumption. Her heart beat violently! If all these assumptions come true, does it mean that she can travel back and forth between these two worlds? !

Gu Ning pressed her chest, her heart was beating so fast that she almost felt a little uncomfortable.

It took a long time for her heartbeat to gradually stabilize.

Start thinking about other issues.

So, the first thing to consider now is how to get back to that space

The first time was bitten by a zombie, which is an unrepeatable premise.

What about the second time? Gu Ning tried hard to recall every detail at that time. She woke up from a nightmare, her parents comforted her and walked out the door, and then she lay on the bed alone... thinking of her parents in the last days...

Something flashed in Gu Ning's mind... Because she was nervous, she couldn't help swallowing, then, she closed her eyes, and was about to start to see the faces of her parents in that world. Sudden! A cold hand touched her ankle! Slowly and tentatively slide up.

Gu Ning was startled for a moment, and then almost without the slightest hesitation, he kicked hard!

This kick landed on that person's face firmly!

There was only a cry of pain, and the man was kicked and turned over, directly hitting the sleeping man over there, and there was a burst of curses.

Many people were awakened.

Gu Ning stood up from the ground, and looked coldly at the thirty-year-old man who was kicked out by her.

"What's the matter? The zombies are here!" Jia Daochang, who was sleeping soundly next to him, jumped up from the ground and said nervously when he heard the movement.

"What happened?!" Someone came over there with a flashlight, took a photo of Gu Ning who was covered with frost, and then took a photo of the man who fell on the ground, and immediately understood what was going on, and said to the man: " Laogui, you are too useless. Was beaten by such a little girl?"

The man covered his face and said nothing, just looked at Gu Ning gloomyly.

Daoist Jia immediately understood what happened, and his face turned a little ugly. He pulled Gu Ning behind him, and then said to Gu Ning, "You didn't suffer, did you?"

Gu Ning shook his head.

Cheng Ming also hurried over there: "Gu Ning, are you alright?" He said standing with Daoist Jia, looking at the two men.

"Look at whatever you want, let's go, let's go." The man with the flashlight said and pushed the man: "You have found the wrong person, what are you looking for, let's go!"

After talking, we left together.

"Go to sleep." Daoist Jia pushed her into the wall, then sat cross-legged outside Gu Ning, patted the place next to him and said, "Boy, come here, you sleep here. "

Cheng Ming obediently lay down beside him.

"Gu Ning, sleep with you. The two of us are guarding the door for you." Daoist Jia gestured at the knife in his hand as he spoke.

That was the end of a riot.

Gu Ning was lying on the ground looking at the high-hanging concrete roof, listening to the slight snoring of Jia Daochang, who was less than one meter away from him and turned his back to her, closed his eyes, and the images of his parents in that world appeared in his mind. Face... Closed eyelids can feel a strong light flashing quickly—

Gu Ning's eyelids twitched violently a few times, then he opened his eyes—

In front of him was the familiar white wall.

Gu Ning just sat on the ground like this, then suddenly stood up and ran towards the door. This time, she turned the doorknob without hesitation. The next moment, she was standing in the bedroom at home, and the wall The wall clock on the phone pointed to three thirty in the morning.

Gu Ning tightly covered his mouth to keep himself from screaming out of excitement!

Gu's father and Gu's mother found that their daughter seemed to be a different person after one night. After sweeping away the decadence and listlessness after returning home, she became radiant and full of vitality.

"Dad, Mom, I want to go out for a walk today." Gu Ning said after breakfast.

Gu's mother and Gu's father looked at each other, and they were overjoyed and said, "Okay, mother will go with you."

Gu Ning originally planned to go out alone, but seeing his mother's joyful expression, the words of refusal swirled around his mouth and swallowed.

"Old Gu, then you will be responsible for keeping the house clean. Ningning and I will have hot meals when we come back!" Gu's mother explained to Gu's father before leaving the house.

Papa Gu replied without raising his head, and continued to read his newspaper. When the door was closed, he held up his reading glasses and muttered, "It's as if I'm not the one who does hygiene and cooking."

As soon as I went downstairs, I ran into Aunt Wang who was famous for her enthusiasm in the apartment building. She was carrying a bag of fruit from downstairs and came upstairs. When she saw Gu Ning, she was stunned for a moment, and then said with a smile on her face: "Oh! Ning Ning! It's been a long time since I came back! Why don't you come out for a walk? what."

Gu Ning looked at her blankly, without a smile on his face, and didn't answer, just looked down at her coldly.

Aunt Wang felt a little terrified when she saw Gu Ning's eyes. She cursed evil in her heart, and she also showed a trace of embarrassment on her face. She turned to Gu's mother and said, "Jiaodi, what's wrong with Ning Ning? Something's wrong."

Gu's mother didn't know what happened to Gu Ning all of a sudden, so she could only say, "I'm sorry, Mei Fang, Ning Ning may not be feeling well yet, don't mind."

"I'm sorry. We are in a hurry to go out, so we won't chat with you." After finishing speaking, Gu Ning went downstairs holding his mother's hand.

"Bah, I've been missing for three months, and when I came back with my hair dyed yellow, I might have been abducted to become a young lady. Why are you pretending to be noble?"

Gu Ning frowned, and her hearing has also evolved. You can even hear Wang Meifang's voice on the third floor. It seems that good hearing is also a problem.

"Ningning, why do you have such a bad attitude towards Aunt Wang all of a sudden." Mother Gu couldn't help asking.

Just as Gu Ning wanted to say it was okay, he suddenly changed his mind and said, "When I went out to take out the trash yesterday, I heard her tell others that I was missing for three months, maybe I was tricked into becoming a young lady."

Gu's mother exploded almost instantly: "Wang Meifen really said that?!" Saying that, she was about to rush back: "No! I'll go find her!"

"Forget about mom. Even if we go to confront her, she will never admit it. There is no need to make a big fuss. Let's stay away from her in the future." Gu Ning quickly pulled Gu's mother.

"This Wang Meifang really can't tell. Anyway, I have been a neighbor for more than 20 years, and I watched you grow up! We usually laugh when we are together, but I didn't expect the mouth to be so dirty behind the scenes. Ningning, let's ignore it. This kind of person! Next time she wants to talk to you, just pretend you didn't hear her, and ignore her!" Mother Gu said.

Gu Ning smiled and said, "Isn't that what I did today."

"It's your mother who made you wronged." Gu's mother's eyes turned red. Thinking that Wang Meifang, who usually seems to be a good person, said this behind her back, others might not know how ugly the words were, and Ning Ning heard it with her own ears, how sad her daughter must be.

"Oh! Mom, do you still want to go shopping with me? If you do this again, I will let you go back." Gu Ning was sore in his heart, but smiled on his face. This Wang Meifang, who smiled at everyone, once used her mother as a shield for her own survival after the apocalypse. If it wasn't for her, her mother would have been bitten by a zombie that time.

Mother Gu wiped away her tears in a hurry, and then said, "Let's go, let's stop talking."

Then the two walked away talking and laughing again.

"Hey, Ning Ning, why are you buying a pair of reading glasses again? Doesn't your dad have a pair?" Gu's mother asked after seeing that Gu Ning had bought a pair of reading glasses.

"You can keep it at home for backup, otherwise it will be troublesome to buy it if it breaks." Gu Ning said with a smile.

"Hey, Ning Ning, what are you doing with such a big knife!" Mother Gu watched in shock as Gu Ning stopped a middle-aged man who was walking around selling knives in the street with a backpack on his back.

Gu Ning listened carefully to the introduction of those knives by the ethnic minority uncle, and casually said to Gu's mother: "You can cut watermelon when you buy it."