The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 61: Ability vs Mutant Zombies


Gu Ning looked at the stacked tall buildings in the distance, the heavy rain clouds still covered the entire sky, as if a bigger rainstorm was brewing.

The remaining rainwater after the heavy rain on the road reflected the gray sky and the tall buildings on both sides, and then they were stepped on and smashed to pieces. Those steps went further and further towards the area that was extremely noisy before the end of the world but is now full of dead silence. .

If someone could stand in the sky and look down, they would definitely be able to see the crowded heads of people on the entire pedestrian street before, and if they got closer, they would be able to see the incomplete and terrifying faces of those people. Such scenes are all above, and such scenes can be seen everywhere on countless streets.

When the end of the world comes, it is a normal day. On Sunday, the sun was shining brightly, and the weather was neither too hot nor too cold. It was a good day to go out for an outing and go shopping. Jinmen Avenue is even more crowded with young people who go shopping during the holidays.

Then the sun suddenly disappeared and reappeared.

Those who are unconscious for no reason pass out and wake up again. The best friend who was walking arm in arm with you just now bit your neck off in the next second, and the person who was sent to the hospital because of a coma lost his instinct after waking up and bit the nurse. In dense areas, such spread increases exponentially. Many people turned into zombies without even knowing what happened.

The government sent countless search and rescue teams in, but they never returned. Later, they sent a helicopter to hover over Jinmen Street. Those shocking and tragic scenes made people horrified. It was so tragic that I didn't dare to spread it.

But even so, there are still a lot of survivors who escaped from Golden Gate Street and took a lot of videos of the chaotic period and uploaded them on the Internet. Those bloody and real scenes of being thrown down and bitten by zombies are more than any horror movie. bloody picture.

It has been more than three months since the end of the world. Gu Ning doesn't know what kind of tragic scene will be here, but her nerves are already tense at this time, and she has a strong ominous premonition, the closer to Jinmen Street, the stronger this premonition.

It seems that the dead silence is getting stronger and stronger. The people who were still thinking about joking at the beginning are all quiet now, walking forward with serious and nervous expressions. For a while, the only sound of rain splashing on the soles of shoes can be heard in the street. .

Xiang Xu walked beside Gu Ning, with a tight face, looking very dignified. This kind of expression on the face of such a small girl is not only ridiculous, but also more vigilant, and does not need anyone Reminder, she has already started her own work very consciously, and her mental power spreads around like an automatic radar—at the same time, she tries to penetrate further. In the process of Gu Ning absorbing the ability, she also got a little benefit, and the ability has obviously increased.

In an alley about 500 meters away, only one street away from them, there was something like a huge ball of meat with an invisible shape curled up. This thing seemed to be a living thing, rising and falling like Like breathing, Xiang Xu's mental power spread over the huge ball of meat, but he didn't sense anything, as if it just passed through the air, and then continued to spread forward without feeling—

But the ball of meat seemed to feel something, the head buried in the meat slowly lifted up, and then the huge body slowly squirmed—

Gu Ning suddenly stopped and looked in one direction. He always felt a little uneasy, and couldn't help asking: "Xiang Xu, didn't you find anything?"

The information returned from Xiang Xu's mental power was that no abnormalities were found, and she said, "No."

Gu Ning frowned: "Not even a single zombie?"

Xiang Xu realized what Gu Ning was referring to, and his face turned pale: "No."

The third brother who was walking in the front saw that Gu Ning and Xiang Xu stopped suddenly, and immediately felt that something was wrong. He stopped the team and came over and asked, "Gu Ning, what's wrong?"

Gu Ning frowned and said, "After we entered this street, Xiang Xu didn't even find a single zombie."

No matter what, it is close to Jinmen Street, which is a wandering area for zombies, but when entering this area, not to mention the crowd of zombies, but not even a single wandering zombie... If it is not very lucky, then it must be Is there any other reason.

When something goes wrong, there must be a demon.

The third brother is not a fool, he immediately knew what Gu Ning meant when he heard this, he looked around, it was very quiet, there was no wind, everything seemed to be still, the third brother frowned: " It's kind of wrong."


At the same time that the third brother's words fell, there was a rustling sound of something dragging and rubbing against the ground—this sound was very abrupt, and it made everyone nervous all of a sudden, and made them even more nervous. Yes, Xiang Xu didn't find anything, but the rustling sound was still ringing, and it was getting closer—the expressions on people's faces became more and more tense.

Gu Ning suddenly looked in the direction of the sound. Although she couldn't see anything, the hairs on the back of her neck were standing on end! The ominous premonition in her heart rose to the highest point, and her intuition told her that she must escape from here! Without caring much, she yelled: "Retreat!"

The people who were startled by the sudden rustling sound and didn't know what to do suddenly woke up from the creepy situation, and then followed Gu Ning back desperately, although they didn't know what the rustling sound was coming from, But for some reason, they had a very bad feeling.

Although they are afraid, they have already experienced many life and death dangers after all. Fear did not make them panic. Instead, they maintained the supernatural powers in the outer formation. !

The rustling sound was getting louder and louder, as if they knew they were running away, they sped up and chased them here! And Gu Ning can feel that its speed is getting faster and faster!

The third brother shouted loudly: "Run!"

The team gritted their teeth again and ran forward at a faster speed!

Although Xiang Xu was mature, he was only eight years old after all, no matter how hard he gritted his teeth, he couldn't run fast. Gu Ning picked him up and threw him on his back, and then carried him on his back to continue running.

Without looking at the road, Xiang Xu glanced back, her little face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't describe what she saw.

However, the moment she glanced over, that thing was also aimed at her, and suddenly, that thing that looked like a pool of meat balls protruded out of nowhere, a tentacle as thick as an arm! The tentacle flicked up, and it stretched directly towards Xiang Xu! That tentacle is coming very fast! Xiang Xu didn't have time to react, she just felt something slap on her back, and then it sucked her back like a suction cup, and then the whole person was sucked by the suction cup, abruptly falling from Gu Ning's body. The back is pulled out! The tentacle sucked the person and then retracted directly, Xiang Xu only had time to scream, and the whole person was sucked by the tentacle and flung towards the sky!

Gu Ning was rushing forward quickly with his back on his back, but suddenly he only felt a light on his back, accompanied by Xiang Xu's exclamation, Gu Ning didn't know well, but he rushed forward a few steps inertially, and then suddenly He stopped abruptly and looked back, only to see Xiang Xu being sucked by a fleshy tentacle and flying back! Suddenly, he was shocked, and before he had time to see what the tentacle was, he directly pointed the knife in his hand at the rapidly retracting tentacle and flew over!

Gu Ning's hand is very strong, the knife flew out in a hurry, and it was very precisely aimed at the middle of the tentacle!

While the knife flew out, Gu Ning also rushed over there at the same time! She jumped up and ran at an astonishing speed! The knife made a snort—it was precisely on that tentacle! The tentacle was also very tough, and when it was cut by the flying knife, it was only cut with a bloody mouth! But knowing the pain, the suction cup tightened for a while, and the suction power was greatly reduced, and Xiang Xu fell directly from the air!

"Xiang Xu!" Xiang Yi screamed, and hurriedly ran over there.

Gu Ning has already arrived, stretched out his hands, screamed to Xu and fell from the sky, and then fell into Gu Ning's arms accurately, the huge dive force pressed Gu Ning's hand down and sank vigorously, Gu Ning Hugging Xiang Xu, he rolled on the spot, relieved the strength from his hands, and at the same time avoided the gray-black unknown liquid that spilled from the cut tentacles.

Gu Ning hugged Xiang Xu and rolled aside, yelling at those who hadn't reacted: "The supernatural attack! The others retreat!" At the same time, he handed Xiang Xu, who was so frightened that he couldn't even speak, to the scare. Xiang Yi almost lost his wits, then picked up the knife on the ground and quickly backed away.

Gu Ning let out a loud roar, and in an instant, all the abilities of various departments appeared out of thin air and all aimed at the monster to launch an attack!

The fastest ones were Cheng Ming's wind blade and Zhang Xiaobai's lightning strike, only the wind blade with the sound of piercing the air and the flashing lightning strike arrived at the monster in the blink of an eye!

It wasn't until this time that people really saw clearly the "monster" that had caused them great panic. It's hard to describe what it is, like a bulging huge meat ball, but the meat next to this meat ball is limply "flowing" on the ground, what's more frightening is that the head of this meat ball is A normal human head, a normal human head on top of an incomparably huge meat ball, as abrupt as possible, as incongruous as possible, as disgusting as possible. What's more, this meatball also has a lot of tentacles as thick as arms. It's hard to imagine how a normal human being becomes like this.

This may be another form of zombie mutation. After seeing the appearance of this mutated zombie, it had a very strong visual impact on people, and it produced a feeling of extreme discomfort, not to mention the gray-black blood that flowed out after being attacked by the ability. The stench of viscous liquid was gone.

However, the countless supernatural attacks seemed to be huge, and they also caused a lot of wounds on the mutated zombie, but they didn't cause much damage to the mutated zombie. The mutant zombie suddenly opened its mouth and howled, and then four or five tentacles stretched out from its body and waved towards it! The attack has officially launched!

While backing away, Gu Ning clearly saw that the tops of the tentacles were trumpet-shaped openings. Thinking of Xiang Xu being sucked into the air by the tentacles just now, he immediately reminded loudly: "Be careful of the suction cups on the tentacles!"

The third brother and the others also saw that Xiang Xu was sucked into the air by those tentacles at that time, and they knew how powerful they were. Seeing four or five tentacles flying towards them quickly, they felt like they were facing a formidable enemy!