The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 69


Gu Ning could see that the relationship between Zhuang Chen and White Wolf seemed unusual, but he didn't ask any questions.

The group was ready to leave.

White Wolf suddenly said: "But what's the situation here, shouldn't all the things have been moved by you?" He looked at the third brother and then at Gu Ning.

The third brother and the others felt a sudden tightening in their hearts, feeling a little guilty.

Gu Ning said very naturally and calmly: "It was like this when we came."

The white wolf is not really suspicious, it's okay to hear Gu Ning say so.

In order to deceive others, the third brother and the others still drove back the big truck that was half full of supplies.

On the way back, Gu Ning and Zhuang Chen roughly talked about their own experiences after parting, and both were a little emotional. Gu Ning did not tell Zhuang Chen about his own space and healing abilities, but only said that he had evolved wood-type abilities. He asked about the situation of Fang Fang again, and was relieved a little after learning that Fang Fang was not in danger of his life. The third brother and others have never heard Gu Ning mention the name of the method. Gu Ning has always been indifferent to others. It is rare to see her care about a person so much. They have just gotten closer to Gu Ning. Here comes another one of them If you don't know the method, you will inevitably have some ideas in your heart.

Zhuang Chen is good at observing words and expressions. Looking at the subtle expressions of the people in the car, she can probably guess it out of ten, but she is a little curious. She and Gu Ning have been separated for less than a week. These people should look like It was the person Gu Ning met later, how did Gu Ning have such an important position among them in such a short period of time

In terms of wood-type abilities, it is not considered strong among so many abilities, and it can even be said to be weak. The fluctuations in the abilities of several people in this carriage are not weak...

All the way back to the gathering place was smooth. When the big truck drove into the gathering place and stopped in front of the small courtyard where they lived to start unloading, the survivors in the gathering place were shocked. After seeing the supplies in the small half of the truck, the children cheered as if they were celebrating the New Year, and they were very happy.

Gu Ning handed this over to the third brother and the others, then greeted Gu's father and Gu's mother, and then followed Zhuang Chen to the infirmary to find a solution.

The third brother couldn't help frowning as he watched Gu Ning and Zhuang Chen go away.

Zhang Xiaobai couldn't help asking: "Third brother, what do you think is the relationship between that method and Gu Ning? Gu Ning looks very nervous."

The third brother said angrily: "You ask me, who am I asking?"

Luo Long leaned over nervously and said, "Then Gu Ning will follow them, right?"

Zhang Xiaobai said in amazement: "No way?"

Zhong Xu said: "I don't think Gu Ning is going to do well with them. Didn't she just tell us about the healing power and space power without telling that woman. What does this mean? Trust! Trust you know? We are the ones. own people."

The third brother interrupted their chattering discussion, and said impatiently: "It's going to rain, my mother is going to get married. We can't stop Gu Ning from leaving." While talking, he couldn't help but sigh.

Why isn't he worried

Daoist Jia was abnormal and didn't express his opinion. Anyway, he had already thought about where Gu Ning was going.

Dr. Gao didn't know where to go.

Fang Fang was placed on the bed, and at the moment he was flipping through a high school textbook boredly, his face looked a little unhappy.

When he saw Gu Ning who came in behind Zhuang Chen, he was completely stunned.

He looked at Gu Ning dumbfounded and asked, "Gu Ning?! You, why are you here?"

Gu Ning walked over to take a look at the bandaged wound on Fang Fang's thigh, and said, "I should be asking you this question."

Fang Fang scratched his head. Although he was surprised to see Gu Ning here, he said happily, "We had an accident, so we turned back."

Regarding this accident, Zhuang Chen also mentioned a few words in the car.

Gu Ning suddenly said to Zhuang Chen: "Zhuang Chen, can I spend a while alone with Fang Fang?"

Zhuang Chen said very wittily: "Of course." Then he turned around and walked out.

"Let me take a look at your wound first." Gu Ning was about to remove the cloth covering the wound on Fa's thigh.

Fang Fang pressed Gu Ning's hand and said, "Don't, don't, it's disgusting. You're not a doctor. What are you looking for?"

Gu Ning stared at him, then let go of the method honestly, lay back and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, look, look."

Gu Ning carefully lifted off the cloth covering Fafa's wound. The cloth was stuck together with the pus on Fafa's wound. When it was torn apart, Fafang's leg twitched. Finally, he spread the gauze, and the wound on his thigh was completely healed. exposed.

Fang Fang pursed his lips and said, "Look, I'll just say it's disgusting—"

Gu Ning looked at him and said seriously: "Method, no matter what happens next, I hope you can promise me not to tell anyone." Gu Ning paused and said, "Including Zhuang Chen." Although she Appreciate Zhuang Chen, but one day is not enough for her to fully trust, not to mention the relationship between Zhuang Chen and White Wolf is still unclear. She dared not take any chances.

Fang Fang didn't know what Gu Ning was talking about, so he nodded after being stunned for a moment.

Then Gu Ning raised his hand, placed it a little above the method's wound, and began to mobilize his abilities.

When those green light spots appeared in Gu Ning's palm and drilled towards his wound, Fa Fang couldn't help but widen his eyes in astonishment, subconsciously supported his body with his hands and prepared to retreat, and then was caught by Gu Ning's eyes. Stare back.

Gu Ning closed his eyes, focusing on manipulating the sea water in the green ocean in the space—

If you look closely, you will see that the water level of the green ocean is falling. Including when healed Cheng Ming Jia Daochang, a lot of powers were consumed. If Xiang Xu's powers were used to calculate, the powers would be exhausted when Cheng Ming was cured. In other words, Gu Ning opened up such a huge pool of abilities to support her to consume so many abilities in such a short period of time. For the total number of her abilities, it only consumed one or two tenths.

Fang Fang only felt a cool breath enter the wound, and then a very itchy feeling came from the wound. He restrained himself from scratching, but held his breath and looked at Gu Ning's palms without blinking. The green light spot, he wanted to ask Gu Ning what it was, but Gu Ning was closing his eyes and focusing on it at this time, afraid of interrupting her, he could only restrain his curiosity.


Gu Ning turned to him with his eyes closed, his expression focused. Her skin was a little pale, and she looked a little sick. She looked much healthier when she had black hair before. Fang Fang thought about it silently, and then continued to look at her. Her facial features are not big, but they seem to be just right. The right eyes, the right nose, and the right mouth... She won't be so beautiful that she feels offensive, and she won't be too ordinary to be perfect. Get lost in the crowd.

When I used to have black hair, I looked a lot more friendly, and I often communicated with him about some problems. After dyeing my hair blond, it seems that even my personality has changed a lot. When I don’t speak, I feel alienated, and my words are also cold and hard.

But it's very strange, I don't know if it's his illusion, it seems that Gu Ning's attitude towards him is much closer this time.

Of course he didn't know that Gu Ning's closeness to him was because of himself in another world.

Seeing that Gu Ning's eyelashes trembled slightly, Fang Fang became inexplicably panicked. He quickly looked away, and then naturally landed on the wound on his thigh. He opened his eyes wide in shock, seeing that he was intact. Wu Que's thighs were inexplicably horrified: "...this—"

Gu Ning wrapped the cloth around Fang Fang's thigh again, and said: "This is my ability. Heal." She still tied the cloth on Fang Fang's thigh, and then continued: "I need you to pretend Just had an operation. I'll be in trouble if too many people know about my ability."

Method's throat clenched. But do you trust me so much? He wanted to ask this question, but seeing Gu Ning's natural look, he felt that he didn't need to ask at all.

Gu Ning stood up and said: "If Zhuang Chen asks, just say that I have operated on you."

Fang Fang nodded in a daze, then suddenly came over and said, "I don't think I can hide it from her." He paused: "She is very smart."

Gu Ning said: "I didn't think I could hide it from her, as long as she didn't know the truth." Gu Ning didn't ask the parents of the method. Since they are not together, they must not have found it.

Method asked, "How are you doing?"

Gu Ning nodded without hesitation, and couldn't help showing a smile on his face: "I found my parents. Moreover, I met a lot of friends." When she smiled, the coldness and alienation on her face suddenly faded A lot, looks angry.

But for some reason, when Gu Ning said that he had met many friends, he felt a strange soreness in his heart.

"What about you?" Gu Ning suddenly asked, "Want to come with me?"

Fang Fang didn't react for a while: "Huh?"

"When we went outside this time, we encountered a very powerful mutated zombie." Gu Ning's face suddenly became serious: "This world is evolving at a speed we can't imagine, and it is becoming more and more dangerous. This is only three months , so what about three years later? If you want to survive, you must always be one step faster than this world. This means that we have to become stronger." Gu Ning said solemnly: "No matter how strong a person is, there is a limit , There are a lot of people with supernatural powers in our team. We are the first group of people to know and evolve, which means that we may be the group of people who are most likely to survive in the world. So the method, I now We solemnly invite you to join us."