The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 8: hit the road (repair)


Because he discussed the route to the capital with Lu Jiazi before, Gu Ning can basically determine the direction they are going. Although three days have passed, the road is not easy according to the current situation. They may not have traveled far. As long as you hurry up, you should be there soon. Thinking of the possible situation of his parents at this time, Gu Ning was already burning with anxiety.

After confirming some chores, Gu Ning and Fang Fang exchanged positions.

"Eat something first, then sleep. Come back for me in the middle of the night."

Fang Fang looked at Gu Ning in shock when he heard the words: "What do you mean? You won't tell me that you are going to drive at night, right? Gu Ning, what are you kidding?"

"I have to catch up with them as soon as possible." Gu Ning said and started the car.

"Gu Ning, I know you're worried about your parents, but it's really not safe to drive at night at this time. If one accidentally drives into a zombie nest, neither of us will have any bones left. Let's find a safer place first. Get some sleep, and we'll hurry on our way as soon as the sun breaks, we won't waste too much time." Fa Fang persuaded earnestly.

"How many zombies are following our car?" Gu Ning suddenly interrupted him.

"Ah?" Fang Fang couldn't react. He looked in the rearview mirror and saw that it was dark inside, so he said, "It's pitch black and there is no light. How can you see it?"

"I can see it." Gu Ning glanced at the rearview mirror and said, "There are about thirty or forty of them. The one running in the front is wearing a denim jacket."

Method found a flashlight from the car and opened the window to look at the back, then turned off the flashlight with a pale face, turned to Gu Ning and asked, "How did you see it?"

The words fell silent! Suddenly the car door was slammed by a zombie!

Fang Fang was taken aback, and when he turned his head, he was right in front of a zombie who was holding his hand on the car door! It turned out that he lowered the car window and forgot to close it just now, and this zombie just took advantage of it. Two hands that had begun to rot tightly closed the car door, and the hairs on his whole body stood on end. Holding a flashlight is right Let's stab that zombie in the face! But that zombie seemed to have made up its mind and refused to let go, allowing Fang Fang to smash it in the face with a flashlight, just holding on to the car window and refusing to let go!

This zombie seems to have been zombified for a long time, only one of the two eyeballs is hanging in the eye socket, the other eye is a black hole, the right side of the face is completely rotten, and it was smashed by Fang Fang with a flashlight , exuding a stench, and kept swinging his body to get into the car, opening his mouth to bite.

The method used too much force to smash the flashlight, accidentally the flashlight fell out of the car!

Fang Fang panicked! Seeing that zombie suddenly opened a big, foul-smelling mouth and came to bite! He can't care too much! He reached out and grabbed the zombie's head, desperately pushing it in the opposite direction! But although the zombie's walking speed is slow, its strength is frighteningly large, and the method can't hold him down at all! Seeing that the zombie's entire head was stuck into the car.

Even if he had killed a few zombies by some means, he couldn't help screaming in fright at this time!

Seeing this, Gu Ning quickly turned the steering wheel in his hand, the wheels made a piercing friction sound in the dark night, and then the car made a sharp turn in a sharp arc and threw the zombie out! It even hit and flew a few zombies following the car.

Fang Fang hurriedly raised the window of the car, and then collapsed on the seat, his head was covered with cold sweat, his face was as pale as paper, and he was speechless for a long time.

"Are you okay?" Gu Ning asked.

It took a long time for the method to recover and answer: "No, nothing." The voice and hands were still trembling slightly.

After a long time, Fang Fang finally said, "If you're going on a night trip, let's go on a night trip. Pick up your parents as soon as possible." He was obviously terrified by the zombie just now, and he couldn't imagine letting his parents face these horrible things. How difficult things will be.

Gu Ning nodded and said, "Okay. You go to bed first."

Fang Fang couldn't help but glance at Gu Ning, she just focused on the road ahead, feeling as if the thrill just now was just his hallucination, he suddenly asked: "Gu Ning, weren't you afraid just now? "

Gu Ning shook his head calmly.

Looking at Gu Ning's expression, it really doesn't look like he's pretending, and he can't help but feel ashamed when he thinks of how frightened he was just now.

Looking at Gu Ning's energetic appearance, he didn't refuse. He was really tired and sleepy after driving for a whole day. He was so frightened that he collapsed just now. After eating a bar of chocolate, he cherished two sips of water and fell asleep. The passenger seat wrapped his clothes tightly and fell asleep with his eyes closed, and soon there was a slight snoring sound.

After he fell asleep, Gu Ning directly turned off the headlights. Her current vision at night is the same as during the day even without any light source.

This is a relatively secluded place, there are not many zombies, only a small number of zombies wandering on the road, when they hear the sound of cars, they come here. Gu Ning's family does not have a car, and Gu's mother forced him to take the driver's license test, saying it would be convenient in the future . She has never touched a car since she finished her driver's license test a year ago.

But for some reason, she is very familiar with the steering wheel at this time.

She stepped on the accelerator hard and rushed straight towards the zombies in front of them who were trying to block the way!

bang bang bang!

Several collisions sounded!

The car also shook violently due to the impact.

Waking up the method who had just fallen asleep, he opened his eyes in a panic and asked, "What's wrong?!"

"It's okay. A few zombies were knocked into the air." Gu Ning said calmly, "Fasten your seat belt."

Fang Fang looked at Gu Ning's side face and felt speechless for a while. When we met last time, he admired her a little more because of her unusual calmness. Looking at it now, she was a little too calm.

He didn't know what happened to Gu Ning during the time they were separated, but for the present apocalypse, this change is undoubtedly a good one.

He didn't think about it any more, and closed his eyes again. He urgently needed to sleep now, so that he could replace Song Qing when she was tired.

This time, no matter how big the shock happened to the car, he could at least fall back into sleep the moment he was awakened.

Gu Ning was holding the steering wheel, and she herself felt the changes in herself, as if she had become very calm all of a sudden, and her thinking ability had also increased a lot, she seemed to be able to feel every thought in her mind, her thoughts were incomparable clear. Looking at those zombies staggering like evil spirits in the dark, there is no fear in my heart.

Not knowing what kind of changes will happen to her body, Gu Ning frowned, feeling a little heavy in his heart. But soon, Gu Ning was a little relieved, she had already died once, this time is like a prize in life, it was for nothing, not to mention the changes that have taken place in her body so far are all good of.

She exhaled a foul breath, and then concentrated on looking at the road ahead.

It was already daylight when Method woke up again.

He hurriedly sat up straight and looked at Gu Ning next to him: "Gu Ning, what time is it?"

Gu Ning held the steering wheel in his hand, his eyes kept scanning the buildings on both sides of the road, he looked energetic, and he didn't feel tired from driving all night. He glanced at the watch on his wrist after hearing Fa's question and said: " seven thirty."

"I've been asleep for so long? Why didn't you wake me up?!" Fang Fang's surprise disappeared immediately, and he was startled instead.

"I'm not sleepy, so I didn't wake you up." Gu Ning said as a matter of course, then turned the steering wheel and knocked a zombie that jumped up, and said to Fang Fa at the same time: "If you wake up, let's switch location, I need something to eat."

The zombies here are much denser, and the road is full of zombies wandering "in groups" in twos and threes.

"You didn't stop last night? You drove on the road all the time?" Fang Fang asked as he untied his seat belt.

"Yeah." Gu Ning drove the car to an open area, then opened the door and switched places with the method.

The whole process took less than ten seconds, and the shambling zombies drove out before they could get to the car.

"Pay attention to all the yellow minibuses on the road." Gu Ning took the backpack, found some chocolate and water from it, and started to eat.

Fang Fang saw that Gu Ning finished a bar of chocolate in two gulps, and poured down half a bottle of water in one gulp. He didn't mean to save at all. He kindly reminded: "Gu Ning, we don't have much supplies..."

Gu Ning stuffed the remaining bar of chocolate into her mouth, and she still didn't feel full, but she stopped restraintly, then looked at her watch, and said, "Find a safer place to stop. I Need to go to the bathroom."

Fang Fang froze for a moment, then said, "Okay."

The car stopped after nearly half an hour.

"You'd better hurry up." Fang Fang got out of the car, opened the door and looked around vigilantly, holding a knife in his hand, for fear that a zombie would jump out from somewhere.

"Give me five minutes." After speaking, Gu Ning quickly entered the alley at the corner ahead.

After making sure that there was no one around, Gu Ning closed his eyes.

When she opened her eyes again, she had already arrived at the mysterious space. When she walked to the door, Gu Ning glanced at the pointer subconsciously, and it still stopped at the place where she had dialed yesterday. Then she pressed the doorknob, and after a golden light flashed, she went stood in his room.

She adjusted her breathing. At eight o'clock, her parents should have gotten up to prepare breakfast by this time, and went out to say hello to them before going back.

She was about to push the door and go out, when suddenly, her hand holding the doorknob stopped.

She looked at the sunflower-shaped clock hanging on the wall in amazement.

The hour hand points to 3:00 in the morning, and the second hand is clicking forward.

Gu Ning quickly raised her wrist and glanced at the watch on her wrist, then she was completely stunned, the electronic watch on her wrist changed from eight o'clock to 3:00 in the morning.

What the hell is going on here? Why doesn't the time here match the time over there

Gu Ning cautiously opened the door and walked to the hall, then glanced at the wall clock on the wall—similarly, the electronic wall clock on the wall also showed 3:00 in the morning, and the red numbers flashed in the dark, matching Looking at Gu Ning's current mood, it seems particularly strange.

Gu Ning returned to his bedroom and sat on the bed, a little confused.

But at this moment, she had an intuition in her heart that the change of the world time on both sides should be related to the "Tai Chi" on the black door.

With a thought, she returned to that space.

She looked at the golden pointer that was shifted to the white side by her, and she had a very mysterious feeling in her heart. The change in the time of the two worlds should be caused by her moving this pointer.

Ten hours have passed from ten o'clock to eight o'clock in the morning at the end of the world, but only five hours have passed here.

So, based on this inference, the time here is slower than the end of the world, almost double the time, maybe two days in the end of the world and only one day in the peaceful world? ... On the contrary, if the pointer is shifted to the black side, will it be the other way around

Thinking of this, Gu Ning first glanced at the time on his wrist. 3:05.

She stretched out her hand to move the golden pointer to the white side, but she tried a few times and found that the pointer stopped there and couldn't move. Gu Ning thought about it, and then turned the pointer back. If you find it, you can move it, and then dial it to the white side, but you can only dial it in the direction you dialed last time.

Gu Ning looked at the Tai Chi compass and thought about it, but he still couldn't figure out what was going on, so he could only let the pointer continue to stop where he started to fiddle with.

Then press the doorknob again.

As soon as I got back to that blind spot, I heard Fazi shouting anxiously: "Gu Ning! Gu Ning, are you still there? Can you answer first? If you don't say no, I'll pass by? I really passed..."

Before the words fell, Gu Ning walked out.

Seeing Gu Ning walking out, Fang Fang breathed a sigh of relief first, and then complained: "It's been five minutes since you said it, and it's been more than ten minutes. Then I told you to keep responding, I thought you encountered something something happened."

Gu Ning raised his hand and saw that it was the time here again, the time was 8:15. It seems that next time you go in, you should adjust the Tai Chi time as soon as possible.

"Sorry, my stomach is not feeling well." Gu Ning apologized.

"It's okay. It's just that if I call you next time, you'd better answer, otherwise I'm worried... After all, the situation is different now." Fang Fang opened the door of the main driver's seat and got in first.

Gu Ning glanced at the corpse of a male zombie lying on the ground. There was a big hole in his head, which should have been solved by a method just now. Gu Ning walked around and opened the car door and sat in.