The Door to Rebirth in Apocalypse

Chapter 82: crawler


However, at the same time Zhang Xiaobai's voice fell to the ground, Xiang Yi, who was standing on the far side, looked at the top of the elevator door and his face changed suddenly: "What?!"

Everyone looked towards the elevator suddenly, but saw nothing, and then the elevator closed completely in front of their eyes.

Zhang Xiaobai was so frightened by Xiang Yi's sound, he patted his chest and said, "Xiang Yi, what are you crazy about, you have nothing!"

Gu Ning asked Xiang Yi, "What did you see?"

"I don't know either." Xiang Yi still had lingering fears, his face turned pale: "I don't know what it was, it jumped out of the elevator and disappeared in a flash." He pointed to the ceiling above the corridor leading to the other side and said : "Run over there, very fast!"

Zhang Xiaobai said: "How is it possible, so many pairs of eyes didn't see it, but you saw it? Could it be dizziness?"

Gu Ning ignored Zhang Xiaobai's words, but walked to the elevator and looked above the elevator door, where he could see a thin layer of transparent traces like water, winding all the way towards Xiang Yi's finger. Extending in that direction, this should be the trace left by the thing that got out of the elevator that Xiang Yi said. She listened attentively and heard something in the elevator just now, but only Xiang Yi saw it among so many people here, which shows how fast it is.

She turned her head to look at everyone and said in a deep voice, "Everyone, be careful." She looked up at the ceiling: "There may be mutant zombies."

Everyone would doubt what Xiang Yi said, but few people would doubt what Gu Ning said.

Everyone was shocked. The faces of those who had dealt with the mutated zombies last time changed. Huang Mengyao was not there last time, but seeing the changes in the faces of other people, he knew that the mutated zombies were terrible.

Jia Daochang recalled that the tentacle sucker that the mutated zombie slapped on his chest last time was still a little disgusting, rubbed the chest that was sucked last time, and said: "I won't follow the tentacle sucker monster last time." It’s the same disgusting, right?” Looking around, he said anxiously: “This place is very dark, let’s stop wasting time, take the things and leave quickly.”

The third brother also said: "Let's move faster and don't wait too long. I also feel something is wrong."

Everyone agreed, no longer wasting time, and hurried towards the direction of the pharmacy.

Seeing that there was nothing unusual about the spiritual power he radiated, Xiang Xu took it back and opened a big net to cover everyone in it.

The aisle is full of wreckage and severed limbs, and it is rare to see complete corpses. Those bite marks are a bit shocking, lying in a mess in the aisle, which has caused a great impact on people's eyes and psychology. , even Gu Ning just looked straight ahead and didn't dare to take a closer look, Huang Mengyao's face turned pale, but she stopped screaming and followed Cheng Ming closely. Carefully avoid those corpses that you may touch.

The scale of the pharmacy is very large, and the situation inside can be seen from the glass windows. It should be that there was a fierce struggle, and the shelves inside were all crooked. The door was wide open, and there was a corpse of a zombie lying at the front door, the back of the head was smashed to pieces by some blunt object.

The third brother dragged the zombie's body and threw it into the aisle without saying a word, then stopped everyone who was about to go in and said, "I'll go in with Gu Ning, Zhang Xiaobai and Cheng Ming, you are all outside, if something happens response."

Gu Ning nodded: "The third brother is right." Then he stepped on the blood on the ground and walked in.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw two female corpses in white coats crouching under the table by the window, both of them crawling towards the door. On the ground are various medicines that have fallen from the shelves.

The shelves are more than two meters high, and people in the pharmacy use a small ladder to get their medicines, so they can't see what's inside.

Zhang Xiaobai urged excitedly: "A lot of medicines! Gu Ning, use your space to put away all these medicines."

Gu Ning nodded and took all the shelves in the first row into space with a wave of his hand, then walked to the second row, third row, fourth row... In less than a minute, Gu Ning had already collected all the medicines in the pharmacy. She put it away, including the ones that fell on the ground and the warehouse behind, and she didn't let go.

After looting the pharmacy, the four of them exited the pharmacy, and then the group continued to walk inside, opening the doors of every room along the way, and then received all the things that could be used into the space. Gu Ning and the others broke into an operating room, and there was actually a messy corpse lying on the operating table that had been gnawed open. The situation was terrible, so Xiang Yi pulled Xiang Xu out.

Gu Ning silently received those instruments into the space.

Then they all backed down the aisle.

The third brother glanced at the corridor next to him, and then asked, "Are you still going up?"

Gu Ning estimated the things in his space, and since he stepped into this hospital, he has been feeling very uneasy, and said: "Forget it above. Go back."

Everyone heaved a sigh of relief when they heard Gu Ning say this. Obviously, everyone was overshadowed by the thing Xiang Yi saw coming out of the elevator, and they only hoped to leave early.

Zhang Xiaobai walked at the end and followed everyone forward.

At this moment, a drop of liquid dripped from the ceiling and landed on the top of Zhang Xiaobai's head accurately. He stopped and touched the top of his head wonderingly. He felt the slippery mucus. He raised his head subconsciously—

A wet and cold thing strangled Zhang Xiaobai's throat the moment he screamed, and the pointed tip was inserted directly into his throat, blocking his voice! Zhang Xiaobai opened his eyes wide in horror and stared at the people in front who were walking forward unconsciously. He wanted to make a sound but it was difficult to even open his mouth. His stomach twitched and he wanted to vomit. He was stung by something suddenly on his tongue, his whole body felt numb and weak, and he couldn't even move his fingers, but his consciousness was extremely clear, and he could feel the tension clearly. The cold, slippery snake-like thing wrapped around his neck tightened for a moment, and then he was dragged back by the "tail" protruding from somewhere on the mutant zombie's body...

Turn back! Take a quick look back! ! ! His eyeballs burst into red bloodshot eyes, he stared at the team that kept walking forward, and shouted desperately in his heart! He hoped that someone would look back at this time, but he could only watch Gu Ning and the others get farther and farther away from him. The thing wrapped around his neck became tighter and tighter, as if he wanted to strangle him to death. When half of his body was dragged up the stairs, Zhang Xiaobai was in despair!

However, at this moment! Gu Ning, who had been walking in front, suddenly felt something was wrong, Zhang Xiaobai was always the one who talked the most, why didn't he say a word after walking for so long? An ominous premonition suddenly rose in her heart, she suddenly stopped and took a look behind, that's it! Gu Ning happened to see Zhang Xiaobai's feet disappearing at the top of the stairs!

Gu Ning suddenly turned pale with shock, and shouted: "Not good!"

Gu Ning's voice is simply shocking in this oppressive atmosphere! Before the others could react, Gu Ning had already turned around and chased towards the stairs holding the knife! At the same time, he shouted at Method in the team: "Method! Go save Zhang Xiaobai!"

The ability of the method is the ability of speed. Hearing Gu Ning's shout at this time, he didn't have time to see if Zhang Xiaobai was gone. He quickly mobilized the ability, and his body rushed out like an arrow off the string!

The reaction of others is also extremely fast! All of a sudden, they found that there was one person missing in the team, and they were shocked when they heard Gu Ning's words, and they all turned around and ran back!

Although Gu Ning has no speed ability, but because of the system, his speed is extremely fast! Upstairs is also three steps and one step, and the two of them chased after him immediately!

The mutated zombie dragged a long "tail", the end of the tail was firmly wrapped around Zhang Xiaobai's neck, and his hands and feet were firmly sucked to the ceiling like a gecko. Swimming fast on the ceiling, its whole body, including its face, was covered with a layer of transparent mucus, leaving traces of the mucus where it crawled—

Gu Ninghe's method is to track this trace. The speed of this mutant zombie is very fast, but there is a person dragging on the "tail", which still affects the speed, but he is reluctant to get it so hard. Prey, refusing to let go. It had only fled to the third floor when it was caught up by Fang Fang, who was chasing after him. Fang Fang saw that Zhang Xiaobai's neck was tightly bound, his face was flushed red, and his eyes were about to burst out. It looked very frightening! Fang Fang was startled at first, then increased his speed again, clenched the knife in his hand and rushed over there, wanting to save Zhang Xiaobai from the mutated zombie first, without even looking at how terrifying the mutated zombie looked !

As a speed user, Fang Fang rushed to Zhang Xiaobai in the blink of an eye without any hesitation! Just raise the knife and chop! The mutated zombie didn't seem to think of a way so fast, and this time it didn't have time to dodge, and it hit its "tail" with a knife! The mutated zombie let out a hiss of pain! However, the knife in the method was just a small cut in the "tail" of the mutated zombie! Couldn't cut it off at all!

That mutated zombie was in pain! Hissing! Get mad, and then directly swing Zhang Xiaobai's "tail" vigorously! Then with a strong flick, Zhang Xiaobai was thrown to the wall on one side! Zhang Xiaobai was entangled by the tail and hit the wall heavily, then fell to the ground, clutching his neck and curling up, panting violently!

As soon as Zhang Xiaobai shook off the "tail", he waved it towards Fang Fang! The "tail" was extremely sensitive after getting rid of Zhang Xiaobai's revenge! And it's extremely fast! Directly rolled towards the method! Fang Fang's heart shuddered, seeing the speed at which the tail swung, it was too late to avoid it, so he could only grit his teeth and raise his knife to meet it!

Although Zhang Xiaobai was in severe pain, he thought that he was stabbed by the thorn on the tail of the mutated zombie, and then he was paralyzed. It's just that the more anxious he was, the more he coughed in his mouth. He was so angry and anxious that his face was flushed and he almost couldn't breathe!

That tail looks like it has eyes! And he was not afraid of the blade in Fafang's hand at all, he just rolled and drew the knife in Fafang's hand away, then threw it aside, and then drew towards him again! Fang Fang's sharp eyes saw the abnormality of the tip of the tail, and he was afraid that there was something weird about it. He suddenly felt like an enemy. He didn't have a knife in his hand, and he didn't dare to catch it with his hands directly, so he could only retreat quickly! Fortunately, he has a speed ability. In this situation, an ordinary person would never be able to avoid it, but he abruptly backed up three or four meters in an instant with his speed ability! The tail was drawn directly to the wall, making a loud bang! It's just heart-wrenching!

Seeing that the blow missed, the mutated zombie quickly walked over along the ceiling and the walls on both sides. It had no burden at this time, and its speed was astonishingly fast, and it quickly approached the method! Only then did he see the face of the mutated zombie clearly, but the whole face was covered in a layer of mucus, the left face was festered, but the right face was intact, both eyes were closed tightly, it looked like It's weird and disgusting, and I don't know what it uses to capture the position of people, and it's so accurate! It's too late for the method to think too much, knowing that Gu Ning and the others are desperately rushing here, all he has to do now is delay time.

So he took advantage of his speed ability and started running desperately between the hall and the aisle!

However, the speed of the unshackled mutant zombie was no slower than him! What's even more frightening is that Method can only run on the ground, but it can swim on the ceiling and walls. When Method escapes to the end of the aisle, there is no way to go. Just when Method is about to run back, the mutated bird The zombie fell from the ceiling to the ground with a snap, directly blocking the way to turn around!

It seemed that Fafang had nowhere to escape, its movements slowed down, dragging its long tail and lying on the ground like a gecko, approaching Fafang, its tail turned upside down in an arc, Like a scorpion holding the spikes on its tail, as long as there is a slight change in the method, the tail will stab at the method without hesitation!

Fang Fang looked at its mucus-wrapped face from a quiet distance, feeling like he was suffocating. He looked back and saw that the window behind him was open. If he fell from the third floor, he wouldn't die, right? While thinking of this, he also thought about why Gu Ning and the others came so slowly? !

The method is not known, Gu Ning and the others are in a more dangerous situation than him at this time!

Xiang Yi and Xiang Xu were surrounded by Gu Ning's third brother Jia Daochang and others. He tightly held the knife in his hand, and even his voice trembled uncontrollably: "This... what the hell is this? Something..." He looked in horror at at least four or five extremely disgusting mutated zombies on the ceiling with long "tails" wrapped in mucus, swimming upside down on the ceiling from all sides, slowly approaching here Already...