The Dragon

Chapter 108: (build)


Gu Fuyou returned to the Thirty-Third Heaven. Within a day or two, Feng Sui and Xiao Zhongting returned from outside.

The two men led the monks to eliminate the Zuo family's forces in Nanzhou, but the result was not perfect. Although many people were captured, some Zuo family monks still escaped to the other three continents.

If he took the cultivators into the other three continents, he was afraid of conflict with the immortal sect forces, so he turned back.

Gu Fuyou met the two people on the Zhuling Broken Platform. There were really not many suitable places to talk in Lihentian.

Xiao Zhongting said, "Those cultivators are nothing to be afraid of. They won't amount to anything. The only thing that worries us is Xu Ling Zong's pharmacist Du Pan, whose whereabouts are still unknown. Wan Yao Pavilion used to have close ties with Xu Ling Zong, and a lot of Zuo family forces have mixed in. According to the information provided by Miss Simiao, half of the resources and manpower in Wan Yao Pavilion have disappeared. I don't know if it has anything to do with Du Pan. If Du Pan still supports the Zuo family, hiding his strength and waiting for a comeback, we have to be on guard."

Panacea has always been the greatest help to cultivators in their practice, at least those below the Cave Void Stage can benefit from it.

Wanyao Pavilion and Xu Ling Sect benefited each other. Xu Ling Sect obtained the elixir from Wanyao Pavilion for cultivation, and Wanyao Pavilion had the essence of all the spiritual herbs and objects in Nanzhou.

Wanyao Pavilion has a history of ten thousand years and its strength should not be underestimated.

This strength does not refer to military force, but its resources. Thousands of elixirs can lay a solid foundation for any sect.

Du Pan used this opportunity to rebuild his power and hide in the dark. In a thousand years, he might be able to build a force that could rival the Xuanmiao Sect.

Gu Fuyou did not have a long-term vision. She did not care about the battles, revenges, or who occupied Nanzhou a thousand years later.

All she wanted was to kill Du Pan and make the Zuo family's power disappear like smoke.

Gu Fuyou asked, "Where can he hide?"

Xiao Zhongting said: "I'm afraid it's in the other three continents, or even... maybe in Zhongzhou or the Four Seas..."

Xiao Zhongting glanced at Gu Fuyou's face and advised: "The three sects are not soft persimmons. We want to find someone, and we can't use force. Although we defeated the Zuo family, we are also seriously injured. It is not appropriate to make enemies with others now, sir..."

Gu Fuyou asked, "Do you mean to sneak into Sanzhou and arrest them secretly? Arresting them openly is already difficult. We have spent so much time and asked some members of the Zuo family to hide in the dark. Now we are going to someone else's territory and have to act secretly. Who knows when we will catch these people?"

Mr. Zhai said, "General Xiao is right. The Zuo family is doomed. There is no need to rush to capture the remnants. After all, they cannot rebuild a Thirty-Three Heavens in such a short time. More haste makes waste. When you were waiting for an opportunity to get close to the Zuo family, you also lay dormant for several years before taking action. There is no need to rush now. You have time. If one or two years doesn't work, you can afford to spend ten or twenty years."

A few people were talking when Sixteen hurried in, bowed, and presented an invitation.

At Gu Fuyou's suggestion, Mr. Zhai took it, flipped it open, and read, "Immortal Sect Grand Gathering?"

Gu Fuyou sneered when he heard these four words.

The Immortal Sect Grand Event is the day when the leaders of the four immortal sects gather together. It is said that they discuss the current situation of the immortal world and decide the future direction of the immortal path. It is an event that urges the immortal world to become more prosperous and colorful.

Whether or not the world of immortal cultivation has been urged to become more prosperous and colorful, Gu Fuyou is unaware of this.

She was lucky enough to participate in a grand meeting of the immortals, which was held for her on this Zhuling Broken Platform. The ending was that she was in excruciating pain and her body disappeared.

Xiao Zhongting asked: "Who sent it?"

Mr. Zhai read it once and said, "Li Mingjing. Please invite the helmsman of Nanzhou to come."

Xiao Zhongting frowned and said, "It's the leader of the Biluo Sect. The Biluo Sect is married to the Xuling Sect and has a close relationship with it."

Mr. Zhai waved his folding fan, held the invitation in one hand, and handed it to Gu Fuyou: "Not long after the Zuo family fell, they held a grand event. It seems like it was specially prepared for us."

Xiao Zhongting said: "Nanzhou is not independent of the five continents and four seas. Your Excellency is in charge of Nanzhou, and sooner or later she will have to contact the other three continents. This grand event is an opportunity for people to get to know her..."

Gu Fuyou interrupted, "In charge of Nanzhou? When did I take charge of Nanzhou?" Except for Xiaoyao City and the Thirty-Three Heavens, all other cities were not under her jurisdiction.

Xiao Zhongting was startled: "You occupy the thirty-third heaven..."

"Ah." Gu Fuyou responded with enlightenment and turned to look at the sect leader's throne on the steps. The steps were so high that he could look down on everyone by standing on them.

Over the years, the Thirty-Three Heavens has become a symbol above Nanzhou, a symbol of power.

Just like the rebels in ancient times, they overthrew the old master, occupied the palace, and seemed to have become the new emperor.

Gu Fuyou said, "But the Thirty-Three Heavens are now scorched earth. Well... at least half of them have turned to ashes. If any of you want them, you can take them."

She stayed here only because she was obsessed with locking up the people of the Zuo family in the dungeon and executing them here.

Her thoughts were frozen, and she was afraid that if she left, Zhong Michu wouldn't be able to find her.

Xiao Zhongting said, "That's not what I meant. You defeated the Zuo family, and you are the most convincing. You are the person in charge of Nanzhou, and those noble families have no objection."

Gu Fuyou smiled and said, "Once you defeat the old master, you will be the new master. Do you want a master so much?" Her tone was slightly sarcastic.

Xiao Zhongting said sternly, "In Nanzhou, the Zuo family is the only one that is strong, and the other families can only survive by relying on them. They have been weak for many years, and you know it best. What will happen if you let them go now? With the three sects still existing, the four continents today are the Nanzhou of the past, the three sects are the Zuo family, and our Nanzhou is the major families. But we have changed the stage, and we are still surviving in the cracks."

"If there is no one in charge in Nanzhou, it will be easy for the other three continents to reach out to Nanzhou. They are not as strong as them, so they will be at the mercy of others. Who knows whether they will grow stronger first, or whether Nanzhou will be devoured by the three sects first."

"They are not stupid. You are powerful enough to resist the three sects and are on good terms with the Dragon King. They serve you as their master and are asking for your protection."

Gu Fuyou asked, "Aren't they afraid that I'm the same as the people from the Zuo family?"

Xiao Zhongting said nothing. Gu Fuyou looked at his expression, understood, and said with a smile: "They trust you, General Xiao."

Xiao Zhongting said solemnly: "And I trust you. I know you are different from the people of the Zuo family."

This kind of straightforward trust made Gu Fuyou feel depressed.

As if he knew her very well, she felt that Xiao Zhongting might have thought too highly of her.

If it were before, what others thought of her would have nothing to do with her. She just came for revenge. After she was done, even if the sky fell, it would have nothing to do with her.

The first time.

Because of her, she now cares so much about what others think.

Gu Fuyou touched the invitation, which was gold-stamped and had a smooth surface.

Her thoughts drifted away.

—Don’t you want to turn the entire Nanzhou into the former Xiaoyao City

Gu Fuyou tilted her head and sighed helplessly. She admitted that she had thought about it a little bit in her heart, but because Zhong Michu said it out loud, she felt unconvinced: "Okay, I'm the helmsman."

"Let's go to this Hongmen Banquet in two days."

Feng Sui said: "I'll make the arrangements."

Naturally, we need to bring more people. Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the timing of this invitation is too good and the intention is not pure.

If the other three sects just want to meet people, these human rights officials are just trying to show their power. If the three sects have other intentions, they are not so easy to bully.

Gu Fuyou raised his eyes lazily: "No need, I'll go alone."

Xiao Zhongting said: "I don't know what they mean yet. Bring some people with you to be prepared, especially since this event is arranged by the Biluo Sect..."

Gu Fuyou raised his hand, nonchalantly: "No matter how they plot, they can only take my life. There is no cultivator above the Mahayana level in the three sects, so they can't do anything to me. I can't beat them, but I can escape. It would be inconvenient if there were too many people."

Gu Fuyou said to Xiao Zhongting: "I have another task for you."

Gu Fuyou paused for a moment. Feng Sui and Xiao Zhongting both looked at her.

Gu Fuyou was seen pacing back and forth, looking irritable, as if he couldn't make up his mind and was troubled by what he was about to say.

Finally, Gu Fuyou stopped and turned his back to the two of them. After a while, he said, "You, go and investigate the details of the Zuo family's captives."

Xiao Zhongting asked, "What are the details of those captives?"

Gu Fuyou turned around, frowned, and looked angry: "Don't you understand? What have they done in their lives? What kind of virtues are they? There are so many noble families who have served the Zuo family for many years. I think they must know them best. It's not difficult to find out these."

"Why are you checking these?"

Gu Fuyou’s eyes sank.

Xiao Zhongting knew that he shouldn't ask any further questions because Gu Fuyou's emotions were changing too quickly. But the good thing was that they were all shown on his face and were easy to detect.

He and Feng Sui received the order and withdrew.

Mr. Zhai looked at her and smiled without saying anything.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"Since you have decided to do this, why bother to make such a fuss with Miss Zhong?"

"What decision?" Gu Fuyou's scarlet eyes slid over.

She would never be able to forgive the Zuo family. Torturing Zuo Yuezhi and others made her happy, but before she was satisfied, Zuo Yuezhi and others died.

How can that emptiness be filled? The deep pit of hatred dug by the Zuo family must be filled with the blood of the Zuo family members.

However, facing those unfamiliar faces, even if I cut them into pieces, the satisfaction I got was too shallow, like scratching an itch through a shoe, and instead an inexplicable weight was pressed on my heart, making it hard to breathe. This is like drinking poison to quench thirst.

After killing all the members of the Zuo family, what should I do? My desires are expanding too quickly. How can I fill the hatred that has not yet been eliminated? How can I remove the heavy stone in my heart

Maybe I should be like Si Miao, let go of everything and chase after my brothers cleanly and neatly.

But after all, she is not Si Miao. She is different from Si Miao and cannot be so cool.

She had come to this point and felt unwilling to accept it. She was the only one left in the Gu family. When she left, the past seemed to have really disappeared like smoke. The Gu family was completely destroyed by the Zuo family. Nothing was left. It was just a tragedy that both sides suffered losses.

She was reluctant to do so. She instinctively felt that she still had a lot of things to do in her heart, but she didn't dare to think about it too much.

There are many people around her, Yi'er, Ah Fu, and Zhong Michu...

She gritted her teeth, ah, she shouldn't have provoked her in the first place, shouldn't have kept her, there would be endless troubles.

"What do you want to do with those people's backgrounds? You don't just want to see the glorious history of the Zuo family, do you?"

Gu Fuyou remained silent. She thought that she might be leaving a way out.

She is still unclear about how to do it.

It's just possible, just maybe - maybe there would be another way that would make him feel better than killing all the members of the Zuo family, and would give him peace and make him feel less heavy-hearted.

But that was unknown, and she didn't know what the outcome would be. Perhaps it would be more cruel than killing them. She would not be so stupid as to agree to such an uncertain thing with Zhong Michu. If the outcome was not as Zhong Michu expected, it would only make her more disappointed.

It would be better to let her think that she has become a cruel and bloodthirsty person.

Zhong Mi Chu, Zhong Mi Chu.

Gu Fuyou said: "I will never do what she wants!"

"She understands. She knows everything. She knows what I want to hear. She knows I will be angry, but she still wants to say it!"

Gu Fuyou said viciously: "We should just sew her mouth shut, and everything will be fine."

Mr. Zhai smiled and said, “But you are reluctant to give it up.”

Gu Fuyou gave her a sidelong glance.

Mr. Zhai smiled, put his folding fan to his lips, looked up at the sky, and chanted: "If you love someone, you want him to live; if you hate someone, you want him to die."

Gu Fuyou pursed his lips and said in a muffled voice: "I have a lot of things to do now. I have to manage the entire South Continent. I have to attend the Immortal Gate Gala, and I have to go now! I don't want to think about her."

That person made her too distressed. If she didn't think about him, she would always be calm for a while.