The Dragon

Chapter 128


After I dressed up and went out, I found people waiting outside. They were all slaves with higher ranks, such as Fengsui who was always on hand, and Shiliu who rarely showed up. These dozen or so people were the most prestigious among the slaves and could command the support of hundreds of people.

There were thousands of slaves, and it was impossible for Gu Fuyou to manage them all. Normal orders were always passed down through these dozen people. They could be said to be the bridge between Gu Fuyou and the slaves.

The last time a dozen people gathered together was when they fought on the 33rd Heaven. This time, seeing so many people, they thought something big had happened. They didn't get any news, so they all looked to Feng Sui, Lao Qi and Er San to inquire. Usually, these three people knew the most about anything.

Feng Sui had the aura of a leader. He raised his chin. Although he was smiling, he looked quite serious in the eyes of everyone. "What? Are you scared?"

The slaves in the past would never dare to ask so many questions. They always pointed east and said east, pointed west and said west, and never dared to ask more questions.

Everyone pushed Sixteen forward. Sixteen touched his head and said with a smile, "Brother Feng, that's not true. It's just that we have been used to a comfortable life these days and the brothers are a little lazy. If there is really something important, it would be better to let them practice in advance, so as not to lose the essence at the critical moment and delay the adults' work."

But they were not used to a comfortable life. There were no trainers, no forced orders, and no slave owners who treated them like wild beasts and made them fight each other. Gu Fuyou "let them run free". The days in the Thirty-Three Heavens were just a dream for them before. It was unimaginable, as if they were soaked in wine and their bones were drunk and soft.

The seventh brother said, "No matter how serious it is, it will only be a war with the East and West continents. We will just do whatever the adults tell us to do."

As they were talking, they saw Gu Fuyou coming out, and everyone called out, "Sir."

Then, they saw Zhong Michu following behind them, and they were not surprised. They all knew that Zhong Michu had lived in the Thirty-third Heaven these days. They also knew that Gu Fuyou and Zhong Michu were inseparable, so they were not surprised and called out again, "Your Majesty."

Only Feng Sui saw the two of them and could not control the tangled expression on his face and the inquiring gaze. Finally, he looked away silently, "..."

Everyone thought that a great battle was about to begin, so they stood up straight with solemn expressions, waiting for Gu Fuyou to speak.

Gu Fuyou looked sleepy, his eyes half-open, as if he had not woken up yet. "I called you here to ask you something..." He paused for a while.

Feng Sui said, "Master is worried about the issues in the East and West Continents." Although he knew that Zhong Michu had gone to plead for him, he was not sure how the discussion went and thought that they failed to reach an agreement.

As soon as Feng Sui finished speaking, the crowd was indignant. "Don't worry, sir. We are not afraid of the ungrateful people coming. Even if we bleed to death and our bones are broken, we will win back your dignity!"

"Yes, if you want to fight, then fight. I am willing to be the vanguard!"

Gu Fuyou rubbed his brows, stretched out his hand to signal them to stop, and said: "I want to cancel the slave contracts on you. Where are you willing to untie the contract?"

As soon as the words fell, there was silence.

Everyone looked at each other, as if trying to verify the meaning of what they had just heard, but they all saw expressions of surprise on each other's faces.

Gu Fuyou saw that there was no reaction at all and looked over in confusion, "Huh?"

Feng Sui felt his throat itchy and his voice was hoarse, "Master, what do you mean by this..."

Gu Fuyou thought, was it because he didn't explain it clearly enough? "After you break the slave contract, you will be no different from ordinary people. No one can force you to do anything. You can go wherever you want. The five continents and four seas are all your worlds. You can travel freely."

The immediate reaction of the crowd was confusion and hesitation. This should have been the lifelong dream of all slaves, no, they didn't even dare to dream about it.

They have a history of thousands of years, and have not been rescued from water and fire for thousands of years. Perhaps there are a few lucky ones who meet kind-hearted people who do not treat them as slaves, but the mark on their backs has not been removed, and they are still slaves in essence.

Slaves are so useful. People's hearts are fickle and the most difficult to control. No one can guarantee that the people around them will always be loyal, but slaves will. As long as the contract is there, they will obey absolutely. Even if you are cultivating Qi and he is cultivating spirit, he cannot disobey your orders.

Gu Fuyou has thousands of slaves, some of whom have cultivation levels like Fengsui, some like Laoqi, who has already reached the level of Dongxu, and some like Ershisan, who has not yet grown up but has unlimited talent. This is a huge fortune. As long as the contract is there, this group of people who can move mountains and fill the sea can go to heaven and earth for her, can sacrifice their lives for a word from her, and serve her all their lives.

No one is willing to give up.

Even if we make this shocking assumption, Gu Fuyou is willing to give up. In the past thousands of years, no one has ever deciphered the slave contract, and I'm afraid even the Zuo family doesn't know how to decipher it.

That is why when people hear this, they are confused. Although they hear the whole sentence, they do not understand its meaning.

Gu Fuyou saw that everyone still had expressions of disbelief on their faces, and perhaps she felt the same way and felt a little distressed. When she was branded with this contract, it was like the end of the world for her. So when she woke up and got the complete copy of Qimen, the first thing she did was to unravel the mystery of this slave contract.

Perhaps she is really the nemesis of the Zuo family, and was branded with a contract, so that she has a deep understanding of this thing.

Gu Fuyou softened his voice and said to Lao Qi and Liu Niang, "You don't want to break the contract? You don't want your children to be bullied in the future just because their parents are slaves."

This sentence made Liu Niang's eyes red, and she leaned on Lao Qi's arms. Their daughter was already born. The descendants of slaves would also be branded with a slave contract. When the child was born, the two were sad for a while.

Parents who love their children will plan for them in the long run.

I am a slave, I cannot change, I am even used to it, but looking at my lovely daughter in my arms, who has to be under the control of others for the rest of her life just after she was born, I feel so distressed that I shed tears. The only consolation is that my master is Gu Fuyou, who will not suffer the same pain as they did when they were young.

Now Gu Fuyou has no intention of branding their daughter with a slave contract, and even wants to release their contract. His heart is in turmoil, so how can he not be looking forward to it.

It’s just that the dream is too beautiful, too sweet, and too unreal.

Gu Fuyou looked at Feng Sui and said with a smile: "The condition I asked you to become my disciple was to teach you how to resolve the slave contract. There are too many things to do, and you didn't even mention it until now."

Feng Sui lowered his head and smiled bitterly. It's not that he didn't remember it. First, there were so many things in between. Second, he didn't believe that Gu Fuyou would let go of the slave. Gu Fuyou thought that people in the world were lenient enough towards slaves. He didn't want to fall out with Gu Fuyou over this matter, so he kept it on hold, wanting to find a good time, think of a good excuse, and then talk to her.

Gu Fuyou did not let him down.

Gu Fuyou looked at everyone and asked, "Don't you want to walk out with dignity, hold your head high, and be respected?"

Everyone held their breath. If it were before, they would not dare to think about it. But in the thirty-third heaven, they were free and wanted more.

It's not that they didn't see it. Except for Xiao Zhongting, the heads of the noble families all had contempt in their eyes. Everyone truly felt inferior.

They were indeed inferior to others, and would not have cared about such things. Perhaps because they had been following Gu Fuyou for a long time, they had developed some evil and unruly temperaments, and only obeyed Gu Fuyou, and even disobeyed those family masters, and did not want to belittle themselves.

I don't want to be treated like a servant and looked down upon by people after I go out.

Gradually, they believed that Gu Fuyou was serious about breaking the slave contract.

Their hearts were beating fast and the blood was flowing violently, making their limbs itchy to the bone marrow. They could not stand steadily, and they kept swallowing and clenching their fists, but felt their hands go weak.

Sixteen's eyes were hot, and he asked stutteringly: "Then what should we do after we cancel the contract?"

Gu Fuyou said: "You can do whatever you want."

Others couldn't wait, "Will the mark on my back be removed?"

"You will be no different from ordinary people in the future?"

"Sir, can you marry an ordinary woman?"

These people were busy and eager, enthusiastic and excited, asking obvious questions, like students being sent out for a spring outing by their teacher for the first time.

It is a group of people who are curious about and looking forward to a new world. "Sir, sir, can we take a kite with us when we go for an outing?"

These dozen people spread the news, and the slaves' emotions changed from doubt and confusion to ecstasy and finally to nervousness.

They were slaves for as short as ten years and as long as a hundred years. They were confused and frightened to change their identities and gain complete freedom and a new life.

It was really chaotic for a while, and finally they chose Bailu City as the place where everyone would untie the contract.

Bailu City has a special meaning to all slaves. Once they are shackled here, they will be reborn from this cage and fly high.

During this period, Zhong Michu had entrusted Qingzhe to convey to the Xianzong that he wanted to exchange Du Pan for Gu Fuyou's release power. Li Mingjing spoke ambiguously for a while, but finally agreed.

When they went to capture Du Pan, Yuan Shan, who had been dressed up, quietly descended on the East and West continents. The East and West continents became lively, and the two sects had no time to take care of other things. By the time they recovered, the fact that Gu Fuyou had released slaves in Bailu City had already been known to the world. This is a story for later.

On this day, all the slaves migrated eastward and gathered in Bailu City. Since they left Bailu City, the empty city has never been as lively as it is today.

The crowd went to the East Square. The maple leaves outside the city were still blooming, as if their hearts were burning. Some slaves were so nervous that their hands and feet were numb and they kept talking to their colleagues. Some slaves were so nervous that they couldn't utter a word.

Apart from these slaves, Gu Fuyou only brought Zhong Michu and Mr. Zhai.

After the collapse of the East Square, it was very spacious and could accommodate all the slaves. There was an open space in the center of the square, where Gu Fuyou stood, surrounded by the slaves.

Ms. Zhai held the thick list in one hand and raised a folding fan to block the sunlight with the other. She asked, "Can she bear it if Gu Fuyou releases all the slave contracts at once?"

Zhong Michu stood beside her, pretending not to hear anything. She stood tall and looked at Gu Fuyou quietly.

When the slaves came, they spoke in low voices. There were thousands of them, like a swarm of bees. Now they were quiet, their throats slid, and even their breathing became heavy. Even though they couldn't see Gu Fuyou, their eyes followed her direction.

Gu Fuyou cut his arm and blood flowed down like a column, landing on the white stone bricks, moving around on its own and forming an intricate pattern.

Everyone's heartbeats reached another peak, and many thoughts flashed through their minds. Maybe it wouldn't work, maybe their expectations would be dashed. How could they really break the contract? This had never happened in a thousand years. What would they do after breaking the contract? What would be different...

The red light gradually blooms.

Gu Fuyou said, "It's like being skinned and bones pulled out. It's unbearable." Even though there were so many people and one couldn't see the edge outside, the people in the corner could still hear her voice clearly.

Someone yelled, "Sir, it's nothing!"

They responded one after another, shouting and roaring, which shook the sky and calmed everyone's hearts.

Gu Fuyou smiled, and blood-colored threads flew out from the pattern below, hundreds and thousands of them, flying to the north and south, and into the bodies of everyone.

Everyone was in the situation and couldn't see clearly. However, Mr. Zhai and Zhong Michu saw clearly that the thousands of blood threads on the left and right spread out in the air, like a pair of blood-colored wings, flapping their wings and ready to fly.

As soon as the blood entered their bodies, everyone's faces turned pale and they clenched their teeth. The pain was just as Gu Fuyou had said, skin peeled off and bones pulled out, the back was burning like a tongue of fire.

Half of the people couldn't help but kneel on the ground, roaring, their necks turned red, veins bulged, and muscles twitched.

The blood-red sky, the howling people, it was like hell.

Gu Fuyou stood in the middle of the room, blood still flowing. When the branding contract was signed, the blood from the fingertips of the person had to be absorbed into the body of the owner. That strand of blood maintained the contract, and it passed through the hands of the Zuo family for several times before it came into her hands. At this moment, she had to return it all.

His face was already pale, but because of the blood all over the sky, it took on a strange red color.

Zhong Michu looked at him from a distance, still not saying anything, just frowning.

It lasted for about a cup of tea, which was short, but to everyone else it seemed like a hundred years. Many slaves were fished out of the water.

The red light dissipated, and the slave who had fallen to the ground staggered to his feet.

Feng Sui couldn't wait, took off his shirt and turned around.

The seventh brother stared with his eyes wide open, his throat slipped, and he couldn't hold back his tears, and they flowed out instantly, shouting: "Brother, it's gone, it's gone!"

One after another, some people unbuttoned their shirts to check, some could not wait and tore their clothes open. They checked with each other, could not believe it, and touched it with their hands, but the eternal mark was gone.

Gu Fuyou staggered back a step before he could stand firm. He was bleeding a lot and felt a little dizzy. But for some reason, he was unexpectedly excited. He pointed to the sky and shouted, "From now on, I will be reborn as a human being!"

These words were like a floodgate, causing many people to collapse in an instant and burst into tears, while many others looked up to the sky and laughed wildly.

There are millions of people and millions of different moods, and all of them are equally complex. In fact, no one knows in their hearts why they are crying or why they are laughing.

Zhong Michu raised his hand and it rained for them.

The heavy rain washed away the dust and let them howl wildly.