The Dragon

Chapter 15: Goodbye Qingluan


The two men rested for half a day, and only left the cave after the firewood was burned out.

Zhong Michu meditated and regulated his breathing for half a day, and his complexion improved.

The two stood on the mountainside and looked down. There was not a single green spot within a ten-mile radius.

Gu Fuyou thought that if he fell into any place, he would be in danger of death. He didn’t know whether he could walk out alive from the rest of the road.

Gu Fuyou said sadly: "If we knew where the inner center was and had enough spirit stones, we might be able to get out directly."

Zhong Michu asked: "What do you have in mind?"

Gu Fuyou searched the ground and found a round, charred stone. He picked it up and gestured, "Elder Liuhe said that the entire shape of Xianluo is spherical, with the top being the outer layer, the middle being the middle layer, and the bottom being the inner layer. Spiritual power is like water, it will flow down and gather at the bottom. This is because the inner layer has a richer spiritual power, nourishing more ferocious spiritual beasts, while the outer layer has a weaker spiritual power and weaker spiritual beasts. The spiritual power at the top of the outer layer is the weakest, and the defensive barrier is the most fragile. On this day of seven hundred years, the barrier is even thinner, as if it is there and not there, so there will be a loophole, which is the gate of Xianluo."

Gu Fuyou turned the stone up and down and said, "There is a formation called Feng Shui, which can reverse the flow of the entire spiritual power. If the flow of Xianluo's spiritual power is reversed and the spiritual power flows to the outer layer, then the inner center is the place with the lowest spiritual power and the most vulnerable place of the barrier, and the exit will be opened here in the inner center."

Although the Feng Shui formation went against the will of heaven, consumed a huge amount of spiritual energy, and could not be maintained for long, for them, it was only a blink of an eye and was enough for them to get out.

Gu Fuyou sighed and said in frustration: "It's a pity that I don't know where the inner center is."

Zhong Michu pondered for a moment and said, "Perhaps a spirit beast will know."

Gu Fuyou's eyes lit up. What Zhong Michu said made sense. She knew how to tame beasts, so she could go and ask.

But before he could be happy for long, Gu Fuyou's eyes became gloomy again. The cultivation levels of these inner-level spiritual beasts were all above the Golden Core level. Asking Zhong Michu to ask them would be like sending a sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Zhong Michu saw what she was worried about and said, "We can find some gentle spirit beasts that don't like fighting."

“But there is still danger.”

“You can’t just sit there and wait for death.”

That's true. It's not a solution for the two of them to stay here forever. No one knows they are here and no one will come to rescue them.

The two then walked down the mountain to find a spirit beast to ask for directions.

When I reached the mountainside, a strange wind blew from behind, and a sigh was heard, as if it was there and not there.

They both turned around at the same time, and there was no one behind them. Instead, they saw that the half-blooming jacaranda tree on the mountain had visibly withered. It had turned into a layer of ash and was blown away by the wind, as if it had never existed.

Zhong Michu said: "This tree is very strange."

Gu Fuyou then told her about how she saw this flower tree in the sky and cut off half of its branches and leaves to use as firewood. She smiled and said, "This is our lifesaver."

Zhong Michu pondered, "There is only one living creature within a ten-mile radius. I don't know why." Moreover, the sigh just now disappeared in an instant, which was really abnormal.

Gu Fuyou asked, "Senior Sister Zhong, do you know the language of the jacaranda tree?"

Zhong Michu shook his head. Gu Fuyou said, "Legend has it that there was a woman who, upon hearing that her lover had died in a foreign land, was so grief-stricken that she committed suicide and turned into a jacaranda tree. It is said that this tree represents hopeless love."

Gu Fuyou smiled and said, "Maybe it was the reincarnation of the Qingluan clan elder in the ice room, otherwise why wouldn't her body be buried in the clan but here?"

Although Gu Fuyou was joking, he acted like one. However, the two of them had no way of verifying what was going on, but they both had doubts about this place in their hearts.

The two of them walked down the mountain. The further they went down the mountainside, the faster their hearts beat, and they felt inexplicably palpitating.

Walking straight to the foot of the mountain, the two found a stone statue. The statue was carved into a spirit beast, squatting on a stone tablet with a stern face, facing the mountain. There was a chain piercing under the stone tablet, passing into the distance.

The two of them had not noticed it from the sky or on the mountainside before, but only saw it when they walked closer. It turned out that the stone statue was made of obsidian, which was the same color as the charred stone on the mountain, and therefore difficult to detect.

Gu Fuyou recognized it almost at a glance. This was the Ten Directions and Five Mountains Evil Suppression Formation, the most powerful sealing formation.

There must be more such stone statues in the distance, ten in total, connected by chains, surrounding the mountain.

This formation has always been used to seal evil beasts. But using an entire mountain to suppress it was the first time Gu Fuyou had seen such a large-scale evil suppression formation.

I don’t know what kind of ferocious beast is being suppressed.

The cave at the top of the mountain was completely covered with ice. After she broke the formation in the "Ruizhu Palace" and took out the rare treasure, the ice on the wall did not melt at all. Even on the ground where the fire was set up, the ice did not melt at all due to the heat.

The formation of ice and rock on the inner wall of the cave has nothing to do with the formation in the "Ruizhu Palace", there must be other reasons.

The most likely reason was that there was another formation that caused the ice on the top of the mountain. The most likely reason was to echo the Ten Directions Five Mountains Suppressing Evil Formation and suppress the ferocious beasts below.

This ferocious beast must have fire attribute.

Of course, these are just Gu Fuyou's speculations and are completely groundless. The only thing that can be confirmed is that going through so much trouble must not be something good.

Gu Fuyou looked back at the mountain peak. She seemed to hear the roar of an ancient beast. A chill ran up from the soles of her feet. She knew she shouldn't stay here any longer, so she immediately said, "Senior Sister Zhong, let's go quickly."

Zhong Michu also figured out something, and the two of them left immediately. After walking for a while, Zhong Michu realized that he could fly the sword, so he carried Gu Fuyou on the sword.

They walked straight to a dense forest and then landed. Zhong Michu put the sword into his sleeve when he suddenly heard a gurgling sound.

Looking at Gu Fuyou, she saw that her face was red and she held Ah Fu in front of her face: "It's hungry..."

After a long while, Gu Fuyou stammered, "I'm hungry too."

When she was in the desert, she was so hungry that she felt dizzy. After resting for a while, she recovered a little. However, dangers kept coming one after another. She was already exhausted during this time.

Zhong Michu said: "There should be wild fruits in this forest to satisfy hunger, and it is also a good opportunity to find spiritual beasts."

The two entered the forest. The inner layer was filled with rich spiritual energy that nourished all things. It was full of vitality and had many types of vegetation.

The tall trees are tall and straight, the tall pines are soaring, the green bamboos are elegant and slender, the green willows are graceful, and the myriad flowers and leaves are shaded, with light and shadows dancing.

Unfortunately, although there was a lot of vegetation here, it was hard to find fruits. In order to find food, I went deeper into the dense forest and finally found a plum tree. I picked some plums when I heard a sound from the bushes nearby.

The two looked back and saw that a clump of grass three steps away was split in the middle, and the person walking out slowly was not a spirit beast, but a person.

"I was wondering who had come into my territory, it turns out to be two little kids." A woman came out, holding a magic staff in her hand. Although she was wearing a coarse linen coat and had her hair tied up with thorny hairpins, she looked quite noble.

She still has her charm, and you can tell she was once a beautiful woman.

The most important thing is that this person has no makeup on, but the corners of her eyes are a seductive bright red.

Gu Fuyou couldn't help but say, "It's Qingluan again."

Gu Fuyou spoke in a very low voice, but the woman heard it clearly. Her face changed and she said in a deep voice, "Qingluan again? You just saw another Qingluan... You came from the mountain in the east of the forest. Have you seen her?"

Gu Fuyou felt that her tone was dangerous. The woman glanced at Gu Fuyou, and when she saw Zhong Michu beside her, she was startled. She looked around her and frowned, saying, "Eh, that's very strange..."

Gu Fuyou didn't know what she meant, but he had a hunch that this person was not to be messed with, so he quickly said, "We didn't know this was your territory, and we entered here by mistake. Please forgive us. We will leave immediately and not get in your way." After saying that, he was about to pull Zhong Michu away.

Judging from the woman's tone, she seemed to recognize the woman in Ruizhu Palace. I don't know what to do if she blames them for disturbing the woman's peace after death.

The woman stretched out her staff and hooked Zhong Michu's waist with the curved tip. "Why are you leaving?"

Gu Fuyou couldn't take a step either. It seemed as if a heavy weight was pressing on his feet and he couldn't lift them.

The woman laughed and said, "No one has come here for thousands of years, and here come two young girls who are still wet behind the ears. One is a golden elixir practitioner, and the other is a qi practitioner. They are just newborn calves. How dare you come to the inner layer with such a low level of cultivation? Are you looking for death?"

Gu Fuyou was shocked after hearing this. Ten thousand years?! Then this woman must be at least at the level of Spirit Severing.

The woman put away her staff, turned around and said, "Follow me."

Zhong Michu and Gu Fuyou suddenly felt relaxed. The pressure like a mountain disappeared without a trace, but the two of them could not think of escaping. The gap in their cultivation was too great, and there was no chance of escape. They could only follow the woman obediently.

After walking for a while, the view in front of us suddenly opened up. There were towering trees all around, and their branches and leaves formed a dome, but it was still bright and full of green. There were four or five bamboo houses in the front, surrounded by a fence.

The woman said to Zhong Michu, "You, come in with me."

But he said to Gu Fuyou: "You, are not allowed to step into my yard. You are dirtying my place."

Gu Fuyou stared at her. Why was it okay for Zhong Michu to go in, but if she went in, it would dirty her place? The difference was too big. Could it be because Zhong Michu was prettier than her

Gu Fuyou didn't move, and Zhong Michu didn't move either.

The woman turned around and saw that Zhong Michu hadn't followed her: "Why, are you afraid that I will eat you? Your flesh is not enough to fill my teeth."

Zhong Michu said: "I don't know why the senior brought two juniors here specially."

The woman squinted at Zhong Michu and said, "It's a pity for a young man like you to die here, so I'm just taking the trouble to treat your wounds."

"I am not injured and do not need medical treatment."

Gu Fuyou said, "No, you are injured." She was originally concerned about the injury Zhong Michu suffered in the formation, so she said it without thinking much about it.

"You're not hurt?" The woman stretched out her staff and tapped on Zhong Michu's head: "I'm not blind, right?"

Zhong Michu suddenly widened his eyes and stared at the woman, unable to hide his astonishment.

The woman was too lazy to talk any more. She hooked Zhong Michu's waist with her staff and dragged her inside. Zhong Michu was unable to resist at all.

"Senior, Senior! My junior sister is also injured, you..."

Without even turning her head, the woman threw something out. Gu Fuyou reached out to catch it and saw that it was a pill bottle.

The woman said, "If you don't run more than a mile out of this yard, no spirit beast will bother you. But if you want to go out and seek death, I won't stop you."

This was naturally said to Gu Fuyou. Gu Fuyou pursed his lips, hugged Ah Fu, and really didn't dare to approach the fence rashly.

Since there was no danger outside the yard, it would be okay to wait here. He immediately found a dry grassy spot to sit down, took out the plums he had eaten earlier and ate them while waiting for Zhong Michu.

Although the Qingluan tribe disliked humans, they would not take people's lives at will. She had accidentally revealed that she had been to the 'Ruizhu Palace' before. Now that she thought about it, the woman's reaction was not anger, but surprise. It was just that she was alert and too sensitive, so she thought that the woman wanted to settle accounts with them.

Although it was strange that the woman suddenly said she wanted to cure Zhong Mi Chu, it would be easy for her to kill the two of them, so there was no need to lie to them about this.

But after she finished eating the plums, Zhong Michu still didn't come out, so she meditated on the spot and recovered some of her spiritual power, but Zhong Michu still didn't come out.

Gu Fuyou and the others were bored, so they stood up and walked somewhere else. When they reached a place, their eyes suddenly lit up and sparkled.

He screamed and ran over as if he had broken free from his reins.

I saw that around the foot of the old trees there were lush green grasses, fresh exotic flowers, and clusters of magical flowers and herbs, growing very vigorously.

This is a land of treasures!

The value of an herb is subjective, depending on whether you need it or not.

When objectively evaluating the preciousness of an herb, people classify it into grades, from ordinary, precious, rare, to magical.

She was not as good as Simiao in distinguishing spiritual plants, but she could roughly feel that the flowers and plants here were at least rare items!

Gu Fuyou was extremely excited at first, thinking that if he brought these back to Si Miao, she would probably go crazy when she saw them.

She found a wide log, dug out the spiritual flowers and herbs along with the soil, and put them in a storage bag. Later, she could no longer put more space in the bag, and since she had not yet picked all the spiritual flowers and herbs, she took off her outer coat to store them.

After picking for a while, the initial excitement gradually faded away. Gu Fuyou threw the wide wood away and said, "It's meaningless to be happy alone."

"It would be nice if Senior Sister Zhong was here."

Gu Fuyou picked up Ah Fu, who was crawling around, and said to him, "Why don't we go find Senior Sister Zhong and tell her the good news so that she can be happy too."

"But Qingluan wouldn't let us in..."

"We sneak in."