The Dragon

Chapter 27: The two girls got the dragon egg and entered the natural danger


The older Gu Fuyou got, the less she cried, except in front of her father, when she would act like a little child. In front of outsiders, the sadder she was, the less she wanted to cry.

Now, facing Zhong Michu, she didn't know where the bitterness came from, which broke down her psychological defenses and made her cry unrestrainedly.

After crying all night, I fell asleep at four o'clock in the morning. I was in a daze and only remembered soaking Zhong Michu's sleeve.

When I woke up the next day, it was already noon when the sun was high in the sky.

Gu Fuyou felt much calmer, as if all the dirt and mess that had accumulated in his heart for a long time had been cleared away. He felt relaxed and refreshed.

Although she felt ashamed when she recalled yesterday's embarrassing situation, she changed her mind and realized that this was not the first time she had embarrassed herself in front of Zhong Michu, so she didn't have a good image to begin with.

And she was so eager to see her that she completely forgot about the slight embarrassment.

Gu Fuyou clasped his hands behind his back, walked briskly to Zhong Michu's door and knocked.

"The door is unlocked."

Gu Fuyou pushed the door open, stood by the door with half of his body bent inside, with a smile on his face, and called softly: "Senior Sister~"

She didn't have any serious business to talk to Zhong Michu about, she just wanted to see her.

She felt very happy when she woke up today, as if something good was waiting for her. But when she thought about it carefully, there was nothing good, just that she could see Zhong Michu immediately.

"Come in."

Gu Fuyou walked into the room. Zhong Michu was meditating on the bed, and when he saw her coming, he stood up.

Although I won the battle with Yu Dongsheng yesterday according to the strategy, it can also be said to be a hard fight.

Of course, it was a tough battle for Gu Fuyou. Because her injuries were not fully healed, the two decided to rest for two days before going to the market.

Gu Fuyou walked to the bedside and saw a brocade box lying on the wooden cabinet beside the bed. He opened the lid of the brocade box and found the wet, round, moss-covered raw stone he won yesterday lying in the box.

She picked up the rough stone, looked it over, and asked, "Senior Sister Zhong, you said the thing in this rough stone is worth a million spirit stones, what is inside it?"

Zhong Michu looked at her twice, as if he was a little surprised that she recovered overnight, as if she was not the one who cried so hard last night.

After a long while, Zhong Michu said, "This is a golden dragon's egg."

"What?!" Gu Fuyou almost lost his grip and threw the stone out.

Gu Fuyou tapped with his fingers and probed in a trace of spiritual power, but could not see any clues.

Although she didn't dare to believe that the black stone in her hand was a dragon egg, she thought that Zhong Michu was well versed in the art of taming beasts and must have done some research on the dragon clan, so he could tell that the raw stone was different, and Zhong Michu would not lie to her about this.

With excitement about to burst out and a cautiousness that he might have made a mistake and wasted his time, Gu Fuyou asked softly, "Is it really a dragon egg?"

If it is really a dragon egg, it is worth more than millions or even tens of millions of spirit stones. It is a priceless treasure!

The dragon clan was recorded in "Wuwuzhi", but she couldn't remember the details. She only remembered dragon horns, dragon scales, dragon tendons, dragon blood, dragon meat, dragon bones, etc. No matter they were used for refining tools, refining pills or practicing, they were all top-notch products. In short, the dragon was a treasure from head to toe.

When Gu Fuyou saw Zhong Michu nod, he almost screamed with joy.

There are three branches of the Qingluan clan. There are also two major branches in the dragon clan, one is the five-clawed dragon and the other is the nine-clawed golden dragon.

In ancient times, the two immortal beast tribes were worshipped as gods by mortals and had enormous power in all corners of the world.

It was just that tens of thousands of years ago, the two tribes had some conflicts, which gradually evolved into war.

In the last battle between the two tribes, almost all of the three branches of the Qingluan were wiped out. It is said that only three Qingluan were left. Among the dragon tribe, the nine-clawed golden dragon tribe suffered heavy losses, and the bloodline of the golden dragon royal family was gone.

The battle between the two tribes severely damaged their vitality and greatly reduced their power, which gave the human race's immortal sect an opportunity to rise. This is also one of the fundamental reasons why the human race's immortal sect was able to gradually control the other four continents from the Qingluan tribe.

However, a lean camel is still bigger than a horse, and the two tribes are still the overlords of the world. Because of arrogance and protecting their shortcomings, the human race's willingness to submit for tens of thousands of years is deeply rooted in their bones, and even the Four Immortal Sects are unwilling to easily provoke the Qingluan and Dragon tribes.

This is also the reason why no one dares to hunt the bodies of the two tribes, even though they are all treasures. Dragon scales and phoenix feathers are very rare on the market, and all of them are priceless. They are either given by the two tribes to humans or traded between the two tribes.

Gu Fuyou's eyes sparkled with anticipation: "Senior Sister, do you have a way to hatch her out?"

Zhong Michu shook his head: "The baby dragon inside is dormant. She has been sleeping for too long and missed the opportunity to hatch. It is not easy to wake her up, and it is even more impossible to hatch her."

Gu Fuyou was immediately disappointed: "Ah? Isn't this just like a dead egg?"

Even though this dragon egg is a dead egg, it is still a priceless dead egg, but it is useless to the two of them.

Because they couldn't use it to refine weapons, and it couldn't even be bumped or scratched in the slightest.

The dragon clan is extremely protective of their own people, especially now that the number of golden dragons has sharply decreased. If they knew that someone had obtained a golden dragon egg and damaged the egg, it is unknown whether they would cut the person into five pieces or grind him to ashes.

If this golden dragon egg was still alive and could hatch, it would be very different.

She and Zhong Michu can raise the little golden dragon and secretly pluck some of the dragon's beard. Even if she has to return to the four seas in the end, she and Zhong Michu have worked hard even if they have no merits. If the dragon clan does not reward them with some dragon scales, they will at least reward them with some rare treasures from the sea.

Alas, what a pity.

It looks like a treasure, but it's actually a piece of chicken ribs.

Gu Fuyou touched the dragon egg and suddenly felt a sharp pain in her hand. She screamed in pain and pulled her hand back as if she had been electrocuted.

"What's wrong?"

Gu Fuyou was also curious and turned the dragon egg around. It turned out that the circle of raw stone covering the dragon egg was not smooth.

There was a gap where Gu Fuyou touched, and the stone at the edge of the gap was very sharp, like a sword. Gu Fuyou cut his finger as soon as he touched it, and blood flowed out from the fingertip, dripping onto the gap and flowing into it.

It looked like it had been bitten.

I was happy for nothing and ended up getting hurt.

Gu Fuyou pinched his injured finger, threw the dragon egg back into the box, and muttered, "As expected of a dragon. Even in hibernation, it can still be so fierce."

Zhong Michu was sorting out the brocade boxes when he suddenly turned around and asked, "Are the dragons very fierce?"

Gu Fuyou opened his fingers and showed them to her: "Isn't it fierce? Look."

Zhong Michu: “…”

Gu Fuyou was disappointed for a while, then came back to life.

After all, it can be said that this dragon egg indirectly made her earn 10 million spirit stones, and this dragon egg was originally what Zhong Michu wanted, so it naturally belonged to Zhong Michu. It was up to Zhong Michu to decide how to deal with it. She just had to pretend that she didn't know it was a dragon egg.

Thinking of this, I put the matter out of my mind.

The two of them rested for a day, and then went shopping for several days. Gu Fuyou was very generous and wanted to buy everything he saw.

Considering that Zhong Michu found a dragon egg on the first day, Gu Fuyou not only thought that she had the ability to distinguish, but also had excellent luck, so he pulled her to the raw stone stall again.

Just as Gu Fuyou expected, Zhong Michu picked the right one.

Although it is not a rare item in the world, it can still be sold for tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of spirit stones.

There are two spiritual treasures among them. One is a thunder stone, a spiritual treasure with thunder attribute. After absorbing it, it can not only improve cultivation, but also temper the power of thunder. When summoning thunder, the thunder is loud and deafening. The sound alone can defeat the enemy. It is perfect for thunder spirit roots; the other is the inner pill of a Yuanying period spirit beast, a very pure fire spirit pill.

When it was sold out, not only did the stall owner offer to buy it back, but there were also monks passing by who offered high prices for it.

Gu Fuyou is not for sale.

She is not short of money now.

Of these two spiritual treasures, one was fed to Ah Fu, and the other was kept for Si Miao.

Gu Fuyou took Zhong Michu to the raw stone stall for a few days. Gu Fuyou and the stall owner were both crazy. Gu Fuyou was crazy about Zhong Michu's treasure hunting ability, and the stall owner was crazy with fear. All the treasures were picked up by the two of them, and he avoided them as much as possible when he saw them.

We played in the market for a few days until the Canyon Race started.

This time the race is located in the Cloud Canyon outside East City, and the starting point is at Chuyue Pass.

The two of them took Ah Fu to Chuyue Pass. The geographical wonders of Chuyue Pass can be seen from the entrance.

There is a pavilion at the entrance of the moonlight. The pavilion is located on the cliffs on both sides, connecting the two ends. There is an empty valley under the pavilion.

There is a guard in front of the pavilion door, and there is a table inside the door. Sitting behind the table is the guide, who is responsible for answering questions related to racing for people coming and going.

Gu Fuyou glanced at him and asked curiously, "Didn't they all belong to Mr. Qu in previous years?"

The guide was a man in green with a long beard. He said, "Mr. Qu is ill, so I am here to take his place."

Gu Fuyou didn't think much about it and handed over the admission ticket. The man in green took it and checked it: "What do you two want to ask?"

"The rules for this year's race."

“Same as in previous years.”

"Is that a land race or an air race?"


Gu Fuyou gave him several hundred spirit stones and said, "Thank you."

The man smiled slightly and said, "Both of you have a good trip."

The two men and one beast passed through the entrance and arrived at Chu Yue Pass.

The Grand Canyon in the Clouds stretches for thousands of miles, like a sword from the sky that splits the earth in two. Watching the Grand Canyon from the air with a sword is extraordinarily magnificent.

Chuyue Pass is located in the middle of the Yunduan Grand Canyon, with towering peaks on both sides, surrounded by mist and reaching straight into the clouds.

The race was not to start until the next day, so the two found an inn to stay.

This inn is unique. It is built on a rock wall. The mountain wall was hollowed out and a stone chamber was built.

Going up the narrow mountain path dug by humans, you can vaguely see lights from below. There are many "wing rooms" up and down on this side of the mountain.

The servant who led the way led the two into a "wing room". It was spacious, but the stone bed, stone table and stone bench inside looked hard.

The waiter lowered his hands and said, "Sir, this is the best room in our hotel."

"The best?" Gu Fuyou remained doubtful.

The servant raised his hand and said, "Of course, this is the best mountain view room in our hotel, with a great view. To the left, you can see the dangerous Panlong Road in the Cloud Canyon, and to the right, the green summer scenery of Cuiyun Peak. In the distance..."

The wing room had a huge square entrance, which did not obstruct the view at all, but a barrier was set up so that people inside could see outside but people outside could not see inside.

"Okay, okay, okay, I got it." Gu Fuyou paid the spirit stone and sent the man away.

Gu Fuyou sat on the stone bed, took out a bag of spirit stones, and started feeding Ah Fu as snacks.

Ah Fu chewed with a crunching sound. Gu Fuyou pinched the flesh on his cheek and said, "Ah Fu, tomorrow's race depends on you. I don't ask you to come in first, but at least don't come in last."

Ah Fu responded with a "Woo."

Gu Fuyou was both pleased and jealous. Ah Fu's cultivation level was improving rapidly. He had already reached the great perfection of Qi training and was almost catching up with her.

He has grown a little bigger and is as strong as an ox.

Gu Fuyou added: "Fortunately, this is a land race, and you can still carry me. If it were a flying race, your cultivation level is not high enough to allow you to fly, and I would have to bother looking for another spirit beast."

"Senior Sister Zhong, do you want to join the race tomorrow?" Gu Fuyou hugged Ah Fu and rubbed the fur on its chest. He looked back at Zhong Michu and asked, "Come to think of it, I haven't seen your spirit beast yet."

Zhong Michu stood on the edge of the rock wall, seemingly looking at the mountain scenery. The mountain breeze made her dress flutter and her long black hair dance.

Gu Fuyou smiled and knew that she would definitely like it here.

In the Grand Canyon of the Clouds, you can best feel the vastness of the world.

Zhong Michu said: "I don't have a spirit beast."

Gu Fuyou was surprised and asked, "You haven't been summoned yet?"

Zhong Michu shook his head and said, "I can't summon."

Gu Fuyou understood it as being unable to be summoned. There are indeed such cases. It is not because of lack of ability, but because there is no response after the formation is set up. There are quite a few people like this.

Gu Fuyou sighed in his heart, it turns out that Senior Sister Zhong also has things she is not good at.