The Dragon

Chapter 30: Have you heard a story?


When the white dragon carried Gu Fuyou to the finish line, no one else could be seen behind him.

In the past, the spectators waiting at the finish line would burst into cheers when welcoming the winner, but this time there was a cry of surprise.

The white dragon landed on the cliff. There was an incense table on the side, and the notary of the Chamber of Commerce was standing there. A gentleman was writing a document, and when he saw the first person to arrive, he was stunned and could not write for a long time.

Gu Fuyou sat on the white dragon's back. His mood had not yet calmed down. His chest was heaving and he was breathing softly.

The people around were all looking at him in shock and awe. Gu Fuyou got down from the ground and stood beside Bai Long, experiencing deeply what it meant to be a fox borrowing the power of a tiger to bully others.

The notary was the first to recover and shouted, "The winner is Gu Fuyou from Xiaoyao City."

There was then a burst of applause from all around, but this applause was mixed with doubt, bewilderment, and uncertainty.

Gu Fuyou couldn't figure out what kind of mood she was in. In the past, this was an honor, something she had always hoped for, and she would be crazy with joy if she got it. But now, the process of galloping for hundreds of miles, passing through the stone forest, breaking through the rapids, and soaring into the sky, the feeling she felt was too intense and too hot, so that the satisfaction after achieving this result seemed too boring and too bland.

The gentleman wrote the document, and the notary took it and handed it to Gu Fuyou with both hands, saying, "Miss Gu San, this is the certificate of your victory. You can use it to exchange for the speed reward at the gambling house later."

Before Gu Fuyou could take it, there was another cry of surprise from behind. She turned around, and a gust of cold wind blew in her face, making it impossible for her to open her eyes.

She only heard the sound of something stirring the wind and clouds. She shielded her forehead with her hands and watched the white dragon fly into the air and fly away in the direction it came from.

Gu Fuyou's heart suddenly fell. She snatched the document and chased after him without thinking.

She ran on the high ground of the canyon, looking at the white dragon riding the clouds and mist in the sky, and she shouted, "Wait a minute. Wait a minute."

The sky and the earth were dark, the vast expanse was bleak, and the cold wind was howling.

Gu Fuyou knew she might not be able to catch up with it, but she continued to chase it on the grass at the edge of the cliff. She shouted into the air, "Why did you come to help me?"

Halfway through the chase, they were getting farther and farther away. Her legs were sore and weak that she had to stop, pursing her lower lip and whispering, "Why did you come to help me?"

Suddenly, I heard a "whoosh" sound in the distance, which sounded quite familiar.

Gu Fuyou looked up and saw a black shadow coming over like a gust of black wind. Gu Fuyou hugged it and was very surprised: "Afu!"

It turned out that it was Ah Fu who was chasing them from the high ground in the canyon.

Gu Fuyou patted Ah Fu's head and said with a smile, "I clearly told you to wait for Senior Sister at the starting point."

Ah Fu said a series of “Awoo, Awoo.”

Gu Fuyou said: "I'm not your senior sister, I don't understand. Forget it, you came at the right time."

Gu Fuyou supported it, turned over and sat on its back, patted its neck: "Afu, follow the dark cloud in front..."

Before Gu Fuyou could finish his words, Ah Fu had already chased after the white dragon.

Although Ah Fu is a young beast and has only reached the great perfection of Qi training, he is worthy of being a Zhen Mao. He runs as fast as the wind and lightning. In terms of speed alone, he is not inferior to the spirit beasts in the Qigong period.

The white dragon soared into the sky, and Ah Fu chased it on the ground. Although he could not catch up with it, he was able to follow it from a distance and not lose its shadow.

Gu Fuyou didn't understand why this white dragon happened to appear here, as if it came here specifically to help her...

She had a guess, but it was so wild that she didn't dare to think about it too deeply.

But as Ah Fu chased longer, the path and scenery became familiar, and the suspicion became stronger.

Gu Fuyou breathed rapidly, and said in a trembling voice: "Ah, Ah Fu, let's take a shortcut. Quick, let's go this way, this way."

Gu Fuyou asked Ah Fu to change the route and their destination was the room in the inn they had booked before.

When Ah Fu was carrying Gu Fuyou on the narrow rocky path, a cold wind blew. Gu Fuyou looked up and saw a cloud of gas rushing into the room at the top of the mountain wall.

"Afu, Afu, hurry up."

Ah Fu brought Gu Fuyou to their room. Gu Fuyou rolled off Ah Fu, staggered two steps and rushed in through the entrance.

Her mind was in a state of confusion and she could not think much. When she entered the room, the light was dim and something was moving in the dark shadows inside.

She caught a glimpse of a pile of clothes on the bed, rolled over, grabbed the clothes and held them in her arms.

The figure paused, and the stone chamber was silent for a while. Gu Fuyou heard her own chaotic breathing, she moved her throat, stood up and took two steps into the shadows: "I know it's you, you are here."

The figure slowly poked its head out from the shadows. It was the white dragon. Its body coiled on the wall, with its head pressed down, moving towards Gu Fuyou.

Bai Long snorted softly from his nose and exhaled a stream of cold air. Gu Fuyou had just been running against the wind, and his hair had already become a mess. A few strands of hair on his forehead were raised high, but after Bai Long's cold air exhaled, they became listless and wilted again.

The white dragon's head moved closer, and Gu Fuyou took a step back, and retreated back to the bed. The white dragon raised its lips, revealing its sharp white fangs.

Gu Fuyou looked at the pair of golden beast eyes. The fear in her bones made her legs go weak and she sat on the bed.

Gu Fuyou hugged the snow-white dress tightly in her arms. Excitement and fear intertwined together, making her body tremble. Her brain was excited to the extreme and she almost fainted.

Gu Fuyou took a deep breath and asked tentatively, "Are you my senior sister?"

The voice became firmer: "You are Senior Sister Zhong, right?"

The white dragon narrowed its eyes slightly, and its pupils appeared sharper and more majestic.

The white dragon swam slowly, its cloud-like beard fluttering. It stared at Gu Fuyou without answering.

Gu Fuyou swallowed his saliva and said, "There is a story in our Xiaoyao City..."

"Once upon a time, there was a fairy in the heaven. One day, she came down to the mortal world and landed in a peach forest. The scenery was deep and elegant. There was a spring deep in the peach forest. The spring water was clear. The fairy took off her feather clothes, put them on the shore, and bathed in the spring."

"A shepherd passed by and heard the noise. He walked to the spring and was surprised. He took the fairy's feather clothes. The fairy could never return to heaven..."

Gu Fuyou glanced at Bai Long, pulled the hem of the white dress he was holding, held the whole thing in his arms, shrank back, and said, "If you don't tell me, I, I won't return the 'Feathered Robe' to you."

Bai Long looked at her for a long while, then with a helpless sigh, he spoke: "Gu Fuyou."

This voice is very familiar. Although it is much more chaotic than Zhong Michu's clear voice, Gu Fuyou can still tell that it is Zhong Michu's voice.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she stared at Bai Long closely: "Senior Sister Zhong, it really is you, you are Bai Long, you, you are Bai Long..."

"I..." Gu Fuyou's eyes gradually turned red, and his voice trembled: "Can I, can I hug you?"

Gu Fuyou stood up and walked towards Bai Long. Bai Long stepped back and asked, "Aren't you afraid of me?"

Gu Fuyou asked persistently: "Can I hug you?"

Bai Long let out a low groan from his throat, but before he could reply, Gu Fuyou opened his arms and hugged Bai Long.

The white dragon's body was too big, and Gu Fuyou couldn't completely wrap his arms around it. Instead, he was completely trapped in the white dragon's arms.

Bai Long lowered his head slightly and then overlapped Gu Fuyou's head. This hug was obviously unexpected for her, so she was caught off guard, and their golden eyes met, and this majestic look seemed funny and dull.

Gu Fuyou tightened his arms, buried his face under Bai Long's head, and sobbed uncontrollably.

There was nothing wrong with the summoning formation at the time. She did summon a spirit beast. No, it should be said that she did summon a fairy beast with her own ability.

She summoned a white dragon.

Gu Fuyou asked in a depressed tone: "I'm not a waste, am I?"

Even though she was arrogant in the face of other people's disdain, she also deeply understood her own qualifications.

When there is only doubt and contempt around you, you will begin to doubt yourself deep down under your rebellious appearance, until your heart sinks to the dust and bears the fruit of inferiority.

She struggled repeatedly between self-motivation and self-loathing, groping forward, not knowing whether one day she would finally give up on herself, or one day she would finally realize her ideal.

Then, Zhong Michu came.

Bai Long was startled, and then she let out a long breath, and the white mist was thick. She stepped back, and gently rubbed her chin against Gu Fuyou, as if she was touching her head: "Gu Fuyou, I told you that you are amazing, you are a genius."

Gu Fuyou sniffed and wiped the tears from his cheeks with the back of his hand. Bai Long said, "Can you give me back my 'feather robe'?"

Gu Fuyou burst into laughter and said, "You have to promise me that you won't fly away suddenly."

Gu Fuyou put the dress on Bailong's head, covering her injured horns.

Bai Long glanced at her and asked the same question as before: "Gu Fuyou, aren't you afraid of me?"

Gu Fuyou knew why she asked this. There was talent in the bloodline of the Dragon Clan and the Blue Luan Clan.

The talent of the Qingluan clan is 'immortal soul, indestructible body'. As long as the soul is not completely broken and dissipated, the body can be reborn again and again.

The talent of the dragon clan is "rule", they are natural kings and the masters of all spirit beasts. Except for the Qingluan clan, all spirit beasts will submit to them without exception. Even if the spirit beasts have higher spiritual power than the dragon clan, they will feel close to them and will not hurt them easily.

So the reason why Zhong Michu couldn't summon was not because she couldn't summon any spirit beasts, but because if she summoned, the spirit beasts would flatter her and rush to her, and she might summon a tide of beasts.

The dragon race's talent gives them an inviolable majesty, high and mighty. Even if one's cultivation level is equal, standing in front of a dragon will cause fear in one's heart, not to mention that Gu Fuyou is only a cultivator in the Qi training stage.

Gu Fuyou deeply understood this fear. When Zhong Michu was in human form, this feeling was minimal, and probably only spirit beasts with keen senses could feel it. But once Zhong Michu showed his dragon form, this feeling came over him, penetrating deep into his body through every pore.

Gu Fuyou said: "Don't be afraid."

Zhong Michu frowned. She was not used to being a dragon yet, and her nature was difficult to control. She didn't think she was showing a very friendly face. "Why?"

Gu Fuyou repeated: "Why?"

"Because you are my senior sister." Gu Fuyou scratched his cheek. Although he was telling the truth, he was a little shy. Maybe he was ashamed of his frivolous behavior at the beginning: "Maybe I was a little afraid of you when I first met you in Xuanmiao Sect, but later, I knew, I knew..."

what do you know.

There is no one in the world who is softer than you.

Bai Long whispered, "When you first met me, you weren't afraid of me."

Bai Long's voice was chaotic and low. Gu Fuyou didn't hear clearly and asked, "What?"

"I need to change my clothes."

"Ah good."

Gu Fuyou realized what was happening slowly and turned around. The white dragon turned into a white cloud and spun around before regaining its human form.

Gu Fuyou caught a glimpse of a black pattern under Zhong Michu's jade-like and porcelain-like shoulder. It was a coiled dragon hidden in the clouds and mist. The pattern went down and spread to her plump chest.

Gu Fuyou's face turned slightly red, and he thought, so Senior Sister Zhong's beast pattern is here.

She wiped the tears from her hands, straightened her hair, and suddenly remembered something, so she asked, "Senior Sister Zhong, do you dragons have to take off your clothes before you transform?"

There was silence for a long time, and Gu Fuyou couldn't help but look back. Zhong Michu had already put on her clothes and was tying her hair. There was a blush on her face, making her originally cold and aloof look overly cute and lovely: "This is my first time transforming, so I'm not very experienced."

She was indeed not very skilled. When she changed back into human form, the white scales on her cheeks had not yet faded, and there was a pair of one-inch long broken horns on her forehead.

Gu Fuyou stared blankly at the pair of broken horns, feeling indescribable discomfort in his heart.

Zhong Michu said: "Gu Fuyou, I am a dragon clan member, don't mention it to others."

Zhong Michu is the daughter of Yun Ran Xuanzun, but why is she a member of the dragon clan? Why did she grow up in Xuanmiao Sect? Does the sect leader know her identity? Anyone who comes to see this will know that there are many strange things.

But since Zhong Michu didn't want others to know his identity, Gu Fuyou didn't think too much about it, nor did he ask too many questions. He just said, "Okay."

Gu Fuyou looked at Zhong Michu for a while. If she walked outside in this state, she would attract too much attention.

She rummaged through the storage bag, took out a bamboo hat with white gauze, put it on Zhong Michu's head, and said with a smile: "This way it won't be visible."

When Zhong Michu was touching her bamboo hat, Gu Fuyou took advantage of her inattention and took her arm, saying with a smile: "Let's leave here now."

To avoid people seeing the white dragon and coming over out of curiosity.

Without waiting for Zhong Michu to say anything, he took her out. Ah Fu was hiding outside, and when he saw the two of them come out, he immediately stood up and wagged his tail.

The two men and one beast left Chuyue Pass and returned to Wantong City.