The Dragon

Chapter 31: Get the strange gate and climb the starry sky slope at night


Gu Fuyou took Zhong Michu back to the gambling house to collect the rewards for the canyon racing. They were still received by the lady in red.

When the lady in red found out that the two of them had won the championship, she seemed a little surprised, but she remained polite and did not ask any more questions. She just took out the reward.

It was a brocade box and 500,000 spirit stones.

Gu Fuyou couldn't wait to open the box to see what the reward was.

The moment he opened the box, Zhong Michu saw that Gu Fuyou's hands were shaking.

She looked at the box. There was a book in the box. The pages were torn and yellowed. Only half of the book was open. There was no cover. She could clearly see the dense handwriting and strange pictures on the book. This was a fragment of a book that recorded the formation.

Gu Fuyou's lips trembled as he stammered, "Qi Men..."

Zhong Michu knew what Qimen was, which was the origin of all formations.

Millions of years ago, before humans began to cultivate into immortals, formations were already created.

Peep into the mysteries of heaven and earth, change the Yin and Yang and the Five Elements. The formation is the splendid crystallization of the wisdom of the human race for tens of thousands of years.

This is the pride in the hearts of human beings, proving that although they are small and humble in the world, they also have the courage and ability to control the universe and move yin and yang.

At that time, it might take a person a lifetime to research a formation, but there were so many like-minded people that they gathered little by little to build a tower, passed it down from generation to generation, and eventually it became a prairie fire that spread throughout the land and developed the formation.

If you trace back to the origin of a type of formation, you will find that they all developed from a single formation, just like a big tree; no matter how complex its branches are, they all eventually converge at one point. The book Qi Men records these most fundamental formations.

The operation of ancient formations has always relied on the spiritual energy of heaven and earth. Even people without any cultivation can set up a formation if they understand the principles of formations and have the right time and place.

However, this formation also has many disadvantages. First, it has too many limitations. It is difficult to set up the formation without favorable timing or location. Second, the formation is complicated and difficult to understand. If you want to set up a formation, you need to understand the formation thoroughly, and remember clearly the habits, characteristics, weaknesses, and which formations are related to it.

After humans cultivated to become immortals, they discovered that they could use their own cultivation to quickly form formations that were more powerful, regardless of weather and terrain, and without restrictions. Most importantly, they didn't need to spend too much time remembering the principles behind the formations.

Naturally, the ancient formation was eliminated, and fewer and fewer people studied how and why the formation was created.

As a result, there are fewer and fewer books recording ancient formations, and books like "Qi Men" are already precious, and it is rare that there are still fragments of it today.

This reward really touched Gu Fuyou's heart.

Extreme joy surged in her heart, a tingling sensation climbed up her spine, she bit her lips, hummed "Hmm..." with joy through her nose, and jumped up and down as if she couldn't bear the joy.

Seeing Zhong Michu beside her, she rushed over and hugged her without hesitation: "I'm dying, I'm dying, Senior Sister Zhong, what should I do..."

Zhong Michu once again witnessed her love for battle formations, that kind of pure, passionate feeling, something she wanted to achieve throughout her life. She never had it, but at this moment she seemed to be infected by Gu Fuyou.

It seems that I also have something that I am willing to devote my whole life to. I can cry for it and laugh for it. I will be passionate when I am struggling and frown when I am at a low point. I will work day and night for it, and when I finally achieve something, I will feel an incomparable sense of satisfaction and glory.

This seems to be much more tempting than practicing on Gushen Peak, abandoning human desires, and becoming an immortal.

Zhong Michu's eyebrows curved slightly, he smiled softly, and said, "You can't die yet, your sword is not yet refined."

This kind of laughter sounded like the chant of a siren in Gu Fuyou's ears, touching people's heartstrings.

Gu Fuyou's ears felt itchy, and the itch went straight to his heart.

With a red face, she suddenly stepped back, pursed her lips, and for a long while, lowered her head and raised her eyes, and asked, "Shall we go?"


Gu Fuyou silently walked around to the other side of Afu and walked parallel to Zhong Michu with a Zhenmao between them. She needed to calm herself down temporarily.

Not long after the two left, a man came quickly from the gambling house, found the girl in red, and the two walked into the room in the inner hall.

This is the innermost room of the gambling house, and ordinary people are not allowed to enter.

The lady in red stood in front of the screen. After hearing the report from the person who came, she was shocked and asked, "Are you sure it's Bai Long?"

The visitor said, "It is absolutely true. So many people present saw it. It is impossible that everyone's eyesight is defective. If Master Kunling does not believe it, you can ask the two notaries in the competition."

Kun Ling frowned and lowered her head to mutter to herself, "I originally thought she was some young adult who ran away from the elders of the tribe because she wanted to be new and interesting, but it turned out to be Bai Long, Bai Long..."

The visitor said: "Master Kunling, look, this, this..."

Kun Ling pondered and said, "For this matter, the president and I will have to go to the East China Sea to meet His Majesty in person. You should send someone to investigate her background and send someone to follow her secretly. Protect her no matter what. You can use the power of the Chamber of Commerce when it is absolutely necessary."


"Wait. She has animal patterns on her body, it seems like she has made a contract with someone..."

"How can this be!"

"You should also check out that Gu Fuyou." Kun Ling felt strange. When she saw the beast pattern on Zhong Michu before, she just thought it was some kind of transaction between Zhong Michu and Gu Fuyou, not a simple contract.

Because throughout history, no one has been able to summon the Dragon Clan and the Blue Luan Clan and make a contract with them. The two clans are fairy beasts, not spiritual beasts, and are not something that humans can control. Moreover, Gu Fuyou and Zhong Michu do not look like a master and servant pair.

But now Bai Long is willing to entrust Gu Fuyou, which makes Kun Ling puzzled. The relationship between the two is obviously not ordinary.

"Okay, I understand."

After Zhong Michu and Gu Fuyou left the gambling house, they went out to the street. It was the Flower Festival these days, and the street was bustling with activity.

The Flower Festival was originally held in spring in ancient times. People celebrated it not only to enjoy the flowers, but also to pray to the gods for a good harvest every year.

On this day, merchants from all over the country gather in one place to trade tea, silk, porcelain, and medicine; lantern festivals, temple fairs, markets, and flower shows are held in one place, and one place is bustling after another.

Nowadays, the way of immortality is popular, and people use spiritual power to cultivate flowers. The varieties of flowers are more exotic, and they bloom all year round. The Flower Festival has gradually been moved to summer.

Flower growers cultivate new and exotic flower varieties every year to provide for tourists to enjoy. The colorful flowers and plants compete with each other in beauty, and each cluster is more gorgeous than the other.

The streets are crowded with people, and the sounds of laughter are everywhere. Even the most unworldly person will be contaminated by the worldly air if he comes here.

They hadn't played for long before it got dark and people started to light lanterns in the streets for lantern riddle guessing.

There were more people, and the two were almost pushed forward, until they came to a stand of flower lanterns. There was a restaurant on the side, where people were toasting each other, drinking and singing, all of them were celebrating the festival.

Gu Fuyou glanced casually and suddenly saw a familiar figure. She pulled Zhong Michu and asked, "Senior Sister Zhong, take a look, is that the Great Elder?"

Zhong Michu was wearing a bamboo hat. He looked up and lifted the white gauze hanging from the edge of the hat with his fingers. "It's him."

The figure who walked into the restaurant was Ji Xiyan, and he was followed by another person, a rather impressive man, about thirty years old, tall and thin, with a beard, and very capable. He stood aside with one hand behind his back, making a "please" gesture.

Gu Fuyou asked in confusion: "Why is the Great Elder with Zuo Yuezhi?"

Considering that Zhong Michu might not know Zuo Yuezhi, Gu Fuyou added: "He is the son of the leader of Xu Ling Sect and the father of Zuo Tianlang. Zuo Tianlang is the one who chased us in the race."

Zhong Michu didn't seem surprised when he saw this scene: "The contact between Xuanmiao Sect and Xuling Sect has always been in the charge of the Great Elder."

She originally didn't care about these things and didn't know anything about them. It was only this year that Ji Chaoling intentionally let her get in touch with the affairs of the immortal sect, and only then did she know a little bit.

Ji Xiyan’s case is one of these two.

Gu Fuyou understood. Although Xiaoyao City, Xuanmiao Sect and Xuling Sect had a delicate relationship, they still had to save face. Moreover, the territories of the three major forces were adjacent, so there were many things they had to meet and discuss.

Gu Fuyou secretly brought Zhong Michu out, and felt a little guilty when he saw the Great Elder. Without thinking much, he grabbed Zhong Michu's wrist and left hiding in the crowd.

Gu Fuyou led Zhong Michu straight out of the city gate. Outside the east city gate was the Grand Canyon in the Clouds, and outside the west city gate was the Star-Moon Slope.

There were quite a few people walking along the road. Everyone was holding lanterns, talking and laughing. They looked like thousands of fireflies in the mountains and fields, which was quite interesting.

Zhong Michu asked: "Where are we going?"

Perhaps it was because the crowd was too lively, and Zhong Michu was also infected with the enthusiasm, which made her voice not so dull and carried a hint of expectation.

Gu Fuyou pretended to be mysterious and said, "I'll take you to see the splendor of the human world."

There is a pavilion on the slope, with bamboo railings on both sides of the pavilion as the boundary. These seem to be ordinary bamboo railings, but in fact they are the embodiment of the defensive formation.

When the wind blew over from the other side of the bamboo fence, there was a rustling sound, as if it was the grass slope, bringing with it a sense of emptiness and depth.

If they want to go in, each person and each beast must pay 100,000 spirit stones, and Gu Fuyou looks very painful.

Zhong Michu didn't quite understand. She clearly had tens of millions of spirit stones, so why was she still worried about this small amount

Gu Fuyou angrily handed over the spirit stones and also bought the most expensive service.

The two men walked to the hillside, and a servant set up the table behind them and prepared wine and tea.

Zhong Michu looked at the dark wilderness and smelled a faint fragrance: "Is this a flower field?"

Gu Fuyou smiled and nodded, then turned back to get the wine: "It will take a while before it blooms, you should see it."

"Okay." Zhong Michu sat back. The tea smelled sweet. The man was brewing scented tea. She took a cup and tasted it. It had a unique flavor.

One person pours wine, the other drinks tea.

Even if you don't say anything, you won't feel that time is difficult.

After drinking a jar of wine, Gu Fuyou was slightly tipsy. She suddenly stood up and said excitedly, "Senior Sister Zhong, I'm coming, I'm coming!"

Zhong Michu keenly felt the change in the wind in the wilderness.

She looked back and saw that the dark clouds in the night sky had dissipated, the Milky Way hung down to the ground, and the fields were bright.

In that flower field, the flower buds emitted a faint blue fluorescence and slowly opened up, like a white phoenix spreading its wings, and finally blossomed into the most beautiful posture.

Thousands of snow-white fluorescent lights rose from the flower buds and flew into the sky like stars rising into the sky.

The fluorescent light on the ground competed with the starlight in the sky and set off each other, making it difficult to tell where the sky was and where the earth was.

Here you can find the most elegant, the most peaceful, and the most unbreakable splendor.

It is indeed as Gu Fuyou said, this is a magnificent scene on earth.

The servant had quietly left, and only she and Ah Fu were left on the hillside. Zhong Michu took off her bamboo hat, looked at the strange flowers all over the field, and said, "Is this the star-moon epiphyllum?"

Gu Fuyou said, "Have you seen Senior Sister Zhong?" Gu Fuyou was a little disappointed. She thought Zhong Michu had never seen her and wanted to give her a surprise, so she brought her here mysteriously.

The Star-Moon Epiphyllum only blooms for one night. When it blooms, the clouds have dispersed and the rain has stopped, and the ground seems to be filled with rising stars, hence its name. It is extremely difficult to grow, and its blooming time is irregular. It takes a lot of effort for Wantong City to plant a field of Star-Moon Epiphyllum and control them to bloom at the same time, so it costs so many spirit stones.

Zhong Michu said: "I've read about it in a book."

This was one of the reasons why she was too lazy to go down the mountain, because everything was recorded in the books, and after knowing what they looked like, she had no interest in seeing them with her own eyes.

But now she suddenly understood that what she actually saw was a different kind of feeling that could not be compared with pictures or words.

"Gu Fuyou, I like it here very much, thank you for bringing me here."

Gu Fuyou's smile suddenly blossomed: "You, as long as you like it."

She happily drank two more glasses of wine. When she looked back, Zhong Michu was still standing on the edge of the hillside, gazing at the starry and moonlit night-blooming cereus field. The gentle night breeze blew the corners of her clothes and long hair.

From Gu Fuyou's perspective, he couldn't see her expression clearly, he could only see the broken horn on the left.

Gu Fuyou felt unhappy again, and she couldn't help but ask, "Senior Sister did your dragon horn get hurt?"

The author has something to say: Regarding the learning of using geographical advantages to set up formations and using one's own spiritual power to form formations, it can be understood this way: just like a machine, when you use your own spiritual power to form formations, it is equivalent to only needing to know how to operate it, but when you use geographical advantages to set up formations, you not only need to know how to operate the machine, you also need to learn the principles of how the machine works, know how to make it, and know everything about it.