The Dragon

Chapter 8: elder sister


A flash of inspiration appeared, and a person appeared out of nowhere. It was Zhong Michu.

When Gu Fuyou saw her, the corner of his mouth twitched involuntarily.

Zhong Michuyi was barefoot, her jade-white toes were stepping on the snow, the laces of her coat were untied, and she was holding a snow-white hairband in her hand and tying her hair.

The timing of the summons was bad, she must have been planning to take a bath.

Fortunately, she was not called when she was naked. If she had been called then, this person would not have come to save her but to kill her.

Even so, Zhong Michu turned around and his expression was not very good.

She tied her hair casually, but her black hair was still neatly combed, with half of her ear hidden under her hair.

Gu Fuyou called out weakly, "Help."

Summoning her at this time was not intentional, but a last resort.

Zhong Michu glanced at her face and asked after a moment: "Is this Xianluo?"

Gu Fuyou nodded. Zhong Michu turned around and prepared to leave: "The journey to the Immortal Land is for cultivation. Hardships and difficulties are all for tempering the mind, and thunder and rain are all for tempering the body. If you encounter a little difficulty, you can seek help from outside forces. How to make progress, you must know that opportunities are sought in danger."

Gu Fuyou thought to himself, "I have encountered enough difficulties. If I don't ask for help, it won't be a training, but a direct hammering to death!"

Gu Fuyou hurriedly called her: "You promised me that I could summon you when the situation became desperate."

Zhong Michu said, "That's normal. Our sect has always had a rule that disciples cannot enter Xianluo without prior application, and the sect leader has clearly forbidden me to enter Xianluo, you should know that."

"I..." Gu Fuyou knew that letting Zhong Michu come would make her disobey her master's orders and violate the sect rules, so he had not summoned her. Otherwise, he would have summoned her when he first met Dizang.

"I, I'm sorry... After I get out, I will explain to the headmaster and take responsibility for the crime, but since you are here, can you help me now? My brother and Si Miao are still trapped, I..."

Now she was separated from Gu Huaiyou and Si Miao, and she was exhausted and alone. It was difficult for her to get through the present hurdle, let alone save those two people.

Zhong Michu did not speak. Gu Fuyou took a deep breath and said, "I don't care! You can't leave! Originally, this fairyland allowed people to bring spirit beasts with them. Asking your own spirit beast to help doesn't count as relying on external forces! You took the place of my spirit beast, so you have to be responsible for me to the end!"

Gu Fuyou didn't care about much anymore. Even if Zhong Michu acted like a scoundrel and made unreasonable demands, she couldn't let him leave.

As soon as Zhong Michu left, she would die here.

When Zhong Michu turned around, he saw the snow bear roaring towards him, and his expression changed slightly.

The snow bear was so aggressive and majestic, and its strength had reached the middle stage of fasting.

Gu Fuyou did not lie, his life really was in danger.

Zhong Michu felt that what Gu Fuyou said made some sense. He was silent for a while, but was actually hesitating.

Gu Fuyou stared at the back of her head, but couldn't tell. Seeing that she didn't say anything, in order to prevent her from flying away on her sword, he suddenly stepped forward and hugged Zhong Michu's legs.

Zhong Michu's body stiffened, his eyebrows twitched, and he shouted: "What are you doing!"

Gu Fuyou said: "If you don't want to save me, then don't save me. If we die, we will die together!"

"You! Let go!" Zhong Michu's face and even his earlobes turned red.

While the two were talking, the snow bear had already run up to them and was about to pounce on them.

Zhong Michu grabbed Gu Fuyou's arm and called out, "Gengchen!"

A sword light came out from her sleeve, carrying the two of them into the air and retreating dozens of feet away.

Zhong Michu said: "I will help you, you let go."

Gu Fuyou thought he had misheard, looked up at her and asked, "Can you help me?"

After taking a look at Zhong Michu's solemn expression, Gu Fuyou chose to let go of his hand silently, shrank his body and hid behind Zhong Michu, only stretching his head to the front to look at the snow bear chasing him.

The snow bear ran on all fours at a very fast speed. When it caught up with him, it suddenly stood up and leaped about ten feet high. It was so agile that Gu Fuyou exclaimed, "What a skill!"

Zhong Michu glanced at her sideways, raised his left hand, and the wind and snow rose, spinning upwards, dragging the snow bear in the middle.

Zhong Michu suddenly closed his five fingers, and the white, soft snow immediately condensed into a clear, hard icicle that froze the snow bear's legs and made it unable to move in the air.

Gu Fuyou was astonished. Didn't Zhong Michu have water spirit roots? How could he use ice magic so easily

Geng Chen carried Zhong Michu to the front of the snow bear. When the snow bear saw the two of them coming, it scratched at them with its untied hands.

Zhong Michu stretched out his right hand and made a pause gesture.

The snow bear really calmed down, but its eyes were still red, and it bared its teeth and whined at Zhong Michu.

Gu Fuyou thought that Zhong Michu had indeed learned the art of taming beasts.

She saw that the snow bear seemed to be expressing something to Zhong Michu, and she was sure that Zhong Michu could understand, so she asked, "Senior Sister Zhong, what did it say?"

Zhong Michu turned around and looked at Gu Fuyou, his eyes scrutinizing: "Did you kill that young snow bear?"

Gu Fuyou didn't understand the meaning of this scrutiny. In fact, Zhong Michu was surprised that the young snow bear was already in the early stage of foundation building, but Gu Fuyou was able to kill it with his great Qi training and not be seriously injured. Ordinary mediocre people could not do this.

Gu Fuyou thought that Zhong Michu knew about it and that she had caused the trouble herself. She smiled awkwardly and said, "I just accidentally fell into the snow bear's cave and disturbed its hibernation. It chased me and refused to stop until it killed me. I had no choice but to fight back..."

The snow bear roared a few more times. Gu Fuyou asked, "What did the snow bear say again?"

She always felt that spirit beasts were particularly respectful in front of Zhong Michu, and even when they roared in anger, they seemed extremely restrained. She thought it was some little trick in the way of taming beasts, and she was thinking about asking her for advice when she had the chance.

Before Zhong Michu could answer, Gu Fuyou asked again, "Is it for your sake that it spared me this time and won't do it again?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the snow bear roared loudly, and with a crackling sound, it broke free from the icicle, landed on all fours on the broken icicle, and prepared to jump again.

This time it was prepared, and it would not be caught by Zhong Michu's move if it pounced again.

Zhong Michu said calmly: "It says, 'The hatred for killing my son is irreconcilable. Even if I have to be torn to pieces, I will make you pay with blood.'"

Gu Fuyou naturally didn't believe that a spirit beast could speak such flowery words. It was definitely that Zhong Michu "slightly embellished" the spirit beast's meaning and deliberately said such words to scare her.

Just as Gu Fuyou was about to retort, the snow bear pounced at him, and the tip of Gengchen's sword suddenly rose up and soared into the sky.

With one sword, the snow bear was in chaos. It couldn't catch up with him and lay on the ground roaring towards the sky in dismay.

It’s not that Zhong Michu couldn’t beat it, but there was no reason for him to fight it. He also felt sorry for it for losing its young son, so he ran away to avoid wasting his energy.

Zhong Michu carried Gu Fuyou on his sword and walked eastward. Gu Fuyou didn't know where he was in Xianluo from the summoning circle. He only saw a cliff where the snow forest ended and waves crashed against the shore. In front of him was the endless sea.

Zhong Michu landed on the beach below the cliff, put away the Gengchen sword, and stepped on the soft sand.

Gu Fuyou also jumped onto the beach, found a rock to sit down, took a deep breath, and thought about how to find the dead forest again.

Zhong Michu glanced at her, felt in his sleeve, took out a handkerchief, handed it to her, and said, "Wipe it off."

Gu Fuyou took it with both hands and looked at her blankly.

Zhong Michu said: "Face."

Gu Fuyou finally realized that she had been hit by the explosion of the starry sky and had a wound on her forehead. Her face was covered with blood. She touched it and found that the blood had already coagulated. Her hair had also coagulated in clumps. "Thank you, Senior Sister."

Gu Fuyou ran to the water and took a look, and he looked really miserable.

She soaked her handkerchief in water and wiped the blood off her face. With just one wipe, the snow-white handkerchief turned bright red.

Gu Fuyou murmured in his heart, why was it that when he summoned Zhong Michu, he didn't get the most embarrassed, but only got more embarrassed.

Zhong Michu was there tidying up the hem of her clothes that had been messed up by Gu Fuyou, and her legs were held by Gu Fuyou. When Zhong Michu brushed her clothes, the scent of Gu Fuyou wafted over them, very faint, but tempting enough.

Zhong Michu recalled the way Gu Fuyou had held her tightly and refused to let go, and sighed softly, "How can there be a girl like you in this world?"

Zhong Michu's words focused on "there are people like you", but when Gu Fuyou heard it, she understood it as focusing on "girl".

Gu Fuyou swung the bloodstained handkerchief clean in the sea, turned around and smiled, moved his hand to the collar of his clothes and gently pulled it: "Senior Sister Zhong, do you think I don't look like a girl? Do you want to test it?"

Zhong Michu's face darkened: "Flirtatious."

Gu Fuyou couldn't help but burst out laughing. Almost as soon as she finished speaking, she thought of how Zhong Michu would reply to her, word for word, and the joy of surviving the catastrophe, the relaxation of her mind, and the little bit of interest made her overjoyed, and she laughed so hard that tears came out.

As she was laughing, she suddenly saw something stirring in the sand next to her. She looked over and saw that thing breaking out of the soil, waving its two large claws, and crawling towards her sideways. It turned out to be a crab.

She stood up suddenly, her face full of horror, because the crab's back was not a shell, but a human face. Although the face was small, it had all the facial features.

This is a crab with a human face.

Gu Fuyou’s hair stood on end: “Ahhhh!”

The man's eyes and mouth were tightly closed. When Gu Fuyou screamed, the man's mouth suddenly opened and he also said, "Ahhhh!"

Moreover, the scream was so shrill and sharp that it completely drowned out Gu Fuyou's voice.

Small humps formed in the sand on all sides, and human-faced crabs crawled out and surrounded Gu Fuyou.

Gu Fuyou screamed loudly, and they screamed along with him. The louder Gu Fuyou screamed, the louder they screamed.

The evil sound fills the brain and destroys the spirit.

Zhong Michu stood aside, unable to bear the disturbance.

Gu Fuyou looked at Zhong Michu for help and cried out in a sobbing voice, "Senior Sister Zhong, help me!"

Zhong Michu said calmly: "A crab with a human face will not hurt anyone."

Gu Fuyou shouted: "But it's disgusting!"

Why are all these monsters and demons flocking to her

God knows that when she saw the human faces on the crab shells, she got goosebumps all over the ground. Whenever she touched them, she would feel a chill from the soles of her feet to her head, and she wanted to immediately cut off her hands and feet that touched the crabs with human faces.

However, Zhong Michu had no intention of coming over to help. The woman's sleeves were fluttering in the wind, her hair was tied with snow-white ribbons, and she was gazing at the blue sky and the blue sea. It was such a poetic scene. If you didn't know better, you would think she was just strolling here and enjoying the scenery.

Gu Fuyou thought that she was remembering the time when she called her before she took a bath and held her legs and refused to let her go, so she was just watching leisurely now.

Seeing the human-faced crab approaching step by step, Gu Fuyou could only retreat into the sea.

The densely packed human-faced crabs made Gu Fuyou's scalp tingle. She thought that death was death, and the sea of fire and mountains of swords would only take a moment. She closed her eyes and stepped on the human-faced crabs and ran over to Zhong Michu's side, just as if she was stepping on stones.

She tried to comfort herself, but she couldn't take that step and was on the verge of collapse: "Nanzhu Jun!"

Zhong Michu glanced over with an unfriendly look on his face.

Gu Fuyou remembered his promise not to use the contract to force her to do anything, and quickly changed his words, calling softly, "Senior Sister Zhong."

"Good senior sister... Sister! Good sister! Dear sister!"

After several calls in a row, Zhong Michu was suddenly stunned when he heard her call like this.

Gu Fuyou said: "Use your magical powers..."

Before he could finish his words, the sea surface suddenly rippled, and the next moment, a slender white shadow broke through the water behind Gu Fuyou, wrapped around Gu Fuyou's waist, and dragged him away in an instant.

Gu Fuyou was pulled into the air: "Zhong Michu ah ah ah!" The scream changed tone in panic, turning around and around, getting farther and farther away.