The Dragon

Chapter 83


"Then what does senior mean when you tell me these things?"

"The news of the city lord's grandnephew being trapped has been brought to me. I have lived up to the trust. The city lord of Wantong City's alliance plan has been made clear, and I have not violated my promise to him. As for how to deal with it, it is the city lord's decision. It’s over.”

Zuo Yuanrong didn't show much concern. If Gu Fuyou didn't understand him, she would have to think that he didn't believe it. But with Zuo Shaode's words first, she knew that Zuo Yuanrong's matter had nothing to do with her, and she was taking it easy.

Zuo Yuanrong said: "I will send someone to deliver a letter to the thirty-third heaven afterwards. I believe that the sect master can handle it impartially. If the matter is settled and the senior has made a contribution, the sect master will be grateful."

Gu Fuyou smiled and didn't comment, and nodded with his crossed feet. Zuo Yuanrong Xin also swayed and moved closer to Gu Fuyou. When Gu Fuyou didn't speak, the auditorium became very quiet. Zuo Yuanrong felt itchy and couldn't bear to let her go so quickly. He was looking for something to talk to her about more, and said in a hoarse voice, "Senior, how do you think I handled it?"

Gu Fuyou leaned back, resting his elbow on the armrest on the other side, leaning on his cheek, and said with a smile: "I am just an outsider. It is not my turn to take care of the messy debts of your Zuo family."

"What are you talking about?" Zuo Yuanrong put his hands on the armrests. Gu Fuyou's right hand, which was placed on the armrest, fell between his hands. "Senior is a distinguished guest of my Zuo family. No matter where you go, you must serve him with care..."

As Zuo Yuanrong spoke, he slowly placed a hand on the back of Gu Fuyou's hand: "Senior, if you are willing, you can not only be a distinguished guest of my Zuo family, but also the master of my Zuo family."

Gu Fuyou stared at his hand with a cold gaze, but did not pull her right hand back. He just smiled: "The city lord is confused. The master of your Zuo family is Zuo Yuezhi."

Zuo Yuanrong said: "Oh. I'm confused. I'm not sure about the thirty-third heaven, but I can do it accurately in Bailu City."

"Being the master of Bailu City?" Gu Fuyou said, "It's quite interesting."

Zuo Yuanrong's eyes were a little hot as he looked straight at Gu Fuyou. Gu Fuyou pointed her temple with her index finger, closing her eyes and thinking. She turned her head away, revealing her long and fair neck, and the texture on the side of her neck sloped towards the hollow of her neck. Zuo Yuanrong swallowed, his mind wandering.

As the lord of a city, he has countless beauties and has never been short of women. Unfortunately, the Qingluan Clan and the Dragon Clan are the most beautiful and handsome in the world. He has been coveting them for a long time, but he can't get them. greedy. He has also met many Qingluan tribe members. This Qingluan was the prettiest one he had ever seen, and could bear the word "unparalleled", so he couldn't stand the lust for it.

Gu Fuyou opened his eyes and smiled sweetly at Zuo Yuanrong: "But Bailu City is too small. City Lord, I am not a person who has never seen the world. If I were to be the master, I would rather be the master of the thirty-third heaven. ”

Zuo Yuanrong smiled and said: "Senior, you don't know, but my nephew is sitting on the throne in the sky of Lihen, and he is not sitting securely. Senior just came from Wantong City, bringing such news, so he must be aware of it. Those thirty-three Chongtian may not be as happy as I am in Bailu City.”

Gu Fuyou said: "The city lord of Wantong City is very powerful. The Zuo Sect Master of Zuo Yue can't give in too much, or is he slightly better? If the two sides really fight, the Zuo Sect Master may have a greater chance of winning. The city lord and the Wantong City lord are relatives. Brother, there is a layer of separation between us and Zuo Sect Master..."

Gu Fuyou quickly took his hand out. Zuo Yuanrong didn't hold it. The next moment, Gu Fuyou used his hand to lift his chin and came closer to talk to him: "Bailu City and Wantong City are dead. Wantong City is dead. Does the city lord think Zuo Zongzu will be able to vacate the city?" Take action to deal with you."

Qingluan's skin is fair and the ends of his eyes are bright red. Zuo Yuanrong looked straight at the charming face so close to him. He couldn't keep his mind. How could he have the clarity to meditate on the power of it: "According to what the senior said, I should stand on my brother's side?"

Gu Fuyou slid his finger across Zuo Yuanrong's chin: "It depends on what the city lord thinks."

Zuo Yuanrong was very impressed and said with a smile: "I think what senior said is very reasonable. After listening to senior's words, I suddenly became enlightened."

Zuo Yuanrong wanted to grab Gu Fuyou's hand again. Gu Fuyou had already pulled away, left his seat, and went down the steps: "I have finished what I have said, and I have even said too much. I have also finished what I want the city to say."

Zuo Yuanrong was extremely reluctant to give up: "I wonder if I have any questions in the future, I might ask my seniors for advice."

Gu Fuyou said: "Then we have to see if I have time."

Gu Fuyou left the auditorium and was arranged to go to his residence. There was only a garden and a verandah separated from Zuo Yuanrong's dormitory. On the way, it was not Zhong Michu and Mr. Zhai who were the first to ask her how she was doing, but the four monks Zuo Shaode.

She confessed that Zuo Yuanrong was moved, and the four people had different expressions, ranging from disbelief to doubt to relief. She let them speculate and ignored them.

When we arrived at our residence, it was a spacious hall similar to the one in Lihen Heaven. Gu Fuyou leaned on the chair, resting his head on the side, groaning for a long time, feeling a headache.

A pair of hands pressed on her temples, the fingertips were slightly cool, and they moved gently. Gu Fuyou wanted to ask Zhong Michu what kind of fragrance he had on his body, which had such a remarkable calming effect.

Gu Fuyou raised his right hand and looked at it blankly for a long time before saying, "I want to chop it." He said it as if he really wanted to do it.

Zhong Michu walked to her side, pressed his hand down, and said, "You will need it in the future."

Gu Fuyou chuckled, held Zhong Michu's hands, and rubbed his right hand all over her palms: "You are just like me."

Zhong Michu was puzzled: "What is the same?"

Gu Fuyou smiled and said nothing, holding her right hand and playing with it. Zhong Michu's fingers were long and slender, and when put together, they were a little longer than hers. She had always liked these hands very much. They were symmetrical and white, and had the most charm when playing the piano.

It's just a pity that Zhong Michu has suffered some kind of injury in the past seven hundred years, and there are scars on the palms of his hands as if they had been burned by fire. She thought to herself that Zhong Michu really didn't know how to cherish it. The dragon had scales almost all over its body, except for those few places, which occupied one place under its four claws. What is the probability of getting hurt there

Gu Fuyou scratched the scar on her palm with his fingernail. Zhong Michu's eyes flashed and he said hoarsely: "Aman, I'm a little itchy."

Gu Fuyou was immersed in his own world and did not notice Zhong Michu's abnormality. Her smile gradually faded, and she suddenly asked softly: "Zhong Michu, will you hate me?"

Zhong Michu didn't have time to answer. Gu Fuyou quickly said: "Forget it, pretend you didn't hear it." He let go of Zhong Michu's hand.

Gu Fuyou felt Zhong Michu sit next to her and heard her say softly: "If you don't remember, I can say it as many times as I want, and I will never get tired of you."

Gu Fuyou lay on his side, frowning unconsciously and covering his heart. Human feelings are like loosening your pocket, and there will be more love, and tightening your pocket, and there will be less love. It can't be controlled.

Gu Fuyou is no longer afraid that it will be out of control, she is worried that it will eventually lose control and many variables will occur.

She doesn't want change, she just wants revenge.

When Zhong Michu saw that she didn't speak, he was silent for a moment, then changed the topic and mentioned the little mixed-race young eagle and asked her to be the guard of Gu Fuyou.

Gu Fuyou then responded: "I'll go tell Zuo Yuanrong tomorrow."

Zhong Michu added: "I know you want to take over all the slaves in Bailu City. Can you give her to me?"

Gu Fuyou looked startled, sat up, turned around and looked at her: "What do you want her to do?" He asked a little urgently.

Zhong Michu said: "I want to accept her as my disciple." The irreparable shortcomings in life always want to find another way to comfort her.

Gu Fuyou folded his arms and pondered for a while, then looked at Zhong Michu and said seriously: "If I want to accept her as my disciple, it should be me who accepts her as my disciple. She is a half-blood of the Qingluan tribe. What can you, a half-blood of the dragon tribe, teach her... "Although she, Qingluan, is not considered authentic, there are even fewer people who can teach her.

Gu Fuyou changed his mind: "You still have Yi'er by your side. If you accept her, you will be partial."

Zhong Michu said: "No."

Gu Fuyou said: "Yes."

"No." Zhong Michu stared at her. Gu Fuyou's heart skipped a beat, he had a premonition of what she was going to say, and he felt something was wrong, so he quickly agreed: "Okay, no, I'll leave it to you. Yi'er has been promoted to senior sister, so she must be very happy."

The next day, Zuo Yuanrong arranged for her to select slaves, and she took advantage of the situation and mentioned that twenty-three should be the guard. Zuo Yuanrong was inevitably surprised. The Qingluan tribe had always hated mixed blood, with few exceptions. Gu Fuyou had his own excuses and gave Zuo Yuanrong some sweetness. Zuo Yuanrong responded immediately.

Mr. Zhai walked with Zhong Michu and said to Zhong Michu with a folding fan: "Gu Fuyou smiled so seductively at Zuo Yuanrong. Look, the city lord's arm was almost touching Gu Fuyou." "

Zhong Michu: "..."

Mr. Zhai still said: "Tsk, tsk, tsk. Since ancient times, heroes have struggled with beauty, let alone bears. The Zuo family is all very ambitious. How come Zuo Yuanrong has such an incompetent person?"

Zhong Michu said: "It's a good thing that he is easier to manipulate."

"The premise is to sell your appearance." Mr. Zhai said, "Aren't you depressed?" Zhong Michu turned around and stared at Mr. Zhai.

Mr. Zhai quickly covered his fan with his mouth. She wasn't blind, so she couldn't tell what Zhong Michu was thinking about Gu Fuyou. Finally, I accidentally let it slip on this day.

Zuo Yuanrong selects slaves of high quality for the pleasure of Bo Jiaren. Gu Fuyou saw Lao Qi among them. He had his head lowered and was lifeless. Although many slaves here were lifeless and their eyes were dull, Lao Qi was different. His silence had already reached the bottom and he would not go any further. room to fall.

Gu Fuyou was not very satisfied with the remaining slaves. Those slaves were too soft and accepted their fate. Even if they unshackled him, they would not think of escaping.

After walking down the road for a day, just when she thought she had gained nothing. Xiao Zhongting brought news that there was a person in the cell next to the main residence, and Gu Fuyou could take it for his own use.

That man was also a slave in Bailu City, but he had a very special number - zero. The slaves in Bailu City were named with numbers from the beginning. The lower the number, the more powerful they were. Zero poop means non-existence, and it also means that the ability has reached its peak among the slaves in White Deer City.

When Gu Fuyou found out, he had many questions in his heart. Why is this person not included in the slave number? He is so powerful, but Zuo Yuanrong doesn't see him being used for his own purposes. Xiao Zhongting didn't know everything in detail. He only knew that Zuo Yuanrong had not tamed him yet, but was bound by a slave contract. The man could sometimes resist, so he was kept in prison.

After Gu Fuyou heard this, he was extremely shocked. She wanted to see this slave who admired her without notifying Zuo Yuanrong. At night, a man went to the prison next to the big house to see the man.

At night, the moon's light slanted into the prison, illuminating only half of the cell. Gu Fuyou saw the man sitting cross-legged in the cell, with the upper half of his body hidden in a thick black mass. The darkness did not affect her vision, her pupils shrank, and she saw the appearance of the man, naked to the waist, wearing a pair of dark red shirts and trousers, with a black beard and slightly curled hair, like a savage.

The man spoke with a low and magnetic voice: "It's strange that there is Qingluan in this world, and he ran into Bailu City. Sure enough, he has not seen the light of day for too long, and things in the world are constantly changing."

Gu Fuyou smiled. Xiao Zhongting said that this man had wrong bones in his life, and his bones were too hard to be worn away. She likes it, likes it very much.

"It's strange that a slave can become a monk of Dongxu Dzogchen."

"who are you?"


"You're doing Tai Chi with me."

Gu Fuyou smiled: "Who are you?"

The man didn't answer. Gu Fuyou said: "Even if you don't tell me, I know that you are a slave of the Zuo family."

The man snorted coldly: "One day, I will be able to find a way to untie the slave contract. Just watch." He thought Qingluan was from the Zuo family.

Gu Fuyou smiled and said: "This slave has been around for many years, but no one has yet developed a way to unlock the slave contract."

The man said: "Just because you don't have it doesn't mean you can't."

"Yes. That's right." Gu Fuyou nodded: "Are you proficient in formations?"

The man said: "I know a little bit."

Gu Fuyou said: "It just so happens that I know a little bit about it."

"It just so happens that I also know how to undo the slave contract."

The man said excitedly: "You lied!"

Gu Fuyou said: "I have "Qi Men" in my hand."

The man was mute and didn't know what he was thinking. He suddenly stood up, and the chains creaked. He walked under the moonlight and held the iron pillar with his two big hands. Gu Fuyou could see his figure. He was very tall, with iron spikes pierced through his shoulder blades and connected to chains.

The man's eyes were bright and he said, "You lied to me."

Gu Fuyou smiled and said: "Want to learn? Become your teacher and I will teach you."