The Dragon

Chapter 86


Gu Fuyou picked her up, put her on the bed, and covered her with a blanket.

Mr. Zhai looked inside from the door. Gu Fuyou came over, took out a pill bottle and handed it to her: "You and Yuanshan stay here and watch her. If she shows signs of waking up, you feed her two more pills."

Mr. Zhai took it and looked at it carefully: "What is this?"

"Specially made by Si Miao."

Mr. Zhai clicked his tongue: "You two are entangled. You are trying to drag me into this dispute. I will be in cahoots with you and share the blame."

Gu Fuyou said: "I thought we were always in the same boat."

"Is it too late to get off the boat now?"

"What do you think?"

Mr. Zhai sighed, walked to the bedside and sat down, looking at the comatose Zhong Michu. She had a toothache. How could she, an ordinary mortal, withstand the wrath of the Dragon King? Mr. Zhai asked Gu Fuyou, "Why bother?"

Gu Fuyou did not answer her. He hummed the tune of a lullaby and walked out with brisk steps.

Today, there is a training session at the largest fighting arena in Bailu City, and all slaves must be present. The city wants to investigate the killing of slave owners in the past few days. Although the loyalty of slaves is unquestionable, there are always one or two exceptions, so this time even the slaves will be investigated.

The so-called inspection is to investigate and admonish. Even if no clues are found, one or two slaves who have done something wrong will be caught to serve as a warning to others and deter the slaves. This is the usual style of the White Deer City.

As the lord of a city, Zuo Yuanrong had to be present at such a big event. At noon, the sun was blazing brightly, and most people had arrived, but Zuo Yuanrong, the lord, was nowhere to be seen.

Zuo Yi asked, "Why hasn't the city lord arrived yet?"

Someone laughed and said, "The city lord and his beauty are so engrossed in the lake that they may not want to leave." Zuo Yuanrong's attitude towards Qingluan has become more and more obvious these days. Anyone who is sober knows that it is impossible for Qingluan to fall in love with Zuo Yuanrong. Even if she does, it is definitely not for him as a person. However, she still treats her as the city lord's wife.

Zuo Yi ordered his subordinates, "Go and have a look." His subordinates agreed and hurried to look for it.

Zuo Yi looked around again and asked curiously, "What happened today? The Second Young Master didn't come either."

One person said, "He said he had something important to deal with and asked us to take care of it first."

One of them laughed and said, "The city lord has been indulging in the pleasures of life these days, which has made the second young master suffer. He has been investigating the cause of death of his clansmen, working so hard that he has not slept a wink."

As they were talking, Zuo Yi's subordinates returned. "So soon?"

When they looked again, they saw the blue phoenix following behind them. Everyone looked around, but there was no sign of Zuo Yuanrong. They looked at each other in bewilderment.

Gu Fuyou walked over slowly. Zuo Yi stepped forward and asked, "Sir, where is the city lord?"

Everyone stood up to greet her. She walked past them, went straight to the stands, stood in the seat of the city lord, and said, "The city lord is not feeling well, so I will take over the inspection."

When these words came out, everyone was shocked and whispered to each other. Some people were quite unhappy and even did not believe it. The affairs of the Zuo family, especially such a big matter, have always been forbidden to outsiders to interfere. The majesty of the city lord is absolute, and it is impossible for him to do it for you.

"Sir, I hope you can ask the city lord to come and investigate."

Gu Fuyou sneered and said, "He is your city lord, not my city lord. Why don't you go and invite him yourself, but let me do it instead?"

At this time, everyone just thought that this was Qingluan's arrogant temper and did not realize that there was anything wrong.

Until Gu Fuyou walked to the edge of the stands and said, "Everyone." The voice spread far away and could be heard clearly in every corner.

Everyone frowned and rushed forward to stop him. The person who could speak on the stands could only be the city lord, and no one was allowed to overstep his authority.

Gu Fuyou turned back suddenly and shouted: "Back off!"

Everyone was shocked, cold sweat broke out on their backs, and they were shocked to realize that the Qingluan in front of them was already in the Spirit Severing Stage, and they stepped back unconsciously. In the entire Bailu City, except for Zuo Qingfeng who was in seclusion, no one could rival her.

Gu Fuyou's spiritual power was released, and the pressure from the Spirit Severing Stage forced the Jindan Stage cultivators to half-kneel on the ground, gasping for breath. Gu Fuyou laughed several times, with a mocking look, his dark green eyes were like the eyes of a wild beast, glaring at everyone. No wonder the powerful like to use pressure to suppress people, it turns out that it feels so good.

Gu Fuyou looked down and continued, "Everyone."

The slaves, trainers, and guards below all looked up at her. Gu Fuyou said to the trainers and guards, "I'm not referring to you."

"… "

Gu Fuyou looked at the slaves. The fighting arena could not accommodate all the slaves in Bailu City. Many slaves with low cultivation were still waiting for orders in the big house. It was their turn to go on the field only after this group of people were trained late.

Gu Fuyou looked at those pairs of wooden eyes. The expressions on their faces were like they were carved from the same mold. They were all puppets at the mercy of others. There were rarely any different faces or different lights in their eyes. She asked, "Do you want to go out of Bailu City and take a look?"

The slaves stared at her, unable to understand her words. But everyone on the stage began to feel something was wrong.

Gu Fuyou said: "The five continents and four seas, the sky is high and the land is vast, you should have been free people, either traveling between heaven and earth, or like these people, achieving success and fame, and being served by thousands of people, or being willing to live in peace and quiet, and live with your loved ones until old age."

"My Lord, what are you talking about? These are slaves..."

-not human.

The words were stuck in Gu Fuyou's throat after he glanced at them.

Gu Fuyou said, "Look at it, what is the difference between you and them? You have the same head, chest, limbs, and skin, but because you were signed a contract, you lost everything. This will be the case for this life, for your descendants, and for eternity."

The slaves below stared at her with blank eyes, like three-year-old children.

"The Zuo family caused you to lose everything. They are not gods and have no right to do this."

“No, in Nanzhou, my Zuo family is the god!” The deep voice was like a huge bell, striking heavily on people’s hearts.

Gu Fuyou looked back. In the air behind him, a man stood tall, his face was as sharp as a knife, his eyebrows were sharp, his eyes were stern, his cape was rustling, and he was folding his arms, one of which was made of diamond.

Gu Fuyou's eyes slowly widened, and a light flickered in them. She had engraved this man's face in her heart, and now seeing him, she was so excited that her hair stood on end and her whole body was hot.

Zuo Qingfeng.

—I was the one who killed your father. He turned to ashes and not a single bone was left.

—I tell you clearly, not to mention that you are a prisoner of the Zuo family now, even if you are not, you will never be able to do anything to me in this life.

—If you want revenge, wait for the next life.

She remembered all these words, sounds, and tones clearly, and they were repeating in her mind at this moment.

Zuo Qingfeng looked down at her and said, "Are you Qingluan who has been hanging out with Uncle San these days? Today you can no longer hold back and show your true colors."

Zuo Peixian and his subordinates hurried over. Zuo Yi asked hurriedly, "Sir, what's going on? Why did the guardian come out of seclusion?"

Zuo Peixian snorted coldly: "This Qingluan really has bad intentions, it seems that the time is right." People have died one after another in the city, which has never happened before. He has long been hesitant about whether to ask Zuo Qingfeng to come out. Today, the slaves gathered for inspection, and too many people could easily cause chaos. He was always uneasy, so he finally asked Zuo Qingfeng to come out, wanting him to preside over the situation. Unexpectedly, he hit the jackpot. When he came back, he heard that Qingluan had bewitched the slaves.

Gu Fuyou's body was shaking with excitement. She hugged herself and smiled at Zuo Qingfeng. The smile was too weird.

She shouted to the sky: "Zuo Qingfeng!!!"

A tornado suddenly rose from the ground, twisting and rushing straight to the center of the sky. Everyone in the fighting arena was unsteady. The tornado attacked Zuo Qingfeng, who flew into the air to evade it, saying loudly: "Remove the city defense formation!"

The voice was so loud and powerful that it reached the city gate tower.

Seeing Gu Fuyou coming straight at him, he did not want to fight with Gu Fuyou in the city. Although there were many defensive formations in the city, the people in the fighting field could not withstand the destruction of two great gods. He wanted to lure Gu Fuyou out of the fighting field and into the sky.

He knew Qingluan would definitely follow him. Such obvious murderous intent made the air condense into a chill. He didn't remember having a grudge against Qingluan, but he didn't care much about it.

After listening to Zuo Peixian's account of Qingluan's actions, combined with what Qingluan had just said, he concluded that Qingluan must be an insider sent by the Qingluan clan, stirring up trouble everywhere just to disrupt Nanzhou. She had deceived everyone in the Zuo family. No matter what grudge Qingluan had against him, it didn't matter. He only had one thing to do now—break her wings and get rid of this trouble!

The two men chased and retreated, straight up into the sky. Bailu City under them gradually became smaller, like a grain of sand.

Zuo Qingfeng no longer held back his spiritual power. The two were several feet apart in the air, and when he released his spiritual power, the wind and clouds changed color.

Zuo Qingfeng asked: "Did the Qingluan tribe send you here?"

The corners of Gu Fuyou's eyes were red, and she was already in a trance: "Zuo Qingfeng, I want to see you so much." She originally wanted to wait until the matter in Bailu City was settled before looking for him, but she didn't expect that the Zuo family would ask him to leave so quickly. Well, she couldn't wait any longer.

"I've seen you?"

Gu Fuyou just smiled. Zuo Qingfeng saw that she was a little crazy. He didn't talk much and liked to get straight to the point. Seeing that he couldn't get anything out of her, he attacked with his sword.

Zuo Qingfeng was an external cultivator with a gold spiritual root. He broke an arm in a fight with Gu Wanpeng 700 years ago, but he unexpectedly gained some insights and his cultivation level improved instead of declining. Gu Fuyou's body was an internal cultivator, and she could not gain any advantage by fighting him in close combat. She fell into madness, but still had some rationality, so she kept her distance and summoned Yinhen.

With a push of his spiritual power, the magic array was deployed instantly. Yinhen was like a great master who had practiced magic arrays. He knew all kinds of magic arrays, shortened the condensation time, and did not need the master's spiritual power. All Gu Fuyou had to do was to find a magic array that could restrain Zuo Qingfeng's moves.

Gu Fuyou opened three barriers in succession, making this world her home, and preventing Zuo Qingfeng from absorbing the spiritual power of heaven and earth. Zuo Qingfeng was no ordinary man, with a fierce knife like the judge's pen in the underworld, a single cut was extremely fierce, and it broke through Gu Fuyou's three barriers, sweeping away the clouds for miles, and the knife light attacked Gu Fuyou's body, and cut straight into Gu Fuyou's body, only to see Gu Fuyou's body twisted like ripples, and a talisman broke into two halves, floating down from the air.

Zuo Qingfeng was startled and looked back. Gu Fuyou had somehow circled behind him, holding his hands upside down and swallowing his hatred. The light of the formation was shining brightly, and a storm was coming.

Zuo Qingfeng's eyes lit up with a fiery light and he smiled. For a person like him who pursues power, what he loves most in his life is to compete with the strong. It's exciting, and the more difficult it is, the more motivated he is.

In Bailu City, everyone looked up at the sky and saw a scene that looked like the sky was about to fall. Strong winds blew thick dark clouds that covered the sun. The sky and the earth were dark and a strange light appeared and disappeared in the clouds.

The suffocating pressure fell on everyone, and those with low cultivation almost collapsed to the ground. Old Seven kept looking up at the sky. Not far from him was Twenty-Three. The strong pressure made it difficult for her to breathe, but she kept looking at the sky, never moving her eyes away. The light in her eyes became more and more intense, and her heart beat faster and faster, thumping loudly. It had never been so powerful before.

Such a strong man and such vast power made her yearn for him, admire him, and want to submit to him.

Her blood became hot and made her dizzy. She wanted to be like the people in the sky, disrupting the world and picking stars.

With a loud bang, a blinding white light engulfed all forms. When everyone regained their vision, a hole appeared in the thick dark clouds above their heads, and the sun shone through it.

Someone fell down and landed on the table. Everyone in the Zuo family looked at him and was horrified: "Protector!"

Zuo Qingfeng turned his head and vomited a large pool of blood. There was a hole in his chest, and blood was flowing out. Zuo Qingfeng was a master in Bailu City, like a pin of support for Bailu City. Now that he was defeated, Qingluan actually had such a trick? !

Everyone wanted to help him. A green figure landed beside Zuo Qingfeng. Everyone was shocked and hesitated to move forward.

Gu Fuyou was in a state of embarrassment. Her right sleeve was burned to her shoulder, and her slender arm was covered in blood. The knife was embedded in her right shoulder. She stretched out her hand to grasp the back of the knife and pulled it out with force. She couldn't help but frown and groan in pain. The moment the knife came out, blood flowed. She threw the knife to the ground, took out the elixir, and poured it out without caring what it was. She swallowed it with blood, covered the wound, walked to Zuo Qingfeng, looked down at him and sneered: "Seeing you like this, I am so happy."

This is what she thinks about day and night.

She sighed in her heart, as if she was about to cry with excitement.

Zuo Qingfeng raised his body and lay back down. He took a breath for a while before he could speak: "I admit defeat."

Gu Fuyou shook his head and said, "You admit defeat? How can you admit defeat? Do you remember that you were full of vigor and said to me, 'You can't do anything to me in this life, and you have to wait until the next life to take revenge'?"

Zuo Qingfeng was stunned, and looked bewildered. Gu Fuyou walked up to him, turned away, and said with a smile: "Although my father has been reduced to ashes and his body is gone, I will leave you a whole body because you can lower my elder brother's body from the tower."

Zuo Qingfeng's expression suddenly changed, and he said, "Gu..."

Yinhen suddenly fell and pierced into Dantian. Zuo Qingfeng's voice stopped abruptly, and the look of astonishment was frozen on his face forever.