The Dragon

Chapter 93


Si Miao came over to support Zhong Mi Chu and check her injuries.

It's not a fatal injury, but I really need to rest.

Zhong Michu and Zuo Shaode both fell, but another Qingluan came, still in the Spirit Severing Stage.

Faced with the enraged spirit beasts, the morale of the Zuo family cultivators dropped further and further. Even though they had the two sons of Zuo Shaode and a leader, they were still completely routed.

The monks of the Zuo family fled in defeat, protecting the young master as he left, not even caring about Zuo Tianlang.

The group fought and retreated, and half of the troops were killed in Tu Mountain.

When Gu Fuyou retreated from the corpses, he was dragging a man with him. The man's jade-colored robe was stained with blood, his face was pale, and he had fainted.

Gu Fuyou threw Zuo Tianlang to the ground, ordered people to guard him, and led everyone to Wantong City.

The battle in Wantong City was coming to an end, with the three armies fighting in chaos.

It's hard to say who got the advantage.

When Zuo Yuezhi's men discovered that Zuo Shaode was not there, they began to withdraw; Zuo Shaode had taken away most of the main forces early in the morning.

When Gu Fuyou was fighting with the two elders of Xuling Sect, he suddenly felt that his formation was broken. After a moment, he saw a ray of fire rising into the sky. The huge spiritual power belonged to the powerful spirit. There were only three spirits in this world, her, Zuo Shaode, and Zhong Michu.

That direction is exactly the location of Tu Mountain.

She knew something was wrong and was about to rush back to Tushan, but two elders blocked her way.

The angrier you are, the more violent you become.

I thought if they didn't let her go, well, they would just kill themselves.

All her anxiety and worry turned into a rage and hatred, and she showed no mercy until the two elders died in her hands. Who else would dare to stop this evil spirit

After leaving the city, she saw Du Pan leading his men to retreat. She had no intention of chasing them, so she ordered Feng Sui and Lao Qi, one of them led a group of people to clear out the remaining Zuo family monks in the city, while the other led a team to hunt down Du Pan.

She went straight to Tushan and saw Zhong Michu being injured.

When they arrived at Wantong City, Lao Qi had already cleaned up the city.

Feng Sui also came back, but he didn't catch up with anyone. Gu Fuyou didn't worry.

The houses in the city were destroyed, but half of them were still habitable and the city lord's mansion was also largely intact.

The girls of Yinxuezhai went back to Yinxuezhai. Fengsui and Laoqi were more and more adept at commanding people. They arranged slaves to help Yinxuezhai take care of the pavilions and sent people to patrol the city.

Gu Fuyou and others lived in the City Lord's Mansion and stayed there temporarily.

The next day, the sun was warm and Gu Fuyou sat on the armchair facing the city gate.

A broken sword lay across her legs, her hand resting lightly on the blade. She squinted her eyes as she looked up at the object gradually rising on the tower, and shouted, "Lift it higher!"

"Let everyone admire Mr. Zuo's elegance and grace."

Zuo Tianlang had his hands tied and the other end of the rope was being pulled by people on the city wall.

He had disheveled hair and was shirtless: "You, you bitch! Put me down!"

He had been noble since childhood and had never suffered such humiliation. Even when he was under house arrest by Zuo Shaode, Zuo Shaode retained his dignity and he was still handsome and graceful.

Zuo Tianlang's cultivation was sealed, and he could only kick with his feet in vain. His body was very white, but his face and neck were flushed red, two different colors.

"The Zuo family has treated you well, you bitch from the Qingluan clan..."

His cursing was so unbearable that Lao Qi frowned and threw a stone at him, knocking out his teeth.

Zuo Tianlang was both ashamed and annoyed. If he were on the ground, he would have been furious. But now he was hanging up, his body moving wildly. Not only could he not hit anyone, he couldn't even get down from the ground. It just made him look even more ridiculous.

Gu Fuyou leaned his cheek against the tower and looked at it: "Look at how pitiful he is with no one to talk to. Let's hang his uncle up there to keep him company."

The crowd also hung Zuo Shaode's body up, next to Zuo Tianlang.

As soon as the corpse touched Zuo Tianlang's arm, Zuo Tianlang immediately got goose bumps and moved away in resistance.

Zuo Shaode's blood had been drained out, and his body had turned dry and dark yellow, with only a vague recognizable appearance.

He suddenly felt a fear, not the fear of death, but because he knew Zuo Shaode's strength very well, and yet he ended up like this. Such a big city as Wantong fell into the hands of Qingluan.

The Zuo family is blessed by destiny, the overlord of a continent, and there is no rival in the world. It should be a long and prosperous life, and those who offend the Zuo family will eventually be trampled underfoot.

He never thought that the Zuo family would lose.

He shuddered at the thought that he would lose everything, his status, his honor, and that he would be the one being trampled underfoot.

He shook his head in his heart and murmured, "Impossible."

But his peripheral vision always swept across Zuo Shaode's body, and he couldn't stop his thoughts, and fear and panic grew in his heart.

He screamed at Gu Fuyou like a madman: "Let me go! Ah!!! Move him away! Don't come near me!" He was already incoherent.

Si Miao came over. Gu Fuyou stood up and shouted happily to the tower: "Put him down!"

He took Si Miao's hand, pulled her to the city gate, and said with a smile: "You came at the right time."

Zuo Tianlang was lowered down, and when he was about ten feet off the ground, the rope loosened and he fell to the ground. Before he could struggle to get up, people from both sides pinned him down.

Lao Qi came over and handed a dagger to Gu Fuyou.

Gu Fuyou took it and was about to give it to Si Miao.

Gu Fuyou said excitedly, "He was very noisy and has been making noise all morning. Come and cut off his tongue."

Si Miao's expression was indifferent, without much change. She didn't even look at Zuo Tianlang, and just said, "She's awake."

Zhong Michu woke up.

Si Miao did not take the knife. Gu Fuyou's mouth dropped.

Now Si Miao is indifferent to everything, even the enemy who made her speechless is not in her eyes. Perhaps only after killing Lu Yandong will things be different.

Gu Fuyou, however, held the knife and walked up to Zuo Tianlang.

Zuo Tianlang stepped back and shouted, "What are you doing!" He was being pinned down and had nowhere to escape.

Gu Fuyou and Si Miao are now completely opposite, one is crazy and evil, the other is dead silent.

Gu Fuyou smiled at him: "Zuo Tianlang, Mr. Zuo, long time no see."

Zuo Tianlang looked up at her. A shadow fell in front of him. He seemed to be trapped in thick darkness. In the darkness, there was only a pair of blood-red pupils.

Somehow he recognized her.

His eyes widened, thinking it was ridiculous, but in his heart he felt that she was Gu Fuyou.

The dead returned from the underworld.

He couldn't help but tremble with fear, and was so panicked that he couldn't bear it anymore. He struggled and shouted in panic: "Gu Fuyou! Gu Fuyou, um..."

Gu Fuyou moved as fast as lightning and stabbed the dagger into his mouth. When it was pulled out, there was a blood-red thing on the blade.

Zuo Tianlang screamed in pain, but because he had lost his tongue and his throat was full of blood, his screams were muffled.

Gu Fuyou handed the dagger to Lao Qi, wiped his hands with a towel, and threw it in front of Zuo Tianlang. "Feed this thing to him again."


He turned around, took the broken sword from the armchair, and went back to the City Lord's Mansion.

When I arrived at Zhong Michu's house, the door was open and I could hear voices talking.

Gu Fuyou went in. Zhong Michu was leaning against the head of the bed, Yier was sitting beside the bed, wiping her face in a serious manner. Ah Fu was squatting in front of the bed.

Gu Fuyou called out, "Yier."

Because of what happened before, Yi Er was still a little afraid of Gu Fuyou, so her voice softened: "Ah Man, mother."

Gu Fuyou saw it, walked up to her, and stroked her cheek. Fortunately, Yu Yier did not hide, and she smiled and said, "Let me talk to her."

Yier nodded: "Okay." She called Ah Fu over and went out with him.

Gu Fuyou sat where Yi'er had sat before and looked at Zhong Michu.

Zhong Michu's black hair was disheveled, her cheeks were pale, and her eyes were half open, revealing the laziness of just waking up.

Gu Fuyou's eyes fell on her chest, and after a while, he sighed, "This time it was really dangerous. If it went in half an inch, my life would be in danger."

Zhong Michu didn't say anything. Gu Fuyou complained: "You don't even know to find a magic treasure to protect your heart. Even if you put a tortoise shell, it's better than nothing."

Zhong Michu said: "I have been running around for a while but haven't found a suitable one."

Gu Fuyou didn't believe her words. She had gradually figured out Zhong Michu's speaking habits, and just like seven hundred years ago, he saw through her again.

This person will not make up something out of thin air. She will speak based on facts, but she will hide some details and slightly mislead others, so that what others think is completely different.

When she was summoned to Wantong City before, she said that she was "driven out because she was disobedient", or "was injured and had nowhere to go", or even "had a daughter", which was not nonsense. In a sense, it was true.

She was just imagining things.

This person is like this, he is not lying, he just omitted some parts.

Gu Fuyou said, "What about the seven hundred years before you met me? Your heart-protecting scale was broken seven hundred years ago. The dragon race has countless treasures, and each of them is an expert in treasure hunting. It's impossible that you haven't found a suitable one in seven hundred years."

Zhong Michu looked at her, not knowing what he was thinking. After a moment, he looked away and asked softly, "Did you catch Zuo Tianlang?"

Gu Fuyou chuckled softly, feeling nostalgic. In the past, when Zhong Michu talked to her, he couldn't win or didn't want to talk, so he would change the subject or just remain silent.

If it were an ordinary situation, I would have let her go.

We can't let her go now.

Gu Fuyou held the broken sword in both hands and said, "Also, why don't you refine it again?"

What Gu Fuyou was holding was Gengchen, a broken Gengchen.

Since meeting Zhong Michu, I have never seen her wielding a sword, not even by summoning her.

When she arrived, she saw that Zhong Michu and Zuo Shaode had not summoned Gengchen during the fight, so she became puzzled and found out after asking Xinghan.

Zhong Michu's broken sword has been kept in the storage bag for seven hundred years.

Zhong Michu asked: "Did Yi'er give it to you?"

Only Yier dared to look through her storage bag.

Gu Fuyou called out, "Zhong Michu." The end of his words was drawn out helplessly.

Gu Fuyou said: "If you ignore it for seven hundred years, it will be sad."

Zhong Michu looked into the void and said with a disappointed look, "Is that so?"

"… "

Gu Fuyou said: "If you had it, why would the battle with Zuo Shaode be so difficult?"

Zhong Michu remained silent. Gu Fuyou remembered something and smiled. She said, "Do you remember that I secretly went to the back of Gushen Peak to find you. You were practicing sword in the courtyard, and the whole courtyard was filled with golden leaves of ginkgo trees and mist. I thought at that time that if there were immortals in this world, they would look like you."

"Zhong Michu, your sword dance is very beautiful."

Zhong Michu said sadly: "It looks good, but what's the use of it?"

Gu Fuyou's heart tightened, and he realized: "Zhong Michu, are you blaming yourself for what happened back then? The Sect Master and Yun Ran Xuan Zun, they..."

No one could protect the broken spiritual sword.

Gu Fuyou put Geng Chen down, opened his arms, and said, "Come, come here, let me hug you."

As she spoke, she moved towards Zhong Michu. Zhong Michu leaned slightly towards her. Gu Fuyou had already held her in his arms: "This has nothing to do with you. It's all the fault of the Zuo family. You have done well enough. There will never be anyone better than you, Zhong Michu. Sect Leader Ji must be very pleased to have you as his disciple."

"And you."

"We are from the same school and clan, and we are honored to be together."

Gu Fuyou was like a sheathed sword, hiding her blood and coldness, with a soft light in her eyes. She said, "Can I recast Gengchen for you?"

Zhong Michu was silent for a moment, then nodded: "Okay."

Gu Fuyou was happy. The sources of her happiness were so simple: one was the suffering of the Zuo family, and the other was from Zhong Michu.

"I will also help you refine your heart-protecting scales. I will refine for you a piece of the hardest scale armor in the world, better than any other dragon's heart-protecting scales."

Although Zhong Michu said, "There is nothing in this world harder than the dragon's heart-protecting scales," she liked to hear Gu Fuyou say such words, which were a bit childish and reminded her of the old Gu Fuyou. The girl standing on the ground, raising her hand to pick the stars, had bright starry eyes and youthful spirit.

Gu Fuyou smiled and said, "I have a way, I will definitely refine it for you."

Zhong Michu's lips curved slightly, and he said softly, "Okay."