The Dragon Travels The World
Author: 流氓鱼儿
Latest: Chapter 375
Status: Completed
This book is the second urban novel written by the rogue fisher after full preparation in April. The scene is grand, the story is complicated, the plot is tense and exciting, and most importantly, it is quite ayyy, inheriting the style of "Fulin World", the second part of the rogue trilogy for the rogue fisher. A rogue man unifies the kingdom of the underworld, creates a business empire, and picks up the world's most beautiful women. The Nine Classes of Women...
本书为流氓鱼儿历时四月充分准备后所写的第二本都市小说,场面宏大,故事复杂,情节紧张刺激,最重要的是相当的yy,继承了《福临天下》的风格,为流氓鱼儿之流氓三部曲之二。<br /> 一个流氓男人一统黑道王国,创建商业帝国,泡尽天下极品美女的yy故事。<br /> 九品女人...