The Dream of Fast Travel Comes True

Chapter 3


As soon as Ye Mingxiang stepped into the inn, she saw four people sitting at a big table in the center, each of them was handsome (don't blame him, he never classifies handsome men into three, six, or nine grades, in his eyes , are all equally handsome), but one look at them will tell that their identities are not ordinary, their clothes are very delicate, one is wearing light blue clothes, warm and moist as jade; the other is wearing golden clothes, compared with the first one It looked a bit ordinary; the remaining two were uniformly dressed in black, obviously their guards. One of the gentle and jade-like young masters who was facing the gate imagined that he saw someone walking in, looked up at him, and smiled at him, and Ye Mingxiang smiled back when he saw this. A face that was already pretty, but when she smiled, it became even more beautiful. A flash of surprise flashed in the young master's eyes, and he quickly lowered his head and chatted with the person at the same table as if to cover up.

Yang Tianqi found that from the moment he saw this person, he felt as if there was another person in his heart. He was happy to see that person, angry, and determined to win. He didn't understand why he felt this way, but he still followed his own path. Focus on him inwardly.

At the same time, a system prompt appeared in Ye Mingxiang's mind: "Ding, pay attention to the player, I met the main character: Yang Tianqi. Background: the third prince. Start the main task: help Yang Tianqi ascend the throne. In order to help the player complete the task smoothly, I will tell the players the events that will happen in the near future at a certain time, and the rest will be left to the players to figure out their own solutions.

Reminder: One month later, the martial arts conference will begin. In order to win over people, Yang Tianqi will leave for the venue of the martial arts conference: Clear Water City in 20 days. On the way, you will be attacked by robbers pretended to be sent by the eldest prince.

Warm reminder: If the player fails the mission, he will be punished. "

"I don't think you would want to go through it." The tone was creepy and creepy.

Ye Mingxiang was stunned: "I met the main character so soon? They didn't even give me any time to prepare. Also, I will be punished if I fail the mission! Why didn't you tell me the system before?" I will never come!

System: "The player didn't ask."

Ye Mingxiang: "..." You are simply cheating!

The air pressure in Ye Mingxiang's body was extremely low, and Xiao Er led her upstairs with a blank expression. Because I was in a bad mood, I didn't feel the gaze that was always on me.

Yang Tianrong, who met the third brother by chance near the inn and dragged him into the inn to chat, saw the third brother's distraught appearance, and shouted in doubt: "Third brother, third brother..." Seeing Yang Tianqi looking over, he said again: " Third brother, what's the matter with you?" Yang Tianqi came back to his senses: "It's okay, I just saw that the person who just went upstairs is a little familiar, as if I have known him for many years." The fifth prince Yang Tianrong glanced at the direction Ye Mingxiang left, and looked back. To Yang Tianqi: "Third brother is talking about that good-looking person who just entered the inn? I haven't seen anyone prettier than him. You and I are still very close, and the people around you It counts as acquaintance, let alone someone with such good looks. Why did the third brother know him for many years, I am afraid that he has admitted the wrong person. "

Yang Tianqi: "Well, I also think that I must have admitted the wrong person." But the feeling in my heart is too strong, and it is not easy to ignore it.

Yang Tianqi suppressed the strangeness in his heart, and started chatting with his fifth brother, but he was still a little absent-minded. Not long after, Yang Tianqi felt that he was not in the mood to chat anymore, so he bid farewell to his fifth brother and went back to the palace.

Ye Mingxiang came to the guest room, looked around, and was very satisfied. After inviting Xiaoer out, she began to think about becoming a man. Hey, I've become a man... I found that I was actually very happy! Rubbing his hands together excitedly, his eyes lit up. In this way, I can do some things, such as: flirt with beautiful women, go shopping in brothels, and, as a rotten girl, why don't I match up a few couples myself? Oh hehehe... Now that I've become a man, my name has to be changed, um... what's my name? Just call Ye Ming (I won't admit it's because I'm lazy...).

After deciding on the name, Ye Ming began to think about how to complete the tasks sent by the system. I heard from the system that they will encounter bandits pretended by the First Prince's subordinates, so I will only get to know them if I go to save them. But if I want to save them, I need enough force. Where does this force come from? Only 20 days are allowed for me to practice martial arts, unless I have excellent bones, a genius that is rarely seen in a hundred years.

Ye Ming: "System, what do you say if I don't have enough strength to save them?"

System: "Player, you can only be killed together with them." As he said that, he sighed, as if to say: I'm going to die so soon, I can only find another person.

Ye Ming: "=口="Why am I so unlucky!

Ye Ming hated the eldest prince to death, and had nothing to do with letting his subordinates pretend to be robbers... "Why did the eldest prince want his subordinates to play robbers?"

"Ding, background introduction: "The emperor of the Qingqiu Kingdom is seriously ill. He can't live for more than three months, and the crown prince has not yet been established. It is finally decided that one of several princes will be elected to succeed him two months later. Several princes are fighting openly and secretly. Among them, the eldest prince and the third prince have the highest chance of succeeding to the throne. Both of them want to kill each other so that they can inherit the throne. "

Ye Ming: "So, if I want to complete this task, killing the eldest prince is a shortcut."

System: "Correct solution."

Ye Ming was in a mess for a while, then thought about the value of force, and quickly took out the book that the system gave him. When I saw these three introductory books, I had an urge to pull out the system and strangle it to death.

Ye Ming: "System, you let me, a martial arts beginner, save people?"

System: "Player, don't misunderstand. When your martial arts reaches a certain level, you will be given a more advanced book. It is useless for you to get it now."

Ye Ming's eyes lit up: "Really?"

System: "Really."

Ye Ming thought about it and felt that martial arts are the prerequisite for everything, and the most urgent thing is to increase the value of martial arts. After figuring it out, Ye Ming first took out the book "Inner Force Practice" (Ye Ming believes that the premise of all martial arts is internal force, without internal force, what's the fight, let's admit defeat first!), ignore the "introduction" Two words, hypnotized myself in my heart: this is a peerless martial art, after practicing it, you will be invincible... After hypnotized, Ye Ming happily opened the book and read on.

The first page is a diagram of the meridians of the human body, on which are marked how to feel the internal force, and the meridians through which the internal force needs to pass through when exercising the exercises, and the following is the precautions when practicing the exercises, in case the blood reverses and the body explodes to death, and finally wrote In addition to practicing, as long as the internal force is being used, the internal force will increase, but it will increase more slowly than when practicing.

Ye Ming: "=口="Damn it! If you practice a kung fu, you will explode and die. Why don't you be so cruel!