The Dream of Fast Travel Comes True

Chapter 7


Ye Ming found that it was getting late, and decided to go out for a walk more (mainly for eating) in the future, so he wanted to go back, so he asked Yang Tianqi where they lived at night.

Yang Tianqi reacted for a while before saying: "Usually the guards go to find the inn."

Ye Ming looked around, but didn't find a shadow of a guard, and suddenly became nervous: "We won't get lost..."

Yang Tianqi replied solemnly: "It is possible."

Ye Ming: "=口="Why are you not nervous, we might sleep on the street. Thinking of this possibility (dear, you forgot that you are a rich man now), Ye Ming suddenly made up a lot of pictures in his brain: a man and a woman on a dark and stormy night of a month... Ah bah, because the two men have nowhere to go, they casually I found a place to make do for one night, but it turned out that there was an owner. The owner was a little beggar. He called a group of people and beat us to the ground... )

Yang Tianqi looked at the man who was obviously distracted, and decided not to tease him anymore, he coughed lightly, to call someone's attention back, made a fist with his right hand and beat his left hand, as if he suddenly realized: "Oh, I forgot every time They're looking for the best places out there."

Ye Ming: "..." I haven't figured out the tragic ending of our sleeping on the street yet.

I found a passerby, asked where the best inn in Clear Water City was, and rushed there immediately.

The passer-by who was asked the way: Wow, a beauty asked me the way, I'm sure I can eat a few more bowls of rice tonight...

When he arrived at the destination, Ye Ming habitually looked around, um, this must be the busiest street (can it not be bustling, people are almost crushed). Hey, the surroundings are not crowded anymore, it is still a bit chilly, looking to the side, it turned out that Yang Tianqi turned on the air-conditioner with a dark face, and the people around did not dare to crowd them anymore, the degree of air-conditioning is just like an air-conditioner.

Looking up, I found that this inn is called "Yiwu Weiwei", as the name suggests, in it, there is no reason, only force. What do you do when you meet someone who is unreasonable? One beat and he'll be honest.

The two of them were taken to their respective rooms by the guards who had already been waiting at the door of the inn. Ye Ming was stunned by the luxurious decoration in the room. He exited the door and looked at the words inlaid on the door: Tian Zi No. 2. As for Tian Zi No. 1, needless to say, Yang Tianqi must live there. This is the best room, what does it represent in this "respecting martial arts" inn? The skills representing Yang Tianqi's guards are among the best.

After Ye Ming once again deeply realized the importance of force, she immediately jumped onto the bed and felt the softness and comfort of the bed (the bed was made up by the guards in advance). So when Yang Tianqi opened the door and asked Ye Ming to go downstairs to eat, he saw this scene: the young man fell asleep somehow, because he felt a little cold, curled up in a ball on the bed, his cheeks were flushed ), the clothes were hanging loosely on the body, you can see the jade-like skin that is exposed, no matter how you look at it, your mouth feels dry.

Yang Tianqi relied on great endurance to not turn into a wolf and pounce on him. He stood on the spot, took a breath before walking to the bed, and shook someone who was playing chess with Zhou Gong: "Ming, it's time to eat, get up quickly!" .”

Ye Ming was very impatient when being shaken: "Well... don't shake me... let me sleep a little longer..."

Yang Tianqi was stiffened by the soft kitten-like voice. Thinking of this person's foodie nature, he immediately adopted the strategy of food temptation, and said in a regretful tone: "Ming, do you want to sleep for a while? It's a pity, I heard This inn is famous for its food…”

"Huh... huh?" Ye Ming shuddered when he heard the word "food", and got up with a "bass". During this time, his clothes moved down a little, which made Yang Tianqi swallow his saliva without a trace. Turn your face away: "Since we are awake, let's go down quickly."

"Yeah!" Ye Ming cheerfully followed Yang Tianqi downstairs, so cheerful that there was a tail wagging vigorously behind his buttocks.

When they went downstairs, it was no surprise that they attracted a lot of attention. They were all good-looking people. Although Yang Tianqi was not as tall as Ye Ming, but he had a strong aura around him, and the number of people he attracted was not less than Ye Ming.

Yang Tianqi doesn't like people looking at Ye Ming very much, this is mine, you low-status people have no right to covet him. I secretly wrote down the faces of those people, and when I returned to the house, I called the guards to clean them up (the guards here are actually the secret guards Yang Tianqi trained since childhood). As a result, that group of people were inexplicably beaten up within a few days. The other party's face was covered with a black cloth, and they couldn't see their faces clearly, let alone arrest them. The faces of the popular group were all distorted. .

Ye Ming has a rough nerve, he can't feel those gazes lingering on him, he only sees delicious food waving to him in the distance, so he involuntarily quickens his pace.

Yang Tianqi wanted to tease him again, so he deliberately slowed down and fell behind. He didn't follow until he saw Ye Ming stop and look at him anxiously, with the corners of his lips slightly raised.

As soon as Ye Ming arrived at the reserved place, he couldn't wait to sit down. The education he received in modern times was still very good, and he didn't start eating until Yang Tianqi started to use his chopsticks.

While eating, Yang Tianqi observed Ye Ming who was sitting beside him. The young man lowered his head, his cheeks bulged, like a little hamster, so cute that people wanted to hold him in his arms and rub him .

While Ye Ming was eating, he found a pot of something unknown next to him. He poured some into the bowl, tasted it, and found that the entrance was as clear as sweet spring, full of mellow fragrance, and he smacked his lips. It was not bad, so he drank it as water up. Yang Tianqi at the side noticed his move and didn't stop him, he kept thinking: drink, drink, this wine is famous for its strong stamina. When you get drunk, I can take advantage of the opportunity to grab some oil...

Sure enough, just after eating, Ye Ming felt dizzy before sitting for a long time, but was dragged upstairs by Yang Tianqi in a trance, and he didn't know which room he entered.

In Room No. 1

Yang Tianqi helped Ye Ming take a bath, changed into his own clothes, and carried him to the bed, and Ye Ming lay down next to him, facing his sleeping face. If in the past, someone told himself that he would fall in love with a person at first sight, and that it was a man, he would never believe it, and would ask someone to pull that person down and stick him to death. But now, I clearly realized: I fell in love with this person at first sight the day I was in Yuelai Inn, and since I fell in love, how could I let go. Ming, will you want to run away from me after you know my intentions? Yes, he pried open Ye Ming's jaw with his tongue and stretched in, stirring with the soft tongue inside.

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