The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 101


Zhang Yansheng was stunned and asked, "Why?"

"No reason, she is getting old and wants to go home." Zhang Huan said. Looking at Zhang Yansheng's expression, he knew that Zhang Yansheng had a deep relationship with Aunt Luo, so he hurriedly said, "There's really no other reason."

He said this on a premise. Because in the past, Liang Yingying gave Aunt Luo a thorn in secret. He had warned Liang Yingying long ago that Aunt Luo was used by Yanyan's mother. If there was no situation, he would definitely not dismiss Aunt Luo. But Liang Yingying couldn't bear to make Aunt Luo annoyed at all sorts of trivial matters.

Those little things are too small to be singled out.

Fortunately, Aunt Luo also had feelings for Yanyan, so she kept her mouth shut.

Zhang Yansheng stared at Zhang Huan for a moment, then suddenly turned around.

Zhang Huan shouted from behind: "There's really no other reason, really!"

Zhang Yansheng had already strode away.

She went straight to Aunt Luo, who was already tidying things up—she had lived in this house for more than ten years, and only went back to her house during the New Years and holidays, and she almost regarded it as her real home. There are so many things.

Seeing Zhang Yansheng's expression, she knew that she already knew.

"I'm getting old, and I can't work anymore. I just burned a piece of your clothes that cost thousands of dollars last week." Aunt Luo said, "Sir, I've been thinking that I will take care of your wife when she leaves. Good you, he will give me a raise every year. I do the least work, but the salary is the highest, and they are not very happy."

"Actually, my son and daughter-in-law called me home a few years ago. They opened a small noodle shop in the town, and the business was good. They wanted me to go back and take my grandson." She said, "But I promised my wife to take care of you. Growing up. Mr. led such a person into the door, you are a small child, I can't rest assured. With such a high salary, I have the cheek to stay here to accompany you."

"But it's different now." Aunt Luo lovingly looked at the child who had grown up in her arms since birth, "You've grown up. I can see that no one can bully you. Mrs. Quanxia knows , I should be relieved. It is time for me to retire and go home with my grandson.”

She no longer needs to be pitied, worried, and protected. She has been able to take care of herself, protect herself, and fight back against all malice by herself.

Zhang Yansheng felt as if a layer of cocoon on his body had been broken. Her growth seems to be seen by the mother in heaven through the nanny who took care of her growing up. Through Aunt Luo's relieved eyes, she seemed to see her mother smiling and nodding at her.

She was silent for a long time, and finally, holding Aunt Luo's hand, she said softly, "Okay."

A few days later, Zhang Huan and Zhang Yansheng each gave Aunt Luo brick-thick red envelopes. One of her nephews, who was working in K City, drove a van to pick her up and take her back to her hometown.

When the van drove out of the courtyard, Zhang Yansheng was still standing on the porch staring.

Zhang Huan waited for a while, and seeing that she didn't want to move, he patted her on the shoulder.

Zhang Yansheng turned to look at him. Those eyes were dark and faint. Zhang Huan was taken aback.

Zhang Yansheng turned around and entered the house first, while Zhang Huan stood under the porch and murmured a few words.

"Really, more and more like your mother..."

School life is unchanged, as usual.

Zhang Yansheng also met Zhang Zhiyuan in the corridor, smiled and nodded to each other, and brushed past.

I will also see Xu Lichen, this guy seems to have quickly integrated into the new class group and mingled with the boys. Zhang Yansheng was still worried about whether he could fit in. After all, they had some prejudice against the "good boys" in their previous lives, so they drew a line and drew themselves and the "good boys" into two different worlds.

But now clearly this worry is superfluous.

Zhang Yansheng walked over from the corridor and heard Xu Lichen bragging about his movie making. Talk about how cool and handsome the mecha is and how cool the chariot is.

The boys coaxed together, saying that they didn't believe it and wanted to see the photos.

Xu Lichen scratched his neck and said, "The director doesn't allow Reuters now!"

The boys were booing and laughing.

Xu Lichen hummed angrily, but his eyes chased Zhang Yansheng who had just walked over.

What are you pretending to be cold

Don't think I didn't see the corners of your cocked mouth.

The weather warms up in an instant, take off the heavy winter clothes and put on the light spring clothes.

Zhang Heling has troubles this spring.

She went to her father first: "Dad, is my sister celebrating her birthday this year?"

Zhang Huan said, "Oh!" "Yes, your sister's birthday is next month! Oops, this..."

Zhang Huan was also stumped.

Because on Zhang Yansheng's birthday the previous year, Liang Yingying didn't know what she said to stir her up. Zhang Yansheng lifted the whole cake to the ground, and threatened that she would not need to celebrate her birthday again in the future.

That time, it broke up.

Last year, Zhang Huan asked Zhang Yansheng in advance. Zhang Yansheng's face was about to fall to the ground, and he just said "I can't do it!" and turned away.

Thinking back to that time, Zhang Yansheng couldn't communicate at all, just like a cannonball, ready to explode at any time.

While Zhang Huan sighed, he thought about it and said, "Go!"

"Your sister is different now! She must have been willing!" Zhang Huan said with certainty. From last summer vacation to now, Zhang Yansheng has matured and grown up quickly, and it has been completely different. It's not the girl who is twisted and stubborn, and when she loses her temper, the cake falls to the ground.

She definitely wants to celebrate her birthday!

Zhang Huan rolled his eyes, hooked his fingers, and let Zhang Heling approach: "Let's give your sister a surprise, okay? Let's prepare her birthday and not tell her, okay?"

Of course Zhang Heling agreed immediately.

Then she asked her troubled question: "Dad, what birthday gift should I give my sister?"

When she was in first grade, she made a paper greeting card and slipped it into her sister's door, but she didn't seem to see it at all. The next day, it was cleaned up by the cleaning aunt as waste paper.

The elder sister still ignored her, saw her in the corridor as just air, and walked past without even looking at her.

When she was in the second grade, she felt that her craftsmanship had improved a lot, and she made a better greeting card for her sister. As a result, my sister lifted the cake that day and yelled at my father that it would not be a birthday in the future.

She saw the corners of her mother's mouth twitching quietly.

She didn't dare to send out that card.

When she was in the third grade, she quietly watched. Her father asked her sister if she couldn't celebrate her birthday, and her sister yelled, "I can't!". Dad really didn't give it to my sister.

But she lived next door to her sister and heard a loud bang in her sister's room. She approached the door and wanted to listen carefully, but suddenly it seemed that something hit the door, making a "bang"!

She turned around in fright and ran back to her room.

But she always felt that her sister still wanted to celebrate her birthday.

Then, a few months later, during the summer vacation, suddenly and miraculously, my sister became different.

She didn't shout or scream, she became very quiet, but very powerful. Everyone in the family is afraid of her, her brother is afraid of her, her mother is afraid of her, and even her father is afraid of her.

Only she doesn't think her sister is terrible, she thinks her sister is awesome.

This family has also become different, my brother is not so annoying anymore, my mother doesn't dare to beat her and screw her, my father always cares about her, and even spends her birthday alone with her. It was the best birthday she has ever remembered!

And she knew that it was all because of her sister!

It's her sister's birthday soon, and now that she has her own pocket money, she is very distressed about what birthday present to give her sister.

I couldn't figure it out myself, so I came to ask my dad specifically.

Zhang Huan rubbed her head: "You can give anything you want."

It's like not answering.

Zhang Heling didn't find the answer from the father, and turned to her mother to ask the same question.

Liang Yingying said angrily: "What to give, what gift do you give to your little brat. They just spend tens of millions of dollars in the water, are they short of your money? Are you burning too much money? By the way, you I don’t usually spend much money, have you saved all your pocket money? How much money do you have? It’s useless to take so much money, why don’t you give it to me and I’ll save it for you… Hey, what are you running for? Come back You white-eyed wolf! I gave birth to you in vain..."

Because I ran faster, I couldn't hear the curse words from behind.

After thinking about it, Zhang Shuocheng is too young to be worth consulting. Zhang Heling ran downstairs again and asked the aunts.

The aunties were chatting around the small dining table in the kitchen, and they all said, "Ah, you're still a child, so you don't need to give anything. Your sister doesn't care."

Zhang Heling went to the courtyard again, and Xiao Zhou, the driver, was washing the car with a high-pressure water spray gun.

"Oh, I can't give you any advice on this." Xiao Zhou said, "I'm a person with a salary of several thousand yuan a month, how do I know what Miss Yanyan likes and uses?"

"You have to ask someone with a high income," he said.

Zhang Heling couldn't find the answer and went back to his room.

The primary school bully has seriously thought about this matter with his brain. Looking for someone with a high income

Then you have to be an adult to have an income first. The adults she knew had basically finished asking questions, and there were teachers at the school. But it seems that teachers' income is not too high

then what should we do? Where can adults be found

Yue Song usually does not live at school on weekends, but lives at home. He played golf with Mr. Yue and a few grandpas this morning and just returned home.

He made an appointment for lunch with his uncle, looked at his watch, and it was not yet time to go out. He turned on the computer, intending to play a game to relax.

Go in and see that the roommates are already playing the copy.

He can only add to the wild team, and then wait to join the team. After waiting for a while, he didn't get the minimum number of people to enter. He glanced at his friend list in the game. Zimu? Bing Ning? Qingsi Ruxue was online.

Yue Song: "..." Forget it, let's make up the number of people.

He pulled her.

There are still two people left, everyone continues to chat and wait.

Yue Song flipped through the information on his mobile phone to see what was going on in the school's student union group.

He is different from his classmates. The classmates are all paralyzed at home during the holiday, and he runs between the Xue family and the Yue family during his holiday. As soon as the school started, the classmates screamed and began to study hard, but this rhythm was more like a vacation to him, and it was much more relaxed.

I was flipping through the mobile phone group when I suddenly heard a tender and nice loli voice in the earphones, and asked in the channel, "Excuse me, is there anyone with a higher income?"

Yue Song: "..."

Glancing at it, it turned out that the person who was talking was the purple eyed? Bing Ning? Qingsi Ruxue who was dragged into the team by him. This name was too middle school, so that he still had some impressions, remember it was a primary school student

As soon as Lolita came out, the channel was silent for a moment. Immediately after it exploded, they rushed to talk to the girl.

"What? Girl? What do you mean?"

"Is this a bit too much?"

"Shut up! Let the girl talk!"

"Sister, girl, tell me, why do you want to find someone with a high income?"

Yue Song began to regret pulling the primary school students into this wild team, because he was not the captain, and he didn't know these people, so he couldn't control it.

I heard that little loli's soft voice say, "I want to find an adult with a higher income."

Teammates: "???"

"What? Your lord?"