The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 57: The fourth period is the physics class, you don't have to worry, just take the morning test first.


There will be a small test in the morning self-study every day, which is called a daily test. Every morning, students enter a state of intense study.

"Okay, thank you." Zhang Yansheng smiled.

The boy hesitated for a moment, then whispered, "That me, my name is Zhang Zhiyuan."

The truth that he didn't even know his name was revealed. Zhang Yan didn't change his face and said, "What a coincidence, my surname is also Zhang, my name is..."

"Zhang Yansheng, I know." The boy said, his ears slightly red.

This is a normal fifteen-year-old boy. Although he is young, he is very cute. What kind of thing is Xu Lichen who thinks he is a master of vertical and horizontal flowers at a young age, Zhang Yansheng wants to roll his eyes now when he thinks about it.

Just watching Zhang Zhiyuan hurried back to her seat, she felt that the name seemed a little familiar. After thinking about it, I can't remember for a while. Forget it, the teacher must have asked him to answer questions in class, so he would feel familiar.

Zhang Yansheng didn't bother to think too much, opened Zhang Zhiyuan's notes, and prepared to fill in what she had missed - she didn't deliberately talk nonsense to get rid of Xu Lichen, she did miss some content yesterday. Originally, I was thinking of going to the school to find students nearby to borrow notes. When I met Zhang Zhiyuan at the school gate, and the time was too tight, I spoke to Zhang Zhiyuan.

But when Zhang Yansheng opened Zhang Zhiyuan's notes, he couldn't help taking a breath.

She flipped through many pages and was pretty sure it was the neatest, most beautiful, clean note she had ever seen.

First of all, Zhang Yansheng was amazed by that good word.

Zhang Yansheng's words are not bad. In the past, when my mother was there, she had to practice with all her might. When she was in elementary school, her handwriting was considered to be stylish. The foundation is good, the latter two gradually grew up, and the writing became more and more beautiful.

Xu Lichen wrote a bad word like a dog crawling.

In his last life, Zhang Yansheng laughed at him a lot.

But Zhang Zhiyuan is not only beautiful in words. His notes were so clean that they didn't look like a boy's.

Not only did he remember it completely, the serial number was clearly structured, but he also used pens of different colors to distinguish the key points, and also marked the remarks to remind the easy mistakes.

This look... the eyes are so comfortable!

Zhang Yansheng suddenly closed the notebook and glanced at the name on the cover of the book - Zhang Zhiyuan.

She remembered! No wonder there are forty students in a class, and she finds this name familiar!

Zhang Zhiyuan is the provincial champion of their current class of students! He was admitted to the top 2 university in the country in the college entrance examination!

Zhang Yansheng was later expelled from No. 1 Middle School, and Zhang Huan found her a private school. She wanted to give up the college entrance examination, but she went anyway, got an unsightly score, and spent money to go to a local pheasant university.

That year, when the college entrance examination score line came out, her cousin Zhang Qi called her specifically to ask her how she was doing. Now that she thinks about it, she is full of malice. It's not that she doesn't know how Zhang Yansheng came here in three years of high school. She is a dignified K-University student who made this phone call on purpose. The sarcasm was too obvious.

But it was on this phone call that Zhang Qi said, "This year's provincial champion came from our city K, from your No. 1 middle school. What's it called? Oh, Zhang Zhiyuan, this score is really good. I heard that it has been admitted to Qing University. You I really shouldn't have left No. 1 Middle School, alas..."

Zhang Yansheng couldn't bear it any longer, and hung up the phone.

Yes, she was the one who skipped class, she was the one who skipped school, she was the one who fought, and she was also the one who was expelled.

But she wasn't proud of it in her heart. Every time she went to the small hall on the first floor, her eyes always avoided the wall that used to be covered with her awards.

When I was a child, I once praised Haikou to my mother, saying that when I grew up, I would take 2 exams. Later, she knew that the path she was walking was getting more and more wrong, but she was walking on that path and was powerless to change her direction.

Fortunately, life has a chance to start over.