The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 67


Zhang Shuocheng was ignorant.

Zhang Yansheng suddenly found that it was really difficult for him to understand too much because he was a child.

She has never realized as clearly as today that Zhang Shuocheng is really just a child.

very small.

"Zhang Shuocheng, don't be afraid. I won't hit you today." Zhang Yansheng promised, "I want to reason with you today, because reasoning is far more important than hitting you."

"Are you really not fighting?" Zhang Shuocheng looked at her with his eyes, a little unconvinced.

Zhang Yansheng nodded: "Don't fight."

Zhang Shuocheng breathed a sigh of relief.

Zhang Yansheng said, "Listen carefully to what I say."

Zhang Shuo tightened his body as if standing at attention: "Listen!"

"Listen, you must remember what I said today. I, your eldest sister Zhang Yansheng." Zhang Yansheng said, "There is a line in my heart that you must never cross."

Zhang Yansheng looked around.

The most important thing in school is chalk. Sure enough, in a corner, she saw a chalk head. Zhang Yansheng walked over, picked up the chalk head, returned to Zhang Shuocheng and squatted down, and drew a circle at his feet.

Put Zhang Shuocheng in a circle.

"Like a line like this, it's a circle that encloses you in it. Inside the circle is yourself, and outside is someone else."

"You are in this circle, you can do whatever you want, and I don't care if you want to stab yourself with a knife."

"But remember, you can't get out of this circle. You can't hurt others."

"Remember, as long as others don't take the initiative to hurt you and make you have to defend yourself, you can't hurt others. Especially, girls."

Zhang Yansheng squatted there and looked at Zhang Shuocheng's eyes.

Also with baby fat, bun face, big eyes, black and bright.

Zhang Yansheng put his hand on the little bun's head: "You don't hurt others, I don't care about you. You have to dare to hurt others like this again..."

Sister's hand slid down, stroked the cheek, and slid onto the thin neck.

Zhang Shuocheng felt that his throat was choked, and the fear of shortness of breath made his scalp tingle.

"Then I won't let you go." Zhang Yansheng gently choked the child's thin neck, "Remember, your sister and I, I'm not afraid of anything."

She looked like she wanted to kill. It's a lot scarier than spanking.

The words Zhang Shuocheng's fear of Zhang Yansheng reached at this moment were deeply engraved in his mind.

But when Zhang Yansheng squatted down and looked at him just now, when she said that a boy liked her, there was still a smile on the corner of her mouth.

This made Zhang Shuocheng's memory gradually chaotic as he grew up. When he recalled the time when the eldest sister held his throat in elementary school again, he couldn't remember whether she was fierce or gentle at that time.

But he remembered what she said - don't hurt others, especially girls.

When Zhang Huan went in, he found that the girl's mother had arrived first and was comforting the crying little girl.

Zhang Huan was very embarrassed. In the eyes of the girl's mother, he was taught a lesson by the teacher, and he apologized and guaranteed.

The teacher finally finished the training. Compared with Zhang Shuocheng's mother, he felt that Zhang Shuocheng's father was at least a reasonable person. She said, "Wait a minute, I'll call Zhang Shuocheng to come in."

She opened the door and called Zhang Shuocheng.

The older sister, who looked like a high school student, was looking at her phone with her back against the wall. Zhang Shuocheng was a little bit big, squatting at her feet and leaning against the wall, as if he was a little stunned.

She shouted, and her sister put down her phone and kicked Zhang Shuocheng lightly. Zhang Shuocheng hurriedly stood up and walked towards the office.

My sister paused for a while, then came in as well.

"Stinky boy! Hurry up and apologize to the children!" Zhang Huan was so angry that he was disciplined like a grandson by the teacher. When he got angry, he slapped Zhang Shuocheng on the head.

Zhang Yansheng gave him a cold look.

Zhang Huan retracted his hand uncomfortably.

The little girl was really beautiful, fair and clean, with bright eyes. Half of her hair was loose and half tied up - Zhang Shuocheng used scissors to cut people's ponytails, and when half of them were noticed, it turned into this weird look with half short hair and half long hair. Just now, my mother coaxed and comforted her to tie up the part of her long hair.

The little girl's eyes were red, obviously crying. Seeing Zhang Shuocheng come in, her mouth deflated and her little face bulged. I was angry again, and I tried hard not to cry.

Zhang Yansheng found that she had no resistance to such a beautiful and cute little girl. She regretted agreeing to Zhang Shuocheng not to beat him at this moment. Seeing the grievances of other little girls, she wanted to beat him up on the spot!

Zhang Yansheng pushed Zhang Shuocheng, Zhang Shuocheng raised his head and walked towards the little girl.

"I'm sorry I shouldn't have cut your hair. I know I'm wrong. Can you forgive me?" he said in one breath.

The little girl's mouth was deflated and her eyes were filled with tears: "Why did you cut my hair?"

Zhang Shuocheng finally took a breath: "I think you are beautiful, so I want you to like me."

The little girl asked: "Do you think I'm good-looking?" Zhang Shuocheng nodded: "Well! You are the most beautiful in the class! Can you forgive me?"

The little girl sniffed and said, "Well then, I forgive you."

Zhang Shuocheng looked happy and asked again, "Then I like you, can you like me?"

The little girl didn't answer immediately, her pretty brows furrowed, and she looked at Zhang Shuocheng a little tangled, actually thinking about whether to like Zhang Shuocheng or not.

Zhang Shuocheng quickly promised: "I will never bully you again. My sister taught me a lesson just now. She said that you can't bully girls. If anyone bullies you in the future, I will protect you!"

The girl asked, "Really?"

"Really! Don't believe in the hook!" Zhang Shuocheng stretched out his little finger.

The little girl seemed to be moved and really hooked up with him: "I like you if you don't bully me."

Zhang Huan, the head teacher of the girl's mother: "..."

This is… not as expected.

The girl's mother was very distressed for her daughter, and was angry when Zhang Shuocheng came in, but she lost her temper because of the two little ones. She wanted to set a good example for her children again, so she could only touch her daughter's head and said to Zhang Shuocheng in a deep voice, "That's okay, you can't bully us any more in the future."

Zhang Shuocheng came back with all his shrewdness and energy at this moment, full of blood and resurrection: "I promise!" Otherwise, my sister might strangle me to death.

This matter finally ended with Zhang Huan and Zhang Shuocheng's apology.

They didn't leave immediately, and asked Zhang Shuocheng to go back for half the class, and then picked up Zhang Heling and went home together.

Because there were four people, Zhang Huan opened the car door and wanted to sit in front of the co-pilot, but Zhang Yansheng grabbed the seat in a flash, sat down evenly, and only looked forward.

Zhang Huan: "..." Good.

Zhang Huan had no choice but to sit in the back with the two children, and trained Zhang Shuocheng all the way. The Tang monk recited the scriptures in general, and the training made Zhang Shuocheng drowsy.

Zhang Yansheng was still angry when she got home - delaying her class. Mainly, making up notes is too annoying.

She grabbed her schoolbag and went upstairs, leaving it behind to send a message to the group of classmates asking for today's notes.

I turned on my phone and saw that there was an application for adding friends. I clicked it and took a look, Zhang Zhiyuan

Primary school students leave school early, and No. 1 Middle School has not yet finished school at this time. What did Zhang Zhiyuan do with her friend

Zhang Yansheng clicked to pass.

Throwing down the phone and changing into home clothes, and then picking up the phone, Zhang Zhiyuan sent several messages. When he opened it, he sent all the notes Zhang Yansheng wanted to ask for - Zhang Yansheng hadn't asked in the group yet.

Zhang Zhiyuan: [Are you okay at home? I will send you all the notes, copy them. I'll send you my homework after school later.]

This... can be said to be very active.

Zhang Yan pursed his lips, feeling that the boy's intentions were very clear. It doesn't have to be like it, but there is definitely a good feeling.

This is not good. It breaks the heart of the champion and drags down the academic performance of the champion. It is a sin.

Zhang Yansheng simply replied "Thank you".

Zhang Zhiyuan quickly replied with a smiling face with two blushes.

Zhang Yansheng pressed the phone on the table and didn't reply.

Making up notes and doing homework at night is another day for high school students. Compared with the simple and even monotonous life of feasting and feasting, it makes people feel calm.

Before going to bed, I took a shower, dried my hair, sat cross-legged on the bed, picked up my phone, and opened the friend application page.

Below Zhang Zhiyuan's application, there is another application for adding a friend earlier - Xu Lichen. He got her phone number out of nowhere and wanted to be her friend. Zhang Yansheng stayed there the whole time, ignoring him.

Think about it, at that time Xu Lichen, Wang Qian and her were actually children.

The difference is only arrogant children, scheming children and stupid children.

After all, they are all children.

Even Zhang Yansheng, who was 21 years old later, was really mature

Zhang Yansheng stared at the phone for a moment, and also passed Xu Lichen's application.

It's not too late, based on what she knows about Xu Lichen, he must not have slept at this time. She thought she passed his friend request and he would definitely message her.

But when she fell asleep, the phone didn't even ring.

Xu Lichen turned on his mobile phone at night to check the information, and suddenly saw that Zhang Yansheng had passed his application

He raised his eyebrows in surprise.

Click on Zhang Yansheng's dialogue interface, and see the automatic message from the system: I passed your friend verification request, and now we start chatting.

Xu Lichen stared at the message for a long time, pressed the screen off, threw the phone aside, and picked up the pen.

If Zhang Yansheng could see it, he would be surprised.

What Xu Lichen is doing is impressively... a book of queen queens.