The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 91


"If I hadn't complained about this homework to my classmates that day, I didn't even know that our homework was different??" Xu Lichen scolded angrily, "Fuck, you know that class five has more homework than class eight. How much do you come out?"

"Not much." Zhang Yan said calmly, "There is less homework than our class. You go and learn about the first class, the homework of the first class is so much that your three views are broken."

Xu Lichen glared at her: "I'm going back to Class 8 when school starts!"

"Okay. Go and tell the teacher..." Zhang Yansheng twitched his mouth, revealing a sneer of contempt, "I'm just a scum, I'm a human fecal machine, I don't deserve to be in Class 5, please let me go quickly Go back to class eight."

The video shows for a moment that the network is stuck.

"Zhang! Yan! Sound!" Xu Lichen was about to get angry, "Every time you contact me, you either beat me or scolded me, or you just want to be mad at me, right?"

Zhang Yansheng laughed: "It's really not this time."

Xu Lichen patted the table over there: "Speak human words, what are you looking for from me?"

He added: "It's definitely not good!"

Zhang Yansheng held her cheek: "It's really a good thing. Xu Lichen, let me ask you, how much money do you have in your hand?"

There are a lot of girls who picture his wealth and his color, but no girl dares to directly ask him how much money he has.

Xu Lichen: "Huh?"

Zhang Yansheng said: "I have a very good project at hand now, and I want to ask you to vote together."

For a teenager who is still in the stage of "Why do I have so much homework in the winter vacation" in life, when I suddenly told him that I have a project I want to ask you to vote with, the topic jumped too much, and Xu Lichen was inevitably stunned: "What to vote? What the hell?"

Zhang Yansheng pointed at the shape of his mouth and told him, "Invest-invest."

The video screen freezes again, this time on the confused and confused eyes of the young man.

After a long time, Xu Lichen said feebly, "Zhang Yansheng, I feel like are like a blind box. Before opening it, I didn't know what would come out..."

"Don't talk so much. Let's talk." Zhang Yansheng looked at his watch. At this time, some office workers had just returned home and had dinner. "I'll be there in about 40 minutes for Antlers Coffee in Riley Plaza. Something you will be interested in, don't regret it."

Done, hang up.

"Hello? Hey? Hey?" Xu Lichen stared at the phone screen, "Fuck?"

What must he be interested in? Zhang Yansheng knew what he was interested in? Don't you regret it? Where did she get the confidence that she knew him well

Hmph, I'll go later, I must be a little colder. When you speak, raise your chin a little, and tell her coldly, I'm sorry, I'm not interested in this thing.

"What the hell? What is it? What is it? What is it?" At the Antlers Cafe in Riley Plaza, Xu Lichen performed a large-scale real incense scene, "What is this? What is it? Hey, don't close it, let me watch it again!"

"This is a three-minute deo." Zhang Yansheng turned off the player on the laptop, turned on her t, and jumped directly to a certain page, "The movie is called "Out of the Solar System," and the author of the original novel is Dayang. You Do you know him?"

It's a pity that Xu Lichen didn't know Dayang at this time. Because although he likes watching sci-fi movies and sci-fi dramas very much, he is generally not a scumbag! Look! Book!

"I don't know!" Xu Lichen said loudly without shame, and kept asking, "Is this made in China? Is it really made in China?"

"Of course, didn't you see that the actors were all Chinese?" Zhang Yansheng said helplessly, "Let me tell you, Dayang is... known as the first person in domestic science fiction literature."

"Let me tell you the story of "Out of the Solar System"..."

An hour later, Xu Lichen patted the table: "To vote to vote! Tell me how to vote! How much to vote?"

Zhang Yansheng said, "I don't know how much money you have. I just think this project is very good and worth investing in, so I want to tell you."

"You are loyal enough, I remember it!" Xu Lichen asked, "How much are you going to vote?" "I can give four million by myself." Zhang Yansheng told him, "I plan to get six million from my dad, and then from me Grandma will get about 10 million out of it."

"Okay you." Xu Lichen said, "Let me think about it... I probably have? Five or six hundred? I'll go and tell my dad that I want to change a locomotive, and ask him to give me another two or three hundred, and then go to my mother. So... it's okay to make a thousand. Huh? What's wrong? Why are you looking at me like that?"

Zhang Yansheng's eyes were dim, and he was silent for a moment, then asked, "Just tell them you want to invest, can't you?"

Xu Lichen laughed: "Who would believe me?"

But this method of asking for money is like a primary school student. For the same notice of receiving money, he asks his father for 20 yuan, and then asks his mother for 20 yuan, so he has 20 yuan to go to the Internet cafe to play games.

"So I can't do it normally, but I'm actually a child in my family?" Zhang Yansheng stared at him.

Xu Lichen's smile froze on his face.

"Also," Zhang Yansheng continued, "actually, I feel that I am a child in my heart, so I have to do things in a child's way?"

Xu Lichen felt countless arrows hit his knees, so soft that he wanted to kneel. He forced a smile and said, "What are you talking about, aren't we just a freshman in high school? We're not children, are we adults?"

Really a child, Zhang Yansheng thought.

Zhang Yansheng couldn't even be sure if she had really grown up when she was twenty-one years old in her previous life? I don't know whether Xu Lichen, who was abroad at that time, has grown up or not

Zhang Yansheng stroked the keyboard of the notebook with his fingertips, feeling something he had never felt before.

Suddenly, this matter is not just as simple as taking the rebirth benefits.

Zhang Yansheng felt that this matter had a different meaning to her.

She buttoned up her notebook: "that's all I want to tell you, go back and collect money, and tell me when you're done."

When she stood up, Xu Lichen stopped her, he hesitated for a while, and made up his mind: "Give me a copy of your t!"

Zhang Yansheng looked at him, the corners of his mouth curled up: "I'll send it to you when I get home."

The next day Zhang Yansheng cleaned up the building, and Zhang Huan said "Ho!".

Zhang Yansheng felt that her father had a tendency to become a child in the past two days, and didn't want to pay attention to him.

Zhang Heling gave a "wow": "Sister, you look like an adult today!"

Zhang Yansheng wore formal clothes, put on make-up, and had his hair up. At first glance, it does not look like a student. Only if you look closely, you can see the youth of her face.

Zhang Huan ate breakfast with a smile on his face, and after eating, he took Zhang Yansheng to the headquarters of Zhang's company.

Mrs. Zhang, who was in a spirited professional suit, had reserved time for Zhang Yansheng and arranged a conference room for her.

The secretary helped Zhang Yansheng connect her laptop to the projector, and then backed out. Only the old lady and Zhang Huan were left in the conference room.

These two people are very familiar with Zhang Yansheng, one can talk easily and even act a little coquettish, and the other is not afraid of shouting at him Zhang Yansheng.

Both now looked at her with smiles and anticipation. But when Zhang Yansheng slid the mouse over the t, he clearly felt that his palms were sweating because of his nervousness.

Because she knew what she was going to do, it was important to her.

What she is about to do will qualitatively separate her from her past life.

Zhang Yansheng took a deep breath and double-clicked to open the t she had prepared.

"If you pay attention to famous sci-fi blockbusters abroad, you will find a very unique phenomenon." Zhang Yan said calmly, "It's just that there are no Chinese people in these sci-fi blockbusters. It's very interesting, accounting for more than 20% of the earth's population. Chinese people who are not Chinese will not appear in Western sci-fi movies. Because Westerners tacitly agree that Chinese people cannot appear, because Westerners have a stereotype of Chinese people and think that Chinese people are not sci-fi, if they appear in sci-fi movies , it made the whole movie awkward."

"But are the Chinese really not sci-fi? Do the Chinese like to watch sci-fi movies? Is there a market for sci-fi movies in China?" Zhang Yansheng pressed the remote control, turned a page, and the first data appeared.

"This is the global box office and Chinese box office of foreign sci-fi blockbusters in recent years. It is not difficult to see that in the outstanding results of these blockbusters, the contribution of China's box office is huge."

"Unfortunately, these science fiction films that attract money are all foreign films. In China, it can be said that there is almost no science fiction blockbuster that can really win. There is no science fiction blockbuster that can compete with Hollywood."

"But it's not about the market. Now that the total box office of movies in the Chinese mainland market is as high as 30 billion, who is the biggest winner in the market?"

Zhang Yansheng switched pages, and a new set of data revealed the answer: "—Sci-Fi!"

"Our market likes sci-fi, and as long as it's a sci-fi movie of a similar level, it can complete the task of attracting money from the Chinese market. Even our market likes sci-fi movies to the point of craving. Those are not particularly good. It's even a bit bad, such as this one, the fifth film in this series has a bad reputation abroad, but it still has a box office of 1.5 billion in China! The total box office of the five films in the whole series in China exceeds It is known as the gold-sucking monster. And how much an excellent sci-fi blockbuster can explode at the Chinese box office is completely unpredictable.”

"It can be seen from this that science fiction films have an extremely large and even unfathomable market in China. For so long, China has not had a successful science fiction blockbuster, which is actually caused by various reasons. Policy, Humanities, technology, etc.”

"But now, these bottlenecks are melting. In recent years, the review system of radio and television has been constantly in line with international standards, and domestic special effects companies have reached a level comparable to the international level. In the past, the factors that killed domestic science fiction are fading. ."

"So at this point in time, Director Xie Dong chose "Out of the Solar System"."

"Why "Out of the Solar System" and not some other novel? I have to say, if I were Xie Dong, I would also choose "Out of the Solar System"."

"Because "Out of the Solar System" is the classic masterpiece of its author Dayang."

"And who is Dayang?"

"He is called - the first person in Chinese science fiction literature!"

"It can be said that in China, as long as people who read science fiction novels, there is no one who does not read Dayang. Dayang has the largest number of science fiction readers in China!"

As Zhang Yansheng spoke, the expressions on Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Huan's faces gradually disappeared.

They were gradually attracted by what Zhang Yansheng said and began to listen carefully.