The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 92


"The script of the movie "Out of the Solar System" actually only captures a short period of time at the beginning of the novel. Because the timeline of the entire story of this novel stretches for a thousand years."

Zhang Yansheng quickly summarized the main content of the novel.

In the future, the technological level of human beings on earth will finally develop to enter space. The three countries z, r, and r joined forces to create the first spacecraft to explore outer space. The spacecraft was named "Advance" and embarked on a total of 2,000 scientists, technicians and soldiers from various disciplines, and began the journey of human space exploration.

The Advance traveled for fourteen years, and finally flew out of the solar system, just like a person who lived in a remote place and never stepped out of his home, finally stepped out of his home.

But when he stepped over the threshold, he realized that outside the door... ships were coming and going, and the traffic was heavy. There are so many intelligent races in the galaxy.

Unfortunately, the first to discover the Advance was an unfriendly warlike race, realizing that it was a visitor from a planet they had never heard of, and they attacked and attempted to capture the Advance, in an attempt to obtain this yet. Coordinates of unknown country planets and go to capture and loot. The Advance began a years-long life-and-death escape, with many tragic and tragic stories, and many people sacrificed their lives in order to guard the coordinates of the earth.

In the end, the brave crew fought back against the odds, captured the alien spaceship that was chasing them, and drove this more advanced alien spaceship back to Earth.

But people on earth have since understood that the earth is not alone in the universe, and may even be in danger. The earth no longer sends out exploration spacecraft, but hides in the solar system and develops quietly.

After more than two hundred years, the existence of the earth was finally discovered by aliens, and the invaders came with malice. But the earth, which has developed for two hundred years, has the strength to fight back.

When the Earth's defenses were deployed and the first Battlestar was nearing completion, the enemy hit the door. At this time, the earth has no national distinction, no matter what color people, there is only one common identity - earth human.

Billions of people on earth are united, and an epic battle to defend the earth begins in the solar system.

Earthlings paid countless lives and a heavy price, and finally won this self-defense battle.

But the existence of the earth is no longer a secret, and the earth can no longer develop silently in a corner. The earth civilization once again stepped out of the solar system. This time, the scientific exploration ship and the warship were paralleled, and the earth civilization stepped into the big stage of the galactic civilization.

In the following six hundred years of time line, it is said that the civilization of the earth has experienced an arduous struggle, developed step by step from a weak country planet, and finally became a force that all races and civilizations cannot despise.

The story ends with Earth finally taking a seat in the Galactic Federation's House of Lords.

[Earth Ambassador walked over with sonorous footsteps and calmly sat down in his seat. A holographic projection lit up on his desktop, and the globe emblem of the earth slowly turned, shimmering with light. No one can despise, no one can violate.]

[The ambassador of the earth knows that he can sit here today because many generations of earth people have paved the way forward with blood and fire.]

[For this day, the people of the earth have struggled for a thousand years.]

"The movie script actually only captures the first ten years of the timeline, starting from the Advance, to encountering alien civilization, being hunted for several years, fleeing, fighting, counter-killing, and finally capturing the enemy's spaceship and returning home." Zhang Yansheng Said, "I read through the script, and although it was only a short timeline in the original, the adapted script is a complete, logical story. The screenwriter himself is a fan of the original, and has thoroughly enjoyed the original. In the adaptation, it makes up for the shortcomings of the original author, Dayang, who is not good at writing emotional lines."

"In this script, there is a flash of personal heroism, a moving spirit of collective sacrifice, and a very three-dimensional display of human nature. Love, friendship, family... are very full."

"The screenwriter's adaptation is in place, and there are many colorful plots, which not only attract attention, but also move people's hearts."

At a critical juncture, we must press that button and die together with the enemy in order to save everyone.

But there was only one person who could do that at that moment, his name was Xiaoshan, and he was a ten-year-old child. The child was born on the Advance, the mother was a scientist and the father was a major. His feet never set foot on the earth's land.

But he knew that the earth was home.

The mother's heart-wrenching voice came from the communication channel: "Xiaoshan! Xiaoshan! Don't!"

The child looked at the stars and sea outside the porthole, and the enemy's battleship, and sighed softly: "Mom, I really want to take a look at the earth."

That was his farewell speech, his last wish.

Then he slapped the palm down and pressed the button. Shattered to pieces, perished with the enemy, and saved everyone.

Zhang Yansheng remembers this episode very clearly.

Xu Lichen swiped it ten times, and every time he came here, he cried like a dog. I didn't admit it when I left the theater. I said that the decoration of the theater was irritated by formaldehyde, which made my eyes red, and I kept saying that I would complain to the Consumers Association.

The little actor later became so popular.

"Almost all the big names are friendship cameos. The main characters are all unknown but professional actors. Unlike many productions that rely on fresh meat traffic to ensure the bottom line, the 1.5 billion so far has been spent on production instead of Actor's salary."

"This is the post-production partner... this is the announcement plan..."

"How is the quality of the finished product, we can take a look at this deo..."

Zhang Yansheng observed the expressions of the old lady and Zhang Huan while playing the deo.

They looked attentively, obviously attracted by the three-minute presentation of the deo, and the old lady nodded unknowingly.

Zhang Yansheng rested for three minutes, and had a completely different feeling, as if the hot water was rushing from head to toe, hot, washing people from the inside out.

By the end of the deo, Zhang Yansheng felt that his skin was still steaming, and his strength was exhausted.

"Director Xie makes products with an attitude of making works." She said, "If it is a literary film, it is likely to be very popular. But fortunately, the more serious and refined the subject of science fiction, the more popular it is."

"To sum up, I think this movie is worth investing in."

"what do y'all think?"

Zhang Yansheng's eyes were fixed on the two elders.

The eyes of the two elders also fell on her.

The kid had dressed up for the day, trying to look as mature as possible.

In fact, it is not really an excellent business speech. Mrs. Zhang and Zhang Huan have both seen many truly professional and admirable presentations. In comparison, Zhang Yan's voice was rough and inexperienced.

But Zhang Yansheng is just a child, she is a high school student.

A few days ago, when she said she wanted to invest, she didn't understand anything. Just subjectively feel good, join in the fun. Totally a layman.

A few days later, of course, she did not become an elite, but it was obvious that both the old lady and Zhang Huan could see that she stepped into the threshold with one foot, at least she was no longer a layman.

A high school kid! How many high school kids still play games secretly behind their parents' backs. Zhang Yansheng has been consciously thinking about how to make money, dare to invest, and is willing to devote energy and time to study it.

As Zhang Huan said to Zhang Yansheng early on, for children from their families, academic performance is not that important, even education is not that important, some other things are actually more important.

Zhang Huan and the old lady looked at each other and saw the affirmation in each other's eyes.

Zhang Yansheng held his breath and waited. Not living up to her expectations, Zhang Huan said with a smile, "Okay, I've decided to vote. You want 600 to get 1,000, right? Don't move your four hundred, don't move your pocket money, don't move. Dad gives it to you. You give a thousand whole."

The old lady smiled and said, "I said, how much your dad pays, I'll give you double. I'll give you two thousand."

In this way, Zhang Yansheng has 30 million available for investment.

Before today, getting this amount had exceeded Zhang Yansheng's expectations. She is very clear that her current identity is just a high school student. If she wants to invest, the adults will give her a little money to let her test the water, but it will not really be like their own investment, hundreds of millions of dollars. Put billions of dollars into it.

So her goal is to get 6 million from Zhang Huan, about 10 million from the old lady, plus her own money to get 20 million.

But now, after giving her first business speech in her life, she couldn't settle for a mere 30 million.

Zhang Yansheng could clearly perceive the expansion in his heart, but the feeling of expansion made people feel smoky and comfortable. Moreover, she has the premonition of the previous life as the confidence, so she has the support of expansion.

She said, "Since you all agree with the investment value of this project, why are you only investing 30 million yuan?" The old lady and Zhang Huan looked at her, and she said, "The current estimated funding gap is 200 million yuan. Next year's summer vacation. But the most common of this kind of big production is the delayed ticket and the overrun. I think it will probably be delayed until the next year, 200 million... I don't think it is enough, the most expensive is the post-production, In terms of publicity and distribution, the existence of fans of the original book can save some money, but I think it needs at least 300 to 400 million."

"But, it's worth it. This investment will definitely get the return it deserves. Three to four hundred million yuan, our family can take it down, grandma, I think we should take it down."

Zhang Yansheng's eyes were full of anticipation and confidence. Her facial features are not only beautiful, but also very heroic, which makes her a bit aggressive.

There was silence in the conference room for a moment, and then the old lady and Zhang Huan both laughed.

"Mom, look at her, she is so ambitious at such a young age!" Zhang Huan pointed at Zhang Yansheng and said, "Doesn't look like our family!"

The old lady smiled and said, "Like, just like you used to be!"

The two laughed happily, Zhang Yan looked at the ceiling speechlessly, and said seriously, "You two, be accurate." Don't patronize and laugh.

And what's so funny about that.

After going up a step, do you have to stay where you are? Shouldn't it be time to look up to the next higher step

Anyway, hold Zhang Yansheng in place and tell her that this is enough, you should be satisfied, Zhang Yansheng cannot be satisfied.

Finally, the two big money lords with real power were finally happy enough.

But the old lady said, "No, we won't give you more money."

Zhang Yan was stunned.