The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 94


Zhang Yansheng was in a good mood.

After she was very self-aware, her heart swelled, and when she was awakened, her mentality was completely different from before.

She figured it out, although she told her to give her a whole number so that she would not touch her four million private money, but in fact her private money was still there, and it was of little use. She decided to put the four million in and vote for "Out of the Solar System".

This is not an aggressive investment, because first of all, she is open and predicts the future; second, the 4 million is "spare money" for Zhang Yansheng, even if it is used for real investment with unknown results, it will not hurt. Muscles and bones.

This is settled. Just wait for Xu Lichen to see how much he can take out.

I pulled Xu Lichen because I was 100% sure that this was something that could make money, and this was a movie that Xu Lichen loved very much in his previous life. With his fanaticism, not calling him would always feel like I was sorry for him.

But Zhang Yansheng also thought of her uncle - a 100% chance to make money, of course she would like to share it with those close to her. There are not many close people, and my uncle is a very important one.

Zhang Yansheng then called her uncle.

After the greeting, she talked about "Out of the Solar System", because it was a phone call, it was not as detailed as in the conference room of the headquarters today, but it was also clear.

Uncle smiled and said, "Do you want to ask uncle for money? Okay, uncle will support you with 500,000 yuan."

Zhang Yansheng was startled and said, "No, I think it's a very good project, so I want you to vote together..."

The uncle laughed and said, "Yanyan can still think of uncle when there is something good. Uncle didn't hurt you in vain."

Zhang Yansheng finally realized that his uncle meant that he didn't intend to vote at all.

There is no need to pursue why this matter. Maybe my uncle is short of liquidity, maybe my uncle thinks she is just a child playing around, maybe my uncle simply doesn't like to get involved in the film and television industry... There are too many possibilities for "why".

Although it was a bit regretful, Zhang Yan took it as soon as he saw it, and said with a smile, "That's fine, I'll just tell you."

Uncle said, "Wait, I'll transfer money to you."

Zhang Yansheng hurriedly said, "No, it's fine if you don't vote, you don't need to give me money."

Uncle smiled and said, "Isn't this your first investment? Uncle has to support me no matter what."

Zhang Yansheng said: "Then even if you invested, you will earn a penny from me and a lot of yours in the future."

Uncle laughed, not really taking it seriously.

After hanging up the phone, my aunt asked, "What's the matter? What 500,000 yuan?" My uncle said, and my aunt was unhappy: "You are so generous."

Uncle embarrassed: "It's not a lot of money."

"In the eyes of Zhang's family, of course it's not a lot of money." Aunt said unhappily, "If you take this money out, you may not be able to get it. Maybe people think you are stingy."

The uncle said quickly, "Yanyan is not such a child."

Aunt was unhappy for a while, and her emotions passed, and said, "Forget it, it's my niece anyway."

The uncle said happily: "Yes!"

My aunt said, "Can you discuss it with me next time, and don't throw out hundreds of thousands of sugar palms?"

The uncle hurriedly said: "Next time definitely!"

Zhang Yansheng's private money was actually more than 3 million yuan. She wanted to make it up again, making it 400 yuan. This time, there is no need to round it up. My uncle's money was added in, and it was just rounded up.

Xu Lichen also quickly called her: "It's done! I can get 10 million."

Zhang Yansheng asked, "Do you mean buying a motorcycle or...?"

"Zhang Yansheng, you look down on people, don't you!" Xu Lichen gritted his teeth, "I told my mother seriously."

Zhang Yansheng laughed: "Congratulations."

Xu Lichen snorted a few times, but couldn't help but say, "You don't know how shocked my mother is."

Zhang Yansheng said, "I can imagine."

She asked again: "So your mother, did you agree with this project, or did she simply want to reward you for doing something serious before giving you money?"

Xu Lichen was stunned for a while, pondered for himself, and tentatively said, "Half and half?"

"Actually, it's not much money. If I take five hundred for myself, she will give me five hundred." Xu Lichen said, "It's really not that much, five million, even if I don't invest it, I will make or break it. It can be done in two strokes. She must think that it is better to invest in it than me to make and fail. "

Zhang Yansheng almost laughed out loud and said, "Then I'll confirm with that side."

"Wait, wait!" Xu Lichen said, "I said, do we have to go to the field to investigate? Otherwise, the money will be too easy to invest."

Wake up Zhang Yansheng's blind spot. Zhang Yansheng, relying on his prediction of his previous life, knew in his heart that "Out of the Solar System" would explode 100%, and he never thought of going to see it on the spot. But normal investment requires careful examination.

Zhang Yansheng got in touch with Maureen and said that he wanted to go on a field trip. Maureen agreed at once: "I'll make arrangements."

Maureen was very efficient at doing things, and she quickly got in touch with Xie Dong.

The next day, Zhang Yansheng told Zhang Huan, "I'm going to inspect the project" and left with a suitcase.

Zhang Huan: "…"

Sort of like that.

Zhang Yansheng and Xu Lichen flew to Xie Dong's place. Maureen had an investment promotion meeting and couldn't go away and couldn't fly over in time. Xie Dong received them. Although it was already known from Maureen that they were two very young, young people, their youth still surprised Xie Dong.

But rich is dad!

Xie Dong received them meticulously according to the process of receiving the father of the gold master.

He held a meeting, answered questions, and took him to the studio to explain.

Xu Lichen was on the set, with his eyes wide open.

After dinner together in the evening, Xu Lichen drank a few glasses of wine, patted the table and said to Xie Dong, "Don't be afraid of losing money! It doesn't matter! If you want to lose money, I will support our Chinese science fiction career!"

Director Xie burst into tears on the spot: "Xiao Xu!"

Another push to change the cup.

Zhang Yansheng: "..."

Zhang Yansheng called Maureen: "We will stay here for another day tomorrow. He still wants to see the filming progress. We will go back to K city tomorrow night." Discuss the next thing with Maureen.

Maureen wanted to invite her to join her in that presentation. But Zhang Yansheng was only interested in "Out of the Solar System", so he didn't go and went directly to Xie Dong.

Maureen said: "My promotion meeting is over, I will fly to K city tomorrow, see you the day after tomorrow?"

Zhang Yansheng: "OK."

The next day, Zhang Yansheng and Xu Lichen went to the studio again. If Zhang Yansheng was not pulling Xu Lichen, Xu Lichen would have liked to get into the camera.

When he left, Xu Lichen was still reluctant to part, and Zhang Yansheng tucked his neck and collar for him to go to the airport.

On the plane, she asked, "How are your parents and your mother now?"

Xu Lichen's hot brain became clearer, and he laughed at himself: "What else can I do, I can still show my affection. On the wedding anniversary a few days ago, I had a big arty and invited all the employees of a certain level of the company. "

In the past, he would think that his parents were really nauseous, and they would engage in such a big battle every time.

Looking back now, they were all numb. Those moments that should have been warm for two people were so brilliantly shared with many unrelated people.

"I think I can become an actor." He said jokingly, "I have their genes, and my acting skills will definitely be the same."

His emotions and reactions to this matter were much more relaxed than those in his previous life.

But this may only be because the Xu couple has not yet reached the stage of tearing their faces and the conflict is fierce to a white-hot stage.

Zhang Yansheng looked at the sea of clouds outside the porthole, and did not speak anymore.

Back in K City in the evening, she went to Zhang Huan: "I will meet with people from the investment company tomorrow. Is there anything I should pay attention to?"

Zhang Huan pressed his tongue against his cheeks.

"..." Zhang Yan turned around, "Would you like to say that I will ask my grandma to go."

"Hey, come back, come back!" Zhang Huan was so mad, "I haven't spoken yet, you are so impatient, who is it!"

Zhang Yansheng looked at him deadly.

"Cough!" Zhang Huan cleared his throat, "Who will be tomorrow?"

"Sister Mo, me, and a classmate of mine. He plans to vote for a thousand."

"Huh? Male classmates and female classmates?" Zhang Huan was suddenly alert.

Zhang Yansheng: "...Is investment related to gender?"

"It's okay but..."

"Can you tell the truth?"

Zhang Huan asked his daughter to come back, and said angrily, "Don't you feel that someone is missing?"

Zhang Yansheng: "?"

Zhang Huan said, "You're on your own? Bring your classmate who doesn't know male or female? Do you two little brats understand the traps of contracts or the loopholes in the clauses?"

"Legal!" Zhang Huan patted the table, "What do the legal staff in a department in the headquarters do?"

Zhang Yansheng suddenly realized.

In fact, as soon as you are reminded, you know it is common sense. But before being reminded, it was a complete blind spot. To put it bluntly, it means that you want to invest, you want to invest, but you don't know what you should do. After all, he was just a college student in his last life.

When things come to an end, I have no experience, and I am blind to common sense things.

Zhang Huan admired Zhang Yan's stunned and annoyed appearance for a while, and said with a smile, "Don't worry, it's all arranged for you. I have already spoken to the Legal Department, and someone will accompany you tomorrow."

Zhang Yansheng stared at him: "So if I don't ask, I'm not going to tell me, right?" Waiting to see her make a joke, right

"The heart of a villain is the belly of a gentleman!" Zhang Huan cried out, "You ran away with the box, and you didn't give me a chance to speak."

Zhang Yan didn't believe it.

It's normal for her to be blinded by inexperience, but it's impossible for Zhang Huan and the others to not remember such common sense things as eating and drinking.

The old lady probably thought that Zhang Huan was there. The father and daughter lived under the same roof, so Zhang Huan must have raised some points.

For Zhang Huan, this is something that can be solved with casual words. He didn't mention it for two or three days. He must have been secretly rubbing it, trying to see her fall, so that he could cry for help in front of him!