The Eldest Daughter was Reborn

Chapter 97


Maureen's schedule is particularly tight.

Taking advantage of the time to go to the bathroom, she rinsed her mouth with mouthwash, said goodbye to Zhang Yansheng, and went straight to Yue Song.

This young man is still as handsome as a pine tree, but his calm demeanor really makes it impossible to see that he is still a student. I think he was often taught and taught by the grandfather of the business tycoon, and he was nurtured since childhood.

Compared with rookies like Zhang Yansheng and Xu Lichen, Yue Song has obviously entered the business circle with one foot, and has the qualities that a businessman should have.

Maureen braced herself. The more I get to the end, the more I have a premonition that Yue Song is likely to become the next sponsor of "Out of the Solar System".

Sure enough, Yue Song finally put forward a request for a field trip.

Maureen suppressed the joy in her heart and said, "I'll make arrangements."

"Hopefully as soon as possible. Because..." Yue Song said apologetically, "School is about to start."

Ma Lin covered her face. If Yue Song hadn't said so herself, she would have forgotten that Yue Song was still a student.

Yue Song also laughed. Only at this time did the brows and eyes reveal a bit of lightness that belonged to a young man.

"I'll confirm with you later." Maureen said with a smile, "This is the second time I've heard the phrase 'School is about to start' today."

Yue Song still remembered that Maureen was going to see her two high school students today, and he asked with a smile, "How are the high school students?"

"It's negotiated," Maureen said. "The parents are very relieved. They didn't come in person. They just sent a lawyer to the two of them and let them talk on their own. It went well."

"Congratulations." Yue Song smiled, "Then I'll wait for your call."

Ma Lin said goodbye to Yue Song, and went back to the hotel to pick up the stored luggage. On the way, she called Xie Dong and told him, "Miss Zhang and Mr. Xu's 44 million have made a decision." Xie Dong's phone A "too good, very good" chatter.

Maureen told him Xu Lichen's request and said with a smile, "He actually just wanted to wear that mecha suit."

Xie Dong laughed: "I can see it! That day Xiao Xu stared at the battle suit, his eyes were straight, and he couldn't walk on the road! Miss Zhang dragged him away."

Maureen wondered why Zhang Yansheng was Miss Zhang and Xu Lichen was Xiao Xu

Xie Dong suddenly started gossiping: "Hey, Xiao Mo, what is the relationship between these two children? Is it..."

"I don't know what their relationship is, don't ask me." Maureen said, "But I can see that Miss Zhang can control Mr. Xu."

Xie Dong laughed wildly.

"Then he will leave it to you," Maureen said. "Second, I have found another potential investor for us. The other party hopes to visit as soon as possible."

"Yes, yes!" Xie Dong was surprised and delighted, and immediately agreed, "Xiao Mo, you are so capable! I will welcome him at any time. When will he come?"

"I'll confirm the time with him again."

When Maureen arrived at the airport and went through the security check, she immediately replied to Yue Song, "You can do it anytime."

Yue Song said: "I have plans in two days... Well, I will fly over tomorrow morning."

Maureen agreed the time with both parties, and the specific matters were also arranged. This day's work is over, and I boarded the plane in a down-to-earth manner.

Xie Dong received Yue Song who flew over the next day.

Yue Song did not wear expensive suits and neat shirts like in the office. He was dressed more casually, carrying a backpack over his shoulders, with no other luggage.

"There are other arrangements, I will go back tonight." He said.

This casual dress clearly shows his youth.

Xie Dong felt that Maureen was amazing, and the fathers of the gold masters who were found could make their debut by relying on their faces.

Xie Dong knew that Yue Song was the grandson of a boss of a certain group. Although he was young, the bearing between his brows was clearly that of a noble son. Xie Dong did not dare to neglect him at all, so he called Yue Song: "Mr. Yue."

Yue Song smiled and said, "I'm not used to it. Yue is always my grandfather."

Xie Dong has seen many people, so he responded quickly: "Then, President Xiaoyue."

That's how it was called.

Yue Song watched the scene and asked many questions. Some of them were sharper and directly asked about the many difficulties the crew may have faced or even encountered. He was much more difficult to deal with than the two high school students who came before. Xie Dong and the producer cheered up to deal with him.

When it was time to eat lunch, there was no atmosphere like pushing cups with Xu Lichen before, everyone sat upright, as if they were listening to a lecture.

This meal is not easy, and I have to deal with the question of this Xiaoyue at any time. Several assistant directors ate with their heads sullen, while supporting their ears and listening to the hard-working Lao Xie gushing over there.

That Xiaoyue boss occasionally nodded and listened intently.

Finally, President Xiaoyue said mercifully: "I don't have anything to ask for now, let's eat first."

Xie Dongcai breathed a sigh of relief.

The producer said: "Mr. Xiaoyue is also from K City? This K City is really outstanding. We only received two investors a few days ago. They are also from K City, and they are also very young."

Yue Song smiled and said, "Are those two high school students?"

"Yo, you know." The producer said, "Yes, high school students. Your K city is really amazing!"

Hearing these two "high school students" repeatedly in the past two days, Yue Song was still a little curious. He knew that Maureen would not disclose the information of clients, but these people might not, so he asked tentatively, "They have all the information in their family. What is it for?"

The producer said: "I really don't know. The girl's surname is Zhang, and the boy's surname, what is his surname?"

Several people at the dinner table said at the same time, "Xu! The last name is Xu!"

Yue Song thought for a while, which two would be the surnames Zhang and Xu in K city.

An assistant director took out his mobile phone: "It's the two of them."

The mobile phone was handed over by someone else's hand, and Yue Song took it and looked at it, then stared slightly.

On the phone is a group photo on the set, including Xie Dong and other assistant directors, as well as a pair of young teenagers.

Yue Song deleted the photo of the girl at the beginning, but after seeing that face, it was hard to forget, not to mention Yue Song's memory is still so good, not to mention that she was so impressed at the time - so deep that he went to his cousin to ask her who she was. Who.

Yue Song really did not expect that it was her.

He stared at it. She still wears makeup. At a young age, she likes makeup so much that she always pretends to be an adult.

The color of the lipstick is still gorgeous, and people are still cold. There was no smile on her face when she took the photo, obviously it wasn't her idea.

For some reason, Yue Song looked at the girl in the photo, and the corners of his mouth twitched slightly.

He went to see another young boy, probably another high school student. He looks handsome, is that her boyfriend? Young couple investing together

The curvature of the corner of Yue Song's mouth was smoothed again, and he returned the phone to the other person: "Neither of them know each other."

"However," he exclaimed, "what a young age."

The people at the dinner table thought in unison: You are not too big!

It's just that they can hook up with Xu Lichen, but they dare not speak casually in front of Yue Song.

It just rots in my stomach.

Yue Song left in the evening, and the producer took him to the airport and waved goodbye to him with a smile on his face. When President Xiaoyue disappeared, the producer turned around and went to the airport.

After waiting there for less than half an hour, Xu Lichen appeared.

The producer waved: "Xiao Xu!"

"Brother Wang!" Xu Lichen still remembered this producer, even if he had drunk together. He didn't feel disobedient to call someone his age a brother, he waved his arms violently, and walked over with a spring breeze: "I'm here, I'm here!"

The pace was fast, and there was a sense of urgency.

When the producer saw Xu Lichen, for some reason, he relaxed. He laughed and gave Xu Lichen a bear hug. The two went to the car affectionately, murmuring all the way.

"Old Xie, I have arranged several scenes for you to show your face!"

"Brother Wang, I told you that I must wear that mecha battle suit! I made it clear to Brother Xie on the phone!"

"Wear it! I'll let you wear it! Don't be too stinky, that clothes are worn more frequently, and the smell of sweat is quite strong!"

"Whoever thinks it's all men smells bad. But Brother Xie said hello to me, and I brought a bottle of cologne here..."


Since Zhang Yansheng's rebirth, his work and rest time can be called super regular and super healthy. As a high school student, there is a fixed time for going to and after school every day, and it is indeed impossible to be unhealthy.

So being woken up by a mobile phone at 3:00 in the middle of the night is really annoying.

But when he saw Xu Lichen who was calling the video, Zhang Yansheng's heart suddenly contracted, and the first thought that came to his mind was "Did his parents tear their faces?"

As a result, when the video was connected, Xu Lichen on the other side was covered with coal dust on his left face and blood on his right face.

"Look at me! Look at me! Zhang Yansheng, look at me!" He stretched out his arms to zoom out the camera, revealing as much of the mecha suit he was wearing as possible, but Ke Jin asked, "Is it handsome? Am I handsome! "

Zhang Yansheng: "..."

Zhang Yansheng felt a volcano arched over the top of his skull, and it was about to erupt!

If it weren't for the internet, she would have punched Xu Lichen's handsome face! Hit him with a nosebleed!

"Xu Lichen, are you ill! Do you know what time it is!!!" She wanted to yell at him, but she woke up suddenly in the middle of the night, her blood pressure seemed to be a little low, and her words were weak, without the momentum of the day.

With a distance of thousands of miles, Xu Lichen was not afraid when he knew that Zhang Yansheng couldn't reach him.

He arrogantly said: "Isn't it only three o'clock in the evening? Look at you, lying on the soft bed, sleeping soundly! Do you know what some people are doing? Everyone in the crew is turning around right now, let me tell you! Look at people! Look at you again! Hey, don't bury your face, look at me again! I'll be on stage later! Just look No more! Look at me now! Hurry up! Hurry up!"

He hurriedly urged.

Zhang Yansheng was powerless to scold him. She buried her face in the pillow, woke up, stabilized her blood pressure, and only raised her face for a long time: "You have passed? Why didn't you tell me?"

"I can't report everything to you, you are not my mother." Xu Lichen laughed, "I told Brother Xie that I will start school in a few days, and asked him to make arrangements for me as soon as possible. He said that I will be able to Come here, I can be on camera today, I flew over without saying a word. I have been waiting here for six or seven hours, and finally it’s my turn to be on camera! It’s not easy, let me tell you! It’s hard work!”

Many people were busy behind him, and Zhang Yansheng could imagine the situation over there. Especially after the explosion of the previous life, the Internet was flooded with all kinds of behind-the-scenes footage, Zhang Yansheng knew the hard work in the filming.

It's really not easy. So much hard work has been condensed, and in the end, the harvest has been fruitful.

Zhang Yansheng rubbed his eyes: "I'll stress it again with you, don't let the director change the play! Don't let the layman direct the expert!"

"Oh, you're more chatty than my mother, I know it!" Xu Lichen said, "I said can you turn on a light? Your unkempt hair, your pale and blue face... It's a bit scary."

Like a ghost movie.

Still a good looking ghost!

Zhang Yansheng: "..."

Zhang Yansheng rubbed his face: "I'll just ask you one thing..."

Xu Lichen: "You say it!"

"You..." Zhang Yansheng's face turned blue in the light of the mobile phone drew closer, "Have you finished your winter vacation homework?"