The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment

Chapter 20: Section 20


"Senior Sister Bai has appeared!"

"It's Senior Sister Bai!"

"Ah↑ah↑ah↑... um↓, I'm fine."

Xiao Jinse leaned against Bai Lian and said, "Senior sister."

The two looked forward, leaving aside the shocked onlookers that must exist in Shuangwen's novels, and finally landed on a young man sitting on the ground with a sword.


Bai Lian raised her eyebrows slightly.

What a miserable green boy! ! !

That sword, the whole body is white, if it is made of ice and snow, with embroidery on it, it is more elegant.

The young man, wearing a platinum casual suit with a black silk tied behind his head, was very personable.

After the surrounding spectators dispersed, he raised his sword and stood up, and looked at Bai Lian neither humble nor arrogant.

Bai Lian recognized this person's identity at a glance.

Jiang Ning.

In the game, he can be regarded as a positive character, nicknamed "Jade Swordsman", he is the prince of Nanyue Kingdom, a small secular country, and his cultivation base is the late stage of foundation establishment, just like Bai Lian.

What is he doing here

Bai Lian was still thinking, when he found that Jiang Ning changed into an excited look and strode towards her.

"Senior Sister Bai!"

Jiang Ning stopped ten feet away from Bai Lian. He folded his hands and saluted.

He continued: "Senior Sister Bai just left a warning message in the Medicine Pill Pavilion. For me, it's really like a blessing!"

Bai Lian: "?"

What nonsense are you talking about, my mother is very busy now, so I don't have time to listen to your flattery.

But it's not easy for her to show impatience, so she can only continue to be expressionless.

Jiang Ning said: "I have always lived in the shadow of my eldest brother. It was the words of Senior Sister Bai that made me realize that I am me, he is him, and the road to immortality is already rugged. Come on, what about going to the top of the immortal?"

The onlookers nodded to Jiang Ning's words.

"It's good if you realize it."

"Senior Sister Bai, the white moonlight in my heart!"

"It's a blessing to have a wise man like Senior Sister Bai in Duxianmen!"

"It's great, I've come to understand everything!"

It was an awards ceremony.

Bai Lian frowned secretly, her fame was getting higher and higher, and when all this was revealed, she would be finished even if she wasn't the villain.

System, is this also in your calculations


Suddenly, Bai Lian heard a crisp sound.

When she raised her head, she saw Jiang Ning draw out his sword and bowed again: "Senior Sister Bai, I know that I am not your opponent at all, but... Today, I want to learn from Senior Sister Wenren and regard Senior Sister Bai as my target to pursue. I want to prove my courage to Senior Sister Bai, and I also want to use this battle to say goodbye to my past self, so please give Senior Sister Bai any advice!"

Jiang Ning had the sword in front of him, and pinched a magic trick with his left hand.


Someone in the square exclaimed.

clap clap clap...

Many people applauded Jiang Ning's courage. Although Senior Sister Bai said in the morning that she hoped that everyone in the Immortal Sect would "struggle (challenge) fight (war) go up (white) travel (pity)" like Wenren Yale, but the shadow of the famous tree, After all, Senior Sister Bai, everyone is reluctant to humiliate themselves.

Now that Jiang Ning has stood up, everyone is very excited, not because there are warriors, but because everyone can watch the battle of Senior Sister Bai up close.

it is good!

clap clap clap...

The applause continued.

Bai Lian's right hand trembled slightly, I Nima, she is about to crack.


She obviously only pretended to be forced once!

Jiang Ning, you said you didn't have to come and compliment me, that's all. You can't leave after complimenting me. You still came to challenge me, have you been kicked by a donkey in your head, or are you complicit with the system


Bai Lian looked at the system task options that just popped up, in a dilemma.

[Mission 1: Fight bravely and fight Jiang Ning for 300 rounds! (Completion reward: Secret Skill One Sword Flying Immortal)]

[Task 2: Taunt: You are not my opponent, I will not fight with you (Completion reward: Lingcao Tianhuoshenya)]

[Task 3: "You haven't adjusted yet, we will fight later." (Completion reward: Xiantian Sublimation Pill)]

If this is a challenge, she and Jiang Ning's strength is not much different, even if she lied that she didn't want to take advantage of Jiang Ning, so she deliberately lowered her cultivation base, if she lost, she would be ruined.

Judging from the reward of Mission 1, she has a high probability of losing.

If this is not to fight, doesn't it also mean that what she said in the elixir pavilion is pretending to be coercive

"White lotus."

"A scheming bitch."

"Senior Sister Bai? Criticize Senior Sister!"

Bai Lian had already thought about how he would be evaluated.

As for choosing Mission 3 to fight again tomorrow, that is also a chronic poison.

"There's no other way, I have to drink the chronic poison. I hope I can find a chance to get away."

Bai Lian gritted his teeth, and at this moment, a petite purple figure came out of the crowd, just standing in front of Bai Lian.

What a quick double ponytail!

But listening to Tong Yao shouting: "Want to challenge Senior Sister Bai? Hmph, let's pass my test first. If everyone is like you, Senior Sister Bai still needs to practice?"


Bai Lian's eyes lit up.

Grandpa is saved again!

She decided to temporarily put down her resentment against Tong Rumor's rumors, this loli is really cute as she looks.

"This… "

Jiang Ning didn't expect things to turn out like this, and the audience was disappointed.

His lips squirmed, and finally sighed: "If that's the case, I won't fight."

His expression became lonely, as if he had aged a few years all of a sudden.

Tong Yao hurriedly asked, "You, are you all right?"

Jiang Ning shook his head: "I'm fine."

"It's a ghost!" Tong Yao stomped her feet, she gritted her teeth, and suddenly stretched out her hand, "Okay, just this time, I won't stop you this time, but you all remember it well, you can't be arbitrary in the future. Disturb Senior Sister Bai."



Tong Yao walked away generously, leaving Jiang Ning and Bai Lian face to face.

"… "

I #$#@&…

Bai Lian was so angry that she wanted to put her hands against Tong Yao's head, shouting "Silly Lolita to die for", and then turning her like an electric fan.

no solution anymore.

Bai Lian's gaze fell on his feet.


Bai Lian realized.

She just picked up a pair of Liuyun boots not long ago. In terms of speed, Jiang Ning could not be her opponent.

She decisively chose task three.

Chapter 12 Senior Sister Bai, Gao Yi!