The Eldest Martial Sister Gave Up Treatment

Chapter 82: Section 82


the next day.

Bai Lian opened his eyes.

After the barrier was lifted, the first ray of spiritual energy in the morning squeezed into the room, and the gray world suddenly became colorful.

She walked to the window, looked at Tutu, who was lying on the ground, and looked at the sword in her hand, only to feel refreshed!

In another half a day, she will be able to completely refine this flawless sword of the highest quality magic weapon.

The equipment bonus is still very large, even if she can't fully exert the power of the best magic weapon, it is enough to fight back and forth with the current Gong Juren.

This made Bai Lian feel a little more secure.

At the same time that the external threats were reduced, the two junior sisters who had thought they would fight unexpectedly became harmonious.

"I really didn't expect it!"

Bai Lian stroked his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

Her game life seems to be finally on the right track!

With Xiao Jinse and Su Youwei as guardians on the left and right, who would dare to provoke her

Bai Lian decided to spy on the situation in the next room.

She let go of her consciousness and easily broke through the wall that was described as false.

The wooden windows were ajar, and bits of gold scattered on the messy bed.

"What about people?"

Bai Lian glanced at it and found that the two junior sisters had already woken up. They were sitting on the ground, running the exercises and practicing seriously.

It's too hard, isn't it

Bai Lian felt ashamed.

The protagonist is like this, obviously he has extraordinary talent, and his effort is several times that of ordinary people!

At the same time, she was also worried.

Won't the junior sisters just sit on the floor like this and feel their butts get cold

Will fasting exercise affect concentration

Will trying too hard affect the foundation

Bai Lian decided to reward the two diligent junior sisters.

As the saying goes, combine work and rest.

Cultivation does not count on this half-day, it is better to take advantage of the weather to go to Duxianmen to stroll around.

A quarter of an hour later, Bai Lian knocked on Xiao Jinse's door.


Xiao Jinse opened the door and looked at Bai Lian in surprise.

I saw Bai Lian holding a wooden tray in his hand, and on the tray were two portions of clear porridge.


Keyword detection!

Xiao Jinse took the tray with a smile: "Senior sister, you are so kind to me. Knowing that I have a big appetite, you made me two bowls of porridge!"


Bai Lian was stunned for a moment.

Looking through the half-open door, she found that Su Youwei was standing behind Xiao Jinse expressionlessly.

That petite body looked a little lonely.

Bai Lian quickly brought over the two futons that were on Tutu's ears.

"Just sit here next time you practice, it's not cold, or you should change into practice clothes."

"I'll go get the third sister's porridge right away."

"Stop cultivating this morning and go outside."

"I'll call the construction team to fix the house later."

"As a disciple of Qiongming Peak, you can't lose the momentum of our Qiongming Peak when you are outside. You must help each other, like last night, it is very good!"

The long-winded Bai Lian did not fit the image of Senior Sister Bai imagined by Xiao Jinse.


she likes!

Although the fairy who doesn't eat fireworks is beautiful, she is too far away from her. Senior Sister Bai is just right, and she can be a family member.

When the time came, Xiao Jinse and Su Youwei went down the mountain together, and Bai Lian went back to the house after watching them go away.

The most urgent task is to refine the new Wushou sword first.

Su Youwei's mood was a little down, not because Second Senior Sister robbed her of the bowl of porridge.

Mainly because when she ran the exercises just now, she found that it was not an easy thing to break through to the Foundation Establishment stage in a short period of time.

During this period of time, her cultivation had improved so fast that her body didn't even respond. It would take at least ten days of precipitation before she could continue to break through!

too difficult.

Su Youwei shook her head angrily.

Last night, after discussing with the second senior sister, she finally came up with a way to kick the second senior sister out of Qiongming Peak—

Quickly improve your cultivation, and keep the incompetent Second Senior Sister far away!

She could see that the second senior sister is a person with strong self-esteem, and even if the master does not appear to persuade him to quit, the second senior sister will leave silently.

"it's a pity!"

After this incident, she had to postpone the plan.

"Just take a look around here, I'll go to Chuan Gong Pavilion and sit for a while."

After taking Su Youwei around Qiongming Peak for half an hour, Xiao Jinse was already a little tired.

If she wasn't worried about Junior Sister San making a small report, she would directly throw the map to Junior Junior Sister so that she could slowly comprehend.

Su Youwei nodded lightly: "Okay."

Well done!

She likes to be alone.

Even if you have to stay with someone, it must not be the second senior sister.

The two separated.

Xiao Jinse walked into the Chuan Gong Pavilion.

She knew that she lacked theoretical knowledge compared to others, so she went to Chuan Gong Pavilion to read the cultivation experience of those seniors.

This has benefited her a lot.

During this period of comprehension, Xiao Jinse also developed a strong interest in alchemy, but she has too few spiritual stones on her body, and she is afraid to touch the medicine garden when Bai Lian is away, so she has not practiced it yet.

Just when Xiao Jinse was secretly pondering the fire of alchemy, a disciple in the Qi refining stage hurriedly ran in from outside the Chuan Gong Pavilion.

"Where is Senior Sister Xiao of Qiongming Peak?"

"What's wrong?"

Xiao Jinse put down the book.

The disciple walked over quickly, out of breath: "No, I saw the little girl who was next to you just now being bullied!"


Xiao Jinse pursed his lips slightly.

She didn't hesitate for too long, because Bai Lian's words "You can't lose Qiong Mingfeng's aura" suddenly flashed in her mind.

In any case, Su Youwei is now her third junior sister.

Third Junior Sister was bullied. If she was indifferent, what face would she have to continue to be Senior Sister Bai's Junior Sister

"This junior brother, thank you for letting me know!"

When the voice fell, Xiao Jinse had already dragged the heavy blowing snow sword to the entrance of the Chuan Gong Pavilion. She didn't need to search for Su Youwei's position deliberately. The gradually gathered crowd had already pointed her in the direction.

The qi-refining disciple breathed a sigh of relief, and then he should go to Qiongming Peak to inform Senior Sister Bai.

Being able to see Senior Sister Bai up close, and even have a few words with Senior Sister Bai, this is not a rare opportunity.