The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 14: Ride a dragon


The next day, after Feng Luan went down to court, he sent a little eunuch to take Ye Yang to the horse farm where the Imperial Army usually trains, and he waited inside the horse farm.

The forbidden army practiced here on weekdays, but now Feng Luan wanted to temporarily use the racecourse, so Shen Shaoheng temporarily changed the training time of the forbidden army and waited at the racecourse himself in case of an accident.

Ye Yang still has backache and lack of health today, but it is much better than yesterday. Now Feng Luan's favor is only 20%. He dare not refuse Feng Luan's proposal indiscriminately. Thinking that it would not be too difficult for him to learn to ride on his first day, he should not be too afraid.

Feng Luan changed into his riding outfit and was waiting for him at the side of the racecourse. This dog emperor always wore a wide robe and long sleeves. It was the first time Ye Yang saw him dressed so neatly. He has handsome eyebrows and a thin and straight waistline. After all, Yunyang is a person who doesn't like dancing with knives and guns. Ye Yang rummaged through the boxes and found only one piece of clothing that was less cumbersome and troublesome.

Looking at his clothes, Feng Luan couldn't help frowning. He led him to the horse's side before he said, "Do you know that there will be an autumn hunting next month?"

Ye Yang shook his head: "I don't know."

"According to the traditional rules, all the concubines and concubines in the palace should join in this autumn hunting." Feng Luan frowned, "Although I don't ask you to be able to hunt on horses, you should have some clothes that fit."

Ye Yang nodded seriously: "Yes, Your Majesty, tomorrow I will ask my parents to send some pieces to the palace, not to mention autumn hunting, I can even beat you with a tiger."

Feng Luan: "..."

Feng Luan had already turned to Kang Ning and said, "Kang Ning, you will send someone over later to make a hunting outfit for Servant Yun."

Kang Ning was in a hurry to take orders, and Feng Luan turned around and looked at Ye Yang, and said, "Now that you have entered the palace, there is no reason for your parents to give you clothes."

Ye Yang choked and asked, "Why not?"

Feng Luan raised his eyebrows slightly: "Isn't it going to make people laugh at me?"

Ye Yang: "... machismo is bad."

Feng Luan didn't understand what he said, but he didn't get into it. Anyway, Shijun Yun was always going to talk nonsense.

According to the riding clips Ye Yang had seen in film and television works in the past, getting on a horse should have been flying on the stirrups, full of handsomeness, but once it came to reality, things were different from what he thought.

Yun Yang's body strength was too weak, he turned upwards according to what Feng Luan said, and almost fell down when his body was in the air. Fortunately, Feng Luan was behind him and hurriedly stretched out his hand to help him. Homeopathy—

Sitting on Feng Luan's shoulder.

Feng Luan: "..."

Ye Yang: "..."

The air froze and froze for a while, and there was only the sound of horses blowing their tails blowing hot air around. Ye Yang didn't dare to move, and he really didn't know how to break the damn embarrassment at this moment. From what he saw, no matter what he said at the moment. Whatever, Feng Luan should have lost his favor, he dared not speak, he wanted to wait for Feng Luan to speak first, he was trying to deal with it, but after a stalemate for a moment, he waited first, but Shen Shaoheng couldn't hold back. Stop laughing.

Kang Ning rushed over almost immediately, trying to stop Shen Shaoheng's arrogant behavior at the moment, but Ye Yang felt that Shen Shaoheng's smile seemed to break the current embarrassment to some extent, he should grasp the current situation. Chance!

Ye Yang looked sideways and lowered his head, smiled reluctantly at Feng Luan, gave a thumbs up and said, "Your Majesty... Your Majesty... You got it right."

Feng Luan: "..."

"Feng Luan favorability level -1, current favorability level is 19"

No, not right.

How could he say such a thing in such a rollover scene today!

Ye Yang took a deep breath and began to get nervous: "Emperor... The emperor is in good health! Practice often when you have nothing to do..."

No matter how weak Yunyang is, he is also a man. With his basic weight there, Feng Luan can actually carry it and stand for so long! It seems that this dog emperor is very good in other places except for some aspects.

He thought that his flattery was on the point, but he didn't want Feng Luan's favor to change again just after he said this.

"Feng Luan's favorability rating -1, the current favorability rating is 18"

Ye Yang: "..."

Ye Yang panicked.

He really didn't know what to do, and after a long while, he looked at Feng Luan and said, "Can you let me go, you ass."

Feng Luan: "..."

He finally did not have the little red letter that made him feel good. He held Ye Yang's waist with one hand, and hugged him and made him fall to the ground. When he spoke, Ye Yang raised his head tremblingly, thinking about what to say to please him, but suddenly he saw Feng Luan trying to hide his quick breathing. Upon closer inspection, the dog emperor's hand seemed to be shaking slightly. .

Ye Yang: "..."

No, no, no, why don't you let him down earlier...

You have to die to hold back your face, look at it, suffer!

In order to take care of Feng Luan's self-esteem, Ye Yang could only pretend that he had never noticed anything. He stood embarrassedly beside Feng Luan, looking at Shen Shaoheng, who was desperately trying to hold back his smile, with a complicated mood.

After a long while, Feng Luan took a deep breath.

"I will help you up." Feng Luan thought for a while, and then said, "On the day of the autumn hunting, you should watch with the others from behind."

Ye Yang: "..."

Ye Yang was a little unconvinced.

He doesn't like people saying he can't do it. Now he hasn't even started to try, but Feng Luan seems to have decided the result, and if it is according to Feng Luan's words, Qiu Hunter said that it will have to be a month later, not just riding a horse ? He doesn't believe he can't learn.

He didn't want to talk to Feng Luan too much. Feng Luan said he wanted to help him on the horse, so he climbed onto the horse's back with Feng Luan's hand. Sitting firmly, he heard Feng Luan say a lot of points. With Shen Shaoheng leading the horse, he straightened his waist and tried to learn to control it by himself.

At any rate, he has some talent, and the horse is also quite spiritual, he can control the horse to walk slowly, Feng Luan is worried that he will fall again, and the horse follows him, he is calm, Ye Yang quickly felt a little sad.

He still lost in physical strength.

Yunyang's body is too weak. After riding on the horse for a while, he felt a sore back, and the saddle hurt his legs. It seems that if he wants to learn to ride a horse... It's time to arrange the long-distance running in the imperial garden.

He planned his future exercise plan on horseback, and rode around for a few laps. Feng Luan was quite surprised, as if he didn't expect him to persist for so long. After waiting for a while, he asked him. : "Can you rest for a while?"

The weather in Fang Luqiu was still too hot, Ye Yang was already sweating a little, thinking about coming down for a drink, he nodded, and let Feng Luan help him dismount, waiting for his legs to fall. , he suddenly felt that something was wrong.

When he was riding a horse just now, he felt that the saddle hurt his buttocks and thighs. He also thought that Yunyang's body was too delicate to sit on such a hard thing. Why is he getting off the horse now... His thighs and buttocks still hurt!

Feng Luan asked him, "What happened to you?"

Ye Yang tried to calm down, shook his head, and walked, after a few steps, under the friction of the fabric... Ye Yang felt that his thighs and buttocks hurt even more.

If it were changed to the present world, and the people around him were also replaced by his real buddies and friends, he must have shouted out at this moment, but now his identity is really embarrassing, and he is walking by his nominal "husband". With his husband's direct subordinates, he can only hold everything in his stomach, endure the burning pain in his butt and thighs, and walk through gritted teeth.

At least today, he no longer dared to ride again. Feng Luan allowed him to come here to practice riding after he was accompanied by the palace servants and informed Shen Shaoheng in advance. Then Feng Luan returned to the palace with him and waited until the two finally separated. , Ye Yang climbed into his car, and as soon as his butt touched the soft chair, he almost burst into tears.

Worn out, he thought his ass must be frayed.

Yunyang's pain tolerance threshold is too low, the small injury of the broken skin made Ye Yang grin in pain, he barely sat in a corner of the car, only less than a third of the soft seat was covered, his waist was pouting, but Feeling the pain in his legs, he was about to spread his legs apart, but the curtain of the car was raised, and Feng Luan was standing outside, frowning slightly at him.

"It doesn't look like sitting." Feng Luan raised his eyebrows and said, "Have you really learned etiquette these days?"

Ye Yang: "..."

He thought that Feng Luan only had 18 points of favorability, he suppressed his resistance, endured the pain, put his legs together, squeezed out a fake smile, and said, "Your Majesty, what are you doing?"

Feng Luan had already taken a step forward and climbed onto his carriage. Before he was seated, he was in front of him and said, "There is still some way to go back to the palace. Sitting alone will inevitably be boring."

Ye Yang blurted out: "It's not boring! I'm always interesting!"

Feng Luan: "..."

"Feng Luan favorability level -1, current favorability level is 17"

Ye Yang: "...It's quite boring. If no one chats with me, then I'll fall asleep."

He said so, but he refused to move the nest, hoping that Feng Luan would understand that the space inside the carriage was too small for the two big men.

But he didn't move, and Feng Luan didn't move either. The space inside the chariot was narrow, and it was even more embarrassing for the two of them to squeeze together. Ye Yang sat stiffly, watching Feng Luan's face in front of him getting more and more ugly. , getting uglier...

"Feng Luan's favorability rating -5, the current favorability rating is 12"

Ye Yang swallowed and supported the chair cushion with one hand, trying not to touch the wound. With difficulty, he moved his butt to the side, and then sat down like a little bit of water to make room for Feng Luan.

Feng Luan snorted lightly, and his face became a little better. He sat down beside Ye Yang with a cold face, but didn't say a word. It was not at all what he said just now that he was worried that Ye Yang was boring, so he came over to tell him. say.

When the carriage moved, Ye Yang couldn't help gasping for breath, baring his teeth in pain, Feng Luan frowned at him, and after a while, he opened his mouth and asked, "You seem to have been very close to Ming Yan recently."

Only now did Ye Yang understand Feng Luan's intention.

No matter what, he was Feng Luan's servant, and Ming Yan was the concubine whom the Queen Mother married Feng Luan as soon as possible. The two men and women were different, and in this harem, the status of the servant was extremely embarrassing.

Feng Luan shouldn't mistakenly think that he wants to dig his corner, right

Ye Yang was nervous for a while and tried his best to explain.

A fire in the backyard is a top priority. If he can't find a good reason, he will be implicated in the incident, and he may even be splattered on the spot.

But Feng Luan just said to him, "Stay away from her, it's not a fuel-efficient lamp."

Ye Yang was startled: "But she's not..."

Feng Luan asked back, "What is it?"

Ye Yang said: "I thought the queen mother wanted the emperor to..."

When he saw Feng Luan's face darkening, he suddenly remembered that Feng Luan had a general relationship with the current queen mother. He didn't seem to like others mentioning the queen mother, so he coughed lightly and immediately changed his mouth, saying, "I thought the emperor liked him."

Feng Luan is a good-looking dog, Ming Yan is good-looking, and she is still a concubine, the emperor's childhood sweetheart. Ye Yang feels that his inference is somewhat reasonable.

He didn't want Feng Luan's face to darken, so he raised his eyebrows slightly and said, "What nonsense are you talking about."

Ye Yang didn't say anything, but he already understood in his heart.

Oh, Feng Luan doesn't like Ming Yan. It seems in the book that he later married Ming Yan and became a concubine, which was just the most common political marriage in the imperial family.

"I don't like those people." Feng Luan whispered, "You don't have to think about it."

Ye Yang felt that he had completely understood what Feng Luan meant.

"The emperor knows righteousness." Ye Yang tried his best to flatter the dog emperor, "For the stability of the family and the country, willing to give up the ego is amazing!"

Feng Luan: "...I look like this in your eyes?"

Ye Yang: "Huh?"

Feng Luan has raised his eyebrows, and seems unhappy, and even his tone has cooled down a little, and said: "It seems that I still misread it."

Ye Yang: "???"

Wait, what this dog emperor is saying, why can't he understand a word.

Ye Yang was bewildered and at a loss, and the next moment, he saw the change of favor that jumped out of Feng Luan.

"Feng Luan favorability level -5, current favorability level is 7"

Ye Yang: "..."

what! How does this make him play!