The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 5: Tanabata Palace Banquet


Ye Yang's mood became more and more complicated when he sent away the lost Yun Rin.

He didn't know if the two little eunuchs would report to Feng Luan what he said with Yun Rin just now, but if they did... I'm afraid that Feng Luan's favorability level, which had fallen to the bottom, would drop further. Luan's affection for him may only be negative.

Ye Yang lay back on the bed, perhaps because the cold was aggravating, he felt more and more dizzy, while trying to recall a large section of instructions that popped up in the final system through the book.

At that time, he was seriously ill and fainted, and as soon as it got dark, he reached the bottom of the Imperial Garden Lake, with a few lines of large characters floating in front of him, briefly explaining his current situation.

After all, he had read a lot of strange novels when he was recovering from illness, and he soon accepted everything in front of him, thinking that he had nothing to worry about anyway, and he couldn't give up this chance to live again.

But now Feng Luan's favorability has fallen to the bottom, and the system tells him that once Feng Luan's favorability drops below 0, this dog emperor is likely to kill him.

He was in a state of turmoil, when Madam Li suddenly flew in all the way from the outside, stood by the door and shouted at him, "Little Young Master! Bah, Master Yun! Great joy!"

Ye Yang looked at her with doubts.

Isn't Mammy Li a teaching mama? Why are you still staying in his palace and not leaving

Before he opened his mouth to ask, he saw a young father-in-law walking in with a happy face, and said loudly: "Yun Shijun, happy event!"

Ye Yang: "..."

Ye Yang felt that he understood.

Shouldn't this dog emperor want him to sleep? !

As a steadfast straight man, Ye Yang had a headache.

He must refuse to serve the bed, but Feng Luan's affection for him is already so low, if he refuses again... He is afraid that Feng Luan will kill him on the spot.

He looked at the happy faces of the father-in-law and Li Ma, and suddenly remembered that today is Qixi Festival, there is a palace banquet in the palace, and Feng Luan ordered him to participate, which means... As long as he works hard enough on the palace banquet, he will still be able to participate. There is a chance to save the goodwill of the dog emperor!

It's just that this dog emperor's favor point is a bit too weird. So far, apart from the rainbow fart, he has not found a way to brush the tyrant's favor.

Ye Yang, in danger.

As it was about to fall into the night, someone came to invite Ye Yang to move to the Qixi Palace banquet.

Ye Yang sat drowsy beside the bed, feeling as if he was getting sicker. It was just a little Fenghan, but now he reached out and touched his forehead, and he could feel his forehead getting hot, but he could only insist on going to the palace banquet with the people who came. He was still early, and he was seated Sitting down, he rubbed his forehead and recalled the story that was supposed to happen tonight in the original book.

At the Qixi Palace banquet, concubines and concubines fought cleverly, pierced the moon, and in the middle of the banquet, everyone in the palace performed their arts, Chu Lian danced the city, and attracted Feng Luan's attention, but all these things had nothing to do with him, that is Said that tonight he just needs to eat melons quietly and blow a few rainbow farts to the tyrant by the way.

While thinking about it, he raised his head and saw Chu Lian, the heroine of the book, appearing. When he met in the palace before, he was full of the jade power at Feng Luan's feet. , I saw Chu Lian's favorability towards him at a glance.

"Chu Lian's current favorability rating: -121"

Ye Yang: "..."

What did he do before to make Chu Lian hate him so much

Suddenly, Kang Ning said loudly that the emperor was coming, Ye Yang hurriedly sat upright, turned his head to the side, and happened to meet Feng Luan's cold eyes looking at him, as well as the red characters that kept jumping out of Feng Luan's body.

"Feng Luan favorability-1-1-1-1-1... Current favorability rating-17"

Ye Yang: "..."

ah? Why do you fall in love with him

Ye Yang's pleasing smile to Feng Luan completely collapsed on his face. He covered his face with one hand and hurriedly lowered his head, no longer looking at Feng Luan.

Now that he is too far away from Feng Luan, there is no way to flatter Feng Luan. He can only minimize his sense of existence, so that Feng Luan will not feel upset when he sees him, and if he loses his goodwill inexplicably, it will be worse.

The Qixi Palace Banquet is not a big event. Concubine Shen was sick and the Queen Mother didn't like to be busy. Now all the main characters are on the stage. The Palace Banquet has already started. Ye Yang is concentrating on eating. Anyway, begging has nothing to do with him. , but from time to time, I feel the dazzling gaze from the side - it is obviously Feng Luan.

Ye Yang was very guilty.

But the roast goose at the palace banquet was so delicious that he ignored Feng Luan's gaze and watched the rest of the palace maids wear needles. The dance of exotic land is only to be presented in front of Feng Luan today.

She had already changed her clothes and was about to step forward, but Feng Luan opened her mouth and called out, "Master Yun."

Ye Yang's mouth was full of roast goose, he raised his head blankly, and subconsciously responded, "... eh?"

Feng Luan: "..."

When Feng Luan saw him eating the goose, he remembered the finger he was bitten on last night, he was full of anger and let out a cold snort, saying, "I heard that Yun Shijun is good at piano, chess, calligraphy and painting, and Concubine Chu wants to dance, Why don't you ask Yun Shijun to play the piano, how about it?"

Ye Yang: "..."

This dog emperor knew that he had "amnesia", yet he still wanted him to play the piano to accompany him? Isn't this just to make him look ugly

Ye Yang: "Your Majesty, I—"

"Feng Luan favorability -1, current favorability -18"

Ye Yang: "—I can sing and dance! Tell me, what do you want me to play!"

Chu Lian prides herself on her outstanding dancing skills. The accompaniment is only an accompaniment after all. If she can't steal her limelight, she just smiles slightly, her expression is quite arrogant, and asks: "Yun Shijun, what song do you want to play?"

Ye Yang was a little embarrassed: "Uh... I... I think Sister Chu's dancing is graceful and graceful like a wind instrument, let's play it!"

Chu Lian was not afraid at all, and asked, "Dizi, or Xiao?"

Ye Yang: "Not at all..."

Chu Lian frowned slightly: "Could that be Xun?"

Ye Yang bit the bullet and said softly, "... Suona... Suona."

Chu Lian: "..."

Ye Yang did learn some suona, but when he was a child, he learned a little from his grandfather, and the skills are not very profound.

He watched Chu Lian posing for a dance on the field, tremblingly raised the suona in his hand, and blew the first sound.

Chu Lian slipped her foot and almost fell on the spot. She looked back and looked at him in shock, but she was shocked to realize that Feng Luan was staring at the two of them at this time. She couldn't make a fool of herself. She gritted her teeth and danced. The sound suddenly floated, and the sound was blown away.

Neither Chu Lianting nor dancing, stuck in an awkward position for a long time, Fang Ting Ye Yang blew the tone just now, she gritted her teeth, the original graceful and charming exotic dance was abruptly jumped out by her. The anger, the charming look back, all turned into sharp blades and white eyes, and pierced directly at Ye Yang.

Feng Luan was choking on the wine, and was coughing badly. Kang Ning hurriedly cheered him up, and said, "Your Majesty, this Servant Yun is just making a fool of yourself."

But before Kang Ning finished speaking, he saw Feng Luan's lips curling slightly. He seemed to have to hold back the smile, but it happened that Ye Yang blew an unstable long note, and Chu Lian stumbled, Feng Luan stumbled. He couldn't help laughing softly. When the rest of the people at the banquet saw the emperor laughing, they immediately followed suit. With Ye Yang's sparse suona, the banquet was filled with joy.

Ye Yang felt bitter in his heart.

He hadn't touched this thing for a long time, and he felt ashamed when he boasted, but except for Chu Lian, everyone at the palace banquet seemed to be very happy. When he finished the song and sat back in his seat, Feng Luan also waved at him and asked him to talk a little closer.

Ye Yang was excited.

He couldn't wait to carry his stool and jump over immediately, but he still remembered that Feng Luan didn't like to jump off, so he forced himself to walk slowly over and said softly, "What's the emperor's order?"

Feng Luan turned his head slightly, looked up at him, and asked, "Is this what Yun Xiang taught you?"

Ye Yang: "..."

Feng Luan was in a very good mood. He raised his hand and ordered the palace servants to pour wine, while saying, "You are a bit interesting."

What's the use of being interesting, you give me a good impression!

Ye Yang was about to speak, but felt a flash of cold light, and when he looked up, he saw that the palace servant named Feng Luan was pouring wine with a sharp edge in his sleeve, and a fierce light in his eyes.

Ye Yang had subconsciously grasped Feng Luan's wrist, pulled him to his side, and without hesitation moved forward to block Feng Luan behind him.

He didn't think much about it, all his actions were just the conditioned reflex of years of work, but he forgot that Yunyang's body was weak and far from the physique he trained in the past. He pulled Feng Luan hard, and he almost stumbled. Then he felt a sharp pain in his shoulders. Instead, Feng Luan wrapped his arms around his waist and took a few steps back, avoiding the assassin's blade.

The guards rushed up, Ye Yang wanted to look back, but felt dizzy, the back of the shoulder was in severe pain, and if there was a fire, he was sweating coldly, and faintly felt that something was wrong.

Is it so painful to be scratched by a knife

Corning has exclaimed: "The knife is poisonous."

Ye Yang: "..."

The palace banquet was in a mess, Ye Yang finally turned his head and looked at his shoulders, the front of his clothes was stained with blood, and he was a little dizzy, and there was noise in front of him, he couldn't help muttering in a low voice, and said, "Oh my god, Why so much blood, am I dying..."

Feng Luan took him in his arms with a complicated expression, and after a while he said softly, "Don't worry, I won't let you die."

But Ye Yang was already in a state of confusion. He could see Feng Luan's head jumping over the number plus favor, but his eyes were blurred, as if it was covered with a gauze mist. He couldn't really see how much it was. Trembling, but insisting on saying the next sentence.

Feng Luan frowned, wanting to hear what he was going to say.

"Yes... Be nice to the imperial physician." Ye Yang slowly closed his eyes, "Study medicine is not easy, just do it and cherish it... Don't let the imperial physician be buried with you at every turn."

Feng Luan: "..."