The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine From the Northeast

Chapter 60: Emotion master Shen Shaoheng


Ye Yang began to despair.

What's the matter? The lethality of earthy love words is so great? At this rate of increase in favorability, he won't be able to bring him back in his next life, right

He was trying to lower Feng Luan's hidden value, that's right, 5 hidden value of the auricle, he actually needed to use 100 favorability points to exchange it? This is too bad, right? !

Ye Yang just felt that the world was not worth it.

He managed to restore some hope to the world, and now that hope has been shattered, he finally gave up even the last shred of dream.

He was too lazy to care about how Feng Luan would react, and it didn't matter whether the favorability and the hidden value of the gods rose or fell. He saw that Feng Luan was still writing his imperial edict, and Yun Rin was not in balance, and he still had business affairs to talk to Feng Luan. , he said that he wanted to go out of the imperial study to get some air, but he wanted to sneak out immediately and never come back.

And he stood outside for a while, and saw Shen Shaoheng coming with a glimpse that he hadn't seen in a long time, Ye Yang was a little surprised, he thought it would take a few days for the glimpse to arrive, but he never thought that he would come so quickly.

And Shen Shaoheng heard that Feng Luan was talking with General Yun inside, so he decided to wait outside for a while. He had seen Ye Yang standing outside with a frowning face, so he stepped forward to say hello to Ye Yang, and was about to speak, but he saw Ye Yang backing away. One step, after keeping a considerable distance from him, he just nodded with him.

Shen Shaoheng felt a little strange.

This move of Shijun Yun... This is not like him at all.

He has always remembered his identity, and will not get too close to Shijun Yun. He will only get closer when he needs to talk to Shijun Yun in private occasionally, but Shijun Yun simply does not have these taboos. He is obviously still Not accustomed to the status of my servant, I never thought that I also need to avoid suspicion between myself and other same-sex.

And today's Yun Shijun... This is no longer to avoid suspicion. After walking so far, you can't hear you when you speak in a low voice

Shen Shaoheng was full of doubts, but Ye Yang felt that his actions were really right.

5 points of jealousy must be exchanged for 100 points of favorability. Feng Luan is not worth a bit of jealousy. It is better for him to try his best to avoid these basic pits that should be avoided.

Fortunately, although Shen Shaoheng felt that Ye Yang's behavior was a little strange, he did not step forward. He saluted Ye Yang from such a long distance, and said, "Yun Shijun, what are you doing outside?"

After a long distance, Shen Shaoheng could only raise his voice, Ye Yang thought that the imperial study should be able to hear it clearly, so that Feng Luan knew what he was doing outside, so he shouldn't think too much. Greeted and asked, "Glimpse—"

He wanted to ask why Giao Ying came back so early, but they were talking loudly, and the rest of the palace people would inevitably hear it. He was worried that the matter would be rumored, so he kept his mouth shut. He smiled and said, "He was in a hurry, so he hurry up."

Ye Yang nodded, expressing his understanding.

They and Feng Luan were in a hurry to return to Beijing halfway, and Piao Ying would inevitably worry about changes in Beijing. Feng Luan ordered him to be responsible for escorting Chu Yeshu and other officials. He rushed back in a hurry. For Feng Luan, this should be considered a good thing.

When Piao Ying heard them mention him, she saluted Ye Yang again, said hello to Ye Yang, and said, "Yun... Yun Yun serves you."

Ye Yang: "..."

Long time no see, this child is still stuttering.

He didn't respond any more, Piao Ying faintly felt that something was wrong, but he didn't know why. After a while, he couldn't help tugging Shen Shaoheng's sleeve in private, and asked Shen Shaoheng in a very low voice: "Brother Shen, Shijun Yun ...why are you standing so far away?"

Shen Shaoheng didn't understand either.

He looked at the distance Ye Yang deliberately kept, and thought about Ye Yang's cautious attitude and distressed look...

Suddenly, he understood.

Judging from his experience in reading a lot of books, Shijun Yun's current actions are because he is afraid that the emperor will be jealous!

Besides, Shijun Yun looks so distressed, which means that the emperor has only been jealous, and Shijun Yun should have suffered "suffering" because of it, so he is so cautious, and as an experienced ancestor, he should take the initiative. For Yun Shijun to solve problems and troubles, every time he brings about a pair of lovers, it is his supreme merit!

Shen Shaoheng coughed, waved to Kang Ning, and asked him to pass the word on his behalf, saying that he had a solution to the dilemma between the emperor and Yun Shijun, and Kang Ning was the most concerned about the emperor's affairs. As soon as Shen Shaoheng said it, he believed it and took the initiative. He walked to Ye Yang's side and invited Ye Yang over.

It's just that Kang Ning was also curious about what Shen Shaoheng was going to say, so he followed Ye Yang together.

Shen Shaoheng hit the point of the matter and said: "Yun Shijun, is it the emperor's taste?"

Ye Yang: "..."

He sighed and didn't want to answer, but Kang Ning had already answered on his behalf, and he kept nodding his head, and said, "Shen Tong's leader is as good as God, and the emperor was angry just now because of this."

"This matter is actually not difficult to solve." Shen Shaoheng took the initiative to analyze, "In the end, the emperor would have such a reaction because he was worried."

Hearing what he said, Ye Yang asked hesitantly, "Worried?"

Shen Shaoheng nodded seriously: "Your Majesty doesn't know where he is in your heart, so whenever there is trouble around you, he will inevitably be vigilant."

Ye Yang felt as if he understood something.

Feng Luan felt insecure.

Up to now, the relationship between the two of them seems to be maintained only by their nominal position. Everything is unilaterally initiated by Feng Luan, and he has not responded much. "There is a throbbing, everything is in his heart, but how can outsiders know his heart

From his firm refusal at the beginning, to a gradual compromise, and now hesitant acceptance, he felt that he had walked a very far distance, and even he himself knew that it should not be long before he would accept it.

But all these changes were in his heart, he didn't say it, Feng Luan naturally didn't notice it. Feng Luan's impression of the relationship between the two was obviously still at the beginning. He had no sense of security, so he couldn't help but be wary of those who appeared beside Ye Yang.

Shen Shaoheng said again: "So the solution is also simple, Yun Shijun, you only need to let the emperor understand one thing, you only have him in your heart."

Ye Yang: "..."

No, he couldn't say that.

And Feng Luan's favorability is so high, if he really said this to Feng Luan, Feng Luan would not be jealous, and his favorability would have to exceed 500 on the spot, right? !

Shen Shaoheng carefully observed his expression for a moment, and felt that he seemed to be feeling a little shy, so he coughed and said in a different way, "If you can't say this, I have other options."

Ye Yang couldn't help looking up at him.

In the past, he always thought that Shen Shaoheng had read too many strange books and always liked to talk about military affairs on paper, but now Shen Shaoheng broke the mystery in one sentence, but it woke him up. , pointed seriously: "If you can't say it, you can make the emperor understand that there is no one else in your heart."

Ye Yang: "..."

What is the difference between these two sentences

No, wait, under the nitty-gritty, there is still a difference.

He felt himself enlightened.

If he shows that he has only Feng Luan and no one else in his heart, Feng Luan's favor will definitely skyrocket, but if he shows that he has no one in his heart... then Feng Luan will not continue to be jealous, nor will he increase his favor.

Yes, now he has no one in his heart, he only has himself.

Ye Yang felt that he had grasped the key points in Shen Shaoheng's words, and now he is full of confidence, and he feels that he can control Feng Luan's favorability and hidden values within a certain range, giving himself a period of time to adapt to the fatal change of husband and wife.

As for the first sentence Shen Shaoheng said, why is he the only one in his heart... It's too numb, let's talk about it when he gets used to it!

Ye Yang swallowed a mouthful of saliva, feeling that it was time to go back to face Feng Luan.

He turned his head resolutely, Shen Shaoheng looked at his back and always felt something was wrong.

Wait, did Shijun Yun misunderstand

He was about to walk to the edge of the imperial study, carefully listening to the movement inside, and just before he took a step, he realized that both Kang Ning and Giao Ying were looking at him with admiration.

Glancing Ying looked like I had learned, and Corning simply made a great gesture at him, as if praising his efforts.

"Commander Shen is worthy of being Commander Shen." Kang Ning said, "The emperor would be very happy if he heard the words from Shijun Yun."

Ye Yang stepped into the imperial study.

Just now, he put the ferret on the chair. The ferret already knew him. When he saw him entering the room, Ma Liu jumped to his side to look for him, and squatted on his shoulder. After receiving the imperial decree, he was about to retire and leave, when he heard him walk into the room, he couldn't help but look back at him, just as he was about to speak, Ye Yang had already said, "Brother, I have something to say to the emperor."

Yun Rin was startled.

Ye Yang emphasized: "Speak in private."

Yun Rin: "...Okay."

He didn't want his younger brother to enter the palace at first, but since it was done, he couldn't stop it, and he always hoped that the relationship between the emperor and Ye Yang would be better. Now that he has entered the palace several times, seeing that his younger brother really likes the emperor, he finally feels at ease. Come down, but some unspeakable loss.

He remembered the lamentations of several of his colleagues at home after their sisters got married, and felt that he finally understood their thoughts.

Since the younger brother really likes the emperor, and there are tigers and wolves in the current court, Chu Heqian and others have different intentions and may even want to rebel.

Thinking of this, Yun Rin couldn't help clenching his fists.

Oh, Chu Heqian.

If you want my brother to be a widow, I will let you die!

After Yun Rin left the door, Ye Yang took a step forward, looked at Feng Luan, and did not speak.

"Feng Luan favorability +10, current favorability is 300"

Ye Yang: "..."

This also goes up? ! This is the favor of that door, right? !

Feng Luan coughed and said, "What do you want to say to me?"

Ye Yang: "... Your Majesty, I have thought about it. There are some things that I should clarify with you."

Feng Luan asked him, "What?"

Ye Yang rarely had a serious face, and said solemnly: "I don't have anyone else in my heart—"

Before he finished speaking, the ferret on his shoulder jumped down sharply, his front foot perfectly stepped into Feng Luan's inkstone, and the ink on his feet slipped forward, causing the documents on the table to be scattered everywhere. It was startled, and accidentally kicked the inkstone over.

The ink in the inkstone splashed all over Ye Yang's body, and then left it along the table. The table was in a mess. Ye Yang was so frightened that he suddenly ducked back and bumped into the light stand beside him. The whole person almost stumbled and fell. , the lamp oil was dumped on the ground with flames, stunned the gauze curtain on the side, and the army was in chaos. Of course, he swallowed the second half of the sentence, and just hurriedly shouted, and asked the palace servants outside to quickly come in to save the royal family. study.

And he looked around in panic, and while the fire was still small, he picked up the teapot on the table and rushed all the water towards the flame without hesitation.

Ye Yang: "..."


In a panic, he actually forgot that this thing is lamp oil, oil fire cannot be extinguished with water, he is sorry for the fire education he has learned over the years!

Ye Yang could only be embarrassed and turned his head and shouted out: "Someone! The water is gone!"

And Feng Luan was stunned in the same place, seemingly oblivious to everything.

The words echoed in his ears were the words only Ye Yang had said.

He has no one else's heart, that is to say-

In Ayang's heart, there is only him.

"Feng Luan favorability +100, current favorability is 400"


"The favorability of the character Feng Luan in the book is about to break through the second-order critical value. Please be careful with your words and deeds. The system will not be responsible for any consequences after the critical value is exceeded."

Ye Yang: "..."

The imperial study is about to burn down, and you still have a fart in your favor! ! !