The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O

Chapter 17: Archery


A few days after riding a horse, Wen Mingyu couldn't help but began to doubt life.

His hands, legs, and waist were all sore and sore, and he couldn't even laugh. When he laughed, the muscles on his waist were so painful that he didn't dare to move, and he became a waste salted fish.

This is still a foot massage with hot water after riding the horse. If not, Wen Mingyu really thinks that he will be useless.

Even in the calligraphy class these days, Wen Mingyu was holding the wolf pen to write, and her hands were trembling faintly.

Gong Xue was a little puzzled. Later, when he heard that he was learning to ride a horse, he suddenly understood, and said, "This reminds me of how I learned to ride horses before. At that time, I thought the master was deliberately torturing me."

Wen Mingyu said in her heart, I also suspect that the tyrant deliberately tortured me in another way.

Because he couldn't write well in this way, Gong Xue's class focused on speaking, and the assignments also turned into reading books.

The class was serious and the homework was done, but the rest of the time, Wen Mingyu was lying down.

Sanxi walked into the house and saw Wen Mingyu lying on a soft slump and motionless, her eyes were tired and empty, as if paralyzed, which startled him.

"… Young Master, are you alright?"

Wen Mingyu didn't move, but tilted her head and glanced at Sanxi lazily, "Oh, I'm fine, it just hurts and is tired."

Sanxi said with concern, "Young Master, do you want to ask the imperial doctor to take a look?"

Wen Mingyu waved her hand, "No need, it's just muscle soreness, it'll be fine in a few days."

This matter is actually nothing, he used to work much more tired than this, but after crossing over, he has never worked, and he is not used to it for a while. Thinking of it this way, in addition to dealing with the tyrant's psychological pressure, he is still living a good life here

Thinking of this, Wen Mingyu's mood is quite subtle. He kind of likes his life now.

The day after the first horseback ride, Mu Zhan came to see him. Really, he couldn't help laughing when he saw Wen Mingyu walking like a little penguin.

Wen Mingyu wanted to beat him to death at first, but later became numb. Let's see, can he still have less meat

Anyway, if Mu Zhan comes to eat together, the meal will be richer and the taste is absolutely amazing. He is also good.

After three days of delay, Wen Mingyu's body improved a lot.

Seeing that the little penguin was gone, Mu Zhan looked a little pity.

"Do you still want to learn to ride a horse?"

Wen Mingyu nodded decisively. Although his legs hurt after riding, the feeling when the horse was galloping was really cool.

However, he said: "Could the training be shorter? I don't want to limp again."

Mu Zhan said: "It's just like this at the beginning, the body will adapt."

Wen Mingyu: "Really?"

Mu Zhan raised his eyebrows, "Generally speaking, this is the case, but you don't know."

Are you implying that he is too weak

Wen Mingyu ignored it and went to the martial arts field just like last time.

As the days went by, Wen Mingyu continued to train and improve, becoming more and more proficient.

Horseback riding class is exactly a riding and archery class.

Wen Mingyu not only learned to ride horses, but also learned archery.

After Mu Zhan showed him, he could accurately copy the posture, draw the bow like him, straight back, focused and sharp eyes, tight forearm muscles into a beautiful arc, holding a pair of cold and arrogant archery masters stance.

As soon as the hand is released, the arrow is fired from the string, and the arrow misses the target.

Mu Zhan stood aside, stunned, and then laughed again.

"Archery is terrible, but the momentum is in place, like a master who can penetrate Yang at a hundred paces."

Wen Mingyu murmured: " will be later."

Mu Zhan didn't refute unexpectedly, and said, "It's taught by Gu personally. If you haven't practiced it yet, it's really hopeless."

Wen Mingyu twitched the corner of her mouth, nodded and said, "Yes, after all, the one who taught me was the most powerful majesty in the world."

Mu Zhan didn't deny it, he took the compliment calmly and continued to teach.

Because he was teaching archery by hand, it was inevitable that there would be some intimate contact. Mu Zhan stood behind him, wrapped his whole body in his arms, pointed out movements, said skills, and even put his legs between his legs and his knees. A top to spread his legs wider.

At this time, Wen Mingyu's body froze unconsciously and was enveloped by the smell of spirits.

In fact, he never liked to get too close to others, and he would be very defensive and very resistant to conditioned reflexes. But he didn't seem to resent Mu Zhan's touch. The smell of alcohol would make him a little drunk, and there was even a strange sense of familiarity in the trance.

Wen Mingyu tilted her head, looked at Mu Zhan's handsome profile, and couldn't help but shake her head for a moment. Although the dog emperor may have a bad personality, his face is really impeccable. If it is placed in a future TV series, it must be a beautiful villain, and the three views will follow the five senses accidentally.

At this moment, Mu Zhan suddenly turned his head, his dark and deep eyes met him, squinted slightly, and said lightly, "Want to be punished?"

Wen Mingyu turned her head to stare at the archery target instantly, with a serious look on her face.

After practicing for several days, Wen Mingyu finally hit the bullseye for the first time. He was so excited that he jumped up on the spot and exploded with joy.

He subconsciously looked at Mu Zhan, his eyes were sparkling, the corners of his mouth were curved, and he had an expression of praising me if I was super powerful.

Mu Zhan was silent for a while, then raised his hand and put it on top of his head, snoring fluffy, jerky but a little complimented, and touched his head, as if he was dealing with a little tit who was swirling around his legs. Cat, but maybe it's too little to do this kind of thing, the strength is not well controlled, it touches the person back, stumbles a bit, and almost falls.

Wen Mingyu looked bewildered.

Mu Zhan grabbed his arm in time, pulled it back, and immediately released him when he stood firm, his face expressionless, as if nothing had happened just now.

Wen Mingyu was stunned for a while, then glanced at Mu Zhan quietly, and unconsciously touched the top of his head.

I feel weird.

At the very beginning, Wen Mingyu was assigned a doctor of calligraphy, and it was Mu Zhan who asked him to read and write memorials.

After Wen Mingyu learned all the common words, he really started this job occasionally. It's just that some language officials love to cite scriptures and use some uncommon words, which seem to be very knowledgeable and in-depth. And at this time, what Wen Mingyu read out became—

"The minister thought it was a mouthful, and Zhou Shangshu spoke for the sake of the Sun Shilang. It was a blessing, and the minister also spoke up..."

Just like he used to read novels on, the original plot was quite normal, but after blocking the words, it became imaginative, blushing and heartbeat.

Wen Mingyu felt that he was not reading the memorial, but reading the small yellow text with mosaic.

Just, very embarrassing.

Moreover, Mu Zhan laughed as he listened. At first, he lowered his head, put his hands on his face, and laughed silently. Later, he laughed louder and louder without any scruples.

Just making fun of him!

Wen Mingyu was indignant and wanted to give up the memorial, so let the Emperor go and cool down!

But it happened that after a while, Mu Zhan seemed to have heard enough, or in other words, he understood Wen Mingyu's temperament and knew that he was on the verge of frying his hair.

"come over."

Mu Zhan seemed to suddenly remember something, and waved to Wen Mingyu, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he seemed to be in a good mood.

Wen Mingyu walked over, muttering in her heart, not knowing why he was going crazy again.

As soon as he stood in front of Mu Zhan, his wrist was grabbed and pulled. Wen Mingyu had to fall down and sat on Mu Zhan's lap. He was no better than a chair, and he couldn't help but worry about falling. .

Wen Mingyu was a little stiff, and when Mu Zhan opened his palm to reveal a golden chain, he felt even worse.

Mu Zhan didn't seem to notice, leaned over slightly, put his hand on his calf, and went all the way down, his palm wrapped around his ankle, lightly unlocked the lock with one hand, and with a click, the chain was put on.

The chain is very thin, but it is also unique and delicate. Against the cold white skin of Wen Mingyu, there is an inexplicable sense of desire.

Mu Zhan hooked his ankles with his fingers and stared, very satisfied.

Wen Mingyu was stared so hard that she could not help shrinking her legs, and said dryly, "...Your Majesty, it's done so soon?"

I just said it two days ago, and it has been done now. The tyrant will not have this plan long ago.

"Too fast?" Mu Zhan lifted his eyes and glanced at him.

Wen Mingyu immediately smiled and shook her head obediently, "No, I'm just a little surprised. The chain is very beautiful, much better than I thought."

"Don't pick it if you like it."

"Bathing too?"



Wen Mingyu nodded, Mu Zhan gave him a dark look, his fingers brushed against the skin beside the anklet with a bit of force, and wiped out a faint red mark. He smiled and said meaningfully: "Hold on, let's see where you can run."

His expression was flat, and his tone was still smiling, like a casual joke.

Wen Mingyu heard it, but her heart skipped a beat, and her scalp felt slightly numb.

As if he was a small pet in Mu Zhan's palm, Mu Zhan could watch him make trouble without caring, and play a little more carefully, but if he wanted to go out and run away, it would never be possible.