The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O

Chapter 59: It's hot



Wen Mingyu was stunned.

Can this still be practiced

He almost thought he was doing academic research.

Of course, there is a reason why I will explain to Mu Zhan about ABO. In the past, the fever period was mistaken for being seriously ill. He didn't want to scare Mu Zhan next time. It made him worry for nothing, so he naturally had to make it clear in advance.

And Mu Zhan is an Alpha, but he doesn't know that in this era, another form might still be regarded as a monster. Therefore, Wen Mingyu wanted to tell him that he was not the only one here, it was a normal thing.

Wen Mingyu felt that it was very important for partners to understand each other, and this matter had something to do with them both, so he slowly told the ABO information he knew.

As a result, Mu Zhan is very good at focusing on the key points.

Wen Mingyu: "..."

"This, shouldn't you need to practice?"

It feels like everyone knows it directly, and practice is not just doing real questions, which is no different from a direct test, right

He didn't want to admit that he was actually a little embarrassed.

He sat on his knees, unconsciously grabbing the fabric on his calf, pinching out a bunch of wrinkles. Mu Zhan's finger hooked, passed under his palm, held his hand, and slowly kneaded his fingers, gently rubbing the skin, as if he was not just pinching his fingers, but rubbing his hands. The anxiety in my heart was calmed down, and the crumpled paper ball was smoothed and unfolded.

Mu Zhan interlaced his fingers with him, stared at him, speaking slowly and seriously, "Need, I don't want you to get hurt, I think we all enjoy it."

That scorching and straight line of sight seems to have a real temperature, and it can burn people.

Wen Mingyu dodged a little, and unconsciously wanted to avoid his sight, but Mu Zhan didn't allow him to step back, he pinched his chin, his eyes were deep, his voice was low and full of bewitching, "Don't you want to?"

Wen Mingyu was in a trance for a moment. The intellect and the emotion in the brain are at war.

Mu Zhan added: "It's just practice, not really complete marking."

In a word, Wen Mingyu immediately filled the emotions in Wen Mingyu's mind with a bottle of impulse potion, and his strength suddenly became disparate, his reason was quickly defeated, and he quickly exited the stage.

Wen Mingyu nodded.

Mu Zhan smiled suddenly, and the corners of his lips evoked a sexy arc.

He stretched out his hand to grab Wen Mingyu's ankle and pulled it towards him. The other hand casually lowered the bed curtain, and the soft tulle fell, making everything blurry. Only the candles flickered and the figures swayed. . After a while, there was a faint sound of bells, crisp and sweet, fast and slow, rang for a long time, and played a unique tune.

The night passed.

It was time to get up on weekdays, but Wen Mingyu was still huddled in the quilt, unable to get up. He seemed to be back to when he first learned to ride a horse. It was similar, but not so painful. It was more sore. He felt that neither of his legs belonged to him.

Mu Zhan woke up early with his eyes open, but he couldn't afford it, and he didn't let the palace staff disturb him. If it weren't for the holiday period of the Chinese New Year, he really meant that the king would not go to court early.

The faint-hearted Mu Zhan was lying on his side, holding his cheek with one hand, just looking at his "disaster", not bored, with a smile at the corner of his mouth, he picked up a strand of Wen Mingyu's hair, and slowly wrapped it around his fingers .

Wen Mingyu's scalp was numb from being stared at, and she couldn't control her mind and thought of certain pictures. Either she didn't like it, or she couldn't hold back for a while. Looking at Mu Zhan's face, she couldn't take it seriously, she just wanted to burrow in shame.

So he rolled on the side of the bed, rolled up the quilt, and turned himself into a burrito, only showing his head. Then he arched again and hid his head.

With such a movement, the loosely entangled hair on Mu Zhan's fingers was naturally swept away, and it slid over the skin of his hand, leaving only a slight itch.

Mu Zhan watched him hide himself under the quilt, still in the appearance of this little ostrich, and thought it was too cute, so he couldn't help laughing out loud.

"Aren't you afraid of being bored?"

The burrito moved, looking like it was shaking its head.

The smile in Mu Zhan's eyes deepened, he stood up with his hands on the soft mattress, patted the quilt lightly, and said in a low voice, "I got up first."

After speaking, he really turned around and got out of bed, and went to wash and change clothes.

Wen Mingyu listened to the movement outside, and felt that people were really walking away, so she secretly stuck her head out and exhaled a long breath. Her hair was a little frizzy, messy and fluffy, her face was red, it was boring, and there were other things. reason.

He also knew that he was a bit cowardly and unpromising, but he just couldn't control it. Mu Zhan is now in front of him like a small moving picture of walking, indescribable, where dare to see more.

Through the hazy bed curtain, I could only vaguely see the figures outside, and I don't want to go out now. If Mu Zhan goes to the imperial study, he will get up again.

After making the decision, Wen Mingyu buried her face in the pillow and planned to take a short nap.

When he was in a daze, the quilt was suddenly lifted, and he was startled, opened his eyes suddenly, and met the familiar handsome face.

Mu Zhan smiled and said, "I'll give you the medicine."

Wen Mingyu shook her head decisively, it would not be hurt at all, and it would be healed quickly without applying medicine, there was no need at all.

But Mu Zhan's idea was obviously different from his, and he was very persistent. Wen Mingyu said she came, but Mu Zhan didn't let go of the medicine box, but said in a low voice, "It's inconvenient for you, didn't I use the medicine before?"

In the end, Wen Mingyu was still unable to resist and was smeared with medicine.

It's all like this, Wen Mingyu gave up a little bit, stopped making burritos, got up directly, washed and changed clothes as before. Isn't that what? Again not fully marked. Mu Zhan can be so calm, of course he can.

Wen Mingyu's face was as if nothing had happened, and her calm appearance was very good. Until breakfast, Mu Zhan picked up the spoon to drink the porridge. He suddenly coughed when he saw it, and shocked the palace servants outside, for fear He choked to death, but the Holy Master didn't let them in, so they naturally didn't dare to move.

In the hall, Mu Zhan was helping him to straighten his back and patted him patiently.

Wen Mingyu blushed, shook her head and said that she was fine. Mu Zhan glanced at it and felt that his throat might still hurt because of his earth-shattering coughing method, so he said, "Don't be in such a hurry, eat a good meal first."

Pushed a bowl of meat porridge over.

Wen Mingyu immediately shook her head, once again saying that she was fine, and picked up another breakfast instead.

Mu Zhan didn't understand it at first, he looked down at the soft and sticky porridge in the bowl, he quickly thought of something, couldn't help smiling, stirred it twice with a spoon, and continued to eat the salty porridge, as if he was eating What a rare delicacy.

Wen Mingyu glanced silently, then looked away.

After the edict was established, it was announced to the world. Naturally, everyone knew that the current sage was about to get married.

Like a thunder on the ground, many ministers were frightened enough.

Before the end of the year, they are not calm.

The emperor's choice of the queen is no better than the marriage of the common people. There are too many involved, and it may cause upheaval, especially for those who are ambitious.

Some people rushed to the palace to ask to see the saint.

Mu Zhan didn't stop him and let someone come.

The courtier knelt down and begged His Majesty to think twice.

Mu Zhan held his cheek with one hand and said, "What is the reason? Let me hear it. If Gu thinks it makes sense, then withdraw the edict."

It sounds like how easy it is to talk, and the thoughts after standing are not very firm.

The minister hurriedly put out the drafts he had prepared one by one, and eloquently said a few paragraphs, but in summary, it probably meant that the position of the queen was very important.

Mu Zhan didn't listen at all, so he interrupted impatiently halfway through, and said coldly, "Who does Aiqing think is suitable to be the queen?"

The courtier mentioned two noble daughters, both of whom were famous beauties in the capital.

But Mu Zhan said, "Gu thinks you missed something. Someone is more suitable than them."

"We are stupid, I hope Your Majesty will make it clear."

"It's not bad to see Ling Qianjin alone."

"Chen... Wei Chen's daughter has no talent and looks, I'm afraid she's not worthy of Your Majesty, and she already has a marriage contract..."

"It's just a marriage contract, it's not already married, what's that."

"This, this is probably inappropriate..."

"What's wrong? Aren't you very keen to interfere in Gu's marriage? Gu looks very ordinary. Tomorrow, no, let your daughter enter the palace today."

The courtier hurriedly knelt on the ground and pleaded guilty, trembling. Who doesn't know the reason why the gun is the first bird, and he didn't want to come, but he became the unlucky person who was pushed out and had to come.

Mu Zhan looked at him and shivered in fear. He took a sip of tea and took a piece of sweet soft cake into his mouth. He frowned, but swallowed it anyway. That leisurely attitude really has nothing to do with tyrants, more like a young nobleman.

But the courtiers kneeling below did not relax at all, instead they were even more afraid. The anger has burned down, at least I can know the extent. Like now, there is an unknown fear, and I feel that anything bad may happen. He has already thought about how to write his suicide note, how to settle his wife and children... No, it is very likely that the whole family is neat and tidy, not even the dog will be spared, so they have to go together.

After a long time, Mu Zhan spoke again, his tone was flat and cold, "Gu is not interested in your daughter, go back and have a good discussion with your group. If anyone thinks that his life is long, he can take care of Gu's private affairs. , kill one alone."

These words were light and fluttering, but they slammed heavily on the courtier like a boulder, and even seemed to have a strong bloody smell. No one would think that Mu Zhan was just talking casually, if they dared to do so, Mu Zhan would really order the beheading.

The courtier did not expect that he would survive, and left the palace in a trance. He is a small official, and he has no proud family background behind him. Naturally, he has no right to speak in the official circle, but when it comes to the matter of standing up, he feels that he can see through it better than others.

They are calculating the interests of power and feel that there is no benefit for the concubine to become the queen, but is the saint so easy to be determined by others? Once he wants to do it, nothing is impossible. Why bother to annoy a tyrant and cause unnecessary bloodshed.

They say that the misfortunes of the water and the wrong to the country will make the sage become a stupefied monarch, but if the sage is not allowed to stand up, he will be a tyrant. A fool is better than a tyrant, right? Having a family is different. Isn't the temper of the saint a lot milder

He thought so, but not everyone else had the same idea. They each had their own plans, but they were all persuaded by Mu Zhan in the end. Even if they had opinions, they didn't dare to mention them.

Everything after the establishment began to be put on the agenda.

Divination, setting auspicious days, embroidering wedding dresses, preparing items for the wedding ceremony, etc.

Taishi Ling calculated the auspicious dates for marriage in the next few months and presented them to the Holy Master.

Mu Zhan and Wen Mingyu watched together and picked a relatively recent day, when the weather was also suitable, neither cold nor hot. The auspicious day is so settled.

Also, there are wedding dresses to choose from.

The formal sewing has not yet started, because it is used by the emperor, and it is naturally an excellent fabric, embroidered with dragon pattern auspicious clouds with gold thread. The specifications and shapes are fixed, but the specific styles can be changed according to the emperor's preferences. And this time the queen is a man, and the Fengguanxiapi women's wedding dress is not suitable, so it is necessary to re-design the queen's wedding dress.

The two protagonists of the big wedding are both men, so the wedding clothes naturally have a certain similarity. However, in order to highlight the dignity of the emperor, the queen's wedding dress should not be as extravagant and gorgeous as the emperor's. It must be matched and distinguished, and more attention must be paid to the embroidery materials.

The female official in charge of the matter presented the manuscript, the first embroidery sample cloth, etc., and asked the emperor and the prospective queen to review it.

Wen Mingyu thinks it looks pretty and has no opinion.

But Mu Zhan was very dissatisfied, and said in disgust, "It's too plain."

Wen Mingyu was a little dazed, and the female official even had a question mark.

This large phoenix flower embroidery pattern is delicate and complex, graceful and luxurious, how can it be related to Su

Mu Zhan curled his fingers slightly, pressed the table lightly, and said plainly, "The two wedding dresses are too different, so I have to embroider the dragon pattern on them."

This is not enough to look like a couple, not enough to be a couple.

The female official was shocked and hesitated, "But this..."

In her opinion, dragon patterns are reserved for emperors and are not suitable for embroidery on queens' dresses.

But Mu Zhan obviously did much more as he wanted, raised his eyes slightly, and said plainly, "Nothing, has no one used the dragon pattern before the empress of the previous dynasty?"

The female officials had a meal, there were some, but then there was an empress whose family was too strong and powerful, and the foreign relatives were dictatorial and controlled the court, and the royal family almost changed their surnames. Since then, every emperor has taken special precautions against foreign relatives, never reused foreign relatives, and did not allow the harem to interfere in politics. Even the etiquette system has been strengthened, including the disappearance of the dragon pattern on the queen's dress.

Mu Zhanhun didn't care, and continued: "Even if it doesn't, Gu can make it exist from now on."

In one sentence, the etiquette requirements of court dress have been changed.

The imperial decree, do not put your beak.

Under the terrifying pressure, the female official did not dare to say a word, and immediately obeyed.

The style of the wedding dress is basically set, and then there are the details.

After the female officer withdrew, Wen Mingyu put her chin on her hand and looked at Mu Zhan with a smile. He could see that Mu Zhan wanted to give him the best heart in everything.

Before talking about it, Mu Zhan had a different connivance to him than ordinary people. After both of them knew each other's intentions, Mu Zhan became more reckless and blatant. Mu Zhan always wanted to know what he wanted, silk and satin, ink, paper, inkstone, jewelry and jade, all kinds of precious and high-quality objects, as if they didn't want money, they kept giving them to him, and also gave him the keys to the treasure house.

Wen Mingyu looked at the simple and exquisite copper key in his hand, a little dumbfounded.

He found that Mu Zhan is a typical person who has clear love and hate, and love and hate. When he likes someone, he really wants to send all the best to the other party. It can be said that it is almost unreasonable. Word. This may be a little morbid, but this feeling of being favored is really easy to fall into.

The bronze key itself is not so exciting, but Mu Zhan will think of him at any time, and his attitude is taken for granted, which makes his heart skip a beat.

As soon as the post-establishment edict came out, in addition to the ministers who strongly opposed it, of course there were also people who agreed with it.

Wei Yingwu and Wen Changlan entered the palace to congratulate him.

Although the time has not yet come, this is already an ironclad matter, and it is only a matter of time. And when they get married, they won't necessarily be in the capital, of course, come to congratulate in advance.

The official congratulations will be sent out at that time, and some small gifts will also be prepared for this meeting.

One of them is Rabbit Mint. It is said that a servant in Wei Yingwu's mansion who is responsible for taking care of flowers and plants inadvertently planted a different one, similar to an enhanced version.

Across the box, Wen Mingyu could smell the strong fragrance, so she couldn't wait to lift the lid and hug the grass.

Wen Changlan said: "I remember that the Holy Master didn't like small animals in the past, and he would attach so much importance to a rabbit. I think it was raised by you."

He thought that the Holy One was Aiwu Jiwu, but he never thought that, in fact, the rabbit and the human were one and the same, and he couldn't help being attracted by the rabbit mint.

Wen Mingyu hurriedly had the rabbit mint put away, so as not to perform a big live rabbit on the spot and scare everyone to death.

Wen Changlan was courteous, with a smile in his eyes: "Before, I was worried that the sage would not be able to block the mouths of the ministers because of his family background. I wanted to propose that if you hear that the son doesn't mind, you can recognize the old general's wife as a godmother. Entering the palace from the General's Mansion. As a result, the saint was all arranged at once, and it was the minister who thought too much."

Wei Yingwu came over and said excitedly, "My mother has already agreed. If you come, we will be real brothers!"

Wen Mingyu was surprised, but he didn't expect that they would even help to think about it, so he quickly thanked him.

Wen Changlan shook his head and said, "No, we didn't help much."

Wen Mingyu said, "No, you have helped a lot."

Wen Changlan was a little puzzled, until he vaguely heard Wei Yingwu running aside and whispering to Wen Mingyu. Although he was only a friend and expressed his feelings in a few bits and pieces, he had already guessed it and couldn't help but smile.

Because he has been the older brother in the family since he was a child, he has younger brothers and sisters under him, and he is precocious and sensible without realizing it. When meeting a small monarch, in addition to the relationship between the monarch and the minister, occasionally he will have other feelings.

Just like now, seeing Wen Mingyu and Mu Zhan getting married, I felt relieved. If Wen Changlan knew that there was a word called male mother in the future, maybe his mood would be more subtle.

Wei Yingwu lowered his voice and asked, "Has your friend confessed his feelings? What happened? Do you want to comfort him together?"

Wen Mingyu was stunned for a moment, then smiled, "It turned out well."

"That's good."

"Yeah, very, very good."

After Wei Yingwu and Wen Changlan left, Wen Mingyu couldn't help but went to get the rabbit mint that was sent.

The palace servants were all screened out, and he was the only one in the palace, who could smear the grass secretly.

When Mu Zhan came back, he saw a person sitting lazily at the table, eating grass with his head down and obediently eating grass, his eyes were wet, his cheeks were flushed, as if he was drunk, and his body was as soft as if he had no bones.

There are also two fluffy rabbit ears above his head, hanging down softly.

This is to catch a drunk rabbit.

Mu Zhan strode forward, sat down beside him, and took the grass from his hand. Wen Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and his subconscious eyes followed the grass, staring straight at it, reaching out to take it, but Mu Zhan avoided it.

Mu Zhan teased him, "We are about to get married, do you know what to call me?"

Wen Mingyu tilted her head, narrowed her eyes, looked at him seriously for a while, then smiled and said, "Wife."

Mu Zhan was stunned, he had never heard this name before.

"What do you mean by wife?"

Wen Mingyu explained obediently: "It's my wife."

Mu Zhan paused, his expression became very subtle, and then he pinched his ear and rubbed it, "I'm your wife?"

Wen Mingyu nodded calmly and didn't think there was any problem at all. He had looked at Mu Zhan's handsome face many times before, and had long wanted to call him that. It's such a pity that such a big classical beauty with a great temperament doesn't call her wife twice!

Mu Zhan lowered his head and glanced at the grass in his hand, then looked at Wen Mingyu, "Can this make people drunk?"

Wen Mingyu shook her head and said clearly, "I'm a little dizzy, but I'm not drunk."

The explanation is that these words are said in a clear mind.

Mu Zhan let out a low laugh, stretched out his hand to pinch his soft cheeks, and saw that his red lips were forced to pout slightly, like a peach heart, asking for a kiss.

Mu Zhan asked again: "The wife is the wife, what should the husband call him?"

Wen Mingyu replied in seconds: "Husband."

Mu Zhan laughed even deeper, his eyes were bent, he leaned forward, bowed his head and kissed his pouty lips, and replied with a smile, "Yes."

A gentle kiss, sticking the sticker, and they parted, leaving only a little itch.

Wen Mingyu couldn't help pursing her lips, feeling uncomfortable, and then she heard his low response.


Finally, after realizing it, I realized that I was being tricked!

Wen Mingyu immediately added: "I just answered your question, it doesn't count."

Mu Zhan smiled and said slowly, "I'm just answering you too."

Wen Mingyu choked and stressed, "You should call me husband."

Mu Zhan: "Oh."

Wen Mingyu said nothing, but Jian Mao grabbed the rabbit mint in his hand and ate it angrily. Mu Zhan unfolded his palm, with two leaves on it, "There are more here."

Wen Mingyu grabbed his hand, lowered her head and ate the leaf, and licked her lips.

Rabbit mint is delicious.

Wen Mingyu quickly calmed herself down, thinking that she will be able to break it back next time.

At night, bathe and sleep.

They were lying on the bed, Wen Mingyu covered herself with a quilt, turned her head and said quickly, "Good night wife."

Then I closed my eyes and looked like I was asleep.

Mu Zhan: "..."

He also lay down to sleep, and after a while, he said lightly, "Good night."

His voice was flat, but a little soft.

Wen Mingyu shrank in the quilt and snickered.

Inside the bed curtain, there is a strong aroma of fruit and spirits.

Mu Zhan was about to fall asleep, but the fruity scent became stronger and stronger, and even the temperature seemed to rise abnormally. It was winter, but it felt hot.

The author has something to say: Yuzai: Good night wife.

Mu Zhan: Good night.

Yuzai: Hey, my wife is so nice.

The result... oh well.