The Emperor’s Favorite Imperial Concubine is an O

Chapter 73: giving birth


After the first fetal movement appeared, it gradually became more frequent.

Moreover, he was more energetic at night, and moved nearly ten times in an hour.

Sometimes, Wen Mingyu fell asleep first, and when she slept lightly, she would be awakened by the movement.

After two passes, Mu Zhan stared with him, waiting for the cubs inside to subside before they fell asleep.

When staring, Mu Zhan narrowed his eyes slightly, and the spirits pheromone spread out. A little dangerous feeling.

Wen Mingyu couldn't help but ask, "Are you angry?"

Mu Zhan didn't deny it, and nodded coldly, "A little bit."

Wen Mingyu suggested, "Should we sleep separately?"

Mu Zhan's gaze froze as he stared at his stomach, then immediately raised his head to look at him, frowning, even though he hadn't said anything yet, the expression on his face was inexplicably a little shocked and resentful - you dislike me.

Wen Mingyu laughed, "I just think it's late at night, you have to get up early to go to court, and you won't have enough rest."

Mu Zhan said coldly, "I'm fine."

"But aren't you in a bad mood because of lack of sleep?"

"No, you didn't sleep well."

Wen Mingyu opened her eyes slightly, "Because I'm angry?"

Mu Zhan nodded calmly, "Yes."

Wen Mingyu was stunned for a moment, then she showed a bright smile, stretched out her arms around Mu Zhan's neck, and got into his arms, "Actually, it's okay, the fetal movement is not too strong, let's sleep together."

Mu Zhan put his hand on his back waist and gently followed it to soothe him. The gentle movements were very comfortable and had a hypnotic effect. Wen Mingyu was surrounded by the familiar smell of pheromones and felt very at ease. Slowly, unconsciously I closed my eyes and fell asleep.

Mu Zhan's hand slid down his waist and placed it on his stomach, just at this moment, the fetus moved a bit, as if kicked against his palm, very energetic.

Wen Mingyu, who was asleep, also seemed to be aware of it, and let out a vague murmur.

Mu Zhan couldn't help frowning, looking at Wen Mingyu's stomach, a little dissatisfied.

But the cub who was still a fetus knew something, and after a while, he kicked him more energetically. Mu Zhan's face was even more ugly, and there was a little more warning in his eyes.

Wen Mingyu was awakened, opened her eyes in confusion, but was soon coaxed back to sleep by Mu Zhan.

Later, I don't know if it was Mu Zhan's black-faced warning that played a role, or the cub in his stomach just got sleepy and wanted to rest, and didn't move.

Mu Zhan also hugged the person in his arms and fell asleep quietly.

The next day, naturally, as always, the ancient version went to work.

Because of the job now, Wen Mingyu's words have slowed down, but they are still writing. After all, for him, writing a script is also a way to relax and decompress, and it can also make money.

In this newsbook, Wen Mingyu has written Wei Chen as a character prototype a little bit badly, a smart, but also very flattering kid. Ordinary readers can't help but want to beat him sometimes when they see it. a bit.

Wen Mingyu was very curious how Wei Chen would react if he saw it.

In the form of serialization, the first volume of Newspeak was printed and sold.

Because of the high popularity that Yumu has accumulated, it was sold short shortly after it appeared.

Wen Mingyu really saw that Wei Chen was also holding a book in his hand, guessing that he had finished reading it, and deliberately asked him, "What do you think?"

Wei Chen nodded seriously, "It's beautiful."

"What about the protagonist's brother? What do you think?"

Hearing this, Wei Chen's eyes lit up, "This character is really well done! It's one of my favorite characters in the book written by Yumu, and it can even compete with Tang Yiyuan, no, It's over!"

Wen Mingyu: "..."

Wei Chen was talking, suddenly white light flashed in his mind, as if thinking of something, and excitedly said: "Wait, this character seems to be quite similar to me, no wonder, I like him so much, as smart as me How can someone not like me? By the way, don’t you know Yumu? He probably wrote it based on me, right?”

Wen Mingyu: "..."

You are actually a narcissus reincarnated, right

As time passed, Wen Mingyu's belly became more and more obvious, but it just happened that the weather was getting colder and the robes he was wearing became thicker, which played a good covering effect and could not be seen.

However, as we approached the late stage of pregnancy, my belly became much bigger like blowing a balloon.

Of course, Wen Mingyu could not continue to appear in front of his colleagues, and it would be exposed no matter what. So when his stomach was already relatively large, but he could barely cover it, he prepared to take sick leave.

As if inadvertently, he revealed the news that his body was getting worse, made a good preparation, and then applied for leave at the right time.

Wen Mingyu is very popular among his colleagues, and there is Mu Zhan above him. Naturally, this sick leave will pass quickly.

He is going to leave his post temporarily and come back after giving birth.

However, before he left, he tidied Wei Chen badly.

He gave Wei Chen the latest book of words, and it wrote a character who was smarter than Wei Chen. In front of that person, the character based on Wei Chen was shriveled and bulging, and he couldn't even eat. I can't sleep, I just think about how to beat each other every day.

After Wei Chen finished reading it, the sense of substitution was too strong, and he was so angry that he was almost like the characters in the storybook. But at this time, Wen Mingyu still touched his head and said, "There are other people, sooner or later you will meet someone more powerful than you, this is normal, don't be too anxious, this does not mean that you are better than others. Poor, you just do your best and don’t regret it. You are better than many people, and you are good enough.”

Wei Chen was a little stunned, and moved his mouth. When he was about to say something, Wen Mingyu smiled and rolled his eyes, and continued to say, "By the way, I almost forgot to tell you, I am Yumu."

After throwing down this thunder, Wen Mingyu walked away dashingly.

The rest of Wei Chen stood there, sluggish for a long time, before he realized that he almost didn't catch up with the sack and beat him.

Wen Mingyu is the dog author who he can't wait to bring a knife to his door to urge more

Wei Chen has always wanted to know who Yumu is, and wanted to get to know him. Now he finally got his wish, and found that he had already known him for a long time, but he was not happy at all... What if he knew? Could he still put the knife on the queen's neck to urge change and ask for a change in the ending

No, he can't.

So he suffered even more.

Wei Chen almost performed a hug and cried on the spot.

Then, Chu Shuli and the others found out what was wrong with him and asked him what was wrong.

Wei Chen immediately raised his head. No, he can't suffer alone, we want everyone to suffer with him.

So, he told them that Wen Mingyu was Yumu.

Sure enough, Chu Shuli and the others also split. But in the same way, they can't do anything to the queen.

Seeing their shocked and painful expressions, Wei Chen felt a strange balance and satisfaction in his heart.

Here, they were considering whether or not to use Dark Shark Jade Wood, but Wen Mingyu had already returned to the Taiji Hall and started a life of salted fish that is justifiable and upright.

Because his belly was getting bigger, he became a little immobile. He couldn't see his legs when he lowered his head, and it was even more difficult to bend over.

Therefore, Wen Mingyu took it for granted that many things had to be taken care of by others, almost to the point where Yilai stretched out his hand for food and opened his mouth, and felt that he was useless.

But I have to say, it's pretty cool.

Wen Mingyu was lying on the beauty's couch, reading the book while eating the cut fruit lazily.

When working, the sense of achievement after hard work makes me happy, but now I am paralyzed, so happy.

Wen Mingyu was completely corroded by this comfortable life, fell down very fast, and was full of happiness.

However, sometimes, he would be a little irritable because of his heavy body, and some simple things that were originally simple could not be done, and his mood suddenly became low.

In the past, Wen Mingyu couldn't finish the bath alone, or in other words, he thought he could, but if he accidentally stepped on the water stain and slipped and fell, the consequences would be disastrous.

As for this matter, Wen Mingyu was never used to being served by palace servants, and Mu Zhan certainly didn't like that people other than himself saw Wen Mingyu's side, so Mu Zhan took over the matter of serving and bathing himself.

Every day, Wen Mingyu was carried to the bath by Mu Zhan, and served gently and meticulously, not letting go of an inch. After washing, she was wiped dry and put on her pajamas. She was carried back to the bedroom and placed on the dragon bed.

At this time, Wen Mingyu's face turned red due to the fumigation of the heat, like a ripe peach, which made people want to take a bite.

Then, Mu Zhan followed his thoughts and really took a bite on his face, with very light force, leaving only a shallow bite mark, which would dissipate in a short time.

It's just that Wen Mingyu was completely unprepared, and was bitten stunned. She put her hand on her face and couldn't believe it. She stared at Mu Zhan with a look of shock and grievance how could you bite me.

Mu Zhan couldn't help laughing, "Didn't you bite me like this before, pay it back to you."

Wen Mingyu was stunned for a moment, and after a while, she remembered... It was the dragon chair.

It's okay not to say it, Wen Mingyu suddenly became angry when he heard it, glared at him and said, "That's not what you said..."

Halfway through, Wen Mingyu suddenly stopped and swallowed the words that came to his mouth.

Mu Zhan pretended to be puzzled and asked with a smile, "What did I say?"

Wen Mingyu kicked him when he stretched out his foot, but his body was cumbersome and hard to exert. When he kicked Mu Zhan's leg, he almost rubbed it over, not only it didn't hurt, but it was a bit provocative.

Mu Zhan's expression changed a little, his eyes darkened, he reached out and grabbed Wen Mingyu's ankle, gently placed it on the soft mattress beside him, and said in a hoarse voice, "Don't move around, or I will treat you as if you were there. Invite me to go to Wushan together."

Wen Mingyu was startled by his brazenness, and decided to get into the bed instead of him.

However, he thought that his movements were quick and imposing, but he actually slowly pulled the quilt over his body, and when that movement fell into Mu Zhan's eyes, only cuteness remained.

Wen Mingyu looked down and saw her obviously bulging belly, and touched it, feeling a little complicated.

There is not only the joy of new life, but also physical discomfort, and some uncontrollable care, feeling that the belly is a bit scary and ugly.

When he saw it when he passed the bronze mirror, he was sometimes frightened by himself.

Mu Zhan saw his frowning appearance, leaned over, held his face gently, rubbed his fingertips, made him look at him, and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong? Are you in a bad mood?"

Wen Mingyu felt that this was just a trivial matter and a little hypocritical, so she shook her head and said it was fine.

But Mu Zhan didn't let it go, but said, "But I want to coax you, what should I do?"

Wen Mingyu's heart softened suddenly, as if it turned into a pool of water.

He smiled and couldn't help but say, "You've already coaxed."

Mu Zhan was a little puzzled because he hadn't done anything yet.

Wen Mingyu hugged him, and rubbed it like a small animal, "You have already coaxed you by saying this."

Mu Zhan understood, this should mean that he could keenly find that Wen Mingyu was unhappy, and the idea of seriously trying to coax him had already made Wen Mingyu feel better.

He frowned slightly, "Then you are too coaxing."

Wen Mingyu couldn't help laughing, and was amused, "Isn't that bad? You still want to rack your brains to figure out how to coax me?"

Mu Zhan frankly expressed his thoughts, "It's hard to coax, it means that you are well-loved, a little arrogant, and can't stand grievances. If anything is digested by yourself, I don't think it's good. I hope more You are the former."

Wen Mingyu felt that people might be really sentimental during pregnancy, but he actually felt a little sour when he heard this, so he couldn't help but blinked his eyes and said with a smile, "But it's clear that the latter is a strong person, and he is very doted on. Well, it can be independent too.”

Mu Zhan nodded, "That's right, but you can be strong outside. After you come back, tell me any grievances, and I'll help you share the burden and make you happy."

His palm was on Wen Mingyu's face, and he touched it gently, as if he was holding a fragile treasure.

Wen Mingyu rolled her eyes, "I did that."

Mu Zhan stared at him deeply, "You can rely on me a little more."

Wen Mingyu was stared at by this straightforward and deep gaze, her scalp tingling, she felt like she was caught on a weak point, she couldn't take Mu Zhan at all, sighed, and said, "... I just feel that my belly is a bit ugly. "

Mu Zhan looked surprised: "How come?"

Wen Mingyu: "Don't you think it's ugly?"

Everyone has a love for beauty, and no one wants to be ugly.

Mu Zhan lowered his head and leaned close to Wen Mingyu's ear, his throat rolled slightly, and he said hoarsely, "If I feel ugly, why would I want to have sex with you all the time?"

Mu Zhan grabbed his hand and brought it down to him. Wen Mingyu froze for a moment, and her ears turned red.

Now, where Wen Mingyu still has the question of whether he is ugly or not, his attention has been completely diverted.

In the early morning of the next day, as soon as the sky showed a little fish belly white, Mu Zhan had already got up to wash and change his clothes, ready to go to court.

Wen Mingyu was still lying on the bed and fell asleep. He opened his eyes when he heard the movement, and hugged Mu Zhan in a daze. His voice had a thick sandy sound that didn't wake up, and he was muttering something.

Mu Zhan also reached out and hugged him back, and said with a smile, "I'll be back soon, be good, and let someone find me if something happens."

After he finished speaking, he lowered his head and kissed Wen Mingyu's mouth. Wen Mingyu ducked back and whispered that I haven't washed up yet, but Mu Zhan didn't care, so he put his arms around him and kissed him again. It would be too late to leave, so I had to leave.

Wen Mingyu didn't need to go to work, so she got into the bed, went back to sleep, and woke up when she was full.

After the pregnancy, his mood was sometimes unstable, and he relied on the company of Mu Zhan more than before. Mu Zhan was not in the Taiji Palace. When he was busy, he made a nest with Mu Zhan's clothes piled together, laying in it, and smelling the familiar breath to feel at ease.

When Mu Zhan came back and saw him holding his clothes, he paused in footsteps, and soon a smile appeared on his face, and he picked up the man and hugged him into his arms.

Of course, the pheromone smell is still the strongest on my body. Wen Mingyu suddenly fell into a broad embrace and didn't panic at all. Instead, she skillfully found the most comfortable position, hugged Mu Zhan's neck, and buried her face in it. The side of his neck, lying on his shoulders, was extremely clingy.

Although he rested and raised his baby in the name of sick leave, Wen Mingyu didn't do anything. He brought back some materials and compiled a history book.

The materials used in it naturally include living notes. Wei Chen also wrote it.

Wen Mingyu picked it up and looked at it seriously, but the more she looked, the more subtle her expression became, and her ears turned red. People who don't know, I'm afraid they will think that he is looking at something indescribable.

In fact, it's just some emperor's daily life.

The daily notes written by Wei Chen were all given to Mu Zhan to read, and then Mu Zhan would remove the content that was not suitable for being written into the history of the country, and stayed to read it by himself.

When Mu Zhan and Wen Mingyu talked, they promised that there would be no content that should not appear in it. Wen Mingyu felt that Mu Zhan had always been reliable, so he believed it, but now I see...

If the daily life of the emperor is really written into the history of the country according to this daily note, what will people in the future think when they see it? !

There is no too explicit description, but it is just a small editor. Why does the emperor look at him more than others, and still smile at him

A person who is known as a tyrant and always has a cold face, only one page of paper and only laughed twice

Who wouldn't think there was something tricky between the emperor and Hanlin editors? !

It's definitely not a normal monarch-subject relationship!

No, it must be changed!

Wen Mingyu buried his head and started the long road of compiling history books.

After Mu Zhan came back, Wen Mingyu deliberately told him about it, but Mu Zhan didn't think there was anything wrong with him. He also gave an example of the friendly relationship between monarchs and ministers in the previous dynasty, sleeping together, sharing peaches and eating, winter night Warming hands, etc., are very intimate, and bluntly said that I will never lose my life.

Wen Mingyu was stunned when she heard it. In contrast, she really felt that the small details on the living notes were nothing. Is it because he knew that his relationship with Mu Zhan was extraordinary, and he thought too much because of his guilty conscience. Normal people don't really feel that there is anything? Is his heart too dirty

In the end, the content in the daily note has not been deleted or changed much. Wen Mingyu was so fooled that he felt that he had changed it, but instead, he seemed more guilty.

In the blink of an eye, time flies by like sand flowing through my fingers.

Wen Mingyu is getting closer and closer to giving birth, and she is nearly nine months pregnant.

At this time, the body became more bulky, and the fetal movement was already very violent.

Wen Mingyu was half lying on the bed, and when he looked down, he saw that his stomach suddenly bulged, as if he was about to break his stomach and come out. Wen Mingyu was frightened and felt a little pain, so she shook involuntarily.

Mu Zhan looked a little shocked. Although I said that the fetal movement will become stronger when I read the book before, it was not as shocking as seeing it with my own eyes.

What's going on with those little guys in the stomach, when they're kicking Cuju? I wish they were all tied up so they couldn't move.

When Mu Zhan saw that Wen Mingyu was kicked and hurt, he couldn't help being irritable, and asked the imperial doctor if there was a way to suppress the fetal movement. The imperial doctor was even more shocked. The strong fetal movement only showed that the emperor was in a healthy spirit. Why did he say no

After the imperial doctor explained that this was a normal and necessary process, Mu Zhan had no choice but to hug Wen Mingyu gently, release a little pheromone, and gently soothe it, just like the fruity smell of Wenmingyu can make His mood was relaxed and calm, and hiss also made Wen Mingyu feel at ease.

At this time, it was in the cold winter. It was snowing outside, but the dragon was burning in the hall. Wenming Yu nestled in Mu Zhan's arms and slept warmly.

Although the body has become a lot heavier, it is impossible to remain paralyzed all the time. When the weather is fine, Wen Mingyu will also go out for a walk. After all, when the snow was too cold, Mu Zhan wouldn't let him out.

Today, the sun is out, hanging high, and the sun shining down is warm.

Wen Mingyu was dressed thickly and added a cape. The snow-white fur collar wrapped around half of his face, and the rabbit ears hanging on the side of his face were fluffy and soft. cute.

He looked at the beautiful scenery covered in silver outside, as if covered with a thick blanket of snow, and couldn't help but move in his heart.

"I want to make a snowman."

But Mu Zhan was too worried, afraid that he would fall in the snow, so he said, "I will pile it up for you to see."

Wen Mingyu just wanted to say that he didn't play by himself, what's the point of that, but after thinking about it again, he had never seen Mu Zhan playing in the snow before, so he was a little curious and nodded.

Mu Zhan helped him sit on the beautiful couch under the eaves, while he walked into the snow, squatted down, and started making snowballs.

Very novel and special, Mu Zhan did such a childish thing.

Wen Mingyu looked at it with interest, and found that it might be due to her temperament. Mu Zhan was clearly building a snowman, and he could be as serious as if he was doing business at the office, with a blank and serious face.

Although Mu Zhan rarely does this kind of thing, it is not difficult to make snowballs. He quickly made two snowmen, about two feet high.

Then, Mu Zhan put brown branches and drooping leaves on the heads of the two snowmen.

Wen Mingyu could see it at once, it represented the dragon horns and rabbit ears, and he and Mu Zhan made the snowman.

Weirdly cute.

Wen Mingyu couldn't help but say, "I have to build a baby snowman."

It won't be long before the cubs will come out.

Mu Zhan had no objection. After nodding, he picked up another ball of snow and made a smaller snowman. After finishing it, he did not stop and continued to build another.

Wen Mingyu was stunned, is Mu Zhan expecting twins

But when the second one was piled up, Mu Zhan moved his position and continued.

Wen Mingyu: "...???"

He couldn't help but blurt out, "How many do you want? Do you want to form a Cuju team?"

But Mu Zhan asked back, "Don't rabbits give birth to three to nine babies at a time?"

Wen Mingyu: "..."

He suddenly remembered with a guilty conscience that he had deliberately lied to Mu Zhan before. The rabbit was right, but he was an Omega, born with the shape of a lop-eared rabbit, but in essence, he was still a human being.

Wen Mingyu just wanted to explain, but Mu Zhan said that this time the emperor's clothes and other items are ready, so don't be afraid of not being enough. It probably means that it doesn't matter how many you have, you can afford it.

Wen Mingyu's words were suddenly blocked, and she couldn't say much. Otherwise, let's wait until Mu Zhan finds out for himself.

He looked at the two big snowmen on the ground, surrounded by a group of miniature snowmen, some with branches on their heads and some with drooping leaves.

More than ten days later, Wen Mingyu's labor period arrived.

At this time, the fetal movement decreased a lot, but the abdominal pain appeared and became more and more frequent.

Until one day, when he was sitting and eating, his stomach suddenly cramped, and then he felt as if the bottom of his butt was wet. Looking down, he saw that the cushion was stained with blood.

His mind was buzzing, but he couldn't come back to his senses, and subconsciously raised his head and looked at Mu Zhan.

Mu Zhan's face changed instantly.