The Emperor Wants To Marry The Doctor

Chapter 18: Master and apprentice


After listening to the old man's cry, Chu Liuyue realized that after she left that day, he had been thinking about how she started to recover her original veins, but after thinking about it for three whole days, there was no result.

Finally, out of desperation, he finally decided to visit the Chu family and take a look for himself.

Seeing this, I almost lost my temper.

The whole yard was filled with the strong smell of medicinal herbs, and he knew as soon as he smelled it that this stuff was not simple!

Being able to perfectly integrate so many medicinal materials is definitely not something ordinary people can do!

Even for him, it is difficult to achieve this step!

This girl actually said that no one was helping her!

So what the hell is this

Seeing the sad look on the old man's face that said "You're a big liar", Chu Liuyue helplessly raised her forehead.

Most people wouldn't know the purpose of boiling these medicinal materials, but this old man was different.

He must be able to see something.

Chu Liuyue didn't bother to cover up and shrugged.

"If you don't believe it, don't believe it."

After saying that, he continued to open the jade box and process the medicinal materials.

The old man was stunned. Seeing that Chu Liuyue really had no intention of explaining, he immediately became angry. Sitting on a stone next to him.

"You girl, if you don't give me an explanation, I won't leave!"

Chu Liuyue nodded perfunctorily.

"Oh. Okay. There is water in the house. If you are thirsty, go drink it yourself."


Look what an attitude this is!

The old man was so angry that he waved the cattail fan in his hand wildly, his beard fluttering.

This time, he really had a fight with Chu Liuyue!

Seeing that Chu Liuyue really ignored him, the old man hummed and looked around the yard casually.

After all, the Chu family is one of the four major families in the imperial capital. Although they are ranked at the bottom, they still have some background.

But this courtyard is remote and shabby, no different from ordinary poor people's homes!

No one who looks at it would believe that the once-unparalleled Chu Ning and his only daughter lived here!

After all, these two people are direct descendants of the Chu family, and yet they ended up in such a predicament...

The old man sighed softly in his heart, and his anger gradually disappeared a lot.

Then, he looked at the plum blossom piles in the yard, which looked like they had just been arranged.

Is this what Chu Liuyue used for training

It’s too crude!

The life of this father and daughter was extremely miserable!

A special bitter and sour smell suddenly floated over.

The old man sniffed and saw Chu Liuyue take out a piece of black dry rattan as long as a small arm from the jade box and put it into the boiling pot.

"Hey - why did you directly add the withered wall vine?! This thing will melt directly when it comes into contact with boiling water! By then, the effectiveness will be greatly lost!"

The old man quickly rushed to Chu Liuyue's side, his tone full of hatred.

"Oh, you girl! That withered vine is worth a lot of money! It's all for nothing like this -"

In the middle of his words, he suddenly stopped.

The dead vine in the pot that should have melted quickly is actually lying in it!

The boiling water mist rose, and the heat hit my face, but the dead vines on the wall were still intact!

Gradually, an ink-like liquid flowed out of the dead vines and spread out!

The originally bitter and sour smell turned out to be sweet!

This is the taste that can only be obtained when the potency of Bikuteng is completely extracted!

The old man opened his eyes wide and looked at this scene in disbelief.

" is this possible?"

The dead vine has a strong ability to repair injuries. In addition, it grows on cliffs and only grows one inch in ten years, so it is very precious.

But handling such rare medicinal materials is also very troublesome.

Because its texture is extremely thin and brittle, once it is damaged, the medicinal power will disappear quickly, so it can only be slowly steamed in water.

Once the water temperature is too high or too low, it will affect the efficacy of the medicine.

Especially boiling water will quickly turn into waste once it comes into contact!

But now, this withered vine was in the boiling water. Not only did it not melt, but it was stimulated to have the strongest medicinal effect!

"How-how did you do that?"

The old man looked at Chu Liuyue with a blank expression.

Chu Liuyue pointed:

"Take a closer look."

The old man rubbed his eyes, got a little closer, and finally saw that the wall of dead vines seemed to be covered with a layer of silver-white ice crystals!

"This is...Silver Ice Grass?"

This is a very common medicinal material. Because it is silvery white and has cold properties, it is generally used to relieve pain.

"Grind the silver ice grass into powder and add it to the water a quarter of an hour in advance. When the dead vine is added to the boiling water, it will quickly condense on the dead vine. In this way, the dead vine will not melt."

Chu Liuyue explained.

One thing brings another down. Although Silver Ice Grass is ordinary, it is excellent when used here.

The old man was stunned for a while, then suddenly slapped his thigh.

"That's right! Why didn't I think of that!?"

Chu Liuyue smiled faintly.

In fact, this cannot be said to be a secret, it is just that the level of heavenly doctors is different, and their understanding and application of the medicinal properties of medicinal materials are also different.

"Where did you learn this...this method?"

The old man finally reacted and looked at Chu Liuyue with bright eyes.

Chu Liuyue fished out the withered vine. The effect had already been exerted, so it was best to take out the remaining residue as soon as possible.

"I figured it out myself."

The old man naturally didn't believe it, but after asking for a long time, Chu Liuyue didn't give any explanation, and he couldn't help but feel a little annoyed.

But those eyes never left the pot of boiling medicinal materials.

Chu Liuyue didn't hide anything and let him see it openly.

This was medicine for Chu Ning. The recipe was very ordinary, and it looked like nothing to him.

Because the technique and control of brewing medicine are more important!

Some people have no talent. Even if they memorize the prescriptions and even try diligently, they still cannot become a heavenly doctor!

The courtyard fell silent.

The old man watched Chu Liuyue boil the medicine, his expression gradually changing.

Chu Liuyue's series of movements were smooth and smooth, and the timing and dosage of each medicinal ingredient were perfect!

The aroma of the medicine is getting stronger and stronger, which also indicates that the medicinal powers are merging with each other!

This would be absolutely impossible without thousands of practices!

Even if it were him, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to do better than Chu Liuyue!


The jade box is closed and the last medicinal ingredient is put in!

Back and forth, not counting those that Chu Liuyue had put in before he came, at least thirty-five kinds of medicinal materials were put in!

And obviously this is not the limit of Chu Liuyue's level!

She is definitely worthy of being a heavenly doctor!

No matter who she learned this skill from, he was certain of one thing:

Chu Liuyue has great talent in the path of heavenly medicine!

How did the Chu family manage to not only not cherish such a rare genius of heavenly medicine but also bully him wantonly

Looking at this dilapidated courtyard again, it is extremely ironic!

He rubbed his hands and looked at Chu Liuyue as if he were looking at a peerless treasure.

"Um... girl Yue, the old man won't ask you about those things anymore. There is only one thing I want to ask you for help... I want to come here to watch you refine the medicine in the future. Do you think - is that okay?"

Chu Liuyue shook her head.

She had too many things to do, and it was inconvenient to have one more person around.

"Then, then...I'll only come once every three days?"

Chu Liuyue still shook her head.

"...Five, five days?"

"Half a month. If you don't agree, just a month."

"Okay! Half a month! Just half a month!"

The old man was afraid that she would regret it, so he nodded with a smile on his face.

Chu Liuyue suddenly tilted her head and asked thoughtfully:

"Then look, what is your identity here?"

Master has arranged it!

That's right, the old man's master arranged it~

(End of chapter)