The Emperor Wants To Marry The Doctor

Chapter 219: Let’s wait until I break through (first update)


A huge silver Buddha lotus bloomed on the field. When the petals were waved gently, the blue flowing fire was easily swallowed up and then extinguished.

Everything is going on quietly, but it makes people's scalp numb to watch!

Situ Ziyue's move that was originally a sure win was actually resolved by Chu Liuyue!

Seeing Chu Liuyue intact, Chu Ning's heart finally dropped.

Even though he knew Yue'er wouldn't risk his life, he still felt uncontrollably worried while watching it with his own eyes.

Fortunately, okay, she can always put him at ease at critical moments!

Sun Zhongyan's movements also suddenly stopped, and he looked at the field in rare stunned silence.

What happened just now

How did Chu Liuyue withstand Situ Ziyue's attack, and how did he activate the fourth-level profound formation? !

But an idea emerged in his heart involuntarily.

-During the initial high school assessment, he felt that this girl seemed to be hiding her strength, and now it seems that she is indeed the case!

Cheng Han finally couldn't sit still anymore, but before he could speak, Situ Xingchen beside him had already stood up and quickly took two steps forward, his face full of disbelief.

"How is it possible? How is it possible?"

Situ Xingchen couldn't help but murmur in a low voice, almost unable to believe his eyes.

How she hoped she was wrong!

However, the Liuli Realm is indeed in Chu Liuyue's hands!

Only in this way can we explain why Chu Liuyue was unscathed by Situ Ziyue's blow!

"Xingchen? What's wrong with you?"

Sensing her abnormality, Cheng Han didn't care about anything else and immediately stepped forward to ask.

Situ Xingchen clenched his hands unconsciously.

It seems that she has indeed neglected too many things. This Chu Liuyue has too many secrets hidden in her body!

She took a deep breath, suppressed the emotions in her heart, and shook her head:

"It's nothing, I'm just worried about my brother."

Cheng Han patted her shoulder:

"Don't worry, Chu Liuyue is only a second-level mystic master. Being able to activate this black crystal formation must have consumed most of her strength. She has no way to fully exert the effect of this thing. Zi Yue is at the peak of the fourth level after all. Chu Liuyue will not be his opponent. It just takes a little more effort."

Situ Xingchen took a look and saw that Chu Liuyue's lips were a little white. Then he felt relieved and sat back down in his seat.

Others quickly noticed this, and everyone in Tianlu Academy who had just breathed a sigh of relief became worried again.

"How did Chu Liuyue activate the fourth-level black crystal formation?"

"This problem is not the most important thing now. The most important thing is that her strength cannot last for long! This game is still dangerous!"

"Situ Ziyue is powerful after all. If Chu Liuyue is a true fourth-level mystic master, he will definitely have a great chance of winning, but now"

Chu Liuyue ignored all these discussions.

At this time, all her energy was placed on this black crystal formation!

After returning from the Wanling Mountains, she thought about it and felt that her situation was very dangerous. It would be really unsafe if she didn't have some cards close to her.

So, she simply went to Zhenbao Pavilion and asked Mr. Yan to buy this thing.

I originally thought of using it when I encountered danger, but now that the situation is urgent, I don't care so much anymore.

The level four profound formation engraved on it was relatively less force-intensive. She could barely activate it with her own strength.

However, it really cannot exert its full power.

The Buddha Lotus on this mysterious formation actually has two layers.

But her current power can only activate one layer, and the remaining layer is still silent.

But just a short while later, she could already feel the power in her body being consumed rapidly.

It won't take long, I'm afraid I'll collapse.

This can temporarily fend off Situ Ziyue, but it is still difficult to win.

"No wonder you dare to challenge me directly. It turns out you have such confidence."

Situ Ziyue's expression gradually became colder.

"But if you think you can win this way, you are too naive!"

Before he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped up!

At the same moment, a knife suddenly appeared in his hand!

It was a long knife that was green and black in color. The blade was not sharp, and was even a bit blunt.

There is some strange pattern carved on the blade.

"It's the Lingxiao Sword!"

Someone suddenly exclaimed.

Many people gasped.

The Lingxiao Sword is a national treasure-level original weapon of the royal family of the Star Luo Kingdom.

It is said that the founding emperor of Xingluo Kingdom used such a Lingxiao sword to conquer the world.

This Lingxiao Sword is not only powerful, but also a representative of identity!

Now that this thing is in Situ Ziyue's hands, it almost proves that he is the next emperor of Xingluo Kingdom!

"It's your honor to be able to force me to use the Lingxiao Sword!"

Situ Ziyue spoke coldly, holding the knife with both hands at the same time, and slashed hard!

A terrifying green-black blade flew out quickly!


In an instant, the blade passed directly through the blooming Buddha lotus!

The huge profound formation was instantly split into two halves!


This sword directly cut through the profound formation, and countless violent forces scattered in all directions!

Chu Liuyue quickly retreated, but was still affected by the power!

In an instant, the terrifying energy hit her directly!

All the internal organs seemed to be squeezed into a ball!


Chu Liuyue's chest shook and she spit out a mouthful of blood!

Blood splashed on her clothes, smearing in spots.

And her aura suddenly became weak!

Situ Ziyue moved too fast, and she didn't even have time to use the Glazed Realm!

The originally dazzling profound formation began to dim at a speed visible to the naked eye!

Everyone watched this scene in silence.

Everyone can see that Chu Liuyue is destined to lose this time!

Even in her heyday, she may not be Situ Ziyue's opponent, let alone being seriously injured now

Situ Ziyue held up the Lingxiao Sword and looked at Chu Liuyue condescendingly, his eyes indifferent, like looking at an ant.

For a moment, he opened his thin lips slightly and uttered a few words coldly.

"Don't overestimate your capabilities!"

With that said, he raised the knife again!

"This time, it's over!"

Chu Liuyue raised her eyes and saw the second blade flying towards her at a faster speed!

She waved her hand and threw Liulijie out!

A transparent barrier with a faint silvery color instantly enveloped her!


The blade hit the glass world and made a dull impact sound!

However, the Glazed Realm only shook slightly and quickly swallowed up the terrifying power!

Chu Liuyue, who was standing inside, was not affected at all!

As Situ Zi saw what it was more clearly, a look of disgust flashed in his eyes.

"Extremely cunning! Do you really think you can hide here for the rest of your life!?"

Chu Liuyue wiped the blood from the corner of her mouth and glanced at him sideways.

"Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting long."


Situ Ziyue frowned, but he saw Chu Liuyue actually sitting down cross-legged in Liuli Realm!

Immediately, she put her hands on her knees and closed her eyes.

Situ Ziyue's eyes jumped sharply.

Chu Liuyue swallowed the strong smell of blood between her lips and teeth and said word by word:

"Wait until I break through first."

Damn it, he actually wants to break through at this time!

(End of chapter)