The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 102: Life or death


"Hahaha, it's okay, it's okay. We're just pretending. We can't be harsh on Concubine Yi's people, right? I'm sorry for putting you in such a difficult position." Manager Zhang said with a smile, "Are you feeling pent up? Go ahead, we'll talk later."

Zhu Li hurried out to solve the problem.

Manager Zhang had already asked someone to serve the food: "You eat first, I haven't eaten either, let's eat together. You are unlucky, how could someone be shoved in here?"

"Hey, it's just those people who are jealous of our queen." Zhu Li didn't dare to eat it at first, but when he saw that Manager Zhang also ate it, he was no longer afraid.

"Well, come to think of it, there's nothing we can do about it. Concubine Yi is already outstanding, and now she has a child. Isn't it obvious that she is going to rise to the top? It's reasonable for those people to be anxious."

Zhu Li sneered disdainfully but said nothing.

Manager Zhang chatted with him politely on the surface, but looked down on him behind his back.

After they had eaten and drunk their fill, Manager Zhang said with a smile, "Brother, take a rest first. It will be almost done tomorrow. I'll ask someone to bring you a blanket later."

Zhu Li thanked him gratefully, thinking that it must be his master who sent the money.

I thought that I must serve my master well when I return and be more dedicated in the future.

It was late at night, and Zhu Li sat waiting for the quilt to be delivered, but it never came.

At first, he was still serious, but as he began to feel sleepy, he gradually couldn't hold on any longer.

Just lean against the door and close your eyes.

The door here is made of wood, not very sturdy, and the windows are also broken.

Soon, a snake came in from the crack in the door, and three snakes slowly crawled in from the window frame.

Zhu Li died in his sleep.

When he was found the next morning, there were four poisonous snakes around him.

Zhu Li was bitten to death by a poisonous snake.

Not only that, a purse was also found on him, which was made by Anxiang herself.

When Zhu Li was taken away, Anxiang went to the Internal Criminal Department in person to take care of things.

And it was in that purse that there were herbs that attracted poisonous snakes.

Zhu Li’s death was certainly not something that could be easily brushed aside; it was a natural disaster. The purse was not provided by the Internal Criminal Department, so it naturally had nothing to do with the Internal Criminal Department.

They pushed four, five, six.

In particular, the Director of the Internal Criminal Department was not a eunuch, but a fourth-rank official appointed by the imperial court.

He can certainly push it cleanly.

Besides, it is true that Zhu Li died in the Neixingsi, but it is not the first time that eunuchs have died in the Neixingsi.

This one wasn't killed by torture.

The queen was furious and took all the relevant personnel to Fengzao Palace: "Venomous snake? I don't know when the palace became so unsafe?"

"Anxiang, tell me, where did you get the medicine that attracts poisonous snakes?" the queen asked angrily.

Anxiang had no way of defending herself. She said that she made the purse and gave it to Zhu Li at some point in time.

There was no special relationship between them. They just served the same master, and she was also trying to win over the eunuchs for her master.

As for the medicine in her purse, she really had no idea about it.

She went to the Internal Criminal Department only to make arrangements and let Zhu Li know that his master had not given up on him and told him to shut up and stop talking nonsense.

Little did I know that there was such a conspiracy behind it.

She tried her best to defend herself, but who would believe her

Even if they believed it, who in the harem didn't wish their master bad luck? How could they tell the truth

Just at this time, the emperor arrived.

He came as soon as the sun rose, with an angry look on his face.

There was really no peace for a day. All the women in the harem, except Concubine Yi, were there. After paying their respects, they dared not say a word.

"Your Majesty, I was inconsiderate." The Queen stood up and apologized.

"Get up, it's none of your business." The emperor helped her up.

"I really didn't expect that the palace could easily produce such medicine." It was a brown powder that was most likely to attract poisonous snakes.

But in fact, those four snakes could not be attracted by just this little bit of powder.

But now, Zhu Li died in his sleep, no matter whether it was this medicine or not, it could only be this medicine.

"Empress, what should we do now?" The emperor's mind was full of thoughts on his way here.

He knew that Concubine Yi was innocent, but at this point, the evidence was conclusive, so what did it matter if she was innocent

There was no way he would make a big fuss about such a thing.

"In your opinion, Concubine Yi has behaved herself over the years and would definitely not do this when she just got pregnant. However, my sisters keep saying it, and the servants in the palace have testified that it is true that the palace maids in Changle Palace have no rules."

The Queen was not polite at all and did not consider saving face for Concubine Yi.

She didn't care much about the emperor's favor, but she felt ashamed when Concubine Yi was favored over the years.

"After all, Concubine Yi is of a humble background, so it's not surprising that she doesn't know how to discipline the palace maids. Now that she's pregnant, I naturally can't send anyone to worry about her. Those who are dead are dead. As for those who are still alive, Anxiang will definitely not let them off easily."

"As for the rest, Concubine Yi is pregnant and it's not easy to disturb her. How about we wait until she gives birth?" asked the Queen.

This is the best way to deal with it.

Qi Yixiu glanced at the concubines below: "Concubine Feng Shu, Concubine Kang De, what do you think?"

"Your Majesty, although Concubine Yi is pregnant, this matter... I am very worried about seeing such medicine in the palace. The second and third princes, the eldest and second princesses are still young. What if they see a snake too?" Concubine Feng was smart for once and did not say anything that must be done to Concubine Yi.

But she wasn't talking nonsense. When she brought this up, everyone became worried.

After all, this was ancient times, and there was basically no hope of recovery if bitten by a venomous snake.

"What Sister Shufei said makes sense. However, I am thinking that after all, Concubine Yi is pregnant. It will not be good for her health to make a big fuss about it now. Everything depends on the instructions of the Emperor and the Empress." Concubine Kangde said.

This time she did not blindly oppose Concubine Feng.

This is a normal reaction. Who is not afraid of poisonous snakes

"Since you say so, then listen to the queen." Qi Yixiu looked at the other concubines again, and then said: "It's hot today, and there will be snakes, insects, rats and ants in the palace. Ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to bring some realgar and sprinkle it everywhere. If the Internal Criminal Department fails to supervise properly, the supervisor will be fined half a year's salary. The stewards below will be punished with fifty strokes of the cane and one year's salary."

"As for Concubine Yi, since this maid cannot escape responsibility, she should go to the laundry department to work. She doesn't need to go to Concubine Yi anymore. If Concubine Yi is short of someone, she can be replaced. As for where this medicine came from, we will talk about it after Concubine Yi gives birth."

"Yes, your Majesty's arrangement is very reasonable," said the Queen.

After giving birth

I won't talk about this anymore after I give birth.

Qi Yixiu stood up and said, "In that case, I will go back first. I will come to your place for dinner in the evening."

The emperor said this to the queen.

The queen smiled and responded: "Your Majesty, please take your time. It's hot, please drink more tea."

The emperor nodded and left.

Everyone respectfully saw the emperor off, and Concubine Feng glared unwillingly.

"Your Majesty, that's what you said. But the lives of other people in the harem are not lives?"

That's right, the emperor is a bastard.

(End of this chapter)