The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 103: Nothing to rely on


"Okay, I won't care about your life or death. Let's do this, Emei, you take two reliable nuns and go to Yi Fei's place to have a look. Don't let her get hurt either inside or outside. Yes. I also explained in advance that this is not a palace search. If Concubine Yi doesn't agree, just go back." The queen waved her hands.

Feng Shufei had no choice but to leave unwillingly.

Everyone also left Fengzao Palace one after another.

Anxiang cried for a long time, but was still dragged to the laundry department.

Here at Yi Fei, An Xiang was very uneasy after being taken away early in the morning. At this moment, Emei and two nuns were welcomed.

She bit her lip: "Where is the secret fragrance? What does the Queen have to say?"

Emei was polite: "Returning to the concubine's words, Anxiang went to the laundry department. You are short of people here, the empress will make arrangements, or you can do it yourself."

"What did Anxiang commit?" Yi Fei's face suddenly changed and her body swayed.

"Zhu Li was poisoned by a snake, but he had medicine to attract poisonous snakes in his purse, and the purse was given to him by secret fragrance. This... I advise you to leave it alone for the time being. It is important for you to raise your baby," Emei said.

Yi Fei was swayed and helped to sit down: "Secret fragrance?"

Of course she knew this was not the case. As for when the purse incident happened, she didn't know, but how could Anxiang do this

Besides, where did that medicine come from

"Sister Emei, who are you?" Hua Fan asked softly.

"Oh, it's what the Queen said. She said she wanted to see if there was anything bad in Changle Palace. After all, Yi Fei is pregnant. You are the most important thing. Of course, the Queen said, this is not a palace search. We The three of us can't search the palace. If Concubine Yi doesn't want to, we can just leave."

Concubine Yi sneered: "If I don't want to, this medicine is from me and hasn't escaped? Humph! No matter whether I am willing or not, I have to take over the pot. You can go back. Since I, Changle Palace, have not committed any serious crimes, I will It’s no one’s turn to search.”

"Yes, the slaves will leave first. Concubine Yi is a well-educated lady." Emei was not angry, and withdrew again with a smile and the two nuns.

After they left, Concubine Yi held her stomach with a very pale face: "Tell the imperial doctor, the imperial doctor Huang."

Imperial Physician Huang is the medical supervisor of the Imperial Medical Office, and his medical skills are very good.

The important thing is that he was the one who served Yi Fei from the moment he entered the palace.

Hua Fan was so nervous that Fu Xiang and others rushed in to help, and asked the eunuchs to ask for the imperial doctor.

Concubine Yi didn't say anything about inviting the emperor, and they didn't dare to make their own decisions.

It was Anxiang who always dared to make the decision, but now that Anxiang was gone, they were all at a loss.

Yi Fei had a stomachache and shed tears. She knew she couldn't keep the secret fragrance.

Shen Chuliu and Yao Baolin returned to Cuiyunxuan and sat together talking.

Cuiyunxuan has two peach trees and a pomegranate tree transplanted in spring.

The weather here is also good, everything is alive, and even the pomegranates are blooming this year.

Although it will definitely not bear fruit, it is also a red sign.

Now, they were sitting under the tree while Zirui and the others moved out the tea sets.

Shen Chuliu made tea himself.

"There's something I can't figure out." Yao Baolin said while taking a sip of tea.

"Concubine Yi has actually been favored for several years, and now she is pregnant. Even if it happened to her, why did she become like this all of a sudden?"

Two slaves were taken away for two consecutive days, and they didn't dare to stop them

"She has no confidence." Shen Chuliu poured himself another glass.

This is a fine tea gifted by the emperor. The tea soup is like red wine.

It tastes sweet and she likes it very much.

"How do you say this? Concubine Yi is so favored, how can she still have no confidence?" Yao Baolin was puzzled. "Queen, Concubine Feng Shu, Concubine Kangde, Concubine Jin, who is not better off than her? Among the concubines below, I, Li Meiren, Chen Baolin, and Li Baolin are all better than her. And Song Zhaoyi, who has always been low-key."

"Concubine Yi has been favored for many years, and maybe nothing has happened to her. Now that something has happened, she is timid. In fact, it is not difficult to see. You won't forget that she was standing with Feng Shufei before, right? If Wen Xiaoyi hadn't had a miscarriage, It’s hard to say that they are still in the same camp now.”

"At that time, I felt that Concubine Yi was not confident enough."

How could a truly confident person take refuge in Feng Shufei

"That's true, but what happened this time is actually a trivial matter to put it bluntly. It's just that the slaves made mistakes and she withstood them. At worst, she would have killed Zhu Li herself." Yao Baolin was still puzzled.

"I guess she didn't dare. It must not have been easy for her when she first entered the mansion."

Shen Chuliu shook his head and stopped talking.

Concubine Yi is indeed good at playing chess, calligraphy and painting, and she also prides herself on being noble.

It is normal for such people not to be good at managing slaves. She came from a bad background, but over the years she had managed to win over a group of people with their favor and favor.

When the critical moment comes, it's normal for her to be reluctant to give up.

But this time, no one can be saved.

Now I don’t know if she regrets it, but...

Shen Chuliu smiled: "I don't know, but in the future, Concubine Yi's favor will not be as good as before."

"Oh? How do you say this?" Yao Baolin became interested.

"Intuition. Sister, just watch." Shen Chuliu said.

Seeing that she didn't say anything, Yao Baolin stopped asking.

Concentrate on drinking tea: "This tea is really good."

"After all, it is tribute tea, and the annual output is not much. However, if you finish drinking it and there is something slightly worse than this, it is okay. If sister likes it, we can drink it together." Shen Chuliu said.

"Learn from you." Yao Baolin said.

Yao Baolin and Shen Chuliu stayed for a while before going back.

Shen Chuliu sat by himself for a while, and then went back to eat at lunch time.

After lunch, she lay down, and Zi Rui was curious: "Master, please tell me, why does Concubine Yi love you less in the future?"

She had been listening just now and was so curious.

Shen Chuliu patted the bed: "Come here."

"No, it's time for me to change my clothes. My clothes are dirty, so just sit here." She pulled up a small pillar and sat down next to Shen Chuliu.

"Look, the emperor said today in front of everyone that he would go to the queen's place for dinner. Isn't this supporting the queen? Besides, after so many things happened, Concubine Yi didn't ask the emperor for help. How could he know that the emperor has such a proud temperament? "

"Ah? Why don't you ask for help? Isn't she favored?" Zi Rui asked.

"Your master is not a god. He knows it everywhere? But I guess she doesn't dare. She is afraid that the emperor will say that she has not taken care of her slaves. After all, she has had too many things happen here in the past few days."

But in the eyes of the emperor, could it be that you don’t need me

The reason why the queen rarely serves the emperor is because she doesn't need the emperor

But the queen had the confidence to do so, and the emperor still had to respect the queen.

But Yi Fei was different. She had nothing to rely on. The only thing she could rely on was the emperor's favor.

(End of chapter)