The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 123


When Queen Su returned to Changle Palace, she naturally took care of everything.

She is not someone who cares about Concubine Yi's health. Since she wants to be loyal to Concubine Yi, how can she hide it

So she repeated what everyone had said that morning.

As well as Dr. Mi’s words and Dr. Mi’s reaction.

Yi Fei felt her stomach hurt as she listened.

Her face was extremely pale, but at this moment, she did not dare to call the doctor.

Shen Chuliu was right about Concubine Yi. Concubine Yi seemed arrogant but was actually very timid.

There is no such thing as being so aggrieved while pregnant.

But Concubine Yi just didn't dare to go to the emperor to make the decision for her at this time.

It's just that I feel angry and uncomfortable.

Su Yunv returned to her residence, and her girl Cong Meng whispered: "My maid, you haven't had breakfast yet, are you hungry? I will give you some snacks, please?"

No one in this huge Changle Palace cares about this.

Su Yunu shook her head: "No need, let's wait for lunch."

She didn't bother to alarm anyone, just to show how precious she was.

Today, she is nothing more than a royal maid.

"Yes." Cong Meng was quite unconvinced and poured tea for his maid: "Although... it can't be like this. This servant will follow you out in the morning. It's hard for Qimeng to leave, and there's no one in Changle Palace to care about her."

"You have to get used to this. It's normal for them not to care." Su Yunv smiled: "I am just a royal girl. Now the concubine Yi is in a hurry."

"Yes." Cong Meng responded dully.

Su Yunv smiled again, she did have a good girl.

In Cuiyunxuan, Shen Chuliu saw the eunuch of Taiji Palace and asked her to accompany him.

Shen Chuliu laughed and rewarded the eunuch, then changed his clothes and went to Tai Chi Palace.

The emperor wants to inquire about the harem? Or is it really a driving companion

She changed into a light pink skirt embroidered with hibiscus flowers and mixed with yarn, a lily bun, and jewelry made of rose quartz.

Light but beautiful, like a newly blooming hibiscus flower.

When I arrived at Taiji Palace, I paid my respects to the emperor and was called over by the emperor.

The emperor looked at the tender little flower bud with gold powder that she drew in the corner of her eye and smiled: "I have always seen people put flowers on their foreheads and between their eyebrows. You can be considered unique."

As he spoke, he pulled the concubine on his lap and took a closer look.

All I saw was a small tender pink bud, stained with gold powder. If I didn't look closely, I would have thought it was a drop of water.

"Does it look good or not? I think there is no fixed thing about how to decorate yourself. It doesn't say it has to be between the eyebrows. As for the eyebrow painting, I feel that I can't support it now. I will paint it again when I get older. "Shen Chuliu turned around and asked Qi Yixiu to take a look.

"Well, very good." Qi Yixiu pinched her cheek.

"On the fourth day of the Lunar New Year, ask someone to go to the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send her some beautiful flower blossoms, and then send her various colors of rouge, gold powder and silver powder for painting flower blossoms."

Huadain is not only a painting, but also a sticker. There are generally three types of flowers: red, green, and yellow.

This is what the ancients meant when they said "the mirror is yellow with decals".

Gold and silver powder or gold and silver ink are also derived decorations.

This thing was actually less used by women in the current dynasty. It is said that it was very popular in the previous dynasty.

Some people even have their entire forehead plastered on it.

It’s incredible to think about it now, but at the time, it was very popular.

Shen Chuliu just decorated herself with some playful things, and she didn't like it if she posted too much.

"I would like to thank you, Your Majesty." Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

She discovered that every time she dressed up carefully, the emperor would encourage her.

This emperor is a man who likes his women to dress up. Not the conservative type.

"Well, the queen called the imperial doctor this morning?" Qi Yixiu asked.


Shen Chuliu knew what he was talking about and spoke quickly.

"Concubine Feng Shu is curious, and so are the concubines and the others. Concubine Yi sees the imperial doctor every day. The empress probably wanted to let the concubines know what was going on, so she called her." Shen Chuliu grabbed Qi Yixiu's sleeve: " That’s it, let’s not talk about the concubines later. It’s just like making trouble. Please don’t ask, please?”

Qi Yixiu pinched her again and said, "You are the only one with a bright mind."

Shen Chuliu smiled apologetically: "How about serving the emperor's pen and ink? You want to approve the papers."

"You are diligent, and you still urge me when you come back." Qi Yixiu said.

"Yes, yes, just urge the emperor. The emperor is a good emperor, so he has to work hard." Shen Chuliu got up from him and murmured: "How can the emperor do anything so easy?"

Qi Yixiu shook his head, knowing that this woman was showing off again.

After Shen Chuliu washed his hands, he began to sharpen his ink, and Qi Yixiu reluctantly began to criticize the poems.

The morning passed quickly.

Of course, Qi Yixiu wouldn't ask her to go back in the middle of the day. It was really cool now.

So we ate in Tai Chi Palace and asked her to go back when it got cooler in the afternoon.

That night, Qi Yixiu didn't ask anyone to sleep with him.

In the middle of the night, the imperial doctor suddenly informed the Leshou Palace that the third prince had a fever and was suffering from severe vomiting and diarrhea.

The emperor and empress were alarmed in the middle of the night, and the emperor ordered that no other concubines be allowed to come.

This is obviously serious.

In the Leshou Palace, Concubine Kangde was already in a state of despair.

She remembered that the eldest prince was like this when he died, and the third prince was like this today. She remembered the past for a moment.

His face changed color with fear.

After looking at it, the imperial doctor said that the third prince had dysentery caused by heatstroke.

It's still serious, but it won't be fatal for a while.

Although the third prince was born prematurely, he was rarely in good health.

Now he is eight months old. Although he can't drink enough to take the medicine, he can still ask the wet nurse to drink it and feed him.

Qi Yixiu frowned and sat there watching the imperial doctor take the third prince's pulse and prescribe medicine.

The queen also remained silent.

It wasn't until the imperial doctor finished speaking that the queen asked: "What causes heat stroke?"

She had to care, her child was still young, and she had to take precautions.

"This... I wore thicker clothes at first, and then I felt stuffy. Although it's hot now and the third prince is still young, he's not completely immune to the wind. Icebergs can also be released. Just pay attention when you fall asleep. That’s it.” The imperial doctor knew clearly.

This is the sequelae of Concubine Kande raising a child to death.

Nowadays, I am afraid of any disturbance, so I am so ignorant.

"Let's change the nannies who serve the third prince. Since they are not good at taking care of him, there is no need to take care of him anymore." Qi Yixiu said calmly.

She was talking about the wet nurse, but she was actually Concubine Kangde.

Concubine Kangde couldn't take good care of the child, and the nanny didn't dare to tell her what to do with it.

Concubine Kande knelt down and said, "Your Majesty, Queen, I failed to take good care of the third prince."

"Now that you know, you should do your best in the future." The queen said calmly, "I don't want to expose your scars, but if you miss this one time, don't you know what to do? If you really don't know, ask the nannies. They are the ones who take care of the children and know how to do it. many."

I'm afraid that I don't quite understand it and don't trust others yet.

"Yes, Queen, I must pay attention to this in the future." Concubine Kande said.

"Get up." The queen waved her hand.

(End of chapter)