The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 124


Concubine Kangde stood up and didn't dare to look at Qi Yixiu.

Qi Yixiu listened to the detailed questioning of the imperial doctor on the fourth day of the lunar month. He was relieved after knowing that although the child looked serious, his life was not in danger.

Although he is indifferent, the child has his blood, so he doesn't want anything to happen.

Before dawn, all the wet nurses at Concubine Kangde's house have been replaced.

Although the child has begun to recognize people, it is not unaccustomed to having girls waiting for him.

The nannies who served the third prince were sent back to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, beaten and kicked out.

Knowing that no one was behind all this, Qi Yixiu was not so angry.

Ask someone to bring some medicinal materials to the wet nurses.

Before she left, the queen said again: "The child has been ill these days, so I won't ask you to pay your respects. The third prince is the most important thing in everything."

"Yes, thank you, my concubine. I will take good care of the third prince." Concubine Kande said.

Qi Yixiu rested nearby in the side hall of Leshou Palace.

Concubine Kangde asked Wen Xiaoyi to wait on her.

Wen Xiaoyi guessed the emperor's intentions and did not dare to do anything. She just asked someone to fetch water and help the emperor wash up.

Then he asked: "Your Majesty, would you like some snacks?"

Qi Yixiu didn't want to move, and it was getting late: "Give me some porridge."

Wen Xiaoyi hurriedly asked someone to bring the warm red bean porridge.

Qi Yixiu ate a small bowl and rinsed his mouth and then lay down: "My dear concubine, you are also tired. Let's rest."

Wen Xiaoyi agreed, helped him lie down and then climbed up.

"My beloved, tell me what happened to the third prince." Qi Yixiu was sleepy and asked with his eyes closed.

Wen Xiaoyi estimated that the emperor was going to ask from the beginning, so she said: "When I return to the emperor, I have never had much contact with my concubine. I just heard from the imperial doctor that I think it is about the same. I have never given birth, so I don't know how to raise a child. But I think the same goes for the empress... If you care about her once, she will never do it again."

Qi Yi reconciled, but in fact, Wen Xiaoyi didn't hear it either.

She pulled the quilt for the emperor and lay down on the side.

Wen Xiaoyi was promoted to the throne not only because she lost a child, but also because she was a smart woman.

At least she knows how to advance and retreat, and won't do what she shouldn't do at this time.

Early in the morning, when Qi Yixiu was woken up, Wen Xiaoyi was already dressed.

She helped Qi Yixiu get up. He was not going to court today. Although Qi Yixiu was sleepy, he slept for a long time.

I went to the main hall to see the child again. The child's fever had gone away and the vomiting and diarrhea had basically stopped. I just have no energy now.

"What the imperial doctor means is that you still have a fever, and you will inevitably have diarrhea for a day or two. But it won't be a problem." Concubine Kangde stayed up all night, guarding the child.

Now my eye sockets are all swollen.

"Well, thank you for your hard work." Qi Yixiu said.

"I was wrong. I didn't take good care of the child. Now as long as he is good, I am willing to do anything." Concubine Kande said.

Qi Yixiu nodded: "Let's prepare the meal."

Concubine Kangde hurriedly responded. Wen Xiaoyi served Qi Yixiu and Concubine Kangde. Concubine Kangde said again, "You should also sit down and use it together."

Qi Yixiu didn't say anything, and Wen Xiaoyi couldn't pretend to be afraid, so she sat down.

After breakfast and seeing the emperor off, Concubine Kangde rewarded Wen Xiaoyi with herbal soup as usual.

Wen Xiaoyi didn't explain that she didn't do anything last night, so she drank as usual.

Then he went to the Queen to pay his respects.

She came late, but last night was special, so the queen didn't say anything.

Concubine Jin, on the other hand, said: "Oh, it's really not easy for Wen Xiaoyi to still have time to go to bed like yesterday."

"Your Majesty, you are worrying too much. As I did last night, I was just waiting for the Emperor to go to bed." Wen Xiaoyi said.

"Wen Xiaoyi is also very thoughtful. Looking at her good-looking face, she must have slept well last night, right?" Ying Xiaoyi said with a smile.

This means that she was not distracted and could sleep well like that last night. "After all, it is not Sister Wen who can decide where the emperor goes." Lu Xiaoyi was speaking for Wen Xiaoyi.

"It's a good thing to attend the bedchamber. Wen Xiaoyi would like to add a prince to the emperor one day." Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

Wen Xiaoyi has been to Cuiyunxuan several times, and these words seemed to help her out.

But Wen Xiaoyi knew that Concubine Kangde would not allow her to give birth now.

"No, it's a good thing to have children. Speaking of which, didn't you hear Concubine Yi calling the imperial doctor today?" Li Mei said with a smile.

Everyone tacitly understood that Concubine Yi was too easy to bully.

The Queen felt that it was almost done and stood up: "Let's leave now and come back to me if you need anything."

With that said, she waved her hand and walked in the back.

The second princess probably woke up and wanted to coax the child.

After leaving Fengzao Palace, Miao Xiaoyi thought for a while before stepping forward: "Sister Wen, Leshou Palace... are you okay?"

Wen Xiaoyi pulled her to the side and whispered: "The third prince is out of the way, don't worry. Don't ask, it's not good."

Miao Xiaoyi said nothing, just nodded, and then smiled at her.

Some people saw all this, some didn't.

Miao Xiaoyi's face looked bad that morning, but she covered it up with rouge and gouache.

At this moment, Shen Chuliu and Yao Baolin were standing on the way back. Yao Baolin said, "After all, blood ties are hard to break."

"It's hard to break the blood bond, but..." Shen Chuliu shook his head.

Miao Xiaoyi cares about the children, but there is something else that only she knows.

Miao Xiaoyi asked Wen Xiaoyi, and Wen Xiaoyi was willing to say that only they knew how many things were going on here.

"Go back." Shen Chuliu said.

Yao Baolin nodded, looked over there a few more times, and then turned his head.

After all, Concubine Kangde was the fourth concubine of the first rank. When the third prince was ill, she controlled the Leshou Palace tightly and did not ask anyone to take advantage of the situation.

Here at Concubine Yi, from that day on, she was no longer called an imperial doctor.

Doctor Mi also said that it is useless to see the doctor every day. Now we just have to wait and see how things go in three or four months.

Now that we are two months old, we can only wait.

Two days later, Qi Yixiu asked Princess Su to sleep with her again. Still called to Tai Chi Palace.

The next morning, I was also rewarded with many things. It's like a new favorite.

However, Jing Meiren and Li Meiren naturally far surpassed her.

Now that Concubine Yi can no longer sleep with her, the palace is basically ruled by these few people.

Ning Jieyu also had fewer sleepers.

The most important thing in the palace right now is the Emperor's Longevity Festival.

It was done that year except for the service. It was not done last year because Qin Tian Supervisor calculated that it was not suitable to do it, so it will be done this year.

Although it is not a big deal, how can things involving the emperor be trivial

This month is the Emperor's Longevity Festival.

The queen also didn't do it last year because the emperor didn't do it.

The Queen's Qianqiu is even more peculiar, it happens to be the eighth day of the twelfth lunar month.

Now the emperor's birthday is only three to five days away. Everywhere in the palace has already been busy.

Shen Chuliu only needs to prepare the clothes and jewelry that he will wear that day.

She doesn't lack these, and she doesn't care much.

On the contrary, the slaves were more nervous.

Now, another Su family has appeared in the palace, and she is very good-looking, so we must be prepared to be prepared.

(End of chapter)