The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 125


Shen Chuliu didn't care at all and just listened to everyone's arrangements.

However, she also cooperated when the slaves tried something on her.

After the hot weather, she felt drowsy since she had nothing to do anyway.

Until, Yuanxiao said something.

"Master, let me tell you what I have been asking about these days."

"Well, tell me." Shen Chuliu was lying on the imperial concubine's couch, fanning himself, looking so leisurely.

"Yes, it's Li Mei. The servant recently heard from the kitchen that Li Mei's taste has changed, and she actually likes some strange food. And she eats a lot. The servant was curious, so she asked more, and said that Li Mei still has She doesn’t eat much until midnight.”

"Huh? What else?" Shen Chuliu became more energetic.

"Furthermore, my servant was brave enough to spend some money to inquire about the laundry department. Although Li Mei has been in the spotlight in the past few months when the time came. She registered at the personnel office, but... the clothes I saw in the laundry department were not that dirty. "

Shen Chuliu raised his eyebrows: "Okay, how much money did it cost? I'll reward you three times."

Yuanxiao thanked her hurriedly and said a number awkwardly.

Shen Chuliu smiled happily: "You have done a good job, but you should be more careful in the future. It's okay to ask about things, but don't let anyone notice."

"Hey." Yuanxiao happily went to receive the reward.

The master definitely needs what he found out.

Shen Chuliu smiled so happily that both Zi Rui and Zi Zhu were stunned.

It's impossible for Yuanxiao to say that the master doesn't understand what he means. How can he laugh at this

"Master, this beauty may be pregnant." Zi Zhu said.

"Well, that's it, what else can I do?" Shen Chuliu was thinking about another thing: "How do you think I can get people to expose this matter on the Emperor's Longevity Day?" Come out?"

"Master!" Zizhu couldn't even understand: "If it really happened, wouldn't it be revealed at that time..."

"The emperor was so excited that he promoted her to the throne? What's the point?" Shen Chuliu laughed: "I just want to promote her to the throne."

"But... Master, this servant doesn't understand." Zi Rui had given up thinking.

"With her status, she will be promoted sooner or later. Since she is going to be promoted, why not make her the center of attention?" Is there anything wrong with causing a wave of hatred

"Will you be at a disadvantage?" Zizhu continued to ask.

Shen Chuliu shook his head: "How could it be? At that time, I was at an advantage."

"Don't be afraid of other people having children and being promoted. If you have the ability to control all the children, you can just have them yourself. If you can't, just try to hope for as many children as possible." Besides, being in a high position means you must Safety

A beauty is nothing, but what about Jieyu who became pregnant after being promoted to the throne

Or, is it just the ninth concubine

"Yes. Master, what are your plans?" Zi Zhu asked with a sigh.

Shen Chuliu also sighed: "I just don't know what to do."

"Then... Master, have you ever thought about saying it yourself?" Zi Zhu suddenly asked.

Shen Chuliu blinked, blinked again, and suddenly smiled: "It's not impossible."

"However, this must be confirmed, otherwise it will be bad," Shen Chuliu said.

"Yes, I will check it again. Once you are sure, you will tell me yourself?" Zi Zhu asked.

"I said it myself, there's nothing wrong with it." Isn't it just to show off

No matter how much she stands out, it's not her who is in the limelight.

In the eyes of the emperor, she was definitely not a fool.

So why did she, who is not an idiot, stand up and say such a thing

In the eyes of the emperor, she was just a beautiful woman.

That's a trap. The emperor won't believe that there are people in the harem who are pure and untainted, right

So, it’s nothing to show off occasionally.

What's more, others may not understand.

Soon, Yuanxiao, Zizhu, and Zhemei started working together, especially Zhemei. After all, she had been in the palace for many years, and it was soon confirmed that Li Mei was indeed pregnant, and she was definitely pregnant within two months.

After Shen Chuliu understood it, he just waited for time. On the official day, Shen Chuliu changed into a red skirt early in the morning, and covered it with an extremely thin brocade gauze garment.

She wore a snake bun, red gold jewelry inlaid with golden cat's eye, and tassels hanging down her ears.

There are also a pair of golden cat's eye earrings on the ears, which shine brightly when walking.

Her eyebrows were painted into lively cat eyes. She already has almond eyes, which are easy to draw.

The eyebrows are curved, slightly raised and elongated, agile and dangerous.

There is a small, round red dot painted on the left eye, like a cinnabar mole.

Paired with a red gold inlaid ruby yingluo, it complements each other beautifully.

Everyone said hello, Qi Yixiu and the Queen waved their hands to tell everyone to sit down.

The queen mothers of the two palaces sat at the top, and everyone in the clan also came. People of the third rank and above in the imperial court, as well as people from idle and noble families, all came.

The female relatives are also dressed up.

The ladies in the palace dressed up as examples for the nobles to follow, and the nobles in turn inspired the people.

Therefore, during such banquets, these courtiers, women, and nobles must imitate the dressing of the favored masters and ladies in the palace.

Concubine Feng Shu was wearing an orange-red coat and skirt today, her hair was in a high bun, and she was wearing a set of Dielianhua red gold jewelry.

Concubine Kande also wore an orange-red coat and skirt, but with different patterns and different styles.

Her bun is round and she wears red gold and pearl jewelry.

Concubine Yi always dressed lightly, today she wore a crescent white coat and a blush skirt, her bun was tilted to one side, and she wore white jade jewelry.

Everyone below was dressed up carefully.

Beauty is also extremely grand today, wearing a magenta skirt, a big bun, and decorated with red gold and glass.

Shen Chuliu looked over and found that she had gained weight and her complexion was much rosier than before.

Qi Yixiu also glanced over, inevitably focusing on Shen Chuliu again.

This woman can dress up so exquisitely and appropriately every time.

The red cinnabar mole ordered by her was just right, adding a touch of nobility and inviolability.

Qi Yixiu moved his fingers, thinking that this woman was really.

At the beginning of the banquet, the musicians raised in the palace played a song to congratulate the emperor on his birthday.

Then the emperor, the empress, and the queen mothers spoke first and drank wine.

The princes in the clan also congratulated and toasted.

As well as ministers and concubines.

The second prince also toasted with a milky voice today.

Qi Yixiu rewarded him with satisfaction.

When the singing and dancing comes on, they are all bright red and have long sleeves.

This group of dancers only entered the palace this year, and the Ministry of Internal Affairs spent a lot of money to train them.

As expected, she danced gracefully.

Finally, the dancer held up a big birthday peach and presented it to her.

Everyone thought the dance was beautiful.

When it was finally time to talk, someone in the clan mentioned Concubine Yi's pregnancy, and naturally they were filled with congratulations.

After they had spoken, Shen Chuliu stood up and said, "Your Majesty, Queen, Queen Mother, I have something happy to say."

(End of chapter)