The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 127


Li Jieyu was in high spirits.

She sat under Ning Jieyu today, probably because the canonization ceremony had not been held yet, otherwise she would have been in front of Ning Jieyu.

After all, Ning Jieyu didn't have her title banned.

Now, there are two people in Jieyu's position.

Shen Chuliu and Zhao Meiren were sitting together, not surprised at all.

"Li Jieyu is sitting here, isn't she? After all, you have a title, shouldn't Ning Jieyu give up?" Concubine Jin said with a smile.

Ning Jieyu was angry: "It won't be too late to wait until Li Jieyu is formally promoted to the throne. Concubine Jin has a lot to worry about."

"Why bother? Sooner or later, they have to change. Li Jieyu is now Jieyu. This child is born, and she may not know what it is. Why should Ning Jieyu be offended now?" Concubine Jin shook her head.

"Oh, it's good to be pregnant and have a baby, but if Li Jieyu is like this, why didn't Wen Xiaoyi have such luck in the first place?" Feng Shufei said.

Wen Xiaoyi lowered her head: "I am not lucky."

"You are not the only one who is unlucky." Concubine Feng Shu glanced at Concubine Kande with a smile, and then asked: "Sister Concubine De, how is the third prince doing?"

"Thank you for your concern, sister. It's okay now." Concubine Kangde said.

"That's good. I heard that the third prince is not good, and I feel like... if it's good, it's good. Otherwise, I would have to wonder if Sister De Fei is not suitable to raise a child."

Feng Shufei smiled very happily.

These words irritated Concubine Kande, but Concubine Kande had to get used to it.

She wasn't a talkative person, so she didn't reply.

"I knew that Jing Meiren and Li Jieyu had a good relationship, but I didn't know that they were like this." Concubine Jin added: "It was Jing Meiren who said about the pregnancy. Oops, Jing Meiren did it for Li Jieyu. It took a lot of effort, but Jing Meiren doesn’t know how to feel now.”

What Concubine Jin was thinking was that Jing Meiren revealed that Li Jieyu was pregnant in public and wanted to get everyone to deal with Li Jieyu.

She felt that Jing Meiren did not expect that Li Jieyu would be promoted to the throne in public, so in Concubine Jin's eyes, Jing Meiren must be very regretful now.

"I have to think about this question." Shen Chuliu smiled: "I do have this feeling. The emperor really loves Li Jieyu. I am really envious of her."

"Since Jingmei is envious, she should also strive for success." Li Jieyu finally spoke.

She originally wanted to wait until three months had passed before telling her.

This is an unwritten rule. Even if the concubine's fetal image is stable after three months, it is not considered deceiving the emperor.

But someone didn't allow her to hide it!

Although he has been promoted to the throne now, he has become the person that everyone in the harem looks at!

But I can only hold it in, why don't I get angry

"I don't have the ability either. Li Jieyu just needs to keep her baby safe, while I am waiting for Jieyu to become the ninth concubine." Shen Chuliu said with a smile.

"Ouch. After all, sisters have a deep love. If you don't know, you might think they are biological sisters." Feng Shufei sneered.

Li Jieyu was so shameless, she really wanted to kill her.

Now she is actually pregnant!

It almost pissed her off.

There was a lot of bickering all morning, and no one could do anything to anyone else, so they separated.

As soon as Shen Chuliu returned, he received a message from Taiji Palace that the emperor was leaving the palace and asked Jing Meiren to accompany him.

Shen Chuliu laughed and asked people to send people away from Tai Chi Palace to change clothes.

The emperor is really...

The emperor is punishing her.

She pushed Li Jieyu out, and the emperor ordered her to stand up on her own.

Shen Chuliu changed into a less conspicuous tooth-colored skirt and combed her hair in the same bun as the girls outside.

I found some red gold jewelry that was not very conspicuous. I took a round fan.

Then he took Zi Rui to Tai Chi Palace.

In the Taiji Palace, Qi Yixiu saw the concubine coming, wearing plain clothes and simply dressing up.

"May your Majesty be blessed." Shen Chu said to Liu Fushen.

"Get up, come, let me see how my beloved concubine is dressing up today." Qi Yixiu was really interested in her dressing up. Shen Chuliu smiled: "I have disappointed the emperor today. I have to leave the palace, so I try my best to dress up as plainly as possible."

"Simple?" Qi Yixiu looked at her up and down: "I didn't see it."

"It's already very simple. After all, she is the emperor's concubine. No matter how simple she is, she is still eye-catching. Your Majesty, aren't you?" Shen Chuliu pursed her lips.

Qi Yixiu wore a purple robe. The collar and cuffs are all embroidered with silver thread with cloud patterns.

Her long hair is tied up with a white jade crown and a white jade hairpin.

I also have a folding fan in my hand.

The end is infinitely romantic.

He has a very good face, and if he stands on the street, he will definitely make the girls in the imperial city scream.

"Your Majesty, shall we go out in a carriage today?" Shen Chuliu asked.

Qi Yixiu didn't know why she changed the topic, so he nodded.

"Then your Majesty, please arrange a larger carriage. Otherwise it won't be enough." Shen Chuliu said seriously.

Qi Yixiu raised his eyebrows.

"The emperor is like this. Unless you don't show up, the girls on the road will go crazy. They will throw melons and fruits. If the car is not big enough, where can we sit?" Shen Chuliu's beautiful eyes blinked at him.

Qi Yixiu shook his head: "You're such a mouth!"

He didn't expect that she was praising him for his good looks in a roundabout way. To say that he looks better than Pan An is an allusion to the story of throwing a fruit-filled car.

"Let's go." Qi Yixiu is really...

There is no such thing among his concubines.

This woman was also brave enough to directly comment on his appearance.

But he could also feel that this woman really liked his appearance, which was very...

never mind.

It was indeed a car ride, and the carriage was really big.

Naturally, there won't be any throwing of fruit cars, because there are many forbidden troops inside and outside.

The emperor had a whim today and wanted to visit the old King Jing in Prince Jing's Mansion.

Lao Jingwang was ninety-one years old. He had made military exploits in his youth and was from the generation of Emperor Qi Yixiu's grandfather.

So now that he is sick in bed and on his deathbed, it makes sense that the emperor comes to visit.

Basically, after this visit, he should have died.

Shen Chuliu knew that the emperor must also want to go out for a walk, otherwise, he would not take his concubines.

Prince Jing's Mansion is not too far from the palace. When I went there, a whole courtyard of people knelt to greet the emperor.

Shen Chuliu just followed. She couldn't help but sigh when she looked at this huge mansion.

King Jing had a distinguished life. When he was young, he was very favored because he was a prince and a general.

He is also the emperor's younger brother, very handsome.

Later, my brother was killed, my nephew was killed, and now my grandnephew is in charge.

He had indeed lived a good life.

It's a pity that the descendants of Prince Jing's Mansion are not up to par.

Although King Jing has not demoted his title for three generations, what about after three generations

Once he dies, his sixty-year-old son will inherit the title. How many more years can he live

This is the second generation. She also saw the third generation of grandchildren just now, and they are all in their forties.

How many more years can this glory last

Of course she wasn't lamenting because of Jing Wangfu, she was lamenting for the Shen family.

Now, she knew very well why the Shen family insisted on girls entering the palace to make a career.

The world is peaceful, and those who have made military exploits may one day be guilty.

(End of chapter)