The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 139: You can't fake it


"Master, please drink something warm." Jimei came back from outside, carrying a food box.

In the food box, there are hot snacks and Yi Zhong soup.

Shen Chuliu responded and saw that it was black-bone chicken soup.

Her childhood is here. She doesn't like to eat these days, but she likes to drink soup.

After drinking the soup, his whole body warmed up: "Is everything okay?"

I got cold in the middle of the night last night and my stomach hurt terribly, so I took leave in the morning.

I also got up early and lit a charcoal fire.

"It's nothing else. Anyway, it's Concubine Yi's illness. It's cold today, and Li Jieyu didn't come out this morning. But Lu Baolin, who has been confined for a month, went to pay her respects," said Jimei.

Chi Su also said: "The servants have not seen anyone."

"Yes. Li Jieyu is only four months old now, and the fetus seems to be stable. She will give birth in February and a half to March next year?" Shen Chuliu said.

"That's it. Li Jieyu is safe now, but I saw Musk before, but I didn't find any results." Chi Su sighed.

It is very difficult for a woman in the palace to conceive a child.

As soon as he said this, someone came from Taiji Palace, saying that the emperor had summoned Jing Meiren to accompany him.

Shen Chuliu directly called someone into the inner room. It was Guyu, the eunuch of Taiji Palace.

"Hey, Jingmei, what's going on?" Gu Yu was surprised.

"I caught a cold yesterday and am feeling unwell today. Please go back and tell your father-in-law that I can't go today," Shen Chuliu said.

Yuanxiao had cleverly stuffed a piece of silver into her hand.

Guyu took over and said: "Easy to say, easy to say, the Emperor cannot call you if he knows you are sick. Don't worry, I know what to say when you get back."

Guyu returned to Tai Chi Palace and told Chu Siyi, who nodded: "Yes, I understand, just wait."

Sure enough, after a while, the emperor told Gu Yu to go in and reply.

Guyu didn't dare to hide anything, so he told the truth.

Qi Yixiu asked him to step back: "Caught a cold?"

"It sounds like Jingmei's bones have always been healthy. Maybe it's because the weather has dropped suddenly, right?" Chu Si said.

Qi Yixiu nodded: "Ask the Ministry of Internal Affairs to send her some more good charcoal. Ask the chef from the kitchen to serve her food."

"Yes." Chu Si responded and asked again: "Does it still need to be passed on to another master to serve?"

"No need, there is no one who has less worries than her when it comes to serving pen and ink." Qi Yixiu waved his hand: "Tell her that I will go see her tomorrow. Tell her to have a good rest. Please don't go there for the time being."

"Yes." The fourth day of the Lunar New Year responded and went out.

I thought this was really rare.

It is true that the emperor just likes to ask Jingmei to serve the pen and ink. In this royal study, few others come in.

Although Su Yunv has been favored recently, the emperor just doesn't allow her to come in here.

It can be seen that it is precautionary.

The emperor took the lead in giving rewards, and the queen did not fall behind. Immediately afterwards, other empresses and masters also had to send some things.

Zi Rui was happy: "The Emperor sent someone to send thirty pieces of silver charcoal, and they will be distributed when the time comes. This is good."

"It's just a few days of weather change. It'll be fine in a few days. It's going to be a long time when it gets really cold." Shen Chuliu yawned and wanted to sleep after eating.

Menstruating women are simply weak.

Compared with Shen Chuliu who was only temporarily knocked down by her menstruation, Yi Fei can say that she is in dire straits.

Concubine Yi probably went out to the mountains before her baby was born, and she was stimulated on the 15th day, so she stayed in bed since then.

However, he suddenly became red and his health became very poor. After raising it for about twenty days, it was easy to see improvement.

As soon as the weather changed, she fell ill again.

Within a month or two, I lost weight and my entire face turned yellow.

The cough didn't get better for a few days.

I drink more medicine than eat every day. The emperor came to see her the day before yesterday, and Concubine Yi forced herself to get up and dress up to meet the emperor.

Seeing her like this, Qi Yixiu didn't care at all. He talked to her for a while and rewarded her with many things.

But Concubine Yi's illness came like a mountain, and the emperor didn't see much improvement after seeing her.

Yi Fei just drank the medicine and fell asleep. Fu Xiang and Hua Fan were discussing anxiously outside: "What should we do? Drinking medicine will not help."

"How can I get better if she refuses to eat? I'd better go to the imperial hospital and ask the imperial doctor." Fuxiang said eagerly, "My queen is very thin now. The more she gets like this, the harder it will be to hold on."

Hua Fan nodded: "Then go quickly, I'm here with you."

Concubine Yi couldn't sleep well and woke up soon.

The painting fan is waiting nearby.

"Where's Fuxiang?"

"I went to the Imperial Medical Office. She said to ask the imperial doctor how to relieve your condition." Hua Fan said.

Although she served the painting fan and Anxiang together at the beginning, Concubine Yi believed more in Anxiang.

Nowadays, the floating fragrance only lasts for a few months, and it overwhelms the painting fan again.

Hua Fan didn't notice this. Although she had other thoughts, she really cared about Concubine Yi: "How is the master?"

"No problem." Concubine Yi sat up and let her serve her.

"What's going on in the palace?" Concubine Yi asked.

"It's nothing. Even this morning, Jing Meiren asked for leave, saying she caught a cold. The emperor has given me a lot of things." Hua Fan curled his lips.

"Yeah." Yi Fei was too lazy to say anything to her.

What's the use of painting fans who are always dissatisfied with the beautiful scenery

As he was talking, Fu Xiang came back: "Master! Qing Ning Pavilion has asked the imperial doctor. Lu Baolin is pregnant. She is two months pregnant."

Concubine Yi became excited and coughed violently.

"Master, don't worry, Lu Baolin has given birth to a child...don't you have hope?" Hua Fan said.

Concubine Yi nodded after a while: "Yes."

When the news spread, Shen Chuliu nodded: "Sure enough."

"Zizhu, just go and congratulate him. I won't go." Shen Chuliu yawned again: "Then let's see what the emperor says."

"Yes." Zi Zhu chose something and went to congratulate her.

When Zi Zhu came back, lunch was already on the table.

While Shen Chuliu was eating, Zi Zhu said: "The emperor didn't go, so he asked the fourth father-in-law to go and see it. He rewarded me with something. The Queen and the others also rewarded me."

"Well, everyone has been bleeding a lot today." She was rewarded first, and then Mr. Lu.

"The emperor didn't promote her to the throne. Is this..." Zi Zhu wondered: "Since Concubine Yi has no children, does this mean that she has to give it to Concubine Yi?"

"No, but it's hard to say right now. Let's not get involved in right and wrong." Shen Chuliu said: "Although it's less than three months, she dares to say it, so she must be stable."

However, this time Shen Chuliu was wrong.

Mrs. Lu didn't want to say it, but she couldn't bear it anymore.

Qingning Pavilion was not good to begin with, and she was punished because she made a mistake.

When she asked herself to shut up and think about her past, she thought she could get through it, but now people are really good at watching what they eat!

After only a month, she was almost losing her temper.

But if she was asked to smash the dining room like Shen Chuliu did, she wouldn't dare.

I can only reveal that I'm pregnant, at least I won't be so sad.

Qi Yixiu was also surprised that Lu was pregnant, but it couldn't be faked.

There are currently two pregnant women in the palace, and the queen calls for attention.

(End of chapter)