The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 149: Snow


In November, it snowed.

In fact, it doesn’t snow often in the Imperial City.

It doesn’t snow every year either. During the coldest winter, it may also rain.

However, the weather is like this, the colder it gets. Bitingly cold.

Shen Chu Liuwo was eating pecans on the soft couch in the outside room. The underground stove was in vain, and she was afraid that she would be cold. She also had a small hand stove in her arms.

"Master, look, it's snowing a lot. We also had this kind of snow when we were at home." Zi Rui said.

"Well, it did happen." Shen Chuliu responded.

"When the snow stops, I will accompany you to enjoy the snow." Zi Rui said.

"Hmm." Shen Chuliu thought, not many people in the palace have seen snow, but I'm afraid there will be many people who appreciate the snow.

"Master." Yuanxiao called outside.

"come in."

Yuanxiao came in and stood far away, fearing that the air-conditioning on her body would chill her master.

"Master, Ying Xiaoyi is called the imperial doctor." Yuan Xiao said.

"Huh? Wasn't it good yesterday?" Shen Chuliu said.

"I heard this when I went to the dining room just now. I'll ask again," Yuan Xiao said.

"Well, there's no need to worry. Go and drink some ginger soup before you go. Don't catch a cold." Shen Chuliu said.

Yuanxiao responded and went.

Shen Chuliu said: "I don't see any illness. Could it be that I am sick?"

"Ah? There are only three pregnant women in the palace." Zi Rui said.

Shen Chuliu continued to eat walnuts and did not answer.

The Li family and his son have returned to Southwest China...

The Feng family is not following this path. The court can contain the Shen family... If the Feng family disappears one day...

After all, the Lu family is only a civil servant, and now that he has ascended the throne, Taifu Lu's influence has been weakened.

So when the time comes, the one who can contain the Shen family will be the Li family that the emperor insists on cultivating, right

Therefore, Ying Xiaoyi is really pregnant, and this pregnancy is inevitable. Although she had a miscarriage, it was a miscarriage.

For the heirs in the harem, unless the mother has a different background, it all depends on whether you can keep them.

Putting it this way, when I get pregnant, do I need to keep the baby or not

The emperor will not take the initiative to kill the child, but he will choose not to protect it.

Thinking about it this way, Shen Chuliu felt that it was okay not to give birth.

Thinking further, the question now is whether Ying Xiaoyi is really pregnant.

At nearly noon, after the snow stopped, the Lantern Festival also came back.

While he came back with the meal, he also brought back the news.

"Master, Ying Xiaoyi is really pregnant. She is said to have been pregnant for more than two months. The emperor issued a decree and sealed Ying Cairen."

"Well, it's a happy event. Now that the imperial edict has been spread, let's ask Zi Zhu to deliver the gift in the afternoon." Shen Chuliu smiled.

"Hey." Yuan Xiao glanced at Shen Chuliu cautiously: "Master, don't worry, you will definitely be next."

"You silly boy, go ahead and do your business." Shen Chuliu laughed.

Yuanxiao went away with a smile.

In Jiyunxuan, the emperor had just seen off.

Juxiang Fushen said: "Congratulations to the talented person."

Ying Cai Ren touched her belly: "This is the second time I'm pregnant." "Cai Ren, forget about the past. This time, you will definitely give birth to the prince." Ju Xiang said.

"Yes, in the past I was Li Baolin, whom no one valued, but now I am Yingcai." Yingcai sighed: "Unfortunately, I am still not qualified to raise a child. Even if I am promoted to the throne after giving birth, I will not be able to become a One of the nine concubines."

"Don't worry, Master, because your background is different, this child will definitely not be raised elsewhere. If you can't raise it for the time being, the child will only live in Ruiqing Palace." Ju Xiang said.

Yingcai nodded, she would rather keep her in Ruiqing Palace than with someone else.

Otherwise, why would you want to be close to her

The news of Yingcai's pregnancy spread, and many gifts and congratulations were received from everywhere.

The next day, Yingcai asked for leave.

She had experienced a miscarriage once, and this time she was more cautious and cautious.

The queen doesn't care, she will grant her leave if she asks for it.

However, both Li Jieyu and Lu Baolin arrived.

Li Jieyu's belly is also very obvious. She was born in late February or early March.

I am now six months pregnant.

However, Lu Baolin has just turned three months old and is still not showing off.

"Normally, Jing Mei has to spend a lot of time with her, especially since Li Jieyu became pregnant. Jing Mei has to wait on her more than before. Why is there no movement from Jing Mei?" Concubine Jin asked with a smile.

"Then who told me that I am incompetent?" Shen Chu Liu Guangguan said.

These words blocked Concubine Jin. What else could she say

"Knowing that you are incompetent, you should occupy less of the emperor. The sisters in the palace can also see the beauty of heaven." Lu Baolin said.

Since the last time, Lu Baolin no longer pretends to be with Shen Chuliu, and now they are also fighting each other.

"Now the sisters in the palace are replaced by you and Baolin? If you have the ability, tell the emperor." Shen Chuliu snorted.

"Jing Meiren has always been unforgiving. What's wrong with what Lu Baolin said?" Feng Shufei asked.

"Then I told the emperor soon that Concubine Feng Shu and Lu Baolin did not allow me to serve the emperor. How can I favor the female family members in the harem if I want to make arrangements for the emperor." Shen Chuliu said coolly.

The Emperor's Buddha is so easy to use. Since it can be used, why not use it

"It's not like Concubine Shu doesn't know what Jing Meiren says, so why bother arguing with her?" Concubine Yi said.

After Yi Fei recovered from her illness, she came to pay her respects as usual.

However, she lost a lot of weight during this serious illness, and her appearance was not as good as before.

The emperor now only visits her occasionally.

"It's true. There are so many high-ranking people in the harem, but they can't do anything with one beauty?" Feng Shufei sneered: "Concubine Yi, you are afraid of her, but I am not afraid of her."

Concubine Yi had nothing to say to Concubine Feng Shu, who didn't understand Haolai's words.

"Speaking of it, this year is a good year. The three sisters are pregnant, and in the coming year, there will probably be three more princes in the palace." Concubine Kangde ignored the concubine and Concubine Feng Shu and said with a smile.

"Well, it would be a good thing if there are three little princes." The Queen smiled: "As long as there are little princes, they will be rewarded."

"Then Li Jieyu's reward has been decided. I'm looking at you, it's the prince." Concubine Kangde said with a smile.

The queen looked at Li Jieyu and said, "Well, it looks similar. A good thing. There are only two little princes in the palace now, so they are a bit weak after all."

"It would be best for the Queen to give birth to one herself." Concubine Feng Shu said.

"Whether or not I will give birth, what will happen? How can I still be shaken?" The queen said calmly.

"Of course not. The empress's love for the world is not judged by whether or not she will give birth to a prince." Li Jieyu said with a smile: "What's more, the empress just doesn't have the time, and sooner or later there will be a legitimate little prince."

The queen smiled and sent everyone away.

Shen Chuliu was dragged to enjoy the snow, and Zirui also said that in order to avoid meeting people, she went to a corner of the imperial garden.

Seeing that she was in high spirits, Shen Chuliu let her go.

(End of chapter)