The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 157: Fight again


"Since it's not you, I can't accuse you wrongly. It's just that you have a bad temper, so you should pay more attention to it in the future." Princess Laoshun looked her up and down: "And this dress, you should also know that elegance is good."

She has been a widow for many years, so naturally she cannot see anything bright.

Would Shen Chuliu talk about this with her

She just smiled: "Since the old princess said that I am indeed innocent, I can rest assured."

Qi Yixiu's head hurt a little. He had a premonition that this woman was going to make trouble...

Sure enough, in the next second, Shen Chuliu turned back to look at Empress Dowager Li: "Empress Dowager, please make the decision for my concubine, for Dayi's royal family, for the honor of the emperor, and for the innocence of the clan."

This sound is so scary.

Queen Mother Li was a little stunned for a moment.

"Jing Meiren." Qi Yixiu called her in a deep voice.

This was to ask her to give up as soon as she saw the opportunity, but Shen Chuliu would be fine if she saw it.

"Your Majesty, I know that the Emperor is upset. The old princess is an elder, and I can't do anything about it. But it doesn't matter even if I have suffered this injustice. What about your reputation, Your Majesty? What about the reputation of the royal family? What about the reputation of the clan?"

"Jing Mei is too strong-minded. What does this have to do with the royal family?" Feng Shufei couldn't hold it back.

"What Concubine Feng Shu said is wrong." Su Yunv stood up at this time: "The old princess has a grudge against the royal family and the emperor, but she shouldn't be so indifferent to right and wrong. She doesn't take the royal family's face seriously and slanders at will, which is embarrassing. It sounds chilling.”

"Who are you? You dare to accuse me at will! I can't stand it, so how can you slander the royal family? Can you still represent the royal family?" Princess Laoshun is used to talking at home, and the royal family also gives her face because she has been a widow for many years. , which made her swell up.

"It's true that the old princess is an elder, but I and Jing Meiren are the emperor's concubines, so they can't say a word about the royal family?" Su Yunv also glared.

"How dare you, the daughter of a mere guilty minister!" Princess Laoshun snorted.

"It can be seen that the old princess does not take the royal family in her eyes, nor does she take the emperor in her eyes. We, the concubines of the royal family, are not in the eyes of the old princess. But it should be noted that although you are the elder, we are The emperor's concubine is not low in status. The old princess doesn't know how to respect her, so she accuses the concubine of drugging her. How about she just let it go with a misunderstanding? It’s her turn, you say? The late emperor once praised my daughter of the Shen family for her excellent family style. Now, because of the old princess’ words, should my daughter of the Shen family commit suicide?”

Shen Chuliu was so angry that he stood up and said, "It is true that Queen Su's family has been convicted, but she is now the emperor's royal daughter. How dare the old princess look down on her like this? In front of the emperor, the queen mother, and the queen, all of them are like this, It can be seen that the old princess does not take the emperor seriously. "

"Mr. Shen." Qi Yixiu frowned: "Why don't you back down?"

"Your Majesty, I feel sorry for you. You respect your elders and think about the early death of King Shun. It is not easy for the old princess. You are kind and filial, but look at it, the old princess doesn't know that you are the emperor. Today I blame you. Concubines, this is a slap in your face. What if the old prince dies prematurely?"

Tears rolled down Shen Chuliu's eyes, and Qi Yixiu looked at it, what a beautiful picture of a beauty.

"Did the old King Shun have any merit when he was alive? Or does King Shun have any merit now? It's not news that King Shun's legitimate son beats people in the street."

"Today, the old princess opened her mouth to slander and murder the emperor's heir. She even insulted the Shen family. Putting aside the relationship between the Shen family and the concubine, the Shen family has many heroes who died in the war. To be disrespectful, the old princess who has accomplished nothing deserves to say something disrespectful. Words?”

Shen Chuliu finished speaking in one breath, and her tears slid down her cheeks, making the half of the petals painted under her eyes even more attractive.

She must have painted sharp eyebrows today, but now paired with these tears, they are indescribably breathtaking.

"You... you are really rebelling, you are really... Your Majesty, why do you see Mrs. Shen being so disrespectful to me?" Princess Lao Shun's hands shook with anger.

Qi Yixiu put the tea bowl in his hand on the table and said with a bang: "Ms. Shen! Why don't you back down?"

When things have developed to this point, no one in the harem or concubines dared to speak. But this does not include the Queen.

The queen suddenly smiled: "Look what this is about. It's a good holiday, and it's my birthday. Hey."

"So what about the Queen's grievance? Today is the Queen's birthday! It can be seen that the old princess does not take the Queen seriously! She deliberately chose a big festival to stir up trouble. Isn't this intentional?" Shen Chuliu said again said angrily.

"You, you..." Princess Laoshun pointed at her angrily.

"If the old princess is really doing it for the good of the royal family, she should say it in private. Why do so many people have to say it today even though it is a holiday and the queen's birthday?" Su Yunu played a gentle role, and she came to pull Shen Chu away. Liu: "Sister Jing, don't be so sad. The emperor will make the decision for you and me."

Shen Chuliu smiled sadly: "Thank you very much, sister."

"Come here, send Mei Jing and Yunu Su back." Qi Yixiu frowned.

This looks like anger.

But here, how much anger is directed at Jing Meiren

Also, when did Su Yunv stand with Jing Meiren

Everyone is filled with questions.

After Shen Chuliu and Su Yunv left, King Shun stepped forward and said, "Your Majesty, please calm down. My mother and concubine were temporarily agitated, and she had good intentions..."

"Queen, I have wronged you." Qi Yixiu ignored him and just looked at the queen.

"What are you talking about, Your Majesty? Forget it, I, my concubine. Birthdays happen every year. I just really wronged Jing Meiren. I was already suffering, but now... ugh." The queen sighed.

"You still speak for her? Such a sharp-tongued person deserves punishment." The emperor said angrily.

This is false.

Another old princess in the royal family, Princess Ming, sized up the situation and said, "Your Majesty, although the beauty Jing's words are a bit fierce, it makes sense to me. It's common for young people to be unable to hold back their anger after being wronged. This Yeah, it reminds me of Princess Qinghua from back then. "

"Oh, I also remembered what you said." Another princess smiled.

"You also praise her, but nothing can compare with her." Queen Mother Li smiled.

"It's all my fault. I shouldn't talk too much. It's a good day to make the queen unhappy. You can reward the queen well later." Empress Dowager Feng said with a smile.

She will step down. Anyway, no one dares to really blame her now.

"Sister, you are too worried." Queen Mother Li shook her head: "It's not a big deal, just let it go."

This made Princess Lao Shun look like a different person inside and out.

Although Yingcai people only said one sentence, people who understand have already figured it out.

Her face also turned red and white.

(End of chapter)