The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 160: Have an attitude


"Thank you, empress." Su Yunv sat down and said.

No one served her tea.

Su Yunv didn't feel bad, she just shook her head in her heart.

Concubine Yi has now made her palace look like this. On the surface, it seemed like he was embarrassing her, but was it really appropriate to treat his slaves like this

"When did Su Yunu hook up with Jing Meiren?" Hua Fan asked on behalf of Concubine Yi.

Concubine Yi didn't stop her either.

Su Yunv didn't speak.

"Why doesn't Su Yunv say anything?" Hua Fan snorted.

"Master?" Fuxiang said, "You invite Miss Su to have tea. How about the slaves go down first?"

This is too outrageous. Do you still think that Su Yunv is the rough maid from Changle Palace in the past

"Ms. Su, I remember that I am also here. You said that you would follow my lead." Concubine Yi finally spoke.

"My concubine and Jingmei are just slightly in love with each other, so they can't be considered to be in the same place." Su Yunv said.

"In such a situation, if you step forward, I'm afraid no one in this palace will think that you and her are not on the same side. She is just a beauty, how can she protect you?" Yi Fei sneered: "Even if she is favored again , she’s just a beauty.”

"Your Majesty is right, so I am not confused." Su Yunv said.

Her always calm expression made Concubine Yi dislike it very much.

"Now that Princess Su is favored, she will naturally not take this person who has fallen out of favor from me. But don't forget that you came out of this palace." Concubine Yi reminded her to remember her identity.

"I don't dare," said Su Yunv.

"Let's go." Yi Fei waved her hand, not wanting to look at her anymore.

Whether it is Jing Meiren or Su Yunv, they are both at the age when they have the best appearance.

But she herself, because of these dissatisfactions, was like a withered flower.

A woman's appearance really can't stand waste.

She was obviously as beautiful as them before.

After returning to Fenghua Pavilion, Cong Meng angrily said, "This is too much."

Qimeng made tea and asked what was wrong, but Congmeng told her again.

Qimeng also bit her lip: "It's really not like that. How come you dare to die after being beaten by the painting fan?"

"If you hit her too lightly or too little, she should be beaten until she can't get up." Cong Meng huffed angrily.

"Sooner or later, someone will take care of her. She is a death seeker." Qimeng poured the tea: "Your Majesty, please drink some first. I'd better order some ginger tea, so as not to get sick."

Su Yunv nodded: "I'm hungry, please give me some snacks. Bring some money."

"Hey, slave, please bring back lunch as well. You can eat a little earlier. You can have snacks if you are hungry in the afternoon." Qimeng said.

Su Yunu nodded in agreement.

After Qimeng left, Su Yunu said: "You should also drink some hot tea, so you don't get sick."

Cong Meng nodded and drank some: "What do you think will happen to Concubine Yi in the future?"

"You are starting to have doubts, what else can you do? If you do this, something will happen sooner or later. She is no longer the concubine she used to be." Su Yunv shook her head, too lazy to talk to her.

I haven’t asked since the dream.

Obviously he knew this was the case.

On Concubine Yi's side, Fuyun advised: "Master, why bother? Even if the two of them form an alliance now, it won't last long. The more favored Su Yunu becomes, the more Jing Meiren can't tolerate her. Besides, Jing Meiren can't even give birth to a child by herself. You can’t raise it by yourself, let alone Su Yunv’s child. If you raise her child, will she still be with others?”

Hua Fan didn't think so: "What if she doesn't want to be raised by the queen?"

"Is there anyone more suitable than the empress?" Fu Xiang sighed: "No matter what, she is just a royal daughter, and she is not worth the trouble of becoming an empress."

What would happen if Su Yunv fell ill after returning home

Hua Fan didn't understand what he said, but instead nodded: "You're right, she really doesn't deserve it."

Fu Xiang ignored her, Hua Fan was out of his mind.

Unexpectedly, it was not Su Yunu who fell ill, but Shen Chuliu.

When she went back, she felt her eyelids were heavy, probably because she didn't sleep well last night.

He ate a few mouthfuls of food and fell asleep. By noon I felt something was wrong. The body becomes heavier and heavier.

Zi Rui was startled when she looked at it: "Oh my god, call the imperial doctor quickly, the master has a fever."

Shen Chuliu felt groggy, as if there was a layer of film between him and the world.

He didn't say anything, just listened to the servants nervously calling for the doctor.

Not long after, it was probably Yao Baolin who came and asked a few questions, to which Zi Zhu answered.

And Shen Chuliu fell asleep again.

"It looks serious. Why hasn't the imperial doctor arrived yet?" Yao Baolin was also nervous.

Zi Zhu said eagerly: "Yuanxiao has been gone for a while, I guess it will be soon."

Sure enough, Doctor Zhao arrived not long after.

I quickly checked for pulse, and it was said that it was due to stagnation of liver qi, coupled with the fright and sadness I had experienced a while ago, and the cold last night, I couldn't hold on anymore.

The medicine was prescribed and ordered to be taken on time, which was quite scary.

These words should naturally go back to the Queen and the Emperor.

Qi Yixiu heard this and felt that this was a trap that scared and made him sad!

As for catching a cold, it is just an inducement.

"Let me go and see her." Qi Yixiu said.

In Cuiyunxuan, Shen Chuliu didn't want to do anything except sleep.

This time the fever came on so fiercely that it was really unbearable.

So when the emperor came, she didn't come out to greet him. It was Yao Baolin who greeted him.

"Your Majesty, Jingmei is very ill..."

Qi Yixiu passed her and entered.

Yao Baolin did not dare to say anything more and just returned to his residence.

Shen Chuliu fell asleep, and when Zi Rui woke him up, the emperor had already entered.

She looked at him in confusion. Qi Yixiu was wearing a bright yellow dragon robe today and was walking a little fast.

"Your Majesty..."

When she opened her mouth, she found that her throat was dry and unpleasant.

"Bring me some water." Qi Yixiu sat in front of her: "How's it going?"

"It's okay, I just don't have much energy." After Shen Chuliu said a few words, his voice opened up a little.

"Why is the emperor here?" Shen Chuliu asked, leaning against him.

"I heard that you are very sick, wouldn't it be bad if I didn't look at you?" Qi Yixiu said with a smile, "Do you get sick every winter?"

Shen Chuliu squeezed his hand: "No."

"No, no, just take good care of your health. Ask people to cook whatever you want to eat. If you don't get well, you won't be able to wear the clothes you made." Qi Yixiu said with a smile.

The emperor is still very good at coaxing people when he wants to.

Shen Chuliu hummed and took a few sips of the hot water brought by Zi Rui.

Qi Yixiu watched her drink water and medicine, then stood up and left.

"You have a good rest. I will see you again in a few days."

"Your Majesty is very busy in the new year. I will be fine in a few days. After I am fine, I will go to Tai Chi Palace." Shen Chuliu said.

Qi Yixiu didn't say yes or no, he just nodded and left.

The emperor came to see it in person, so naturally other places should have a different attitude.

For example, Queen Mother Feng sent a lot of things and even asked her eldest maid Jingrou to come and visit in person.

(End of chapter)