The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 172: Promotion was quick enough


"My servant has also seen the late emperor reward Min Zhaoyi in the past. At that time, there were very few of these things, and Min Zhaoyi only had two pills. This medicine is not produced in a few pills every year. Those kinds of medicines are really rare. They cannot be stored for too long. It’s been a long time, so it’s the best stuff.”

After all, Zhemei understands pharmacology, which can be regarded as her expertise, so she talks endlessly.

Shen Chuliu smiled when he heard it: "It's so good. It seems that the emperor is generous."

"Master, I guess you were exposed to musk last year. It was just right for your body," Zhemei said.

Shen Chuliu nodded: "At this time of year, the precious medicinal materials sent to the palace from the north and south arrive. I am not in a hurry. Please ask around in the next few days to see who else has this medicine besides me."

"Master, don't worry, the slaves will go and inquire soon." Zi Rui said.

Shen Chuliu looked at the pill and thought what did it mean

Qi Yixiu would not give her any harmful drugs directly.

So when you brought such a precious thing, did you really ask her to take care of herself

Of course, she knew that she spent the most time in bed now, and after Li Jieyu became pregnant, she couldn't tell the difference.

Others can't suppress her, so this is her second concubine

Speaking of Concubine Yi, she said: "According to what you said, Concubine Yi cannot use this medicine?"

Zhemei shook her head: "I have heard from you that Concubine Yi is suffering from dryness and heat in her five internal organs. She has stagnation of liver qi and restless lung qi. If she takes this medicine, I'm afraid it will be... life-threatening."

Shen Chuliu nodded and understood. Normal people can eat it. People with severe coldness can eat it, but people with strong heat cannot eat it

"That's not right. Didn't Concubine Yi not be able to get pregnant because of the cold palace?" Shen Chuliu was puzzled.

"Yes, Imperial Concubine Yi has a cold in the palace, but that's why her health is so bad now. She has a cold in the palace, but she still has a lot of fire in her five internal organs. If not, the imperial doctor wouldn't be able to treat her poorly in a short while," Zhemei said.

"Tsk, this is really amazing." Being able to make your body like this is from ancient times.

"In fact, Concubine Yi's health was not very good in the past, but I thought that if she didn't have to have a child, she would probably be fine." Zi Rui whispered.

Shen Chuliu nodded, yes, forcing a pregnancy would harm others and yourself.

Since it was Shen Chuliu's birthday, the emperor had given her gifts, so the queen ordered a table to be set.

At noon, Rong Mei and Su Baolin came together.

Yao Baolin happened to come over too, and we all had a meal together.

The emperor also rewarded Shen Chuliu with four dishes, which was considered a good birthday for Shen Chuliu.

After lunch, a few people sat and talked, preparing to play leaf cards for a while.

After getting ready, Shen Chuliu said: "I don't know how to let loose. Do you have enough money?"

"Don't worry, if it's not enough, I'll go back and get it. It's close." Yao Baolin said.

"The same goes for us. If you don't have enough, just ask someone to go back and get it. I'm sure you will win happily. Birthday girl, don't lose." Rong Meiren said.

As he said it, he set up the card table. The weather was very good today, so he set it outside.

Shen Chuliu's luck was average at first, but Yao Baolin's luck was good.

Later, Shen Chuliu turned around, and she and Yao Baolin defeated Rong Mei and Su Baolin.

When everyone stopped, Shen Chuliu still felt that he still had something to say.

"This has become a place for cannibalism, and you will lose money if you come here." Rong Meiren said with a smile.

"No, when you come back next time, you can't bring more money. Forget it if you lose, otherwise you will be injured." Su Baolin also smiled.

Everyone joked and laughed for a while, and then they all went back.

Yao Baolin was left talking to Shen Chuliu: "The emperor will definitely come tomorrow, so don't think too much about it. Today is the first day of the new year after all."

Shen Chuliu smiled and said, "It should be."

She didn't care, it wouldn't look good if the emperor didn't come. But on the first day of the new year, it was the day of the Queen. Wouldn't it be nice not to come

She doesn't need the emperor to enhance her appearance, she has got quite a lot of good things today.

I took off the jewelry on the tree branch and sorted it out. There were exactly two sets, but they were both different and exquisite.

I happened to be wearing it recently.

That night, the emperor indeed stayed in the queen's palace. When they got up early in the morning, before the concubines even invited An to come, they heard that Li Jieyu was going to give birth.

Qi Yixiu had to go to court early, so naturally he couldn't go. The queen directly informed everyone to go to Li Jieyu's place.

Everyone hurried to go. In Qingyin Pavilion, Po Wen had already arrived and was busy delivering the baby.

Things are going very well inside. Li Jieyu is now full term.

It's just that it's difficult to give birth to a first child, so it's actually been two hours since the attack.

Everyone was waiting for it all morning.

Qi Yixiu came just after noon, which was just in time, as there were many things going on in the court.

When he arrived, he asked and found out that Li Jieyu hadn't been born yet, but he felt relieved that everything was fine.

Sit down and wait.

Everyone hadn't had lunch yet, and some of the breakfast items were useless, and they were very hungry.

The emperor said: "Let's all go back and have dinner first."

The queen refused: "Just wait a little longer, it won't be too soon."

The queen had said so, and the others were dissatisfied and did not dare to leave. To be honest, they also wanted to see how Li Jieyu was doing.

To put it bluntly, how many people were hoping something would happen to her.

However, someone was surprised here, and Concubine Yi couldn't hold it any longer.

Qi Yixiu looked at her pale face and waved his hand: "Concubine Yi, please go back first."

Concubine Yi stood up and thanked the emperor, not daring to stay. If she fainted again, it would be troublesome.

Although she was fine, she couldn't stand the torture.

At three o'clock in the afternoon, there was no big noise in the house.

Hearing Po Wen directing Li Jieyu's voice, it was soon followed by Li Jieyu's crying voice.

About a quarter of an hour later, people outside also sounded nervous.

Then finally the baby's cry was heard. Then came the congratulations from the stable ladies.

It sounds pretty good.

After a while, Po Wen came out to congratulate her: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the empress, Li Jieyu has given birth to the prince. Mother and child are safe."

Qi Yixiu smiled: "Okay! There are rewards! There are rewards. Li Jieyu will be promoted to Li Chongrong immediately, and she will be given a residence in Yichunxuan. She will move in after the fourth prince is one month old."

"I congratulate your Majesty on the addition of a new prince." The Queen smiled.

Everyone also hurriedly said: "Congratulations to the emperor, congratulations to the empress. Congratulations to the queen. Congratulations to Xili."

Qi Yixiu waved his hand: "I'm exhausted today. Go back. I'll just stay with the queen for a while."

Everyone thanked him and dispersed.

"I'm starving to death." After leaving Qingyin Pavilion, Shen Chuliu pressed his stomach.

"I'm already hungry and I drank a lot of tea. I have to go back quickly." Her hands were shaking now.

Is this not hypoglycemia

The slaves didn't dare to say anything and were busy waiting for her to go back.

As soon as you enter the door, go and pick up your meal.

No one has eaten today. They are waiting in the dining room. They will be brought back soon.

Seeing that there was a dessert, Shen Chuliu took a few bites before he recovered. Eat quickly.

"This Li Chongrong was promoted to the throne very quickly." Yao Baolin had just finished eating and came over to sit and talk.

(End of chapter)