The Empress is Always Unambitious

Chapter 193: See them all


It was already July, and the entire imperial city was very lively, with many beautiful ladies from all over the country coming to the capital.

It just so happens that the exams are about to start in autumn this year, and there are a lot of students from all over the country rushing to take the exams.

At this time, Pei Ji, the grandson of the Pei family, had actually been in the imperial city for more than a month.

He also had to rush for the exam. Han Chuang had been studying hard for more than ten years. This time, he was determined to win the exam.

However, the Pei family did not have a house in the capital and did not want to interact with the Shen family, so they lived in an inn.

It wasn't until the exam was about to start that I went to Shen's house to pay some courtesy.

It was also at this time that Shen Chuliu learned that her cousin, whom she had never met in name, had come to the capital to take the exam.

Then he asked Yuanxiao to leave the palace and gave him some things.

Pei Ji was still very polite to Shen Chuliu, after all, this was his aunt's only flesh and blood.

In the inn, the boy followed Pei Ji to see off the Lantern Festival and asked, "Master, why don't we stay at the Shen family?"

I can't figure it out. Although my aunt is gone, the Shen family is a serious in-law.

When my aunt was alive, she was the serious wife of the Shen family and nothing else.

"My aunt was only eighteen when she passed away." Pei Ji hummed, "If they had taken better care of her, how could she have died so early?"

"It's not that the baby was lost..." The boy was puzzled.

"Even so, they still have the heart to send my cousin to the palace when she is all alone?" Pei Ji snorted.

"Your Majesty, you are doing well now." The boy was still puzzled.

"What if something goes wrong? What if she dies?" Pei Ji said coldly: "That's all, let's not talk about this. The Shen family has nothing to do with us, so there is no need to say anything more."

The boy hurriedly agreed and didn't dare to ask any more questions.

The Shen family invited him several times, but Pei Ji only said that he should study hard. The inn was full of people rushing to take exams, so it would be beneficial to learn from each other.

The Shen family had no choice but to do it.

On this day in July and a half, Pei Ji took the initiative to tell the Shen family that he was going to offer incense to Mr. Pei.

Although Mrs. Pei died young, she was a serious wife after all, and was buried with the second master of the Shen family.

Naturally, incense and annual worship are indispensable.

Pei Ji, the nephew, came back to offer incense for the first time.

In the palace, there are also sacrifices during the half of July.

It's just a unified sacrifice. The things to be burned are prepared in each palace and brought together. There is a special place in the palace for doing this.

Then there were eminent monks chanting sutras, and various paper things sent by the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

This is what the female family members in the palace are asked to prepare for their natal family or other relatives, as well as for those who died in vain in the palace.

As for Qi Yixiu's ancestors, of course they don't need to. They just go to the Ancestral Temple to offer incense.

Shen Chuliu also asked people to do a lot, but because she was pregnant, it was inconvenient to attend today.

They were stopped by Zi Rui and others, but Zi Rui and Yuan Xiao went there alone.

Except for Shen Chuliu, Concubine Yi and Meiren Ying did not go.

Yingmei's life is difficult, her confinement period is long, and she hasn't come out yet.

Concubine Yi was ill and couldn't bear the collision, so she was naturally spared.

The queen led everyone behind Tingfeng Pavilion to do these things.

I thought it would be the same every year, that's it. I didn’t expect that something would happen this year.

First came Concubine Jin, who finished burning the paper and returned to the palace. She was the closest to here.

So he was the first to go back, but when he arrived at the palace gate, he suddenly saw the shadow of a ghost in white clothes, and it floated past him. Not only she saw it, but the slaves also saw it. They were frightened and started screaming randomly.

During the night, the fever would not go away.

The eldest princess was also frightened by her and fell ill.

Qi Yixiu went to see her the next day and heard Concubine Jin murmuring that she had seen a ghost.

Qi Yixiu scolded him and rewarded him, but didn't take it seriously.

And this night, Li Chongrongna also said she saw ghost shadows. At the same time, Ning Chongyi actually said that he saw someone, it was Yu Chan who was killed with a stick a few days ago.

After saying this, I don't know whether it was because of suspicion or something else, Feng Shufei also became ill, crying and calling Yu Chan.

It's outrageous to be crazy.

The queen was furious: "Where did the ghosts and gods come from! Everyone is going to rebel!"

"What the empress said is that if you don't do anything wrong, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on the door. Why are these two people so scared?" Concubine Yi held her sick body and came to greet her.

"I don't know, but I heard that man say he died unjustly. The voice sounded like Yu Chan." Ning Chongyi's face turned ugly.

"My concubine's servant also listened and said that it was Yu Chan who said it, and she took the blame." Ning Chongyi frowned: "Who is taking the blame?"

"The more you talk, the more outrageous it becomes!" The queen threw the tea dregs on the table: "It is my decree to investigate this immediately! See if it's those lifeless things who are pretending to be evil!"

Seeing the Queen being furious, everyone did not dare to say anything, but after all, the commotion made people panic.

The ancients believed in these the most, even if they didn’t have it, they would say it, let alone if there was a shadow

After all, not long after the Yu Chans died, they were beaten to pieces.

Everyone is still frightened.

Now that Yu Chan has been found, how can everyone not be afraid

No, Concubine Feng Shu didn't get up. Concubine Yi struggled to come to say hello. She fell ill.

You must know that in the past few years that Shen Chuliu has been in the palace, this is the first time that Concubine Feng Shu is so ill. That guy has a nice body.

After coming out of Fengzao Palace, Shen Chuliu held Zhemei's hand and said, "It's cloudy today and it doesn't seem like it's going to rain. Let's go for a walk in the Imperial Garden."

"Hey." Yao Baolin nodded.

Yuanxiao and Yinhu followed.

After all, my belly is big, and unlike in the past, I just want to be with one person.

"Where are you going, Sister Jing?" Su Baolin caught up.

"Let's go for a walk in the Royal Garden. If you want to go, let's go together." Shen Chuliu said.

"Okay, I just want to go for a walk." Su Baolin said.

When the three of them went to the Royal Garden, they noticed that it was deserted and there seemed to be fewer people waiting on them.

It was broad daylight, and Shen Chuliu couldn't help but laugh: "Don't say this is just a ghost. Even if it's a real ghost, you can't do anything alive, but you can do nothing if you die? After all, the person who killed her has the blame and the debt. Lord, can I still find someone casually?”

"Sister Jing said, this is what I think." Su Baolin picked a leaf and said, "In this world, ghosts and gods are nothing to be afraid of."

Shen Chuliu smiled and did not answer, and the three of them went to the pavilion together.

The imperial doctors were busy, both in Fuyang Palace and Taiping Palace.

Both Li Chongrong and Ning Chongyi were frightened and wanted to watch.

That night, in a remote place in the north palace garden of the palace, two eunuchs dragged a gagged palace maid away.

The palace maid was dressed in white and was struggling desperately.

However, she was no match for the strength of the two eunuchs, and soon she was forced to fall headfirst into a well.

The people who lived in Beigong Garden were all concubines from the late emperor's time. They were all people who had children or had the grace to stay in the palace. There were only a few of them.

(End of chapter)